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Items required for passport for child and what is the age limit to be considered a minor?

Question: I understand the evidence of citizenship would be a Birth Certificate. Is that correct? What is 'evidence of identity?'

Is a 14-year-old considered a minor?

Answer: Evidence of United States citizenship must be a certified birth certificate. A certified birth certificate has a registrar's raised, embossed, impressed or multicolored seal, registrar’s signature, and the date the certificate was filed with the registrar's office, which must be within 1 year of your birth.

Proof of identity can be the most recent passport, a valid driver's license, a state-issued photo ID. There are other possibilities. For a complete list, click the link below.

Proof of Identity

Yes, a 14-year-old is considered a minor and must appear with both parents when applying for a passport. For complete instructions, click the link below.

Apply for a Minor's Passport

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Paternity established and father added after birth certificate issued
by: Anonymous

Question: My son's father was not known at his birth. Paternity was established later and the birth certificate was amended to add the father's name and to change my son's last name. I still have a copy of the original birth certificate with my son's original name and no father listed. If I use this document to apply for a passport for my minor son in his previous name, will it be processed as it is submitted? If it matters, my son's name was also updated on his social security record, but I have and can provide that original document as well.

Answer: Passport applications must be completed with information that is true and correct. Since the child's name has been changed, you need to use his current legal name. You also need to submit the amended birth certificate since the old one is no longer valid.

Since paternity has been established and the father's name is added to the birth certificate, please secure a statement of consent from him before submitting the passport application. Notarized consent is required unless you can provide proof of SOLE LEGAL custody.

Pre Adoptive Foster Parent
by: Anonymous

Question: I'm a pre adoptive foster parent. I have paperwork from court stating 15 year old is living with me and in my care but I do not have any legal paperwork yet stating I am her guardian.

Her biological mother lives in the DR and I do not have contact with her biological father. The 15 year old had a passport that expired and I'm trying to get it renewed. Am I able to get this renewed? If so, what paperwork do I need? Does the social worker need to come with me for the in person appointment? Any help is greatly appreciated.

Answer: Since the child is currently a ward of the state, the social worker handling her case should be present when the application is submitted.

You will need the following:

1. Form DS-11
2. Child's birth certificate or any other form of citizenship evidence (original or certified copy)
3. Proof of guardianship (provided by the social worker)
4. Photocopy of the social worker's ID
5. 1 passport photo
6. Payment for fees

by: Anonymous

Question: I have Kinship guardianship over my great-niece. Mom is in prison. Will the paperwork the prison gave me work, along with the birth certificate?

Answer: Please contact the NPIC at 1-877-487-2778 to discuss the situation and get advice. Generally speaking, you need to present a notarized statement from both parents authorizing you to apply for the child's passport. If the mother can provide proof of sole legal custody, you don't need the father's authorization.

You have not provided us details regarding your guardianship and what documents the prison has provided you so we cannot ascertain if those are enough.

Passport for child consent form
by: Anonymous

Question: Why does the federal government not accept a notary done by an African in Africa but accept a notary done by an American in Africa or any other country in Europe?

Answer: The Department of State strongly recommends having forms notarized at a U.S. Embassy or Consulate. If this cannot be done, you can have the form notarized by a reputable notary public. The DOS reserves the right to accept or deem documents inadmissible.

Child passport
by: Anonymous

Question: If no father is listed on the birth certificate, does the document still have to be notarized? Or does the mother have to notarize stating why the father's name is missing?

Answer: The state-issued birth certificate listing only the mother as the parent is sufficient proof of sole legal custody. There is no need to notarize or provide any other notarized document.

Missing Document
by: Greysy Ayala

Question: Hi. I applied for my daughter's passport in February and I already have it. They also sent me back my daughter's document but I’m missing one that is the court order. They never sent me back that document and I sent a letter asking for my document back but I never got an answer. What do I do or who do I talk to because I really need that document back. It was the original document from court.

Answer: You may call the NPIC at 1-877-487-2778 regarding your concern.

