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Name on birth certificate does not match driver's license and SS card

by Tim

Question: The last name on my birth certificate is different than the name I use on all of my legal documentation. I have used the last name of my step-father since I was a small baby, although this is not the name on my birth certificate. Currently my social security card, driver's license, military records, bank accounts and so forth are all under this last name. I need a passport, but do not want it made out for the name on my birth certificate since this is not the name I am known by. How do I apply for one?

Answer: The most effective way would be to legally change your name through a court order. Name Changes are filed in District Court, in the county where you reside. You will need to contact the District Court in the county where you reside in order to obtain the needed forms.

Washington County Court Listing

The fees for a legal name change vary depending upon the county and possibly on the number of persons named on the Petition. Contact your county's district court for this information.

Once the Petition has been completed, the case will be presented to a judge for approval and signature. This usually happens either the same day or the next day.

Once the name change has been approved, you can request to have your name changed on your birth certificate. If you were born in

Washington State, you need to send certified copies of all the completed paperwork to:

Department of Health
Center for Health Statistics
P.O. Box 9709
Olympia, WA 98507-9709

If you prefer not to change your name through a court order, then you must submit 1) Form DS-60 Affidavit Regarding a Change of Name and 2) at least three early public records.

Note, the U.S. Department of State Passport Services has final say concerning which name is entered in your passport in this case. They can choose to enter the name on your birth certificate even if you prove the use of another name.

An Affidavit Regarding a Change of Name must be submitted with an application for a U.S. passport when the name which is used by the applicant is substantially different from that shown on the evidence of citizenship.

The person who completes the form should preferably be a blood relative and must have personal knowledge of the your use of both names.

Download Affidavit Regarding a Change of Name

To support a change of name that has been adapted without formal court proceedings or by a marriage, you must present three or more public documents showing exclusive use of the name for at least five years.

Early public records include but are not limited to the following.

* Baptismal certificate
* Census record
* Early school record
* Family bible record
* Doctor's record of post-natal care

Comments for Name on birth certificate does not match driver's license and SS card

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Confirmation Name as Middle Name
by: Stephen M.

Question: My BC does not have my confirmation name. However, since I was a teenager, I have used it as my middle name. I am now 52 y.o. My DL, SS Card, Credit Cards, etc. all include my religious name as my middle name. I was denied a Real ID DL & told I likely cannot get a passport. Is this correct?

Answer: If your primary ID (driver's license) has your religious name, you may apply for a passport in that name. Middle names usually do not cause issues with passport applications.

Middle name
by: Theresa Irons

Question: My middle name is Marie and it says Maria so therefore they gave me an identification card with the name Theresa Maria Irons but the correct name is Theresa Marie Irons.

Answer: Hello, Theresa. Marie and Maria are common derivatives of the same name so it should not be an issue. Your passport will likely be issued in the name you enter in the application form.

First name missing 2 letters on BC
by: Colorado

Question: I was in the process of applying for a passport and went to get a copy of my birth certificate. They notified me that my first names didn't match. My first name is missing 2 letters on my BC, but my DL, SS card and every other legal document are all correct. Will this prevent me from getting my passport?

Answer: There may be some questions but as long as the name you entered in the application form is supported by your identification documents, it should be okay.

Middle name on BC different than DL
by: Anonymous

Question: My middle name was "changed" by my mom when I was a baby. No legal name change was done. Everything I have in terms of licenses (drivers license, nursing license, military service record) and my SS card have my new middle name. Do I need to get a legal name change in order to apply for a passport?

Answer: There is no need to go through legal name change. As long as a name is supported by your sufficient identification documents, your passport will be issued in that name.

Not using married name
by: Anonymous

Question: First time applicant. Birth certificate and ID card have the name I go by. But I am married, and the marriage license has my name with my husband's last name. Will this be an issue or not since all my other documentation matches the name I would apply for my passport with (maiden name)?

Answer: There shouldn't be any issues with your application.

Legal Name Change Does not Match Birth Certificate
by: Anonymous

Question: I am over 16 and applying for a passport for the first time.

I legally changed my name through a court order, but I never changed the name on my birth certificate. All my other documentation, including my social security card and driver's license, list my new name. Will bringing a copy of the court order documents along with my birth certificate be sufficient, or will I need to get the name on my birth certificate altered before applying for my passport?

Answer: There should be no need to change your last name on your birth certificate. Your IDs should suffice to prove your identity but it will not hurt to include a copy of your name change court order in case they need it.

Name on BS different from ID
by: Anonymous

Question: The name on my birth certificate is Kimberly but my License/ID and everything thereafter has Kim on it. This has never been a problem until I tried to apply for a Real ID. What do I need to do to correct this? Do I need to legally change my name to Kim?

Answer: A legal name change may be your best option to eliminate the issue.

Adding a suffix to a birth certificate
by: Anonymous

Question: My son's ss card and driver's license have the suffix but his birth certificate does not. He has trouble filing taxes because of this. How can I change this?

Answer: Your son may have to go through a legal name change to add the suffix to his birth certificate.

BC & Social Security Card Names differ
by: Anonymous

Question: My husband changed his last name to his mother's maiden name as a youngster but he has no official record of it. His birth certificate identifies him with his father's last name but his social security card has his mother's maiden name which he has used in all his adult legal documents. He only has a copy of his certificate of live birth. How can he apply for a passport?

Answer: Your husband needs the original or a certified copy of his birth certificate to apply for a passport. The passport will be issued in the last name he uses on his IDs as long as all other details match.

BC and SS don't match
by: Anonymous

Question: I'm trying to get my license renewed in Wyoming. I changed my name to match my stepdad when I was a kid but went to the SS office when I was 18 to change it back to the name I was born with. Everything I have goes by that name except my amended birth certificate. Am I going to get pushback from the DMV?

Answer: We specialize in passports and have very limited knowledge of driver's licenses. Please contact the DMV regarding your concern.

First name different on my birth certificate
by: Anonymous

Question: On my birth certificate, my first name is Jose. But all my other documents since childhood including my SS card and my current ID say Joseph which is the English translation of Jose. Will I be able to get a passport with the name Joseph which is the name on all my other forms of ID?

Answer: Yes. Since Jose and Joseph are common derivatives, you should not have any issues getting a passport under Joseph.

How to Obtain a Passport

1 letter is mispelled on birth certificate, will this affect me getting a passport?
by: Anonymous

Question: I needed to get a copy of my birth certificate in order to apply for a passport and I noticed that one of the letters in my first name is misspelled from how I have it on my DL, SS, and voting registration. Will this affect my chances of obtaining a passport?

Answer: A mistake of just one letter should not affect your passport application.

Missing first and middle name
by: Anonymous

Question: My husband’s first and middle names are missing from his birth certificate. His first and middle names are on his S.S. and driver's license and any other legal documents. Will he gave a problem getting a passport?

Answer: I am not sure what you mean by "missing". Did you mean your husband does not have a first and middle name and just a last name on his birth certificate? Or does he have a different name?

The discrepancy may raise some questions even if his IDs and other legal documents have the name he currently uses.

We recommend that you contact the NPIC at 1-877-487-2778 or the vital records office where his birth was registered for advice on the matter before applying for a passport.

birth certificate name is mothers maiden name but wife went by step dads name
by: Anonymous

Question: My wife is 48 and will be needing a passport. The name on her birth certificate (which we are going to order as we do not currently have a copy) is her mom's maiden name as her mom was an unwed teenager when my wife was born.

Her mom married when she was two and apparently in those times you didn't apply for a SS card at birth. My mother-in-law says she got an SS number for my wife after she was married and used his last name and she had used that last name until we got married.

Her stepdad did not formally adopt her. We are concerned about the disconnect between her name on the birth certificate and the name she went by until she got married causing problems with the passport application. Her mom and her stepdad divorced when she was in her late teens and he passed away in 2015. Is this going to cause any problems?

Answer: As long as your wife is able to present valid identification documents that reflect the name she enters in the application form, there should not be much of an issue. Questions may be raised but as long as other details match like birth date, birth place and parental details, the application should be approved.

You may contact the NPIC at 1-877-487-2778 for more information.

Passport for daughter
by: Anonymous

Question: My license is missing one of my two last names. Therefore that's what is on my daughter's birth certificate because they had to go by what was on my driver's license. Will having a different name on my birth certificate and my license affect my being able to get my daughter's passport since my name does not match those?

Answer: It should not since you will only be presenting your ID (license) when your child's passport application is submitted.

Different last names
by: Anonymous

Question: The name on my birth certificate is different than my maiden name. When I was 10 my mom got married and he adopted me. I used his last name up until I got married. When I apply for a passport will I need proof of the adoption? Or will my married last name and bc be sufficient?

Answer: As long as you can provide sufficient identification documents (preferably your driver's license) bearing your married name, and other details like your birth date, birthplace, and SSN match, you will not need any other documents. Should there be a need for the adoption decree and marriage certificate, passport services will contact you.

First name on BC spelled different
by: Anonymous

Question: My first name is spelled differently on my birth certificate than it is on my driver's license and my social security card. Everything else I have used my name for is spelled the way it is on my driver's license and social security card. I have been spelling it this way for many years. Will I be able to get a passport?

Answer: Yes, you will be able to apply for a passport since the name you use is supported by your IDs.

Which is easier
by: Anonymous

Question: I am 59 years old and I never knew the first name on my birth certificate is not spelled the same way I have always spelled my name. Is it easier just to get my first name on my DL and SSN changed than getting my birth certificate changed? I need to obtain a Twic card for a job.

Answer: You might not be able to change the name on your license and SS card without proof of name change. It may be best to apply for legal name change first before doing anything else.

How do I get an ID?
by: Anonymous

Question: My mother brought me to the US as a child and changed my name. My birth certificate has a different middle name and a different last name. My mother got me a social security card and I was able to go to school and I finished high school.

I have an emergency medical card but now when I go to the dentist they tell me I need to get a government ID. How do I do that if my mother changed my middle and last name when I was a child and she won't give me any information? Can I get an ID with just my school transcript and my kid's birth certificate since it has the name that I used for school and for as long as I can remember?

Answer: Since you've been in the U.S. for years, you should at least already have a Social Security Card. You may also contact the local DMV for a driver's license or apply for a state ID. Each ID has a different set of requirements and you should contact them for more information.

Suffix missing on birth certificate
by: Anonymous

Question: My birth certificate does not have my Jr. suffix while my SS does will this cause issues obtaining my real ID?

Answer: Possibly. Please contact the DMV for clarification.

Married multiple times
by: Anonymous

Question: If I have been married 5 times, do I need to bring all five marriage certificates with me?

Answer: If it's your first time applying for a passport, there is no need to present proof of name change as long as your ID/s match the name entered in the application form.

Birth certificate suffix issue
by: Anonymous

Question: My birth certificate has my first, middle, and last name correct but it has a suffix of II. All of my other documents such as my social security card, driver's license have a Jr suffix. Will this keep me from getting a Real ID or a passport?

Answer: It should not be an issue getting a passport. Please contact the DMV regarding Real ID.

Middle Name on BC doesn’t match DL or SSN
by: Anonymous

Question: My middle name on my passport shows as Rasham and on my DL and SSN as Roshan. I am applying for a passport for the first time, will this be an issue or can I just apply for my passport with my middle initial?

Answer: You may apply for your passport in whichever name you prefer as long as it is supported by either your citizenship document or primary ID (driver's license).

Middle name
by: Anonymous

Question: I have received my certificate of naturalization. It has my middle name (like my birth certificate) but my driver's license doesn’t have my middle name. Can I apply for a US passport with these documents without changing them?
Can I request a US passport not to have my middle name?

Answer: Yes, you may use your documents to apply. The passport may match either your naturalization certificate or license, whichever you prefer.

DL name doesn't match birth cert or ss-card
by: JohnSeymour

Question: Name on my DL doesn't match my birth cert & ss-card. I never liked my first name so always used my middle name as my given name. Consequently, I grew up with my middle name being my first name, and it's on all my legal documents. DMV turned me away when applying for an "enhanced DL" and said I need a name change via the SSA.
Before I take that advice I wanted another piece of advice.

Answer: It may be less complicated to obtain documents if you go through a court-ordered name change first. After that, you can apply for your SS card, license and passport in the name you have always used.

Name misspelled
by: Yvonne Perez

Question: I had an appointment today with my fiance to get a passport. The name on his birth certificate is spelled Tajiddin IBN Al-hadi Taylor but his ID and all other legal documents are spelled Tajjiddin LBN El-Haddi-Taylor. How much of an issue will this be to obtain a passport? He has spelled his name this way his entire life. If it gets denied then what happens next? We have a trip planned for December.

