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List of Passport Application Form FAQ
Click below to read complete answers to frequently asked questions about passport application forms. What if I put that I've never been married on my passport application but I actually have? Question: I have been married for 15 years but my husband and I separated after 7 years of marriage. So I want to know what happens if I put on my ... Do I need my ex-husband's place of birth for the passport application? Question: I do not know how to contact my ex-husband and we have not been in contact since the divorce. It wasn't a good marriage nor a good divorce ... Do I need to fill out page 2 of the renewal form? Question: Do I need to fill out the 2nd page of the application if I am not planning a trip right now? Answer: Yes, you need to fill out the last ... If I was adopted, do I need to put my old name on the passport application? Question: If I was adopted do I need to put my old name on the passport application? Answer: The name that you put on your passport application ... Don't Know Exact Divorce Date Question: I have all the papers needed to apply for my Passport Card to go to Canada, but I never got my divorce papers when I was divorced in 1981. My ... Form DS 82 Step 10 Most Recent Passport Book or Passport Card Question: Form DS-82 Renewal application form. On DS-82 form, step #10 asks for name and date issued. The third space says, "Most recent passport book ... What form do I need to renew my 16-year-old and 17-year-old children's passports? Question: What form do I need to renew my 16-year-old and 17-year-old children's passports? Do both parents need to be present when obtaining the passport?... Is Question #19 ("Travel Plans") a required field on passport application form DS-11? Question: I want to renew my passport, but the exact date of departure and my length of trip are uncertain at this point. I don't understand why a document ... Is there some type of "No Fee" form for renewing a No Fee Passport? Question: Federal Govt employee, current PP expires in Jul 2010. Cannot find anything specific addressing this here or at the State Dept. Thanks. Answer:... Marital Status Questions on Passport Application Question: It bothers me that I am being asked about my ex husband. The question states, "Have you ever been married?" but then goes on to ask for his ... What form do I need to fill out for a court ordered name change of a minor with a passport that was issued more than a year ago? Question: Also, I have another daughter that got her passport when she was 5 months old, and now that she is 3 years old she looks nothing like her baby ... Section 10 of Passport Application: Parent Names Question: When I filled out the application using the online form the Date and Place of Birth for parents was not listed as a required field. Are ... Section 10 on DS-11 Question: The question I have is both my parents are deceased. Can I put in they're deceased plus do not have the information they ask for. Thank you.... For a young child's first passport, whose name to enter at the top of the form? Question: We are planning to get a first passport for our 1-year-old daughter. At the top of page 1 of the application form, shall I enter my daughter's ... What do I enter for place and date of name change in form DS-82? Question: I was married 5 years ago but did not change my legal name until recently. What do I enter for question 11 in form DS-82 for place and date ... I will be moving from Michigan to Arizona in the next month. What do I put down as my permanent address on form DS-11? Question: I recently accepted a teaching job in Arizona. When I move down there on July 1st, I will change my Michigan License and Plates to Arizona.... What do the small boxes in the top right corner of the passport application mean? Question: What does the boxes R, D, O, and DP shown at the top right corner of page 1 mean? Also, what is required for End# and Exp# within the same ... What emergency contacts are acceptable on the passport application form? Question: When filling out Question 18 (Emergency Contacts), does the contact (who is not traveling with us) need to reside in the US? We do not have ... What form do I need to fill out if I already have a brown military passport? Question: I am in the Air Force and have my military passport. It is not recommended to carry this. I want to get the blue civilian passport. I also ... What is the End. # on the passport application form? Question: On page 1 of passport application on the top right hand corner there is a box with letters which you have to check off .. they look like this ... Where do I send my application for passport renewal? Question: I'm an American citizen with residency in Norway. Currently IN the US (until April) and my passport (and Norwegian residency sticker inside ... Which application should I use if the information on my passport was incorrect due to typing error? Question: When I received my passport for the first time back in 2005, it was incorrect and I never went back and had it corrected but now I need a passport ... More Passport FAQTop 5 Questions About Expedited Passport Couriers
1. How can you get a passport when you're in a hurry?
2. What exactly does a passport expediter do?
3. Are passport expediting services legitimate?
4. How can I identify a reliable passport expeditor?
5. Is expedited passport service worth it? Get answers to these questions and more in our Ultimate U.S. Traveler's Guide to Passport Expediters.
2. What exactly does a passport expediter do?
3. Are passport expediting services legitimate?
4. How can I identify a reliable passport expeditor?
5. Is expedited passport service worth it? Get answers to these questions and more in our Ultimate U.S. Traveler's Guide to Passport Expediters.
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