Obtaining a Passport for Minor
by: Anonymous

Question: Can you acquire a passport if the minor child was born out of wedlock and the father signed the birth certificate? Father refuses to file necessary documents with the Court establishing his parental rights and has not been declared as the child's father legally. By refusing to sign for passport, refusing to support the minor child since birth or establishing paternity legally can he prevent the minor child from getting a passport?

Answer: If the father's name is on the birth certificate, he has legal custody of the child and his consent is required for the child's passport application.

Proof of parent-child relationship
by: Andrea

Question: Parents and child arrived in US with refugee status. Mother and child have acquired citizenship. None of these items exist:

The following may be used to show parental relationship:
U.S. birth certificate (also evidence of U.S. citizenship)
Consular Report of Birth Abroad or Certification of Birth (also evidence of U.S. citizenship)
Foreign birth certificate
Adoption decree
Divorce/Custody decree
What documents can be submitted to show parental relationship?

Answer: Please contact the NPIC at 1-877-487-2778 regarding your concern.

Permission from a parent that lives out the country
by: Anonymous

Question: I need to get my daughter a passport and he no longer lives in the States. He is on her birth certificate. What do I need from him in order to get it?

Answer: He may complete Form DS-3053, have it notarized at the U.S. Embassy or Consulate located in the country where he currently resides and then mail it to you with a photocopy of his valid government-issued photo ID.

Letter of Consent
by: Anonymous

Question: My 16-year-old stepson applied for a passport on his own and I was the witness. My stepson has lived with myself and his father for the last 6 years due to his mother giving up custody since she could not afford to take care of him due to gambling problems. It was never made legal by court. He got a letter back saying they need a letter of consent from one of his parents/guardians. My husband (his father) is not listed on the birth certificate. Can my husband still submit the notarized letter if consent so he can get a passport?

Answer: The parent whose name appears on the birth certificate must be the one to provide consent. If the mother is unavailable to sign the required document, you must have the birth certificate amended to include the father's name -- this way your husband can provide consent for the application.

Please contact the NPIC at 1-877-487-2778 for more information.

Only my name on child's birth certificate
by: Anonymous

Question: Right now only my name is on birth certificate of my daughter; father and I were never married. Paternity was established but he never changed his name on birth certificate.
Court granted me the right to get a passport for my son. It does not say that it needs to be in father's and my name. It was told by passport office that babies name must be the same as birth certificate which is my name. I have a time crunch. Can I get the passport alone since court allowed me to travel with child out of the country? Will anyone even know if I am still sole parent on birth certificate? I am not doing anything illegal but it is clear father is trying to block our travel. He is under restraining order.

Answer: As long as you can present the birth certificate listing you as the sole parent and the court document granting you permission to apply for your child's passport, you should be able to do so without issue.

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American citizen father with daughter born in Winnipeg, Canada. - how to get passport for her?

Question: My daughter was born in Winnipeg, Canada (mother and daughter coming back to the United States on Canadian passports).

The State Dept website states that I can apply for a U.S. Passport for my child in lieu of a Consular Report Abroad for a more convenient alternative.

I cannot get a hold of anyone to validate this statement and if valid, what documents should I present at the passport office?

Answer: For a complete list of documents needed in order to get a passport for a minor, click the link below.

Apply for Child's Passport

The State Department website states that you can use a "previously issued, undamaged U.S. passport" as evidence of citizenship when applying for a child's passport rather than submit a Consular Report of Birth Abroad.

However, it will be your daughter's first passport so she does not possess one that was previously issued. Since your daughter was born in Canada, you should submit a Consular Report of Birth Abroad or a Certificate of Citizenship.

There is a U.S. Consulate in Winnipeg where you can obtain this document. However, both parents must appear with the child.

U.S. Consulate in Winnipeg

How to Apply for a Consular Report of Birth Abroad

If you are unable to apply for the Consular Report of Birth Abroad, you can submit an application for a Certificate of Citizenship for your daughter once she is in the United States.

This is done through the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services. Click the link below for complete details.

Application for Certificate of Citizenship

Once you have either the Consular Report of Birth Abroad or the Certificate of Citizenship, then you can apply for a passport for your daughter.