Answer: The minor spelling difference should not be an issue as long as the spelling he enters on the application form matches either birth certificate or primary ID (driver's license recommended).

Name on birth certificate does not match driver's license and SS card
by: Anonymous

Question: The spelling of my friend's name is different by 1 letter Cris and Chris. Will this be an issue getting Real ID or SS benefits?

Answer: The spelling difference may be an issue getting a Real ID since they require names to match exactly. Please contact the Social Security Administration regarding benefits.

Middle Initial
by: Anonymous

Question: My mom had to use her maiden name as her middle initial per the Air Force requirements back in the '60s. Now her REAL ID shows ANN instead of J. This means her new bank acct show ANN instead of J. EVERYTHING is J including SS#, pension, credit cards etc. Does she have to update SS# with Ann or can it stay J for tax returns?

Answer: Please contact the IRS regarding tax documents.

Last name is misspelled on birth certificate
by: Madison

Question: I just recently found out after finding my birth certificate from my mother who has passed that my last name is misspelled. I saw that my father’s last name was misspelled as well on my certificate. Everything else I have is correct but that birth certificate.

My passport expired so I am renewing it at the moment. How am I supposed to fix this and what are needed for me to do so? Airing dirty laundry, my father left me when I was in high school and I do not know where he is and if he is even alive if I need his info.

Answer: Hi, Madison. While it is ideal, your birth certificate does not have to match your other documents. If you want to change the spelling, you may have to go to court for a legal name change.

JR and Junior
by: Anonymous

Question: Hello my SS spells my suffix as JR and my Birth Certificate spells Junior. Is this going to be an issue getting my passport?

Answer: It should not be an issue.

Legal name change different than BC
by: Anonymous

Question: I changed my middle and last name 8 years ago to match my mother's maiden name and a traditional middle name from her side of the family.

My driver's license and social security card match my current legal name.

I have a certified name change document from the county court but my birth certificate has my old middle and last name. I have not had an adult passport. The last one I had is expired, has my old middle and last name, and was from when I was under 16. It expired about 11 years ago.

My state is currently taking a few months to process amendments to vital records. Do I need to amend my birth certificate in order to apply for a passport or are the name change certificate and other current forms of ID enough?

Answer: Your name change document and IDs should suffice for your passport application as long as other details like birth date, birth place, etc. match.

Dropping Middle Name not on SS card or birth certificate
by: Anonymous

Question: My middle name was given at confirmation, I was not given a middle name at birth so there is no middle name on my birth certificate or social security card. I would like to be consistent with my SS card and birth certificate and drop my middle name from my passport. Can I do this and what kind of paperwork would I need? It's not a legal name change.

Answer: Yes, you may drop your middle name. Since this is not a legal name change, you need to submit a new application in person. Please prepare the following:

1. Form DS-11
2. Original or certified copy of your birth certificate plus a photocopy
3. Government-issued IDs bearing a name without your middle name (present IDs, submit photocopies)
4. One new passport photo
5. Payment for fees
-application: $130
-execution (paid separately): $35
-expedite (optional): $60
-1 to 2 days delivery (optional, recommended): $18.32

Schedule an Appointment

Real ID
by: Anonymous

Question: My name has Jr at the end of it on my birth certificate, but my DL, CCW, and SS card do not have it. Will this affect my getting a real ID?

Answer: Based on feedback from those who have already applied, a mismatch in the names on your identification documents could become an issue when you apply for a Real ID.

Spelled different on my birth certificate
by: George

Question: All my life from kindergarten to present (61 years old), I have always written my first name as George and on my birth certificate, it is spelled Jorge.

Because of this, I can’t renew my license. Every identifications I got are all with my first name as George, not Jorge. And I tried also to get a new birth certificate but because my bank card also has my first name as George I can’t get my birth certificate either. Help please. George.

Answer: Hello, George. You may apply for a passport with 'George' as your first name. Since all your IDs are in that name and it is a common derivative of 'Jorge', the passport will likely be issued in the name you use in all your documents. Once you have your passport, you may proceed to applying for a Real ID license.

Get Passport Fast

Maiden name on passport application
by: Anonymous

Question: My wife has her maiden name on her social security card and my last name on her DL. She has never had it changed. She listed her maiden name on her passport application even though her DL has my last name. Will this be an issue?

Answer: It might be an issue if she presented her driver's license as her identification document.

Different Name
by: Anonymous

Question: Middle Name on my passport & SSC is different from my middle name on BC. Can they be different or do I need to change my passport & SSC to match BC's middle name?

Answer: The middle names can be different. Just make sure to book tickets in the name that appears in your passport to avoid issues.

Name on SSC is different than married name
by: Anonymous

Question: My maiden name is on my SSC and is the name I use for work and taxes. I have been married for 32 years and have been using my maiden name as my middle name and my husband's last name on all other documents, including DL.

Can I get a passport with my married name which does not match my SSC name?

Answer: Yes, you may. Just present your driver's license as primary ID so the passport will be printed in your married name.

US Passport
by: Anonymous

Question: I just received my certificate of naturalization. Can I apply for my passport before updating my social security information? The name on my certificate is different from my social security card.

Answer: If your primary ID (driver's license) matches your naturalization certificate, the passport will be issued in that name. It is not necessary to change the name on your SS card before you can apply for a passport.

Dropped first name
by: Anonymous

Question: I dropped my first name on my SS card and everything after that. Can I get a passport without my first name?

Answer: As long as you can provide sufficient identification documents without your first name, you may apply for a passport without it.

Name on my birth certificate does not match my drivers license or my ss card
by: Anonymous

Question: I have always used my dad's last name. I need to renew my Texas driver's license but can't because my birth certificate has my mom's maiden name. Instead of changing my name to my dad's, can I get my texas driver's license with my mom's maiden name?

Answer: Yes, you may. Please contact the Texas DMV for more information.

by: Anonymous

Question: I was born in Germany on a military base in the German hospital. They left one letter off of my name and my BC is in German. I am trying to get a passport. Will the one letter be an issue if so how do I change it fast? We are stateside now. I do not have an old passport I have a TX driver's license and an SSN and this BC that no one can read in the US. Please help.

Answer: Since you were born abroad, you need to present a Consular Report of Birth Abroad as proof of U.S. citizenship. This document is issued by the U.S. embassy where your birth was reported.

If you do not have a CRBA, you may submit a Certificate of Citizenship from the USCIS.

The one-letter spelling difference should not be an issue but if you can have it straightened out while obtaining the document you need, it will be for the best.

Name doesn't match
by: Beth

Question: My husband went to apply for a Real ID card and they will not proceed because his birth certificate has his first name spelled as "John" and all his life he has been "Jon". His driver's license, marriage license, house deed, everything has the spelling as "Jon". How should he proceed?

Answer: It may be best to apply for a court-ordered name change instead of changing all the current documents to John.

Middle name on BC but not SS
by: Anonymous

Question: I received a copy of my birth certificate when I renewed my license that I mistakenly let expire. I found out that my middle initial was a Z and not an L like I initially thought.

Due to that, I had to get my driver's license without a middle name listed and my social security card never had a middle name on it at all. So now as it stands my social security and driver's license match but not my BC due to it being the only document with a middle name. Will this prevent me from getting my passport?

Answer: No, it will not. You may elect to not have a middle name/initial on your passport to match your other IDs.

by: Anonymous

Question: I want to hyphenate my maiden name and husband's name on my SS, but only go by my husband's name on my DL and PP. Can I do that?

Answer: Please contact the SSA for answers to your question.

Birth cert and SS card do not match
by: Anonymous

Question: I have used my dad's last name my entire life. My driver's license, Social Security card, employment records, bank accounts, etc are all under this name.

My birth certificate has my mother's last name, as well as my first name spelled differently. At one point I had a passport with the name I have always gone by, but it is long expired. I am now unable to get a new passport or 'real ID' driver's license because of the discrepancy. How can I correct this?

Answer: You may go to court for a legal name change to resolve the name discrepancy once and for all.

Last name different on Birth Cert
by: Anonymous

Question: I changed my last name in 2006. The last name on my Driver's License and SSN Card is different than the last name on my birth certificate. I have a court document showing my change of name from Arizona with
an official notary seal from back then (their seal expired in 2009). Would this be enough proof to get a passport with my current name, or should I change my birth cert?

Answer: Your name change document may be sufficient since your IDs already have your new last name.

Name on Birth Certifcate does not match Social Srcurity Card
by: Anonymous

Question: My birth certificate does not have a middle name. I got my Social Security card when I was 13 years old and had my confirmation name as my middle name. It is used as my middle name on all docs except not on my bc. Is this going to be a problem?

Answer: The middle name may raise questions but it is not unheard of. Your passport will be issued in the name you enter in the application form as long as you provide sufficient identification documents to support that name.

BC named spelled different than DL & SSN
by: Anonymous

Question: My middle name on my birth certificate is spelled one way however I have spelled it differently since I was 13 including my DL, SS card. Can I still get a passport?

Answer: Yes, you can still get a passport. It will be issued in the name you enter in the application form as long as it is supported by your identification document/s.

2 last names, only second appears on SS card and DL
by: Anonymous

Question: I have two last names that appear on my birth certificate. Only the second last name appears on my SS card. When getting my DL they said I could just use the last name that appears on both my birth certificate and SS card. So only my second last name appears on my DL. Example, last names Jones Smith on the birth certificate, but on SS card and DL only Smith appears.

I was wondering if this would cause issues getting my passport considering my birth certificate has 2 last names and my SS card and other documentation only have one.

Answer: It will not be an issue as long as you provide sufficient identification documents to support the name you enter in the application form.

Help with roomate
by: Anonymous

Question: I have a question for my roommate. He was adopted when he was younger in Arkansas and now as he's in Missouri. His mom never went through the adoption so his driver's license is under his adopted name but his social security card is still in his birth name.

And now he can't get a new driver's license or ID or do anything that requires two forms of ID. He can't even cash a check because his IDs don't match. He and his mom tried to get his adoption decree a while back but can't because neither one of them know the name of the judge that signed it. What should he do?

Answer: His best course of action is to petition the court for a legal name change from his birth name to his adopted name.

Mother's name
by: Anonymous

Question: My mother's name on my birth certificate is Ma. Eugenia. the Ma. stands for Maria. If I get married, should I put Ma. Eugenia? or Maria Eugenia?

Answer: As a general rule, enter the name as it appears in your birth certificate.

Name Change
by: Anonymous

Question: Hello,

I legally changed my name in Texas with a court order from Alejandro to Alex. My Social Security Card and Texas ID have been changed, except for my birth certificate. Will I have issues with getting my passport with Alex or do I need to change my birth certificate too?

Answer: There will be no need to amend your birth certificate for your passport application. Alejandro and Alex are common derivatives and since your IDs already have Alex, you have sufficient identification documents to prove that you are one and the same person.

First Name
by: Jay Wood

Question: My first name is Jay but my birth certificate says J. All my legal documents state Jay as my first name! Will this be a problem in getting a passport?

Answer: It will not be an issue as long as your IDs have Jay.

Name Suffix
by: Darrell

Question: When getting my "Real ID", I came to realize that the suffix on my birth certificate is III, but my social, driver's license, and all other documents have the suffix of II, which is the correct one. Will this be an issue when getting my passport?

Answer: No, it will not be an issue.

Trying to obtain a passport
by: Anonymous

Question: My birth certificate has my middle name listed first but my DL and SSN are correct with my middle name being listed correctly. All of my legal documents go according to my ID card and social. I want to obtain a passport, is this going to be a problem? The name is the same just out of order.

Answer: The passport will be printed with the name you enter in the application form as long as it is supported by the ID you present with it. Please present and sent a photocopy of your driver's license as primary proof of identity.

Can i add middle name to my Id and Passport
by: Anonymous

Question: My parents never added a middle name to my legal documentation but always call me by the name that was supposed to be my middle name. I was wondering if my passport and ID could include the middle without having to go through a legal name change.

Answer: You will first need a government-issued ID bearing your middle name. Once you have an ID (preferably a driver's license), you can apply for your passport to bear that name as well.

Dad Change Last Name
by: Anonymous

Question: I am 47 years old and can not get my driver's license renewed because my father, a few years back, signed my birth certificate. I was never aware of it until I had to get a copy of my birth certificate. Now my certificate has my father's name and I cannot get a legal ID. What can I do?

Answer: You can apply for a court-ordered name change. A legal name change can bridge the gap between the name on your birth certificate and the name on your old license.

Different last name
by: Anonymous

Question: My birth certificate has my mom's maiden name. My driver's license, dd214, school records, social security card all have my dad's last name. I have never used my mom's maiden name. Can I get a passport and real ID without legally changing my birth certificate?

