Passport Records for Issuances from 1925 to the Present
Submitting a Request for Your Own Record/Minor Children/with Authorization The Privacy Act of 1974, (5 USC 552(a)) allows you to obtain copies of records in your own name and the records of your minor children. This is also applicable to incompetent persons for whom you are authorized to act as a guardian as well as any person who has properly authorized you to obtain his/her passport records. To request these records, you need to submit a typed or clearly printed notarized request that includes:- Your full name at birth and any subsequent name changes and/or the full name of your minor child or children, if you are requesting their records; if you are using an authorization, you need to provide your full name as well
- Legal authorization or evidence of parental relationship or evidence of guardianship, whichever is applicable
- Date and place of birth of the individual whose records you are requesting
- Your current mailing address;
- Your current daytime telephone number;
- Your current e-mail address, if available;
- The dates or estimated dates the passport(s) were issued;
- Passport numbers or any other information that will help locate the records; and
- A copy of requester's valid Federal or State issued photo identification (e.g., driver's license)
U.S. Department of State
Office of Law Enforcement Liaison
44132 Mercure Cir
P.O. Box 1227
Sterling, VA 20166
Requests Submitted for a Third-Party If you want to get a passport record for someone other than those listed above, this is considered a third-party or FOIA request. Under the Freedom of Information Act, you may request for passport records of an individual without their express authorization. You may send such request to the same address provided above.
Passport Records for Issuances Prior to 1925
The National Archives and Records Administration maintain records for passports issued prior to 1925. You may write to them at the following address:National Archives and Records Administration
Archives 1
Reference Branch
8th & Pennsylvania Ave. NW
Washington, DC 20408
Telephone: 1-866-325-7208 or 202-357-5411
Email: inquireATnara.gov