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Ticket is issued in my maiden name, my passport is in my married name.

by Lisa
(St. Augustine, FL)

Question: When I made my reservations with Price Line, my passport was still under my maiden name (that was in March/April). I had to cancel since my husband got sick. I want to use my credit with Price Line again since my husband is better now. I have since renewed my passport with my married name because it expired in June. I haven't received it yet, but I should be getting it shortly. I plan on going to Jamaica in September. Now Price Line says I can't get on the plane with my new passport with my married name since the ticket was in my maiden name. First they said they could do it for $150, then it was for $30...now they say I can't do it at all. Is this true? My trip is paid for and I have already lost some money since I had to cancel. Can I still board the plane with the ticket in my maiden name and my passport in my married name? Can you please help me by answering my question? Thank you so much.

PS Can I bring my marriage license that shows my maiden name on it?

Answer: Unfortunately, this is a difficult question to answer. TSA's Secure Flight Program requires both the name in your passport and the one on your ticket be an exact match. However, many people find themselves in your situation. There are hundreds, if not thousands, of blog posts and forum threads that discuss airline ticket and passport with different names. From all that we have gathered, here are our conclusions.

1. It is quite difficult, if not impossible, to get the name changed on your ticket. If you do happen to find

someone willing to assume responsibility and change your name, you will probably be charged a considerable fee.

2. The vast majority of people end up traveling without changing one's name to match the other.

3. We have never read of anyone who was denied boarding because they had one name on the ticket and another in the passport, especially in the case of maiden and married names.

Following are some recommendations.

1. Contact the airline directly and attempt to change the name on your ticket. If you are told that it is not possible or that you will be charged a fee, ask if the representative can just make a note to the fact that your ticket was purchased in your maiden name but your passport has your married name in it.

2. Along with your current passport, take your old passport that has your maiden name in it, evidence of the legal name change (e.g., marriage certificate and your driver's license. Take your old and new driver's license with you if you have both. If you have not updated your driver's license, then don't. This way you will have an ID with your maiden name (driver's license) and another with your married name (passport). TSA's website states that the purpose of the Secure Flight Program is "to ensure your identification and boarding pass are authentic and validate you are who you say you are." I think that they can do that if you provide the document listed here.

3. Arrive early at the airport. Give plenty of time to work out any problems that may arise due to this issue. If you follow the first two recommendations, there won't be any problem but it's best to be prepared.

Comments for Ticket is issued in my maiden name, my passport is in my married name.

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Name on ticket
by: Anonymous

Question: I put my two middle names on my ticket but on my passport there’s only one. Will this be a problem when I travel internationally?

Answer: TSA's regulation requires that names on tickets and passports match. The extra middle name might be an issue. I recommend that you contact the airline you are flying with for more information.

Maiden name on my passport instead of my married name
by: Anonymous

Question: I accidentally used my maiden name on my passport and would like to change it to my married name so my husband can go to Jamaica in September. Our plane tickets and resort reservation is under my married name. I got my passport about 6 months ago. Would I be able to get it changed to my married name? If so what is the process?

Answer: The way I understand it, your marriage predates your passport application. If this is the case, you cannot use your marriage certificate to change the name on your passport. You need to submit a new application.

Couldn't travel out of USA
by: Fran

Question: I wasn't able to leave the USA, traveling out to Panama and Panama- Venezuela. My Venezuelan passport was expired. TSA didn't allow me to leave even though I also presented my American passport.

My Venezuelan passport has my maiden name and also the tickets. Last year, I traveled with my expired Venezuelan passport and I passed thru TSA without any occurrences. Now, in order to change my name on the tickets to my married name to match my American Passport, they are asking me for my marriage certificate, which I haven't been able to find.

I only have 24 hrs to resolve this issue or else I will lose my ticket which I paid $1600 for. Any ideas or advice?

Answer: As a U.S. citizen, you need to leave the United States using your American passport. This means your tickets departing the United States must match your U.S. passport. There is really nothing you can do to go around this since your Venezuelan passport is expired and no longer valid for travel.