Answer: You may have your passport issued in the last name you have always used as long as you can provide sufficient identification documents. You need to contact the DMV regarding Real ID.

Mother's Maiden Name Misspelled
by: Anonymous

Question: My mother's maiden name is misspelled on my birth certificate. Will I need to get it corrected before applying for a passport?

Answer: There should be no need to change it since you are the one applying for a passport.

Mismatch first name
by: Anonymous

Question: The spelling of my name on my birth certificate is Asia and in everything else legal, it is spelt Ayesha. It is however pronounced Asia. Weird right? How did my mom change this if it wasn’t a legal change?

Answer: It used to be that people can assume names without having to go to the courts for paperwork. This may have been the case with your name.

no Middle Name on birth certificate
by: Anonymous

Question: My husband went to apply for a Real ID card and they will not proceed because his birth certificate does not include his middle name - but his social security card has his middle name. How can we fix this to make sure they match?

Answer: It may be easier to change the name with social security to match the birth certificate. Adding a middle name to the birth certificate will require going to court for a legal name change.

Have documents . First name not on birth certificate
by: Anonymous

Question: My birth certificate doesn't have my first name states (girl) with last name. I have SS card' DD214' and other documents to prove my Identity. I'm over 50 how do I get my first name added to my birth certificate?

Answer: You may have to go to court for a name change and amend your birth certificate.

Middle name issues
by: Anonymous

Question: My birth certificate and SSN both have my middle name spelled Gwendolyn but my DL has Gwenth. Will I have an issue get a passport?

Answer: Questions may arise since the names do not match. To avoid this, we recommend presenting your SS card plus another ID bearing the right middle name when you apply for your passport.

Using three of four names (two first, one middle, one last)
by: Anonymous

Question: I have four names. I use the latter three. Is it possible to get a passport issued using the latter three names? In 2013, I was told this was possible. However, with the Real ID Act, I considering two ideas: (1) Get a "Known As" name on the passport (I have sufficient documentation for this). (2) Get the passport issued in the latter three names. For background, the first two names are usually entered in a "First Name" field; I would be using the second half of that "First Name" field. My driver's license and Social Security card are in the latter three names.

Answer: You may apply with the last three names since your IDs support said name.

maiden name as middle initial
by: Anonymous

Question: My birth certificate has my middle name as Ann. When I got married I started using J as my middle initial which was the initial of my maiden last name. My Social Security Card and current driver's license all have J as my middle initial. Can I apply for my passport using J as middle initial or will it be a problem since my birth certificate is Ann?

Answer: You may apply for your passport with J as the middle initial since your IDs support it.

Known As Name Usefulness
by: Anonymous

Question: When a Known As name appears on a passport, can travel be done in that name? Can a Real ID Act compliant driver's license or state ID be issued in the Known As name?

Answer: You should be able to book tickets in your known as name but we recommend calling the airline first to find out if they allow it.

As for licenses and state IDs, you need to contact the issuing office regarding known as names.

Real ID rejected due to name mismatch
by: Mother's Child

Question: My mother's name on her birth certificate does not match any other documentation (legal or otherwise) past the age of 13. Her driver's license, social security, passport, marriage certificate, and everything else match.

She has dementia and her driver's license and passport are expired, but we wanted to get a state Real ID (Ohio) for identification and travel. Ohio denied us because of the name mismatch. I have tried to go back and have the birth certificate amended (Massachusetts), but that was denied as well.

Can she get a new passport for ID? She would not be able to handle the cost and stress of a court case for a name change and that seems a ridiculous obstacle for an almost 90-year-old woman to have to jump because the government has suddenly changed the rules.

Answer: Yes, your mother can apply for a passport that matches her birth certificate. However, she will also need to present identification bearing that name. If she does not have any, she will need to submit secondary proofs of identity, the more the better. These can be documents from when she was under the age of 13.

You may contact the NPIC at 1-877-487-2778 for more information.

Known As Name
by: Anonymous

Question: In some situations, using a "Known As" name has been suggested. Does a "Known As" name appear on a US Passport in addition to the legal name or instead of it?

Answer: Known As names are not printed on the passport's data page. These are printed on an amendment page instead. Known As names cannot be printed on passport cards.

Name on my birth certificate is different from social security card
by: Anonymous

Question: I have a delayed birth certificate. My dad registered me with his name at the time before changing his last name in the future.

I grew up using my last name as usual. My mother went to get my social security card under my dad's new last name. So as I grew up I started using my dad's new last name. I recently was released from prison and do not have any type of id.

I was told to change my social security name to my birth certificate name but, I have no type of identification to prove I am the man my birth certificate states. My social has my fathers new last name and my birth certificate has another. Vital records can not verify my birth certificate because it's a delayed birth registration.

What do I do?

Answer: Please speak to a lawyer to find out the best legal way to go about what you need to accomplish.

by: Anonymous

Question: My husband's birth certificate shows his birth father's name on it but when he was 18, he changed his last name to his mother's maiden name.

We cannot find his birth certificate with the name change and he's not even sure he got one. His SS, DL, and military ID all say his mother's maiden name on it. Is he able to show everything he has and get a passport?

Answer: The passport will be issued in the name he enters in the application form as long as he provides sufficient identification documents. Based on what you described, he has his primary and secondary IDs in the name he currently uses so there should not be any big issues. If he can find the court order for the name change, it will help his case even more.

SS last name different than birth certificate
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi. My dad's last name that is on my birth certificate is what I have used for the past 24 years of my life. When I was 18, we discovered that my social security has a different last name (my mother's) and so I haven't been able to get an ID or SS Card.

From what I understand, I need to get a name change to get a new SS Card with the correct last name on it but I'm not sure how I'm supposed to fill out the papers to get a name change cause the last name that I want is the one on my birth certificate. I went through all my school years with my dad's last name and that is also what's on my high school diploma.

Any help would be appreciated since my sister and mom don't seem to want to help to get it done any time soon.

Answer: We are not familiar with the process of changing the name on a social security card. We recommend that you contact the Social Security Administration regarding your concern.

First name different on Birth Certificate
by: Frank

Question: The first name on my birth certificate is Francis. I have gone by Frank my entire life. Social Security, driver's license, etc. all say Frank. Will this be a problem getting a Real Id as Frank is an accepted diminutive for Francis.

Answer: Please contact the DHS for questions regarding Real ID application requirements.

by: Wendy

Question: If someone's first name on their birth certificate is spelled differently from all other forms of id like license and social, is it illegal?

Answer: Hi, Wendy. It is not illegal for a name to be spelled differently between documents. In fact, it is quite common.

Wrong info on bc
by: Anonymous

Question: I did and they insisted that's the right one. it took them about 3 hours to finally find it so they gave me the one with all the info incorrect. So I couldn't get a passport and my old bc is one of the old ones so the post office wouldn't accept it.

Answer: It looks like the easiest way around it is to apply for a passport with a "known as" name.

Add an AKA to your Passport

New birth certificate don’t match my old one or my social
by: Anonymous

Question: I had lost my old one so I went to get a new one and everything is different!!! The name I go by is my middle name and my first name and last not the same at all! I have always gone by my dad's last name but instead, the new birth certificate has my mom's last name! Need help on what to do.

Answer: You need to go to the vital records office that issued the new document to have the errors corrected.

Name on Certificate of Birth Abroad has an extra middle name
by: Anonymous

Question: I was born in Angola but my father was American and I have US citizenship. My mother is Portuguese and is customary to add the mother’s maiden name as an "extra " middle name in the child’s full name.

When my father applied for my SSN he decided to drop that particular name. For example purposes let’s say my name on BC is John Bob Costa Doe. But on SSN it is John Bob Doe. All my documentation since I had an SSN shows John Bob Doe - licenses, passports etc.

At any rate, I am applying for a South Carolina driver's license and I realized my passport had expired a month before. So I brought my certificate of birth abroad original document. The administrator denied my application because the system wouldn’t let them proceed because of the slight name discrepancy between that document and SS name. By the way, I am renewing my passport with the name I’ve always used. My question is - is this a problem? I do not want to go through a name change process to add the extra Portuguese middle name to my legal name. What are my options?

Answer: The missing middle name will not be an issue for your passport renewal. Having said that, because of Real ID, it is now strongly recommended that all your legal identification documents match. That includes your birth certificate, social security, driver's license, and passport. Your course of action should depend on what is more convenient and easier for you to change.

Same last names but different sequences
by: Anonymous

Question: My two last names on my passport show as "Jones-Smith", however on my SS the sequence is "Smith-Jones". Will this require a name change?

Answer: The difference should not require you to change the name on your passport.

Middle name spelling
by: Anonymous

Question: I just realized that my driver's license has my middle named spelled incorrectly. My middle name is Sade, but it is spelled "Sadie" on my driver's license. I plan on flying internationally on May 18th, and my passport has my middle name spelled correctly. Are there going to be any problems getting on the plane if my middle name on my ID doesn't match up with my middle name on my passport?

Answer: The spelling difference should not be an issue.

Different name on birth certificate
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi. I’m 16 years old and just recently found out that the last name on my birth certificate is different than the name I have been using my whole life. All my school records and all my papers have been with the name I thought was my last name.

Can I still apply for my learner's permit and passport with the social security and birth certificate I have been using my whole

Answer: With Real ID in implementation, it is ideal and highly recommended that your names match in all government-issued documents. You may still apply for a passport but questions may arise because of the difference in last names.

It is best that you address the issue first through a legal name change through the courts.

Name Change
by: Anonymous

Question: I need a passport ASAP. My birth certificate has my name, Nerissa. My social security card & ID has my first name Nerissaha and I didn’t formally get it changed. I go by Nerissaha. At this point, I just need a passport. What name should be listed on my application?

Answer: Both names are derivates of each other. The passport will be issued in the name you enter in the application form as long as it is supported by the identification documents you present with it.

Name issue
by: Anonymous

Question: When my husband was a child his parents changed their last name. Let's say from Smith to Jones. His younger sibling was given the last name Jones at birth while my husband and his older sibling stayed Smith. The older sibling changed her name at some point while my husband stayed Smith but used the last name Jones for anything family-related.

Here is the issue, our kids have the last name Jones, while he and I are Smith. The oldest, from a previous relationship that he has custody of, and one of our shared children, he is on the birth certificate as John Jones. With our younger 2, the hospital said he had to use the name on his ID so their birth certificates have him as John Smith.

This has never been an issue with schools, doctors or even court but I am wondering if this will be problematic for passports. He does have his custody paperwork for our oldest that refers to him as John Smith aka John Jones. Could this be helpful to make copies of to bring? On his application should he put Jones as another name he has used, even though it is not a legal name?

Also, is it necessary to print the instructions with the applications or is ok to just print the 2 pages of the actual application?
Thank you!

Answer: The last name difference should not be an issue as long as you provide sufficient identification documents. In the very least, he should present an ID matching the name on the applying child's birth certificate.

And you do not have to print the first few pages of instructions. You just need to submit the pages which you filled out.

Enhanced drivers license.
by: Anonymous

Question: When it was time to renew my drivers and get an enhanced, I was denied the enhanced because the last name on the birth certificate doesn't match any names on my SS card.

I grew up with my stepfather's last name which isn't the one on the birth certificate. I have also married and divorced twice. I don't want a legal name change. I have lived in WA all my life. I never plan to travel outside the USA, so I don't need a passport. How do I get an enhanced license?

Answer: Please contact the Washington State Licensing Department for assistance.

2 middle names
by: Anonymous

Question: I can't get an enhanced ID due to 2 different middle names. SSC has C -- my father's last name and my passport has M, my mother's maiden name. Some of my documents are with C (pension,IRS) and some are with M (mortgage, IRAs, banks, deeds). I don't want to change anything since it's been like that for a long time.

Is there a need for an affidavit to support that's it's the same person as one? Will I encounter problems in the future? I renewed my non-driver ID to standard since it will expire.

Answer: You need to contact the DMV for documents required for an enhanced ID.

wrong last name and no first name
by: Anonymous

Question: My birth certificate does not have my first or middle name on it. It just has my mother's last name at the time which was baby Ferguson. My whole life I have gone by a different last name. Can I still use get a passport?

Answer: A birth certificate must meet certain requirements to be accepted as proof of U.S. citizenship for a passport application:

-Issued by the City, County, or State of birth
-Lists bearer's full name, date of birth, and place of birth
-Lists parent(s) full names
-Has date filed with registrar's office (must be within one year of birth)
-Has registrar's signature
-Has embossed, impressed, or multicolored seal of registrar
-Photocopies and notarized copies are unacceptable

Since the document you have does not meet these requirements, you need to go contact the vital records office of the city/state you were born in for a certified copy of your official birth certificate.

