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Passport Name Change After a Divorce

Divorce by nupix/DepositPhotos

Getting a name changed in a passport after a divorce follows the same procedure as changing the name for any other reason. Still, questions arise due to unique situations. As questions arrive, we attempt to answer and post them so that our visitors can find the information they need.

Click for reliable expedited passport courier service.

The place to start is with the passort name change requirements. Once you understand the step-by-step process involved, you can return to the FAQ section if you still have questions. Other resources are listed below.

Renew my passport but not legally divorced yet  Question: I want to renew my passport but I am not legally divorced yet even though I have been living separate from my husband for 4 months now . My ...

Passport Name Change if Recently Divorced and Changed Name Back to Maiden Name  Question: I still have my old drivers license and old bank debit card with my married name and my new license and bank debit card with changed name. My ...

Divorced but passport was originally in maiden name  Question: I received my passport in 1998 before I was married, then once I got married, I sent it in for the stamp that shows my married name. I am now ...

How do I change back to maiden name on passport?  Question: I divorced 14 years ago and I want to change my name back to my maiden name. I do not have a court order. What do I need to do to change ...

Top 5 Questions About Expedited Passport Couriers

1. How can you get a passport when you're in a hurry?
2. What exactly does a passport expediter do?
3. Are passport expediting services legitimate?
4. How can I identify a reliable passport expeditor?
5. Is expedited passport service worth it?

Get answers to these questions and more in our Ultimate U.S. Traveler's Guide to Passport Expediters.

You can also visit our library of articles about passport expediting.

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About the Author: For over 20 years, the U.S. Passport Service Guide team has helped hundreds of thousands of travelers with their travel document questions and shared advice about how to make traveling abroad simpler, safer, and more enjoyable.

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