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Syria Entry Requirements - Required Travel Documents for Travel to Syria

In order to visit Syria, travelers must have a valid passport and Syria visa.Visas must be obtained in advance. The Syrian Embassy in Washington DC has ceased operations since March 18, 2014 and has not appoined a protecting power in the United States. Therefore, U.S. citizens who plan to travel to Syria need to secure a visa in a country where Syria still operates consular services.

Foreign nationals have 15 days to register with immigration if they plan to be in Syria for more than 15 days.

Syria may consider all males of Syrian dual nationality or Syrian origin, or Syrian heritage to be subject to Syrian laws regarding military service. To avoid this obligation, any travelers who fit these criteria should apply for exception from a Syrian embassy or consulate before they travel.

Travelers may not enter Syria if their passports contain entry or exit stamps from Israel, and may be detained if prior travel to Israel is suspected. Syria may also detain or deny entry to travelers who have visited Iraq. Travelers planning to enter or exit Iraq via Syria should be warned that the border occasionally closes without advance warning.

Paternal permission for travel outside Syria is required for children under 18 if their father is a Syrian national or is of Syrian descent. Even women who have been granted full custody of their children must have the father's permission before she may take them out of the country. Women who marry Syrian citizens may not be able to leave the country if their husband files legal action to prevent them from traveling.

Foreign nationals between the ages of 15 and 60 must submit to an HIV/AIDS test if they wish to reside in Syria, and will not be granted a permit without a negative result. Negative HIV/AIDS tests are also required before foreigners are allowed to wed Syrian nationals.

About the Author: For over 20 years, the U.S. Passport Service Guide team has helped hundreds of thousands of travelers with their travel document questions and shared advice about how to make traveling abroad simpler, safer, and more enjoyable.

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