Want to remove Jr, from passport
by: Anonymous

Question: My passport has Jr. on it but my driver's license does not. My SS card does not have Jr. My birth certificate has Jr., have several other IDs without Jr. What do I do to remove Jr. from my passport? Can not get an enhanced license with Jr. on my passport.

Answer: The easiest way to have the suffix removed is to have a legal name change. This way you may simply apply for a renewal and submit the court order for the name change.

If you do not wish to do this, you can submit a new passport and enter your name without Jr. Also, you must submit a photocopy of your ID without the suffix.

Hi my birth certificate doesn't indicate my first name
by: Anonymous

Question: My birth certificate doesn't indicate my first but my European passport indicates my first name. Both my birth certificate and passport have the same names just that my first name and surname are written on the same line. Would that be a problem getting my stay in America?

Answer: Please contact the CBP regarding entry to the United States.

State Id
by: Anonymous

Question: My birth certificate does not match my social security card. I just purchased my birth certificate with my father's last name. However, I have been using my mother’s maiden name since I was a child. I have no preference for which name. Would it be easier to change my name on my Social Security or My Birth Certificate?

Answer: Since you mentioned that you have been using your mother's maiden name since childhood, I am assuming that most (if not all) of your documents are in that name. Based on this, it will be less time-consuming to have your birth certificate amended.

Different Name and Gender
by: Anonymous

Question: I changed the name and gender on my government-issued IDs last year but never updated my birth certificate. I recently submitted the paperwork to update my birth certificate but due to COVID, the wait time has been pushed to months. I need to apply for a passport ASAP. Can I use my old birth certificate with my original birth name and gender to apply for a passport?

Answer: The difference in the gender on your birth certificate and IDs may raise questions. Please contact passport services at 1-877-487-2778 for instructions specific to your situation.

One T or Two (Real ID)
by: Bridgett

Question: Hello. I recently went in to renew my driver's license. I had trouble finding 2 pieces of mail with matching addresses, as I use Apt A or Apt 1. So I had to come back with supporting mail from the list. Got to the counter with what was asked for and was told that my birth certificate had one T and my social had 2 T's and that I would have to have one amended. She would NOT issue me a real ID so I just got the standard license instead. Was she right or wrong? I have used 2 T's since the beginning of time. And why would a social be issued differently in the first place? Which is easier to amend, birth or social?

Answer: Hello, Bridgett. Unfortunately, our knowledge on Real ID issuance is limited to what is available on the DHS website. We cannot tell you if the denial was justified or not but there are a lot of applications that have reportedly been denied due to discrepancies (even very minor ones) in the names in their documents.

Also, you need to contact your state's vital records office and the Social Security Administration to find out what their requirements and processing times are. After finding out these information, you can decide which document is best to amend.

Social different from birth certificate
by: Anonymous

Question: My birth certificate has my mother's maiden name and one letter misspelled on my first name (Andry). Every other document ever used has my first name correctly spelled (Andre) and my father's last name. Military records have my correct name but also know of the birth certificate misspelling.

Birth certificate: Andry (mothers maiden)
State Id: Andre (fathers last name)

How can I get a passport?

Answer: Since there are different last names on your documents, it is best that you have a court-ordered name change before applying for a passport.

Another option is to submit at least 5 identification documents at least 5 years old bearing the name you enter in the application form. These must be submitted with the rest of the new passport requirements. Passport services may ask for more but in most cases, 5 should suffice.

My parents' race is off
by: Sally

Question: My parents' race on my birth certificate is not right. It says their race is Jordan. Can I still apply for a passport?

Answer: Hello, Sally. As long as you can provide proof of U.S. citizenship, you may apply for a passport.

Get Passport Fast

Documentation doesn't match
by: John

Question: My birth certificate name is John Peter Johnson Smith II. I have only ever used John Peter Johnson and all of my legal documents (IDs and SSC), as well as my military records and all loans, etc., match the name I use. Do I have to change it or can I apply for a passport with my current documents?

Answer: You should be able to apply with your current documents. The passport will be issued in the name you enter in the application form as long as it is supported by the ID/s you present with it.

Incorrect spelling of first name
by: Anonymous

Question: The spelling of my first name is different on my birth certificate than my legal ID. Would that cause a problem with getting a passport?

Answer: If the names are not totally different and just derivatives of each one, there should be no issues. Should questions arise, passport services may ask you to send more identification documents.

Birth certificate first name different from SS card
by: Anonymous

Question: My birth certificate has Maria for first name and Esther for the middle name. I have always used Esther as my first name and Maria as my middle name. Will I have problems with getting a real ID?

Answer: It is possible. People have reported having issues obtaining a Real ID if the names don't exactly match in their documents.

birth certificate and social name matches
by: Anonymous

Question: On my birth certificate and on my social my name fully matches. On my driver's license, I don't have my middle name on it. Will I be able to apply for a passport without an issue?

Answer: Yes, you may apply for a passport. It will be issued in the name you enter in the form as long as it is supported by either your ID or citizenship evidence.

by: Anonymous

Question: My birth certificate has my middle name as Elizabeth but all other documents throughout my life say Beth as my middle name. Do I need to correct my current documents to get a REAL ID?

Answer: Yes. It is best that you have all your documents match to avoid issues when obtaining Real ID.

First and Middle Name
by: Anonymous

Question: My birth certificate is under Maria Ester and my driver's license and social security card are under Mary Esther! Can I get a passport with this difference in the names?

Answer: Yes, you can. Maria and Mary are common derivatives of the name so you should be okay.

First and Middle Name
by: Anonymous

Question: My driver's license says Mary Esther but my birth certificate says Maria Ester, can I still get a passport?

Answer: Yes, you can. The names are variations of each other so it should not be an issue.

Missing one letter
by: Anonymous

Question: I have been spelling my name Tempestt for all of my life. Everything I have (bills, employment, school records, taxes, etc) is spelled the same way. I recently noticed that on both my SSN card and Birth Certificate it is spelled Tempest. I'm trying to attain a passport wondering if this would cause an issue? And what would be easier to get changed? Dropping the "t" from my license or having to change it with both SSN and the county clerk?

Answer: While it is ideal to have all your documents match, the letter difference will not be a big issue. Of you want double Ts on your passport, you can have it that way since your IDs support that spelling.

Name used does not match name on Birth Certificate
by: Jill

Question: I am 80 years old and want to get a passport. My birth certificate says Gail Ann /last name/. I never liked the name Gail, and in the mid-1960s started using the nickname Jill. Jill Ann /last name changed with marriage/ has been the name I've used since then.

On my Social Security card, my DL (which is still valid, I still drive), rental agreements, bills, everything goes to Jill Ann /last name/. Do I have to go back to the name on my birth certificate? I really would rather not. But will go by your guidelines.

Answer: Hello, Jill. The passport will be issued in the name you enter in the application form as long as it is supported by the identification document/s you send with it. So you can go with Jill and submit copies of your ID/s ti support the name.

If you would like to speak to someone regarding this issue, you may call 1-877-487-2778.

The social security office
by: JD Ferrari

Question: When I went in to get a new social security card, the officer asked me if I had a different name and I said yes I was born under Candice blah blah blah.

I said what I've been using this name solidly since 93 and when I got a driver's license in that name. At that time you could just go into the DMV and get a license, you didn't even have to show a birth certificate. So my social security card, my driver's license, and everything is in that name but I need to get a passport. I cannot afford the court fees to get the name change and the DMV has a record of it anyhow.

Answer: As long as you can provide sufficient identification documents, the passport will be issued in the name you enter in the application form. Also, the details on your birth certificate like date and place of birth must match the IDs.

You may contact the NPIC at 1-877-487-2778 for more information.

Missing letter
by: Anonymous

Question: My 78-year-old mother’s birth certificate says Joel instead of Joela. All other legal documents say Joela. She needs to renew her license and she will never fly on a plane. Will this be a problem for her to Renew and does she HAVE to get the Real ID license?

Answer: A Real ID compliant license or ID is required to access federal offices, federal regulated commercial airlines and nuclear power plants. Full implementation of this requirement will be on October 1, 2021.

If you are absolutely sure that your mother will not be accessing the aforementioned places, there is no need to get a Real ID license. As for the discrepancy in the name on the documents, you need to contact the DMV to find out if it will be a problem.

Birth certificate and SSN
by: Anonymous

Question: If my birth certificate and ID do no have my middle name included but my SSN has my middle name included, will that affect my application for a passport.

Answer: If you want to have the middle name on your passport, you need to submit identification that bears the middle name. The SS card is just a secondary ID so you need to submit it with another ID that has your middle name.

If you don't want your middle name on your passport, it should not matter that your SSD has it.

Real ID
by: Anonymous

Question: My birth certificate shows David, my license has Dave. Will this be a problem for Real ID?

Answer: Any discrepancy between identification documents may cause an issue with Real ID.

One Letter Off
by: Anonymous

Question: On My Birth Certificate the second letter of my first name is an "O" but on my Social Security Card the second letter is an "A" will this cause problems later in life?

Answer: It might. It is recommended that all your documents match to avoid identification issues. Also, you need to have your IDs match in order to obtain Real ID.

Middle name is missing 1 letter
by: Lisa

Question: My middle name on the birth certificate is spelled Lyn but all my documents, dl, sss card and info, both marriage certificates and divorce documents have it as Lynn. I am pretty sure I'll have no issues getting a passport but what about a real id in the state of California?

Answer: It will likely be an issue with Real ID.

I need to get my passport
by: Anonymous

Question: My birth certificate does not match my driver's license and SS card. I've been married three times and changed the name on my driver's license after every marriage.

Answer: It should not be an issue as long as the details (birth date, birth place, etc.) match up. Your passport will be issued in the name you enter in the application as long as it is supported by the ID you present with it.

Mother's maiden name
by: Anonymous

Question: Just asking for a friend. She's applied for a passport and saw that her mom's maiden name is spelled wrong. Will that hinder her getting her passport? Her mother is deceased.

Answer: It should not be a problem.

Name changes
by: Anonymous

Question: My son is turning 16 next year and I will be going to make a passport for him. His father will not be there since he will be 16 but he doesn’t have a drivers license. Is that ok?

Also on my son’s green card, social, and birth certificate his last name is St. Vil, but on his school records, health records, and public records it says Sainvil and he’s been using that last name for more than 5 years.

Would it be possible for me to fill out DS-60 An Affidavit Regarding a Change of Name for him since I have no legal proof? And if yes could I use the passport as evidence to change the social?

Answer: The situation may be a little complicated because your child does not have his own proof of U.S. citizenship. Since there is a discrepancy in last names in his documents and he does not have an ID, questions may arise. Please contact the NPIC at 1-877-487-2778 to clarify what you will need for the passport application.

My name is misspelled on my Birth certificate
by: Anonymous

Question: My name is Rosalinda & has always been spelled Rosalinda on my SS card,ID, Drivers License, School. When I went to get a copy of my birth certificate it has my First Name Rosa Middle Linda NOT Rosalinda as I have used my whole life. How can I fix my birth certificate?

Answer: Since the names are derivatives of each other, it should not be an issue. But you may have your birth certificate amended. You may contact the vital records office of the city/state you were born in.

My name misspelled on daughters birth certificate
by: Anonymous

Question: Received my newborn daughter's birth certificate and my last name is spelled wrong by one letter. Will I still be able to get her a passport with this error or does it need to be fixed on her birth certificate first?


Answer: It is better to have the error corrected first. With REAL ID being implemented, all documents are required to match. Best have this corrected on the get-go so your child will not have issues in the future.

Airline tickets
by: Anonymous

Question: I just received my passport which has my maiden last name, but my drivers' license does not have my maiden name. Should I buy an airline ticket under my drivers' license or my passport, since I must prove identity to get on airplane.

Answer: Please book your tickets in the name that appears in your passport. TSA requires that the names on your passport and ticket match.

First name differs
by: Anonymous

Question: I have my name as jose on all documents, license, ss, etc. When I looked at my birth certificate to apply for the Real ID, it is spelled Hose. My mother stated it was spelled phonetically but that my name is "Jose" but since she used it on all my early documents it wasn't a problem. Can I still get a passport with "Jose"?

Answer: Yes, you can.

Middle name not on my birth certificate
by: Chris

Question: Hello,
I just applied for a passport for the first time. My Birth Certificate doesn't have my middle name on it, but my license and SSN does have my middle name.
Will I have any problems obtaining a US Passport?
Thank YOU!