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passport for child in adoptive placement

by mich
(los angeles ca)

Question: We have signed papers for adoptive placement. We were fostering and the 4-year-old child will not be officially adopted by us until after our trip.

Answer: Your social worker should be able to give you guidance concerning this question.

From what we understand, the person or persons who have legal custody of the child must appear with the child and submit the application or provide notarized consent for a third party to get the passport.

You will most likely need a court order that grants you permission to obtain a passport for the child and travel outside the United States with him. You can ask the social worker to have the county or state attorney file for this.

You may also need a certified copy of the child's birth certificate and a copy of the original order granting custody of the child to DSS.

Most states either pay the passport fees or reimburse the foster parents for it. In fact, you may not even be allowed to pay the fee and the bureaucracy involved may cause the process to take longer than normal.

Note, routine service takes 4-6 weeks. The need for a court order and the process of getting the fees paid may add a few more weeks to this process. You should plan your trip accordingly.

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My son's father is locked up
by: Anonymous

Question: Hello, I have submitted the required notarized letter to get a passport for my son. However I received a letter stating it wasn't filled out correctly. Trying to speak with someone to ask what was wrong has been hard. With him being locked up, it's a process I have to go through to go and have the paper re-notarized. At this point I have 2 weeks before we travel and no one can give me direct information. I have been waiting for 5 weeks to get this letter. This has been making me freak out. My son's father doesn't have an ID, only his mug shot with his information where he is being housed. Will this be a problem?

Answer: The father's lack of an ID may have been the problem. Instead of submitting the notarized consent, you may try to submit Form DS-5525 Statement of Exigent/Special Family Circumstances plus a copy of his incarceration order. The mugshot and details of this incarceration may also be submitted. Please contact the NPIC at 1-877-487-2778 for more information.

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Passport for child with notarized letter from parents

by Jacki
(Willits CA, USA)

Question: Can I obtain a passport for a child with a notarized letter from her parents, her original birth certificate and her SSN? I am fiancé to her uncle and want to take her with me when I visit him in Mexico next month.

Answer: Yes, you can obtain a passport for a child if you submit a notarized written statement or affidavit from both parents authorizing you to apply for a passport. For a complete list of requirements, click the link below.

Apply for Child's Passport

Note, it is also recommended that you obtain a notarized letter of consent to travel with a minor from the child's parents and keep it with you at all time during your trip.

Letter of Consent to Travel with a Minor

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I have consent from my Ex but he doesn't have a vaild ID
by: Anonymous

Question: My ex has already given me consent to get our daughter a passport and went with me to the appointment for a passport. But his driver's license is expired and is unable to get his license renewed due to back child support owed. How do I get my daughter a passport? Can we submit a copy of his expired DL and SSC?

Answer: Please contact the NPIC at 1-877-487-2778 regarding your concern.

by: Anonymous

Question: I am traveling out of the country soon. And the father of my kids already said yes to them going. How do I do the letter to get notarized? or a document to get notarized saying I can get the passports without his presence?

Answer: The father may complete Form DS-3053, have it notarized and give it to you with a photocopy of the ID he presented to the notary public.

child's passport renewal
by: lion Dr.

Question: My son is 4 yrs and 7 months old and his passport is about to expire. And I want to renew it to travel by July. I am leaving out of USA. with my family. His father notarized me to renew my son's passport. However, I (mother) couldn't accompany him to the interview. Could I give power of attorney to someone, my relative, to accompany my son to the interview?

Answer: You and the father must also provide notarized authorization to the accompanying person. Please contact the National Passport Information Center at 1-877-487-2778 for more information.

Passport letter
by: Anonymous

Question: Do you have a template for third party letter for a 17 year old to get passport, she lives with me and has lived with since a baby , mother gave her to me raise because she was 14 year old on drugs , I am her aunt and I trying to let her go on a mission trip with the church . Not legal by court system just agreed between parents.

Answer: We do not have the template you are looking for. Please contact the NPIC at 1-877-487-2778 regarding your concern.

My daughter's father signed consent but no id
by: Anonymous

Question: Hello! My daughter's father is incarcerated. However, I was able to have his consent notarized but I wasn’t able to get a copy of his ID because he doesn’t have access to his property. Her application was denied because of it. What else could be done?

