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Should there be a space after the Mc of my last name in my passport?

by Carol

Question: Just received my passport and last name is listed MC NEIL. It should be just one word. I want to make sure that this is not the way you do it with McNeil last name. We plan on sending it in for correction. There is also a < between MC
We paid extra for expedited service and need the passport by the 1st week of March. Is there any way to get better service without paying $60??

Answer: Since the data pages of U.S. passports are printed in block capital letters, surnames which possess a prefix will usually include a space to differentiate between the prefix and the remainder of the name.

When renewing your passport, if you would prefer that the prefix not be separated from the rest of the name, you may include a note specifying this request.

You can travel with the passport as is or you can request a passport correction in order to change the name. You can also wait until your passport needs to be renewed and make the request then.

Comments for Should there be a space after the Mc of my last name in my passport?

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Mc Space
by: Anonymous

Having a space after Mc has been a PITA for me. The spaced version on my passport got replicated to some datebases and I have had problems with prescriptions at the pharmacy and buying a gun at the sporting good store. I'll be getting passport corrected right after I get back from my next trip (soon). Wish me luck.

Form DS-5504
by: Anonymous

Question: I received my passport in the mail recently and noticed the space after the first two letters of my last name as well.

In doing some research on the site, I see I will have to fill out an Name Change/Correction DS-5504 Form and provide documentation proving there is an error on my passport now (mind you, an error that was never on my first passport to begin with despite my name not changing). One of the forms that is requested is my birth certificate - Since I have to mail the application, is a copy of my birth certificate OK or do I need to provide the actual document?

Answer: You need to submit the original or a certified copy of your birth certificate.

Epedited without paying fee...AGAIN
by: Anonymous

Question: I applied for a passport and paid for expedited service. They added a space between the De and the remaining name. This was not what was on my application. It does not match my other documents. More importantly, it was not like this on my original passport (which accompanied my renewal request!). How can I get this corrected in 3 weeks' time without having to pay an additional $60 for THEIR error???

Answer: Corrections are generally processed as an expedited service. Having said that, there may be no need to rush the correction since the error is only a space. You may travel with your passport and have the error corrected when you get back.

Alternatively, you may call 1-877-487-2778 for an appointment to have the correction processed in person at a regional agency. With your time constraint, only an agency issue a new passport in time for your trip.

Space after the mc
by: Anonymous

Question: Our passports all have a space after the Mc and we didn't include the space on the application. It hasn't been an issue until today when applying for an enhanced driver's license. WA state will only issue the EID to match exactly what's on the passport or birth certificate. If the birth certificate doesn't have a space, they said the passport doesn't match and needs to be corrected.

Answer: You may apply for a correction at no cost to you. Please mail the following to the address on the form:

1. Form DS-5504
2. Current passport
3. Original or certified copy of the birth certificate (plus photocopy)
4. One new passport photo
5. Expedite fee (optional)

Regular processing takes 8 to 11 weeks. Expedited service takes 5 to 7 weeks and requires a $60 fee.

Mc space
by: Oregonian Abroad

I have been living in Europe for 19 years. Several years ago all work/residency and similar identification documents with the EU/EEC region must exactly match one’s passport. My passport had Mc space but not my Euro ID. I changed the Euro ID as it seemed the easiest option.
Big mistake.
Often my name in databases reads

Donald Ronald Mc

This has been a nightmare. Luckily I am renewing my passport now and the local authorities changed me name back to the space-free version ahead of the passport renewal

Thanks to everyone posing this question and the ease of correcting it.

Yeah USA

Do not add a space after Mc for Global Entry
by: Anonymous

Regarding the space after Mc that is put on our passports: This is a huge problem if you intend to use Global Entry and your airline tickets do not have that space too. The scan will not read as having the same name. Some airlines will add the space for your however to date British Air will not.

by: Anonymous

Question: My names contains a total of 29 letters including my middle name. Would it be a problem?

Answer: It will not be a problem but your name may be shortened if it does not fit the space on the passport data page. However, your full name will be encoded into the chip and will appear when the passport is scanned.

No space between name
by: Anonymous

Question: My name is MD SHAFIUL ALAM in all my certificates and other documents but in my passport, my name came as MDSHAFIUL ALAM. Will it be a problem when I try for a visa in Europe?

Answer: It should not be an issue.

First name with two (2) spaces and two (2) middle name
by: ABC

Question: Is it allowed to leave blank boxes or enter full stops/periods in the boxes on the online US passport application form, if the first name has two (2) spaces (for example A B C) or two (2) full stops/periods (for example A.B.C)?

Is it allowed to enter two (2) middle names with a space in-between, if there are?

Will the name on the new passport appear the same as on the passport application?

Answer: Yes, you are allowed to enter spaces and punctuations. The name on your passport will be printed as it you entered in the application form.

MC space
by: Anonymous

It’s been a problem for me. When I applied for TSA clearance they said my documents didn’t match. Also, when I got my enhanced driver's license, they also put the space since that was how it appeared on my passport. Now I can’t access my Social Security benefits online because my social security identity does t match my government-issued ID. I will be applying for a correction.

Does the space matter?
by: Anonymous

Question: For the last name McKinney, my family has always written it with no space. It has no space on my marriage license and kids birth certificates. But on my passport (one of my main forms of ID) there is a space (MC KINNEY). Is this a problem legally, or does the space not matter in this case?

Answer: It should not be an issue but you may apply for a correction if you want to.

space after Mc
by: Carol

DMV said my documentation didn’t match my passport. The space after Mc was the only difference and had never been a problem before. Renewed my passport and asked for ‘no space’ and my request was honored. Thank you!

It is an issue with some airlines
by: Lois

I took my first international flight and United Airlines would not allow me to check in online for my return flight. After much back and forth with reservations, I was told it was due to space in my last name on my passport not matching the reservation, which did not include the space. I ended up having to arrive early to check in at the airport and not being able to sit with my spouse on my return flight. Long story short; get the correction.

Same thing happened to my daughter
by: Anonymous

Question: Just curious...can you travel with this space or does it need to be corrected? My daughter's first name is McGee and they put MC GEE on her passport. It wasn't on the app or her birth cert that way. Will it be an issue?

Answer: It should not be an issue but if you want to make absolutely sure, you can apply for a correction free of charge.

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About the Author: For over 20 years, the U.S. Passport Service Guide team has helped hundreds of thousands of travelers with their travel document questions and shared advice about how to make traveling abroad simpler, safer, and more enjoyable.

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