How SENTRI works
If you are an approved international traveler with the SENTRI card and the SENTRI sticker in your registered vehicle, as you cross the international border of Mexico or the US, the system automatically identifies the vehicle and the identity of the occupants of the vehicle. This is accomplished through the following:- The RFID cards contain a file number that is scanned and read upon arrival.
- The file number of the card triggers the participant´s data to be brought up on the CBP Officer´s screen.
- The data is verified by the CBP Officer and the traveler is released or referred for additional inspections.
How to apply for SENTRI
Application if SENTRI is done online via Global Online Enrollment System (GOES). This is a CBP approved website that helps applicant apply and monitor their application for trusted traveler programs such as SENTRI. Upon successful online enrolment (true and correct information of online papers and requirements) there is will be a notice if you are under "Conditional approval" or "Denial". If you are under "Conditional approval" you would need to get a personal interview appointment upon within 30 days of the pre-approved date of your application online. Failure to schedule one will mean denial of application. However, it will still be possible to apply another application in the future should your first application be denied. You should also bring necessary documents during the personal interview such as citizenship proofs, valid IDs and registration of your vehicle/s. Should you not have access to the internet, you can apply through SENTRI Enrollment Centers and fill up Form 823S. SENTRI provides expedited CBP processing for pre-approved, low-risk travelers who enter the SU and Mexico border frequently. Applicants must voluntarily undergo a thorough biographical background check against criminal, law enforcement, customs, immigration, and terrorist indices; a 10-fingerprint law enforcement check; and a personal interview with a CBP Officer before they have the chance of attaining their SENTRI Card and Vehicle Sticker. It is also good to know that you can actually apply more than one (maximum of 4) vehicles under sentry and more than one (Maximum of 8) persons per vehicle. This will be possible for an additional fees or charge for the processing.Fees for SENTRI application
- Application Fee: $25.00 per person (or a maximum of $50.00 total for husband, wife and minor children).
- Fingerprint Fee: $14.50 (applicants 14 years and older)
- System Costs Fee: $82.75 per person (or a maximum of $165.50 total for a husband, wife and minor children)
- Total Fee: $122.25 per person
- $42.00 per vehicle - for more than one vehicle application or more than one person per vehicle
- $25.00 - replacement fee for a lost, stolen, or destroyed card and;
- $42.00 - replacement fee for a lost, stolen or destroyed vehicle ID tag