Answer: The application was denied because there is a missing requirement. You may contact the father's lawyer or speak to the prison warden to see about getting access to his personal effects.

by: Anonymous

Question: My daughter is 11 and is applying for her first passport. I have a notarized letter from her father with a front and back copy of his license.

Answer: You need to submit the consent and ID copy with the rest of the requirements for your child's passport application.

by: Anonymous

Question: My daughter is 17 and is needing her passport for the summer. Can she go alone and get it herself or does a parent need to be with her? Also if she can go herself, I read somewhere that I would need to write a letter giving my permission, is there a generic template that i could use and sign to send with her?

Answer: If your daughter already has her own government-issued ID, she may apply for a passport without a parent being present. In addition to the requirements for an adult passport, you must provide a signed statement of consent plus a photocopy of your valid ID. There is no generic template for this but it has to contain the statement of consent/awareness, the applicant's name, birth date, your name and relationship to the child.

Passport/Passport Card
by: Anonymous

Question: My ex and I share custody of our minor child. I had a form notarized allowing our child to get a Passport card only for a CONUS school trip. I have since learned my ex changed the notarized form to the Passport option without my authorization. How can a notarized form be changed without my consent or without requiring new notarization? Will the application be approved?

Answer: Please contact passport services at 1-877-487-2778 regarding the issue.

Passport renewal for children
by: Anonymous

Question: My husband and I are both legal parents of our children and we are also still married, my husband needs to renew the passports for both of our daughters but I can't be present because I will be working. What do I need to do?

Answer: Passports issued to minors cannot be renewed. In order to secure new passports for your children, you need to go through the same process you did obtaining the previous ones.

Ideally, both parents are required to appear with the children. But since you cannot be there, you may complete Form DS-3053, have it notarized and give it to your husband with a photocopy of your valid photo ID. These must be submitted with the rest of the requirements for the children's passports.

by: Anonymous

Question: Hello, what guarantee do I have if father resides in Mexico and I get a notarized letter form him to give me permission to get passports for our minor children. What do I need to do or forms so I need to fill out. Please advise.

Answer: As long as the statement of consent is notarized by a reputable notary public, it should be accepted. I recommend that the father have Form DS-3053 at the U.S. Embassy in Mexico City or any of the U.S. Consulates located all over Mexico. Also, he needs to provide you with a copy of his valid government-issued ID.

The notarized Form DS-3053 plus the ID copy must be submitted with the rest of the application requirements.

Single parent without court consent
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi I am a mother of two minor kids and got divorced in 2017. Our divorce decree didn't mention about kids. Their father has never been in the USA. I don't know about his current address. I am a U.S. citizen and I need to apply for our passport . How can I do to apply my for kids passports?

Answer: If the father's name is on your children's birth certificates, you need their father's consent to apply for their passports.

When you have exhausted all means to contact him to no avail, you may try to submit Form DS-5525 plus proof of your failed contact attempts with the rest of the application requirements. Please note that applications of this nature are processed on a case by case basis.

Trying to obtain my child's passport
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi, I'm trying to get my baby's first passport. The father is detained because he is dealing with immigration. We are married but I did not change my last name to his. He is giving me consent for it so how do I get a notarized letter? Also he doesn't have an ID. What other documents do i need to apply?

Answer: Your case is rather unique since the father does not have an ID. Please call customer service at 1-877-487-2778 regarding your concern.

by: Anonymous

Question: I'm in the process of renewing my passport that has since expired and have to get my name changed. I'm also getting passports for my kids who are 12 and 13 years old. Can my father notarize for his grandchildren?

Answer: If your passport has been expired for less than 5 years, you may apply for a renewal with name change.

Unless the grandfather shares legal custody with you, he cannot submit a notarized consent for your children's passport applications.

Child passport
by: Greysy

Question: Hi, can I renew my daughter's passport with a guardianship letter from her father? I don’t have a copy of his ID, they never gave me one when he and I went to do the guardianship letter. They only gave the letter and I haven’t seen or spoken to him since 2013. He has no contact with my daughter or with me.