Answer: There shouldn't be any issues. You may contact the National Passport Information Center for more information. The number to call is 1-877-487-2778.

Two last names
by: Anonymous

Question: I was born out of wedlock and I have two last names on my drivers license. On my birth certificate it only lists one of the names and on the DS-11 I applied using the same last name as on my birth certificate. I am no longer in contact with the person who has my birth certificate that has both names and have been going with only one last name for the past few years. Will my birth certificate not matching my license cause them to deny me for a passport?

Answer: It is possible.

Middle name is spelled differently
by: Anonymous

Question: I always thought my middle name was Diane. My work history, s.s. card, everything is under Diane. Just got my birth certificate and my name is spelled Diana. Is this going to be a problem with my pension Soc .sec. etc. I am getting ready for retirement.

Answer: It should not be an issue since the names are derivatives of each other. However, it will be best to contact social security to find out for sure. With Real ID requirements, there may be an issue to address.

Real ID birth certificate
by: Anonymous

Question: Can my birth certificate be used for a real ID license if I provide my marriage certificate as well as divorce decree showing why my name is different?

Answer: Please contact the Department of Homeland Security regarding Real ID.

Name change help
by: Anonymous

Question: My daughter's social security card has her mother's last name, but her dad signed paternity affidavit so her birth certificate has his last name. How do i get her social security card name changed?

Answer: Please contact the Social Security Administration regarding your concern.

BC doesn't match DL & SS card
by: Lyn Stone Colton

Question: My birth certificate name is Marilyn Frances Stone. I have gone by Lyn since high school. When I married I dropped my BC middle name & used maiden name. All my documentation for 35+ years is Lyn Stone Colton. IRS uses AKA with birth name listed. I do not want to revert to Birth name for Real ID and I don't really want to change names through court while my mother is still alive. Why can't Real ID put AKA and my birth certificate name but keep DL under name I've used 35 yrs? If I had to legally change my name and amendment BC, wouldn't my mom have to change all her legal documents to my new legal name? How can I avoid this?

Answer: Your mother does not need to change her legal documents if you apply for a court-ordered name change.

Name change on id
by: Rayee Smith

Question: My name is Rayee Mia Smith Young on my birth certificate AND my ID but Rayee Mia Smith is on my social card. I want to keep the name on my social and change the name on my ID to match it. I know I would have to go to the DMV but must I change the name on my birth certificate first?

Answer: It is ideal to have all your identification documents (birth certificate, license, SS card, state ID, passport, etc.) match, especially because of Real ID. You either follow what's on your birth certificate or have your name legally change to what you prefer.

Middle name spelling
by: Anonymous

Question: My middle name on my birth certificate has one additional letter that is NOT on my DL, SSC, Marriage Certificate, etc. Will this be an issue in getting a passport or even a REAL ID?

Answer: Based on comments regarding Real ID issuance, you will most likely have issues if your birth certificate and IDs do not match.

Last name
by: Anonymous

Question: Hello. I want to correct my child’s last name. He is 14 almost 15 and has been using a different last name since he was born but I don’t have legal documents to prove it.

I only have report cards, insurance cards, state test results, food stamps, and mail in the new last name. He is a permanent resident and his card has his original last name so does the SSN card and the birth certificate.

I want to change the last name on the SSN card and when he becomes 16 he will get a US passport because his parents are citizens so I won’t have to worry about the resident card. Is it possible to use those as proof and documentation when going to the social security center?

Answer: Proof of legal name change is generally required. We specialize in passport issuance and have little to nil knowledge on SS cards. Please contact the social security office for answers to your questions.

Middle name
by: Anonymous

Question: My birth certificate does not have my middle name on it but my Social security card does Do I have to change anything? I am 52 years old and always thought my middle name was Marie just received my birth certificate from my mother in it does not have my middle name on it.

Answer: Because of Real ID, it is recommended that all your identification documents (birth certificates, IDs, passport, etc.) match. It is best to remove the middle name since it's not in your birth certificate.

Spanish and English names
by: John Berrelez

Question: My name on my Birth certificate is Juan but I use John as my name and that is the name on my social security card. Do I have to change my name legally to John?

Answer: There is no need since John is a common derivative of Juan.

Foster care records
by: Anonymous

Question: NY Foster care agency had me baptized and recorded my birth certificate registered with birth mothers last name. When I was 4 some private adoption took place and I lived with my foster family with their last name for 61 years -my drivers license and social security card and selective service card has my foster family's last name on it. I didn’t have proof of this until 2013 -can I still file for SS and get a passport if my BC has s totally different name?

Answer: As long as you can provide sufficient identification documents linking your birth certificate and IDs, you may apply for a passport. Otherwise, it is best to file for a legal name change to make things less complicated.

Daughter's Birth Certificate Missing The Father's name
by: Adrian

Question: What do I need to do to add my name to my daughter's birth certificate?

Answer: You need to go to court to establish paternity. Please speak to a lawyer regarding this.

Only have social security
by: Anonymous

Question: I have my social security but don’t have my birth certificate, what should I do?

Answer: You need to request for a copy of your birth certificate from the vital records office of the city/state you were born in.

Birth certificate
by: Anonymous

Question: My name on my birth certificate is missing a letter. My name on my birth certificate is Tmeeka but on my SS card Drivers license is Tameeka the correct spelling. And all of my life has been using this correct spelling. The only name I’ve ever used. Will I be able to get a passport?

Answer: Yes, you should be able to apply for a passport.

by: Anonymous

Question: My last name on my birth certificate is different from the name on my driver's license & social security card. My dad legally changed my last name to his last name when I was 17 years old. Will I be able to get a passport?

Answer: You should be able to apply for a passport as long as you can provide sufficient identification documents proving that the person in the birth certificate and the ID are one and the same.

First name misspelled on birth certificate.
by: Tavo

Question: My name is Octavio, however on the birth certificate it says Octavia. Will this keep me from getting a passport?

Answer: It will not hinder you from getting a passport but questions will arise since the error suggests a different gender. It is best that you have the error corrected on your birth certificate first before applying.

Two middle names
by: Anonymous

Question: I have two middle names. When I got my license at 16, the DMV only put one of my middle names on my license and they told me that it wouldn't matter. Will this affect me getting a passport?

Answer: It will not.

Missing one letters
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi , I'm missing one letter(E) on my Naturalization Certificate (Abdouramane) but on my driver license and SSC, the E is there. Can I apply for a passport? The missing E on my naturalization Certificate is because when I received my green card, my name was too long to be in so they left the E off. I wrongly filled my N400 and after I got approved, my certificate of naturalization is missing the E.

Answer: Yes, you may apply for a passport.

Passport Question
by: Anonymous

Question: My DL has my married last name and my birth certificate has maiden name. Do I have to bring Marriage certificate?

Answer: The marriage certificate may be required but if the details in your birth certificate and ID match up, they should suffice.

First name different on my birth certificate from SS Card and ID
by: Anonymous

Question: My first name on my birth certificate is spelled Felipe but all my other documents it is spelled Philip. Will I still be able to get a passport? And what name will they put on it Felipe or Philip?

Answer: Yes, you can still apply for a passport. Felipe and Philip are common derivatives so there should be no issues. The passport will be issued in Philip if the ID/s you present bear said name.

Last name is different due to father's citizenship name change
by: Anonymous

Question: I was born to a married couple in 1965. I will be 55 this year. My mother was a US born citizen and my father was not. My birth certificate shows my father's full last name at that time.

When my father became a naturalized US citizen I was only a few years old. My father had his last name shortened legally and I have the paperwork. I grew up my entire life using his shortened legal name. I am now being denied the Real ID in Illinois because the shortened name is on my drivers license but my birth certificate shows the longer name. Note the base spelling of the name was not changed, just dropped off four letters (legally). What are my options to get this corrected? Never knew it might be an issue until I tried to get the Real ID.

Answer: You may have to have your birth certificate amended to carry your current last name. Please contact the vital records office of the city/state you were born in for more information.

Misspelled first name
by: Anonymous

Question: My first name on birth certificate is Dory. I don’t have anything with that name everything is with Doris: SS, driver’s license, military career, schools, DD214. Need copy of birth certificate. Will this create a problem? I was born in NY.

Answer: Please contact the New York vital records office regarding your concern.

Mother Changed My Name as an Infant, but Not Legally
by: Anonymous

Question: My mother changed my middle and last names when I was an infant. My Birth Certificate has my biological father's name. The name given to me by my mother has been used for my SS, DL, Military Records, Marriage License, School Records, literally every identifying document in my life. I have NEVER used by Birth Certificate name. I now need a passport. What can I do? I heard something about an affidavit and witnesses? How does that work?

Answer: The passport will be issued in the name you enter in the application as long as you can provide sufficient identification documents bearing said name. Questions may arise so be prepared to present at least 5 documents bearing your name. Please contact the NPIC at 1-877-487-2778 for more information.

Middle name spelled wrong on birth certificate
by: Anonymous

Question: My mom has been using the middle name "Jean" all her life (73 years) and only recently learned that on the official birth record with the state it is spelled "Gene"

How can she get a passport quickly using the incorrectly spelled middle name. All her documents have it spelled Jean.

Answer: Yes, she can since the names are common derivatives of each other.

First name spelled differently on birth certificate from all other documents
by: Anonymous

Question: My first name is spelled Denise on my birth certificate. My entire life my family spelled my name Denece. My drivers license, social security card and all other records use Denece. Will I be able to get my passport providing my birth certificate and drivers licence? It's the same name just two letters different.

Answer: Yes, you should still be able to apply for a passport.

My last name on my USA birth Cert doesn't match SS# and passport.
by: Anonymous

Question: I was born in the USA, in my birth certificate my name appears with both my fathers and my mothers last names but all my other documents SS,Passport, state ID only have my fathers. How did this happen and how do I change it so my birth certificate matches all of my other documents?

Answer: You need to contact the city/state vital records office regarding your birth certificate.

Last name on Birth Cert. different from SSC and Driver License
by: Anonymous

Question: Im looking into getting my passport. I got married in 1992 and my last name changed to my married husbands last name. I have since got divorced, but kept my ex-husbands last name. I have the divorce decree - certified but I no longer have the marriage certificate. Is the divorce decree, SSC, and a Valid drivers license with my ex-husbands last name enough evidence/proof that my last name is different from my birth certificate? Or do I need my marriage cert. even though I’m divorce to prove my last name is different from my birth Certificate?

Answer: The passport should be issued in the old married last name as long as your IDs also bear said name.

First name on BC never used
by: Anonymous

Question: I'm a senior citizen, I have never in my whole life used my birth certificate first name. My DL, my SS and although school it was never used, nor do I identify with it. I was an adult before I ever saw it. Can I get a passport with my middle name or must I legally remove my first name?

Answer: You can get one in your middle name as long as it is supported by your

Last name on birth certificate different from dl,San, medical records voter card
by: Anonymous

Question: I was born out of wedlock and my mother's maiden name is on my birth certificate which is the last name I go by but on my birth certificate. The last name I use is under my father's last name. Could I still get a passport?

Answer: Yes, you can. The passport will be issued in the name you enter in the application form as long as it is supported by the ID you present with it. However, passport services may ask for more identification documents bearing said name that are at least 5 years old.

Different name in birth certificate for my 4 yr old son
by: Shavez

Question: My wife and I got my 4-year-old son's name changed using court order in Dallas, Texas. But his birth certificate change is going to take 4 months. We just cannot wait that long. My son has to travel urgently much sooner than that. Can we apply for his passport using birth certificate having old name and court order demonstrating the change or link between old and new name?

Answer: Hello, Shavez. This may be possible as long as all requirements are in order. Please contact the NPIC at 1-877-487-2778 to discuss the situation further.

Thank you in advance.

Birth Certificate does not have middle initial I use
by: Anonymous

Question: My birth certificate has my first and last name only.

When I was confirmed in the catholic church they gave me a middle name. I have always used the middle initial for everything since then. So my drivers license, mortgage, and all documents have that middle initial but my birth certificate does not.

Answer: It should be okay since your identification documents has the middle initial.

Will this be a problem with getting my passport?

My Son has a Name Change

Question: My 4 yr old Son's has his old name as SHAZAAN ISRAR, new name: SHEZAAN ISMAIL. I have certified court order demonstrating the same. His birth certificate, however, has old name and his old passport has old name. I am planning to apply for new passport using the birth certificate (old name), certified court order and his old passport, along with both parents' identity photocopies. Will this be okay?

Answer: There will be no need to present the old passport.

Letter in different place
by: Anonymous

Question: My name on my birth certificate is different from my SSC. My name on birth certificate has Lotaya and my SSC has Latoya. Will it be a problem to get an ID?