Ticket is booked under married name, passport is still under maiden name
by: Anonymous

Question: I am traveling overseas in a few weeks and my husband booked our flights using my married last name, not realizing my passport was still under my maiden name.

The airline said they are unable to change the ticket name due to flight-sharing with another international carrier, but made a note on the reservation and told me to bring my marriage license. I am still worried about making it through airline security, specifically in foreign countries that may not be clear on the name difference between the ticket and the passport. Will this be okay?

Answer: There is no certainty that it will be okay. As a general rule, flight tickets must exactly match the passenger's passport name. This is a TSA regulation since after 9/11. You may bring your marriage CERTIFICATE (not the license) but there's no guarantee that you will be allowed to board using it with your passport and tickets.

You have two options:

1. Book new tickets in your maiden name.

2. Set an appointment at a regional passport agency for an in-person application. You may do this by calling 1-877-487-2778. Regional agencies can issue passports within 72 hours.

Married name on ticket AND passport
by: Anonymous

Question: I have booked a ticket to Australia with my married name which matches my passport. My passport is valid for another 6 years.

I have divorced since then and am in the middle of changing my last name to my maiden name. I wonder if I should keep my valid passport with my married name and apply for an Australian Visa with the same married name. Will it be OK that my passport's last name is different from my social security, driver's license, and credit card? Thanks.

Answer: Yes, it is okay for you to keep your passport in your married name. Tickets need to match your passport in order to avoid issues with TSA. You may apply for a passport name change when you return from your trip.

Second Maiden name added to my Passport
by: Anonymous

Question: I added my second maiden name to my name recently on my ID and I booked the flights with both my first and second Maiden name but I check my passport and I forgot I only have my first maiden name on it. Will this be an issue traveling?

Answer: Having an extra last name on your ticket may be an issue. Please check with the airline if you can remove the second maiden name from your tickets.

Maiden name on ticket AND passport
by: Anonymous

Question: Since my original flight plans, I have since gotten married and changed my name. The ticket is still under my maiden name, and I still have my passport with my maiden name. Will this be okay?

Answer: Yes, it is definitely okay.

Both maiden and married name are on the passport.
by: Anonymous

Question: I have both maiden name and married name on my passport. Can I travel overseas and enter back to U.S. with air ticket only with my married name?

Answer: Questions may arise at the airport which might cause considerable delays. It is best to book tickets in the same exact name that appears in your passport to avoid such issues.

Maiden name on passport and Married Name on Ticket
by: Lyne

Question: Hello,

I will be going to Canada to visit my family. I will be carrying my Philippine passport under maiden name which was issued just last year but the ticket purchased is under my married name, as also shown on my green card. I also applied for my ETA as requirement to entry Canada under my maiden name. I tried to call the agency for this concern and they are charging me $75 although I asked them if they could just put a note about my issue. I hope I could get a clearer response here. I am so stressed for a couple of weeks now about this matter.

Thank you and God bless.

Answer: As part of the TSA's Secure Flight Program, the names on airline tickets must match the name on passports. We recommend that you contact the airline you are traveling with to see if they can provide a solution for the name mismatch.

There should be no issues with your ETA since it is in the same name as on your passport. We recommend you contact the Canada Border Service Agency for more information.

Passport and Green Card name does not match
by: Anonymous

Question: I have my maiden name on my passport and my maiden name plus husband's last name on my Green Card? Can I reenter USA after traveling abroad even if last names does not match? My airplane company told me that passport name has to match with ticket name. What should I do to make sure I will not have problem to return to USA?

Answer: While name on your ticket should match the name in your passport, there should be no problem reentering the United States as long as both your passport and green card are valid at time of entry. You should carry your marriage certificate, also.

Passport previews last name
by: Lovely

Question: I remarried me and my husband we planning a trip to Philippines. My passport is not expired yet and I'm buying the plane ticket. Do I need to use my previous last name that is on my passport to match the name on the plane ticket.

Answer: Yes, the name on your ticket should match the name in your passport. Please contact the airlines for more information.

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About the Author: For over 20 years, the U.S. Passport Service Guide team has helped hundreds of thousands of travelers with their travel document questions and shared advice about how to make traveling abroad simpler, safer, and more enjoyable.

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