Answer: Passports issued to minors cannot be renewed. You need to apply for a new passport for your child the same way you did the first time -- in person and with the same requirements. Unless the "guardianship letter" awards you SOLE LEGAL custody of the child, you need not only the father's ID but also his notarized consent to apply for your consent.

by: Ericka

Question: Hello, my cousin lives out of state and can’t be in the US to take out her children's passport. Her kids live with their father who is not on the birth certificate. She asked for my help to find out how I can help her and children obtain a passport for the first time. She is desperate, she hasn’t seen her kids in over a year due to not having passports to travel to Mexico. Any advice on how we can help her and her kids?

Answer: The mother can mail you a notarized statement authorizing you to apply for her children's passports on her behalf. A photocopy of her valid government-issued ID is also required.

by: K.R.

Question: If I am a notary. Can I notarize the statement of consent form for my children's father?

Answer: You cannot because of the conflict of interest.

U.S. mother and foreign father
by: Kate

Question: I am giving birth in the U.S. but my husband is not a U.S. citizen, thus unable to come for the delivery. What forms do I need to fill out to confirm that he's the father of my child?

Answer: You need to contact the hospital or birthing center for this. You may also ask the local vital records office for information.

Consent Letter
by: Raechel

Question: Hello. I'm planning a trip for next year for myself, my fiance, our daughter and my son (not my fiance's birth child). I do not know our destination yet. Maybe PR or ME. Please let me know what the consent letter from my son's father has to state.

Answer: Hello, Raechel. The father may use Form DS-3053 and have it notarized.

Passport Request
by: Vanessa

Question: I, Vanessa XXX XXXX, grant my mother, Ana XXX XXX, permission to stand in my behalf and renew my daughter Mya XXX XXX's passport for future travels.

Answer: Hi, Vanessa. We deleted the names for security purposes. This authorization statement must be notarized and sent with in the application of the child's passport. Also, if you share legal custody with another parent, that parent also needs to sign the statement. Photocopies of both parents' IDs must also be sent with the application.

Permission to obtain passport
by: Bruce A. P.

Question: I give my permission to allow Kelsey E P to obtain a passport.

Answer: Hello, Bruce. You need to execute a notarized statement of consent and give it to the applying parent to submit with the application for your child's passport.

Applied with power of attorney
by: Anonymous

Question: When I applied for my son's passport, I sent a power of attorney form signed by his father and notarized, stating he has given me power to apply for a passport. I just received a letter stating that they need a copy of the father's ID, which I cannot get because he is incarcerated. We leave in 2 1/2 weeks; what can I do?

Answer: Please call customer service at 1-877-487-2778 for more information.

Need help
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi,
I work full time and also attend college. Due to my busy schedule, my child is living with his grandparents outside the States. My son's passport is about to expire and his grandparents want to get it renewed where they are. I am not with his father and can't get him to sign the consent form. What should I do? Thank you.

Answer: If the father's name is on your child's birth certificate, his consent is required. You must contact the father and obtain a signed and notarized consent from him as well as a photocopy of his ID.

If this is not possible, we recommend you either contact the nearest family court to see if a judge will order him to provide consent or consult an attorney about getting sole legal custody.

Get a New Passport for My Child
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi, I would like to know if a lady delivered her baby and needs to get his first U.S passport, does she need his father with her? If the father can't come to The U.S because of his work, what will be the solution?

Answer: If the father name is on the birth certificate, his consent is required. He can visit the nearest U.S. embassy or consulate general to complete the consent form and have it notarized. He can then send it to you to be submitted with your infant's passport application.

let my child go with dad to Peru and she never came back
by: Anonymous

Question: What happens when your child goes on the trip with permission but never comes back?

Answer: You can find information about international child abduction here.

Notarized letter outside the United States
by: Anonymous

Question Hi, I would like to know if the consent letter signed by one of the parents can be written using the same model as the one shown in your web? And also one of the parents is located outside the United States. Can he notarize it with a Public Notary from the country he is in or does he need to certified also with the Ministry of Public Relations?

