The information about passports and child support issues provided below is a compilation of answers to frequently asked questions about the subject. We do not provide legal advice concerning child support issues but only discuss this issue as it relates to getting passports for minors.
If you know what service you need, get the appropriate passport instructions. You can also access our directory of experienced passport expediting services. If you do not find the answer to your question on our website, please submit it using the form below.
List of Passport and Child Support FAQ
If you find a question below for which you would like to read the answer, just click the link.
My passport was denied for child support but I pay for arrears. Question: I have left a message on your passport line a week ago and no one has returned my call yet. I was told my call would be returned in days but ...
How do I get a passport if I've been denied because of child support? Question: I'm trying to travel in 10 days but I just received notice that my passport application was denied because of arrears. The court order went into affect 12/10/09 ...
Can I use my passport if I owe more than $5000 in child support? Question: If you owe more than $5000 in child support and you try to travel internationally (round-trip) using your existing, valid passport, will you be ...
Can I get a passport if I owe child support? Question: I owe about $5000 on child support but I need to travel to go visit my father in the Dominican Republic. I haven't see him in like 3 years....
Expedited Release from Passport Denial Program
Question: I applied for an expedited passport and was denied due to
child support arrears. I am current and up to date on all child support
How ...
Can I get a passport if I am no longer in arrears of child support? Question: I applied and paid for a passport a few years back and was denied because I owed over $2500 in arrears. I no longer am in arrears. How can ...
How quickly can I get a passport?
Question: How soon can I get my passport after I pay off my child support arrears?
Answer: It can take several weeks after you make arrangement ...
I was turned down for a passport due to past due child support. What can I do? Question: I was denied a passport due to past due child support. I was hired for a job in Nashville, TN. The company I was hired for is not currently ...
If I am turned down for a passport due to back child support, do I get my money back?
Question: If someone owes back child support and applied for a passport
and was turned down, do they get the money back?
Answer: The U.S. Department ...
Minor's Passport Information
Answers to frequently asked questions about getting passport for minors.
Instructions for obtaining a passport for a minor age 15 or younger
Top 5 Questions About Expedited Passport Couriers
2. What exactly does a passport expediter do?
3. Are passport expediting services legitimate?
4. How can I identify a reliable passport expeditor?
5. Is expedited passport service worth it? Get answers to these questions and more in our Ultimate U.S. Traveler's Guide to Passport Expediters.
You can also visit our library of articles about passport expediting.