Answer: It will depend on the requirements imposed by the office you are applying an ID from.

Name does not match ID and SSC
by: Anonymous

Question: My mother legally changed my name when I was a child. Since then I have married and had it changed again. My name matches my ID and SSC, will I be approved to get my passport with my Birth Certificate not matching my documents?

Answer: As long as you can provide proof of the name change when you were a child, you should be okay.

One letter on middle name is different on birth certificate than every other document I use
by: Anonymous

Question: Wondering if I can still get my passport if the spelling on my middle name on my birth certificate is different than every other document that I have always used in my life. Only one letter is different. What do I do?

Answer: It should not be an issue.

Last name on Birth certificate is different from DL, SSN, Medical Insurances
by: Anonymous

Question: My dad was born out of wedlock and his mother’s maiden name is on his Birth Certificate. They later married and my dad has used his fathers last name since he was very young. Will he be able to apply for a passport?

Answer: Yes, he can.

Social and drivers license
by: Anonymous

Question: My birth certificate middle name "Sue" does not match my social or drivers license middle name "Lee" as it was a mistake more than a decade ago in paperwork. Will this pose a problem in applying for a passport?

Answer: It will not as long as the name you enter in the application is supported by the identification document you submit.

Birth Certificate name different to the IDs
by: Anonymous

Question: Hello,

Me and my wife are expecting a baby who is going to be born in California. My question is: Can we add both last names (mine and hers) in the birth certificate but then for the just hers for the IDSS, SSN, Passport? We want to have both last names in the birth certificate but I want my daughter to have her mothers name in all the IDs.

Answer: It might pose problems if the names do not match on the get-go.

Middle Name not on Birth certificate, but it is on my driver's license
by: Anonymous

Question: I have a trip to Mexico coming up and I applied for my passport the other day. I wasn't given a middle name at birth, my mom gave me mine at age 13. I have used it since on my drivers driver's license and other things. When I applied for my passport, I just used my first and last name, and am now worried it will cause an issue.

Will it?

Answer: It should not. Should questions arise, you will be contacted by passport services by mail or email or both.

Middle Name Change
by: Anonymous

Question: When I got my birth certificate my middle was Roberta I did not know this I go by baptismal name Agnes. How do I get my middle name changed on my birth certificate from Roberta to Agnes?

Answer: You may contact the city/state vital records office regarding your concern.

Name on passport does not match birth certificate
by: Anonymous

Question: I applied for my passport and put down my legal name, however when I received it in the mail they missed one letter of my legal name, should I get this corrected?

Answer: Yes. Corrections are processed as a free expedited service. Please mail the following to the address on the form:

1. DS-5504
2. Current passport with error
3. Proof of the correct data (birth certificate)
4. Signed statement explaining the error
5. One new passport photo

Birth certificate
by: Anonymous

Question: When my son was born, the hospital put my last name as my husband’s and my maiden name on his birth certificate. I haven’t changed my name to my husbands but my son’s birth certificate shows that I have, how will I get my son’s passport if it shows two different type of last names? How do I show them I’m the same person/the mother?

Answer: You may have to have the birth certificate corrected to reflect your correct name. Please contact the NPIC at 1-877-487-2778 for more information regarding the matter.

New last name by marriage but can’t find my previous passport
by: Kara

Question: Hello!

Needing an updated passport to reflect new last name by marriage but I’m unable to find my previous passport with maiden name. Can I use the DS-11 form and just bring my marriage license and new SS card to the appointment?

Answer: Hi, Kara. You can definitely submit a new passport application. However, your marriage license will not serve any purpose. If required, you need to submit the original or a certified copy of your marriage certificate as evidence of legal name change.

Multi marriages
by: Suzanne

Question: I have been married twice, so of course my birth certificate is different than my current name. My last marriage license has my first married name on it since I didn't change my name back to my maiden name after my divorce. And I no longer have my marriage license from my first marriage. What do I need to get my first passport. I still have my SSN card though.

Answer: Since this is your first passport application, you may apply with just your ID bearing your current legal name. The passport will be issued in the name you enter in the application form as long as other details like your first name, birth date and birth place match up.

Birth certificate doesn't match
by: Anonymous

Question: When I was 14 years old my mother went to court and legally had my last name changed to my step-father's last name. However, she never got my birth certificate amended. I am now 19 years old and plan to go out of the country in a few months, but have a limited time to get my passport. The process of getting my birth certificate changed will take about 2-3 months, and I do not have enough time for that. My trip date is not flexible. Is there any possible way for me to get my passport using my legal last name by submitting my original birth certificate and the certified court order name change, or is it impossible?

Question: It is not impossible.

Birth certificate doesn’t match
by: Tammy

Question: My husband changed his name to his first wife’s last name at the time of marriage and kept her last name after the divorce so his current last name doesn’t match the last name on his birth certificate. His social security card, current California ID and our wedding certificate all have the name he changed it to at his first marriage. He also had a passport 20 years ago that’s long lost and doesn’t remember if it was issued under the old name or the current name. Is there a way to renew his passport? Should we need to apply for a new one, will he be able to get a passport if his birth certificate doesn’t match his current name?

Answer: To simplify the matter, it is best that he apply for a court ordered name change before applying for a passport. Please contact the NPIC at 1-877-487-2778 for more information.

Discrepancies of Names
by: Anonymous

Question: My mom remarried when I was 7. She changed my name to reflect my step father's last name, but not legally. She kept my original last name as my middle name,

Birth Cert Lixx Fraxxxx Cahxxx

CA State D/L (1978) Lixx Cahxxx DiXxxx

My Soc Security Card (approx 1977) Lixx DiXxxx

My mom and half-sister have known me 57 and 47 years respectively are filing name change affidavits.

My records for using Lixx Cahxxxx DiXita (or Lixx C DiXxxx or Lixx XxXxxx) include social security card, Drivers License, SSI/SSDI, Medicare Card, Medi-Cal card, Metro Disabled Tap Card, and numerous debit and credit cards.

I don't wish to legally *change* my name to the name I've used for the past 50 years.

Will my affidavits sufficient and records be sufficient?

I fear earlier records will be difficult/impossible to obtain (grammar school stated sent to high school and high school said *maybe* on microfiche.

Answer: The affidavits and identification documents should be sufficient. Please contact the NPIC at 1-877-487-2778 for more information.

AKA on Passport and Real ID Act (four names using latter three)
by: Anonymous

Question: My work history has used the latter three of four names given to me. These three appear on my Social Security card and driver's license and all financial records (well, all four appear on real estate records), airline records, voter registration, banking records, US income tax returns, and more. However, an additional first name appears on my birth certificate (and passport). Out of respect for my namesakes, I do not want to remove any of the four names, as per a court-ordered name change (to use the latter three). I would like to get an AKA name on my passport that lists just the latter three names. Is this possible with the Real ID Act? How would it work with getting a Real ID Act compliant driver's license? (I do have a US Passport Card and so could travel by air using all four names.)

Answer: Please contact the NPIC at 1-877-487-2778 regarding your concern.

Nobody can find my adoption papers. Can I still get my passport?
by: Anonymous

Question: I was born in Germany on a US military base. My birth parents were US citizens. I have my consular born abroad certificate showing my birth mother's name. I was adopted 2 years later in Washington state. My social security card had my adoptive parents last name. I got married and have my marriage license, updated drivers license and social sec. card all with my married name. I have been trying to get my passport but have been told I need my adoption papers to tie me to my adoptive parents. The county I was adopted in can't locate them, nor can Washington DC. What else can I do?

Answer: Please contact the NPIC at 1-877-487-2778 regarding your situation.

First name on birth certificate dropped
by: Jerry

Question: My wife’s first name on her birth certificate was dropped when we were married 45 years ago. All of her other ID, SS, marriage certificate, Medicare card, etc show her middle name, maiden name, and married name. What’s the best avenue to get either a passport or Real ID so she can fly after Oct 2020?

Answer: If your wife can provide sufficient identification bearing the name she enters in the application form, the passport will most likely be issued in that name. Please call the NPIC at 1-877-487-2778 for more information.

Spanish to English
by: Anonymous

Question: I go by my English name but my Spanish name is on the birth certificate. Do I need to change it?

Answer: Not necessarily. If you can provide sufficient identification bearing the name you enter in the application form, the passport will most likely be issued in that name. Note, however, that the agent who processes your application will have the final say on what name will be printed on your passport.

Loan default of certain government loans.
by: onymous

Question: I have a question. Can you be denied for a passport if you defaulted on a FHA or SBA many years ago? And they did file a claim to collect the collateral?

But they never sent a satisfactory statement saying was satisfied for the debt. What if it is still showing without any notifications? Can l be denied a passport for that reason if it shows not satisfied?

Answer: Passport applications may be denied if the applicant may be in serious federal debt. Please contact the NPIC at 1-877-487-2778 for more information.

Middle Name
by: Anonymous

Question: I have been using a middle name as long as I can remember but I was not given one on my birth certificate. I am 67 years old and my first passport at age 18 had my middle name. All my social security/medicare and civil service records (including my retirement check) have my middle name. When I moved from Virginia to Colorado I was told due to real ID my Colorado driver's license would not have my middle name or initial because my last passport (with my middle name) was expired. Now nothing agrees with my driver's license. What should I do?

Answer: It is ideal that all your documents bear your legal name. Since your birth certificate does not have the assumed middle name, you may use it to change the name on your passport and other documents.

Absent father's last name
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi I am about to turn 17 this week. I have my biological father's last name and mother's name as well but my biological father never signed my birth certificate and has been an absent parent pretty much all of my life. I do have his last name. My stepfather who I see and has raised me as his child wants to adopt me so i can have his last name legally. What's the best and easiest way to do this process to take off my absent parent's last name and then get adopted by my stepdad? Is it better to wait till am 18 or do it now?

Answer: We do not have information on adoption and name changes thereafter. Please contact an attorney or the local vital records office regarding your question.

I was adopted by my stepdad and my name is also different
by: Sandra

Question: I was born in New Jersey and my birth father was abusive to my mother. She left him when I was 14 months old. She then met my stepdad and married him. She never married my real dad and so I was raised by my stepdad and my mom with his name. My social security card shows his name so I have nothing to show NJ Dept of Health to prove who I am. All of my relatives are now dead and I'm about to lose everything due to lack of proper identification. Requesting a name change is pointless since I am married now. What can I do legally? Can I write my own affidavit? Do I need an attorney? Should I contact a state representative?

Answer: You need to speak to an attorney to find out what legal actions you can take.

Passport & Birth Certificate first name doesn’t match all other legal documents
by: Anonymous

Question: I’m getting married in the Bahamas in less than 5 weeks and was just told that my identification documents won’t be acceptable. I dropped my first name after marriage back in July 2011. I did so through SS Office. I’ve NEVER used my 1st name, only my middle name, so the clerk told me I could just drop it and use my middle, maiden & new last name. From this point forward, my Social Security Card, SC Drivers License, all tax forms from the US Government, bank documents, etc., all have my "new" name. I never had to go through the courts & never had an "official" stamped/ sealed document stating my name change.

So now, with only weeks left before leaving for the Bahamas, my passport and BC does not match.
What in the world can I do from here?

Answer: You may still travel with your passport as long as you book tickets in the name that appears in it. It seems to me that the issue lies with the local laws so it is best that you contact the office that certifies marriages in the Bahamas for advice on the matter.

First name spelled wrong on birth certificate
by: Anonymous

Question: There is a minor spelling issue on birth certificate and social security card. It’s spelled on these records incorrectly as Aleisa, but is actually Aleisha. Can I have my passport corrected to show the correct spelling? I have only gone by this correct spelling my whole life.

Answer: Ideally, you should apply for a correction on your birth certificate. While you need to provide your SS number on the application form, you probably won't need to show your card.

If the correct name is on your primary identification document (e.g., driver's license), there shouldn't be a problem.

You can request Aleisha on your passport application but there is no guarantee it will be accepted. Passport Services has the last say which name is printed in the passport based on documents submitted.

If you do not want to correct the BC first and do not have primary ID in the correct name, we recommend that you include a short letter with the application and a few early public records with the correct spelling, if you have them.

Maiden Name
by: Anonymous

Question: My birth certificate has my maiden name and my drivers license has my married name (even though I'm divorced). Will this be a problem for getting a passport?

Answer: It will not be as long as you can provide sufficient proof that you are one and the same person. Details like birth date/place must match on both documents. Also, passport services may request for other documents showing that you have used the name you enter in your application for at least 5 years.

Wrong birth month on driver's license
by: Anonymous

Question: Will I be able to get a passport if my driver's license has February 18, 1962 as my birthday but all my other documents say March 18, 1962?