Answer The consent form on our website contains all the information that is usually requested when entering another country. However, we encourage you to verify specific requirements of the countries that will be visited. The form can be notarized at the nearest U.S. embassy or consulate general.

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Need Passport for My Children

by Yiniva

Question: I was deported to Colombia. My children are in New York with my mother. They want to come see me. My son had a passport before. He came to Colombia when he was a baby with my mom on vacation.

I´m the only one on his birth certificate so I got him the passport for the trip but my daughter's father is on the birth certificate. I know that would be a little more difficult. What can I do to have my children come visit?

I need to see them. I miss my children and they miss me. Please help me. Thank you.

Answer: Your mother can apply for a passport for your son if you send her a notarized written statement or affidavit authorizing her to apply for the passport. If this only has your name on it, your mother must also provide evidence that you have sole legal custody. The birth certificate without the father's name would be sufficient. Note, this must be a certified copy and not a photocopy.

You can get the statement notarized at the nearest U.S. embassy or consulate general.

U.S. Embassy in Bogota

As you mentioned, it is a little more difficult to get a passport for your daughter. Either the father can appear with your daughter and submit a notarized consent form from you. Or your mother can appear with your daughter and submit a notarized written statement or affidavit authorizing her to apply for the passport. This must be from both parents.

If there is some special circumstance because of which the father cannot be contacted, then you can complete the "Special Circumstance" section of Form DS-3053: Statement of Consent of Special Circumstances: Issuance of a Passport to a Minor Under Age 16 and submit it with the application.

If your mother has legal guardianship of the children or if they are 16 years of age or older, then the consent forms may not be necessary. For more information, click the link below.

Apply for Passport for Minor

Professional passport expediters can often help in such circumstances. Click the link below for contact information.

Passport Expediting Services

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Do I have the necessary documents to renew passport for my foreign-born adopted child?

by Alicia
(New Orleans, LA.)

Question: My husband and I are both U.S.-born citizens. We adopted our son from Russia in 2003. He is now 9 years old. He has a U.S. passport which expired on 3 years ago. We do not have his Certificate of Citizenship. We do have his Russian birth certificate with a translation, listing us as the parents. We also have the Russian adoption certificate with the translation. Is this adequate to renew his passport?

Answer: A previously-issued passport can be submitted as evidence of U.S. citizenship. You also must submit a document which established your relationship with your son. An adoption decree with the adopting parents names on it is acceptable. A foreign document is acceptable with the passport application as long as it is accompanied by a translation. Click the link below for a list of locations where you can apply.

Other required documents include a photocopy of parent's identification documents and a recent passport photo.

New Orleans Passport Offices

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My 9 year son's passport expired last year. What form do I need to fill out to renew his passport?

by Grace
(Hillsborough, NJ)

Question: My son's passport expired October of last year. I would like to renew his passport and was wondering which forms I need to fill out for his renewal.

Answer: It will be necessary to apply for a new passport for your son at a passport application acceptance facility. The requirements are listed below.

1. Completed, unsigned application Form DS-11
2. Evidence of U.S. citizenship
3. Evidence of relationship to minor
4. Proof of identification
5. Photocopy of identification document
6. One recent passport photo

Note, both parents must appear or the applying parent must submit a notarized consent form from the non-applying parent. If you have sole legal custody, you must provide proof of such.

For more information, click the links below.

Apply for a Child's Passport

New Jersey Passport Offices

Get Minor's Passport Fast

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Do I need to provide photos of my one-month-old child in order to get a passport for him?

by Abdullah
(Columbia, Mo)

Question: My child is only one-month old. Do I still need to provide his photos in order to obtain a passport for him?

Answer: A photo is required of every U.S. citizen that applies for a passport, independent of age. This means that parents of newborn babies and small infants need to submit the passport photo.

Unacceptable photos are the number one cause for delays in the process. You can access a list of photo requirements by clicking the link below.

Passport Photo Requirements

You should make sure your child's eyes are open in the photo. One way to do this is to drape a white sheet over one (sitting) parent, who also holds the baby's head and neck upright under the sheet while the photographer takes the photo. A second way is to place the child on a white blanket on the floor and take the photo while standing over him/her.

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Passports for children in foster care

by K. Quinn

Question: I'm the social worker for a 15-year-old girl in foster care. No one knows where her parents are located, so no signatures can be obtained. After obtaining a court order, how do I proceed with getting her a passport?

Question: Whoever appears with the minor must submit evidence of legal custody or notarized consent from the person who has legal custody. Once you have a court order which grants legal custody or guardianship, you must appear in person with the minor at a passport application acceptance facility and submit this document to an authorized passport agent along with all the required forms and documents. For a complete list, click the list below.

Passports for Minors

To locate a passport office near you, click the link below.

California Passport Offices

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Minor passport
by: Anonymous

Question: We received legal guardianship of my 2 nieces 8 and 13. We are applying for passports. One biological parent's rights are terminated and the other signed over rights. Whose names do we put down as parents on the application?

Answer: Please enter the names of the parents as it appears in the children's birth certificates.

Passport for my ward
by: Anonymous

Question: I have received all of my kids' passports except for the child that I have sole custody of. I presented the court final decree and all. But hers has not came in yet!! It's still in processing. Our last three were delivered today.

Answer: If you did not receive any communication that there was a problem with the child's application, it should already be on its way. You may call 1-877-487-2778 if you want to speak to a customer service representative.

Foster Son
by: Christine

Question: I am the foster mother to a 1-year-old. Court has granted us permission to obtain a passport for our foster son. We are not authorized to have his birth certificate. What other documentation can I submit to get his passport card?

Answer: The birth certificate is required as proof of the child's U.S. citizenship. Please contact the social worker handling the child's case for advice.

Kinship foster children needing passport
by: Anonymous

Question: What do we need to have to get our nieces a passport to take a cruise that goes to Mexico. They are considered foster children. At time of cruise they will be 8 and 12. 12 yr old is also autistic and intellectually disabled.

Answer: If the children's parents are unable to apply for the passports, the children's legal guardian/s or Child Services have the authority to apply for their passports or provide consent so you can apply in their behalf. We recommend calling the National Passport Information Center at 1-877-487-2778 for advice.

Having said that, if you are going on a closed-loop cruise -- one that begins and ends in the same U.S. city, the children may not need passports. All they need are their birth certificates to travel. However, you still need to contact the cruise line you are traveling with to verify if passports are necessary to debark during the cruise.

Foster youth travel to Canada
by: Anonymous

Question: Would a 9-year-old foster youth from Kentucky need a passport to travel by car to and from Canada or would a birth certificate and court documents showing guardianship work?

Answer: A passport is not required for a U.S. citizen minor to enter Canada and return to the United States. Canada only requires minors to present proof of U.S. citizenship. A birth certificate satisfies this requirement. You may also be required to present the court documents that awarded guardianship of the child.

Foster children/ Passport application info
by: Anonymous

Question: I am a foster parent of two children, 8 and 13. Who do we list as the mother/father/parent on the application for passport? One child's parental rights have already been terminated and both children are in the custody of the State of Illinois. I could list the bio parents name but I do not know where they were born.

Answer: You should enter the names of the parents that are listed on the birth certificates. Include the foster custody letters. All the documents should be orginals or certified copies.

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Do I have to submit the original documents for evidence of US citizenship and evidence of relationship or can I provide photocopies?

Question: My child is a minor under 16 and born outside of the US (in Taiwan). As Evidence of U.S. Citizenship I will present his Certificate of Citizenship (issued in the US) and as Evidence of Relationship I will present an English birth certificate issued by the hospital in Taiwan bearing both parents' names. Do these documentation have to be the original documents, or can I submit photocopies? Thank you.

Answer: The documents that you submit must be original documents or certified copies. Certified copies can be obtained through the official issuing agency for each document. Photocopies are not accepted.

If you are concerned about the possible loss of these documents, understand that only on rare occasions does this happen. There are a couple of things you can do to increase the chances that the documents will not be damaged nor lost in transit.

1. Use a secure means of packaging, such as a Tyvek envelope.

2. Mail your passport application and any personal documents using a traceable delivery method.

For complete instructions on obtaining a passport for a child, click the link below.