Answer: Details in your documents must match up in order for there to be no questions regarding your identity. You may still proceed with applying for your passport but you need to present a combination of secondary IDs bearing the correct birth date instead of your license.

California Common law name change
by: Anonymous

Question: My name on my birth certificate is completely different from the name that I have used for the last 37 years. About 37 years ago, I used the Common Law Method in California to change my full name. I surrendered all of my official documents i.e. SS card, driver's license and notified all official agencies, IRS, Franchise Tax Board, DMV, Hospital, and Employment. These agencies changed my name and issued IDs in my current name. I did not go through the court because the Common Law Usage Method is considered legal. I do not have ID or any records in my old name. My college records were also changed and my degrees and transcripts were issued in my current name. Can I still get a passport?

Answer: Yes, you can. Since all your documents and IDs have your current name, the passport should be issued in that name as well.

Birth name different from name used entire life
by: Anonymous

Question: I am 60 years old and recently found out that my name on my birth certificate is different from the name I have used for 60 years. I am about to go on a cruise and will not have time to change my name. What other documentation could I take me besides birth certificate with one name and drivers license with another name?

Answer: You can bring IDs and other verifiable documents like credit card statements, mortgage records, traffic tickets, etc. that are at least 5 years old.

Name on SS card is slightly different from the birth certificate.
by: Anonymous

Question: If my birth certificate, drivers license, and passport all say Micheal, but my SS card says Mike, what do I do to change my SS card to Micheal?

Answer: Please contact social security regarding your SS card name change.

Middle name
by: Anonymous

Question: My middle name was changed after I was born. My license and SS card are both the new middle name but my birth certificate says the old name. Can I get a passport or do I need to legally change my middle name?

Answer: The passport will be issued in the name you enter in the form as long as it matches either your birth certificate or primary ID (driver's license). However, passport services may ask for more documents that are at least 5 years old bearing the name you enter in the application form so best be prepared for that as well.

Last name ends in a different letter
by: AnonyMmous

Question: My father used a different spelling of his last name with an s at the end instead of a z, which is his actual spelling. So as his first child, that is what I went by all of my life. I am 51 now, and wish to apply for a passport. Now he won't help me to prove I use an s, since he started using it with a z as well. My credit, my children's records, all say s. What should I do?

Answer: The letter difference should not be a problem as long as you can provide sufficient identification bearing the name you enter in the application form.

First Name is now a First and Middle Name
by: Anonymous

Question: I live in California. My passport, driver's license and all my documents forever are under Annemarie as one word. Upon getting my REAL ID this week, I realized the name on my birth certificate is Anne Marie as a first and middle name and the REAL ID was issued as Anne Marie. When I go to get a passport, can I get it under Annemarie or does it have to be Anne Marie and will this cause issues?

Answer: Since both your citizenship document (birth certificate) and ID have Anne Marie, the passport will most likely be issued in that name.

Missing one letter on my first name
by: Anonymous

Question: Well I have a problem applying for ID or passport.

Answer: You need to take care of the error on your ID first. You need an ID to apply for a passport.

My name
by: Anonymous

Question: My middle name is spelled wrong and different on my ID.

Answer: It might be questioned and you may be required to provide additional identification documents.

Birth certificate problem
by: Anonymous

Question: In my birth certificate and in ID I am missing a "u" in my last name but the correct spelling is in my social security card. Can I apply for a passport and get the correct spelling or do I have to wait to correct my last name on my birth certificate?

Answer: It will be best to have your birth certificate corrected first to avoid any complications with your passport application.

Last name
by: Mister M

Question: The name on my certificate of naturalization has my first name, father’s last name and mother's last name. All my other legal documents (DL, SS) only have my first name and father's last name. I just applied for my first passport. I entered only my first name and father's last name on my application which is the same on my Driver's license. Will this cause an issue in getting a passport?

Answer: The passport will be issued in the name you entered in the application since it is supported by your driver's license.

by: Carey

Question: I was adopted by my maternal grandparents. My last name on my drivers license is theirs. Can I use my original birth certificate to travel when my drivers license has my mother’s last name? I travel in two weeks. I don’t have time to contact the office of vital statistics for my revised birth certificate.

Answer: If you are traveling internationally, you need a valid passport card. If it's domestic, you may use your license if it's Real ID compliant--just make sure you book your tickets in the name that appears in it.

Birth Certificate last name
by: Anonymous

Question: My parents were not married when I was born. So my mother applied for my birth certificate with her maiden name. Soon after, my parents married and my mother legally changed my name to my father's last name but my birth certificate still has my mother's maiden name. What could I do to fix this? Any suggestions will help.

Answer: If you have proof of legal name change and your IDs bear your name with your father's last name, you may apply for a passport. It will be issued in the name you enter in the form since it will be supported by your ID and proof of legal name change.

If you do not have proof, you will be asked to send additional documents which MAY take time. Still, the passport will be issued if the documents you present are enough to prove that the person in the birth certificate and the ID are one and the same.

by: Jocelyn

Question: My first name is spelled differently on birth certificate than on my DL and SSC. Will that be an issue when applying for a passport? On my BC they have it as Jocelynn but on my newer documents (name change from marriage) it is spelled Jocelyn (1 N).

Answer: The small difference in spelling should not be an issue.

First and Middle Names Missing on Birth Certificate
by: AnonymJoeous

Question: I was recently refused the new "real" NY Drivers License because my NY Birth Certificate does not have my first and middle names on it. Only my last name appears. I served in the US Marine Corps, National Guard, owned homes and work for the US Government and have a Government ID. Still refused. Since I never needed it in the past and now that I am 63 I want to travel. How do you put name on certificate after age one as NYC requires?

Answer: Please contact the DMV for concerns regarding Real ID.

Different middle name on birth certificate
by: Anonymous

Question: The middle name on my birth certificate is Annie. My whole life I have used Anne. Do I need to change all my documents?

Answer: It is ideal but not necessary.

Jr. Vs. III
by: Anonymous

Question: My birth certificate says "Jr" but my Social Security Card says "III". Will this affect me getting a passport? It's already causing an issue at the DMV trying to get a non-driver's ID.

Answer: It is possible since Jr. and III are not the same.

Lost passport name change
by: Anonymous

Question: I lost my passport and reported it already, filling out the necessary forms online. I am going to apply for a new one however I’ve legally changed my name since. My birth certificate does not reflect my new name change both first and middle name but I have court orders and my license and social security reflect the change. Will this be sufficient to prove both my identity and U.S. citizenship? I’d rather not change my birth certificate if I don’t need to.

Answer: The documents you have should suffice for the application.

I need a certified copy of my birth certificate
by: Anonymous

Question: I changed my middle name years ago when I had to replace a lost Social Security Card. I was told that I could do so at the office, and nothing more was needed . My middle initial is on the SSC, and spelled out completely on my Drivers license, Passport, Military records, marriage, banking, credit card, etc. Vital statistics says that I need a name change form , because the middle name is different from the birth certificate . I am in my 50s, and have used this name since the SS office said I could make the change when I replaced the lost card when I was about 13 years old.

Answer: Please contact the vital records office of the city/state where you were born regarding your concern.

Birth certificate
by: Anonymous

Question: the last name on my birth certificate is different from the name on my ID and social security card. I also never been married. Will I have problems getting a passport.

Answer: There will potentially be questions since there is a discrepancy in the last names. This should be solved if you can provide evidence of legal name change.

Birth certificate name differs from all my legal documents.
by: Anonymous

Question: My name was changed before I started school. My mother decided that I would not take my birth certificate name, but take her fathers last name. So, now I’ve been using this name which is on all my legal documents. My issue is my last name is not the same as my legal name. I can’t get a passport because of it, especially now with all the extra security precautions. I want to keep my legal name and not change my birth certificate. Is there a form or affidavit stating that the person on my birth certificate is the same person on my legal documents?

Answer: Please consult a lawyer regarding your concern.

Given Names Different On Birth Certificate
by: Anonymous

Question: I was given four names at birth; later (before entering school) the first name was changed, second name was dropped, and the third (now the middle) is spelled slightly differently (by two letters). Surname is the same. I have used the latter all of my life; everything (drivers license, SS etc.) is in that name.

How do I proceed in getting a passport? I don't have any paper work re the name change.

Please advise.

Answer: The passport will be issued in the name you enter in the form as long as it matches the name on the ID you present with the application.

Middle name/initial issue
by: Anonymous

Question: My passport has my full middle name spelled out. My divorce decree has my middle name abbreviated. Egyptian marriage law will not accept the documents. It is not possible to change the divorce decree to spell out my middle name. Can I change my passport to abbreviate my middle name to match my divorce decree? This is the only thing that is preventing us from marriage. Thank you.

Answer: Yes, you can.

Birth Certificate has Jr and social does not
by: Anonymous

Question: How do I go about fixing this issue? My son cannot get his permit because of this.

Answer: You need to change the name on our Social Security card.

by: C Varela

Question: Recently got a copy of my Birth Certificate and it says Ruby Fernandez. I’ve use the name Cynthia Varela (married name). I’m now 59 years of age. All my legal DL and SS have Cynthia Varela. Can I still apply for a passport?

Answer: Yes, you can. However, since the first names are different, you will need to submit proof of legal name change.

Name on birth certificate doesn’t match DL and SSC
by: Anonymous

Question: My name on my birth certificate is Christine Nicole Serrano. I have always used Kristina Nicole Serrano. My drivers license, marriage license, professional license, social security card all show Kristina as my name. Will I have a problem getting a passport?

Answer: You will not. The passport will be issued in the name you enter in the application form as long as it is supported by the ID/s you present with it.

JR not added
by: Anonymous

Question: My husband is trying to get his passport. His birth certificate has JR on it but his state ID does not. Will this hold things up?

Answer: It should not as long as the other details add up. Also, I recommend that he include a signed statement explaining why he wants the name he enters in his application form.

Stepfather's last name
by: Anonymous

Question: I have my stepfather's last name due to him and my mom being married at the time of my birth. I filled out the paperwork with my biological dad's information as my father but all my information (DL and birth records) all have my stepfather's last name.

Answer: Questions may arise but if you can provide an explanation, a passport should still be issued to you.

Legal Name Change
by: Anonymous

Question: I just underwent a legal name change, will a copy of my old birth certificate work along with a copy of the court order of a name change? Or do I need to get my birth certificate changed?

Answer: The court order should suffice. Also, you need to present an ID bearing your new name.

Misspelled Middle Name
by: Micheal

Question: I am trying to get a passport but my middle name on my birth certificate and social security card doesn't match. It was misspelled on my birth certificate.

Answer: The passport will be issued in the spelling you enter in the form as long as it matches the ID/s you present with the application.

Driver's license and SS card don't match
by: D

Question: My grandmother is trying to get a passport but the name on her driver's license doesn't match the spelling of her first name on her SS card. Because her birth certificate is hand written it is hard to tell how her name is spelled.. Can she still get a passport with her driver's license and SS card spelled differently?

Answer: Yes, she can apply for a passport. If she presents her driver's license and enters her name on the application they way it is spelled in it, the passport will be issued in that name.

Trying to get my birth certificate
by: Anonymous

Question: The first name on my birth certificate doesn't match the name I've used for years. How can I get a copy of my birth certificate?

Answer: Please contact the vital records office of the city or state you were born in regarding your birth certificate.

Birth certificate for cruise
by: T Allen

Question: Hello! Does your birth certificate have to match your driver's license for a cruise?

Answer: It does not have to match the name exactly buy other details should provide a connection between both documents like the birth date and birth place (if applicable).

Birth certificate and SS card do not match
by: Anonymous

Question: I am trying to get a passport and ID but my social security card doesn’t match what I have on my birth certificate. I have 2 middle names and 2 last names but he card only shows my first and 1 last name. Will I have to fix this?

Answer: Yes, we recommend fixing the issue before applying for other forms of identification.

Birth certificate
by: Anonymous

Question: They won't issue me a copy of my birth certificate because my social security card and ID don't match it. My birth certificate shows that I have my father's last name and my social security card and ID shows that I have my mother's last name. They say it's like I don't exist and they can not give it to me. I have been going by her last name since I known. Both of my parents are now deceased. What can I do?

Answer: We specialize on U.S. passport issuance and therefore cannot advise you on the matter. Please contact the vital records office of the city or state you were born in for a resolution to your issue.

First name on birth certificate is different
by: Anonymous

Question: All of my legal proofs of ID, every single one, do not have the first name that is on my birth certificate. Can I get a passport?

Answer: Yes, you can. The passport will be issued in the name you enter in the application as long as the details on your birth certificate and ID/s match up.