Get a Passport for Minor

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Is a minor's previous passport that has not expired enough identification to get a new one?

by Sara
(West Lafayette, IN USA)

Question: My minor daughter's passport expires this coming October. Since her current passport has not expired yet, is it enough documentation to take to get a new one or do I have to take her birth certificate and whatever other documentation needed?

And is my passport, which is also current and is still valid for another 10 years, enough identification for me as her legal parent or do I need to take more documentation on myself?

We will be traveling out of the country on a cruise in November so I need to get my daughter's "renewed" as soon as possible. Thank you.

Answer: Your daughter's passport can be used as both evidence of U.S. citizenship and your passport can be used as proof of identity as long as neither are damaged.

However, you must submit a document that establishes your relationship to your minor child. You also need to take your daughter's certified birth certificate.

Note, both parents must appear with the minor child age 15 and under. You can appear alone if 1) you have sole legal custody and have an official document to prove this or 2) you submit a notarized consent form from the non-applying parent.

For complete details, click the link below.

How to Apply for a Child's Passport

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Does a US birth certificate of a foreign born adopted child serve as proof of citizenship?

by Annette
(Portland, Oregon)

Question: My daughter was adopted from Guatemala. We immigrated her to the U.S. on a Guatemalan passport. She had a green card. We recently completed the re-adoption process in the state of Oregon and now have a foreign born Oregon birth certificate. Does this satisfy the requirement for proof of citizenship? Do we need any other documentation to get a passport for her?

Answer: You will need the following when the child applies for a passport:

1) Proof of the child's relationship to the U.S. citizen parent. For an adopted child, it is a certified copy of the final adoption decree (and translation if not in English);

2) The I-551 stamp endorsed in the child's foreign passport showing that the Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services admitted the child for lawful permanent residence , or the child's permanent resident card (green card);

3) Completed, unsigned passport application Form DS-11;

4) Proof of identity of the U.S. citizen parent(s);

5) Recent passport photograph;

6) Payment of application fee and execution fee.

Click the link below for a list of locations you can apply.

Oregon Passport Offices

You may already be aware of it, but there is a helpful resource for parents of adopted Guatemalan children. You can visit here:

Guatemala Adoptive Families Network

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What paperwork do I need and what is the cost of getting passports for my children?

by Lori
(Pembroke MA, USA)

Question: My children's passports expire in April. I need to have new ones for a trip in July. Since I cannot "renew" their passports, what paperwork do I need and what is the cost? Does the Hanover application acceptance location do photos?

Answer: You should complete application form DS-11 and submit evidence of U.S. citizenship for each child. This can be a previously issued passport or a certified birth certificate.

Also, you must submit proof of your relationship to your children. The certified birth certificate serves this purpose as long as it has the names of both parents.

Note, both parents must appear and present personal identification and a photocopy of the identification document when apply for minors under age 16.

If one parent cannot be present, the one that is must either submit the second parents' notarized Statement of Consent (Form DS-3053) or present legal proof of sole custody.

There are at least two fees when applying for a child's passport. The application fee for a passport book is $80. The execution fee (paid to the attending agent at the acceptance facility) is $25.

For an additional $15 fee, you can get a passport card (restricted to land and sea travel between the U.S. and Mexico, Canada, the Caribbean, and Bermuda) for each child.

According to our resources, the passport application acceptance facility in Hanover does offer photo service on site. The address is below.

Town of Hanover
550 Hanover Street
Hanover MA 02339-2217
(781) 826-5000

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More Passport & Travel Information

Getting a Passport Expedited at a Post Office
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Applying at a Regional Passport Agency
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Using a Registered Courier Service
How to pick a legitimate courier service company to assist in getting your passport quickly.

Routine vs. Expedited Passport Service: How to Choose
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How to Renew a U.S. Passport Fast
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1. How can you get a passport when you're in a hurry?
2. What exactly does a passport expediter do?
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About the Author: For over 20 years, the U.S. Passport Service Guide team has helped hundreds of thousands of travelers with their travel document questions and shared advice about how to make traveling abroad simpler, safer, and more enjoyable.

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