Certificate of Naturalization
by: Anonymous

Question: Can I get a certificate of naturalization if I already have a passport? I am a non-US born.

Answer: Please contact the USCIS for a copy of your Naturalization Certificate.

Letter missing in last name on birth certificate
by: J Bargilione

Question: The last name on my birth certificate is missing an I. Will I still be able to obtain a passport?

Answer: You may still apply for a passport. However, it would be best to have the birth certificate error corrected to avoid issues and delays because of the name.

Date of birth
by: Anonymous

Question: I was born in 1996. However, the DMV put 1995 on my driver's license. Will this be an issue while trying to get my passport?

Answer: It could be. Please have the error corrected on your license before applying for a passport.

Gender on birth certificate is wrong
by: Anonymous

Question: My gender on my birth certificate is listed as a male. This is an error by the hospital. All of my documents says female including drivers license. Would this be an issue while getting a passport?

Answer: It may be an issue. It is best to have the birth certificate corrected before applying for a passport.

by: Anonymous

Question: My birth certificate had my full middle name but my permit only has the initial. Would that be a problem?

Answer: No, it will not.

English names on DL and Spanish names on birth certificate
by: Anonymous

Question: My state issued birth certificate has my first name as Jorge and my middle name as Eduardo, but I use George Edward on my DL. My last name is the same on both. Will I have an issue with the names being spelled differently on these two forms of identity?

Answer: Questions may arise but as long as the details on your birth certificate and ID match up, you should be issued a passport in the name you enter in the application form.

DL is different from SS
by: Anonymous

Question: I got married and changed my name on my drivers license but not my social security card. Can I still apply for a passport?

Answer: Yes, you can. Your driver's license is your primary ID so the name on your SS card should not be an issue.

Letters in my name are switched
by: Anonymous

Question: I got a U.S. passport 2 years ago because my green card expired and during that process, my green card was taken, which had the correct spelling. How can I change the spelling of my name if it's wrong on my passport and drivers license? However it is correct on my birth certificate, but the birth certificate is non-US. I don't have a certificate of naturalization.

Answer: Please contact passport services at 1-877-487-2778 regarding your concern.

DL Different than SS Card
by: Anonymous

Question: I recently got married and changed my name. I kept my maiden name and my middle name, meaning I now have 4 names. My driver's license came back though only reflecting 3 of my names while my SS card has all 4 of my names. Can I apply for my passport with just 3 names? How does this work? Will I need a new DL? I'm planning to travel in about 6 months so I would like to resolve issue very soon.

Answer: The passport will be issued in the name you enter in the application as long as it is supported by your primary proof of identity.

JR not on Birth Certificate but on ID's
by: Anonymous

Question: My birth certificate says my name without a the JR suffix. All my other documents (license, SS, etc.) all say JR. Will this stop my passport?

Answer: No, it will not.

Different spelling
by: Anonymous

Question: My birth certificate last name says Lomuscio Jr and my social security card and drivers license has Lomusico. Will I have a problem getting my passport?

Answer: Most likely not as long as the name on your application is supported by either your birth certificate or driver's license.

Letters in my name are switched
by: Anonymous

Question: I got a U.S. passport 2 years ago because my green card expired and during that process, my green card was taken, which had the correct spelling. How can I change the spelling of my name if it's wrong on my passport and drivers license? However it is correct on my birth certificate, but the birth certificate is non-US.

Answer: You can send your naturalization certificate as proof of the correct data.

My first name is spelled wrong on my birth certificate
by: Anonymous

Question: My first name is spelled wrong on my birth certificate and does not match my drivers license and SSN. My correct first name is Melissa and birth certificate states Ulelissa. Will this prevent me from getting a passport?

Answer: It will not. The passport will be issued with Melissa as your first name since your primary ID (driver's license) supports it.

Birth record missing middle name
by: Anonymous

Question: I recently found out my middle name is not on my birth record. It’s on my birth certificate from the hospital, my social security card, drivers license and all financial papers. I already purchased airline tickets with the middle name. I’m waiting for my passport will they put my middle name? I entered it on the passport application. I’m stressing out.

Answer: There's no need to stress over it. The passport will most likely be issued in the name you entered in the application form as long as it is supported by your identification document.

SS card and Birth Certificate don't match
by: Kristi

Question: I tried to renew my license and was told I can't because my social security card still says my maiden name on it, Anderson. My license has already been renewed once with my married name and my passport says my married name. I sent in my passport, birth certificate and marriage license to the SS office to get my married name on my SS card and they sent a letter back saying that my maiden name doesn't match their records. I reviewed my birth certificate, it says Anderson-Beck and the SS card says Anderson. How was a SS card ever issued to me as a baby that didn't match my birth certificate? How do I go about fixing this as I can't keep driving around without a license.

Answer: Hi, Kristi. We specialize in the issuance of passports. Your questions will be best answered by the DMV or Social Security.

Names different on birth certificate
by: J Smith

Question: The name on my birth certificate is my father's last name of Williams. When I was young, my mother remarried and applied for my social security card with her new married name Smith. So my social security and drivers license are Smith. All of my school records, bank records home records everything has always been the same as my drivers license and my social security card Smith. Will there be a problem getting my passport, I have a cruise in 3 months.

Answer: The new passport will be issued in the name you enter in the application as long as it is supported by the name on your ID. If questions arise, you can present all documents bearing Smith as your last name to prove your identity.

Social security card

Question: The name on my birth certificate & my social security card do not match. My birth certificate has my name but it's missing Lee after Becky. DO I have to fix my social security card to match my birth certificate?

Answer: It is ideal.

Letters in my name are switched
by: Anonymous

Question: I got a passport 2 years ago because my green card expired and during that process, my green card was taken, which had the correct spelling. How can I change the spelling of my name if it's wrong on my passport and drivers license? However it is correct on my birth certificate, but the birth certificate is non-US.

Answer: Are you using a U.S. passport?

by: Anonymous

Question: On my birth certificate and Social Security card there is a hyphen between my two last names, but on my drivers license there is no hyphen. Will that be a problem when getting a passport? Thank you.

Answer: It should not be a problem.

Middle name and middle initial don't match
by: Anonymous

Question: My name on my SS and birth certificate is Shirley Ann(middle name). After I married, I changed my last name. But all through life I dropped "Ann", and used L. as my middle initial which was the first letter of my maiden name. What do I do now to get a passport and the new TSA real ID?

Answer: You may enter the name you currently on the application form. The passport will be issued in that name as long as it is supported by your identification document. If you do not have an ID that bears the name you currently use, you need to apply for an ID first. Please contact the DMV regarding your Real ID.

Birth Certificate
by: William

Question: My birth certificate shows a Jr. after my name which was an error by the hospital when I was born and unfortunately my parents never corrected. Now I want to apply for a passport and all my other legal documents (ID, social security. Etc.) show my first and last name with no Jr. What would I need to do to make sure that my passport just has my first and last name and no Jr. at the end?

Answer: The passport will be issued in the name you enter in the form as long as it is supported by the primary ID you present with the application. It may also help if you include a signed request for the suffix to be omitted from your passport.

Need to get a passport
by: Anonymous

Question: My first name is spelled incorrectly on my birth certificate, but on my SSC and drivers license and everything else it is spelled with the correctly. Will I have trouble getting a passport?

Answer: You should not have issues.

by: Anonymous

Question: Do I need documentation stating Sr was added to my SSC and driver's license? Years ago, I had a son named after me. My birth certificate has my full legal name just not Sr. I added Sr to my driver's license and SSC for identification. And now it’s on my other documents as well as my driver's license and social security card. Its seemed okay back then and don’t want any issues when applying for passport.

Answer: There should be no issues adding Sr. to your name on your passport.

Using Sr at the end of your name
by: Anonymous

Question: Can I get a passport even though my birth certificate doesn’t have it? My other documents like my social security and driver's license have it.

Answer: Yes, you can since your primary ID (driver's license) has it.

by: Anonymous

Question: My aunt is trying to get her birth certificate so she can get a passport. She lives in a different state from where she was born so she has to request the birth certificate online. Her driver's license and SS card has Kathy Kathleen and her birth certificate says Kathleen Lee so she not able to get a new birth certificate because her ID doesn’t not match the name. Is there any way she can get a passport without a birth certificate?

Answer: For citizens born in the United States who were registered within a year of birth, a birth certificate is the only acceptable evidence of U.S. citizenship.

Father's name on birth certificate
by: Anonymous

Question: My daughter is 14 and needs her passport. Her father's first name on her birth certificate is listed as Johnny but his name on his birth certificate, SS, and license are all listed as John. Will this be an issue getting her a passport?

Answer: Questions may arise but as long as the father can provide documentation proving that he is one and the same person, it should be resolved.

Middle Name Left Off Drivers License
by: Anonymous

Question: I have two middle names as displayed on my birth certificate while driver's license only has one of my middle names listed. My second middle name was left off my drivers license when I moved to a different state. That is the only difference between my two forms of ID (my second middle name is left off my license & everything else is exactly the same).
Can you please advise what name I should list on my passport application to avoid any confusion?
Thank you.

Answer: You may use whichever name you want to use. The passport will be issued in that name as long as it is supported by either your evidence of U.S. citizenship (birth certificate) or proof of identity (driver's license).

Birth name is not the same as other legal documents
by: Anonymous

Question: My name was changed in 1976 thru social security. I am now trying to apply for my CDL and I was told I need to have paperwork to go along with my birth certificate. What is this paperwork and how do I get it?

Answer: Please contact the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration regarding your concern.

Last name on DL doesn’t match birth certificate
by: Anonymous

Question: My birth certificate has my name as John Doe after my biological father. My mother remarried when we were young and applied for our SS in my stepdad's name. She did not go through courts to change the names. So my drivers license and SS are under my stepdad's last name. Every document and bill I have for my entire life is under my stepdad's last name. Will I be able to get a passport with my birth certificate having a different last name than my drivers license and SS card?

Answer: It is possible. The passport will be issued in the name you enter in your passport application as long as it matches either your birth certificate OR driver's license.

Passport question
by: Anonymous

Question: I have never used my 1st given name that is on my birth certificate. On my license it is middle name, maiden name, married name. What do I need to do to get a passport?

Answer: The passport will be issued in the name you use since it is supported by your primary ID (driver's license).

Name does not match on birth certificate and SS card
by: Anonymous

Question: The first name on my birth certificate says Bonita. My first name on my social security card and passport says Bonnie. I want to do a will and trust, which name do I use, do I have to make any changes to the name?

Answer: Please consult a lawyer regarding legal documentation like a will.

Name difference
by: Michele

Question: The name on my birth certificate is different from the name on my driver's license due to three different marriages.

Answer: Hi, Michele. The passport will be issued in the name you enter in the application form as long as it is supported by either your birth certificate or ID that you present with the application.

2nd not II on license
by: Mike s

Question: My birth certificate says I am a II and my drivers license has me listed as 2nd. The passport application I filled out has my birth certificate "II" but after leaving, my wife remarked how the postal worker wrote in 2nd as she was filling out the handwritten section at the bottom. Will this get denied? My travel agent requested i forward my name as it will appear on my passport.

What, if anything, should I do next?

Answer: Hi, Mike. Should the II or 2nd become an issue, passport services will contact you via mail with instructions on how to resolve it.

Dad's name
by: Anonymous

Question: My dad was in a house in Brooklyn in 1940. His original birth certificate has barely any information on it besides his mother's name. My grandparents having come over from Poland had their name continuously written wrong so on his certificate the last letter of the name is incorrect. It should be an "i" not a "y". On his baptismal certificate his last name is written how it should have always been spelled before it got changed when my grandparents came to the US (A J for the first letter and an I for the last letter). Every other record- from his marriage license, social security, etc.- you name it is, written with the I at the end, how it was changed when my grandparents came over. It is such a simple error that nobody probably cared about at the time.

My question is can he still show the birth certificate with the letter error as proof of citizenship? or do I actually have to go to a court to legally change the 1 letter? or can I show other documents along with the birth certificate with error?

Answer: It is possible that your father will be issued a passport in the name he currently uses as long as he can provide sufficient identification to match that name. Also, information on the birth certificate need to match that on the IDs especially the date of birth.

Luyz - Luiz - Luis
by: Anonymous

Question: I’m 40 years old and on my birth Certificate my first name is spelled "Luyz" . It was supposed to be Luiz . But every since I was 16, I’ve been spelling it Luis. It’s Luis on my drivers license , w2’s, bills. But when I tried to get a Real Id , the application was denied because the names don’t match. So can I just do the affidavit or do I need to go get a court order also?

Answer: Please contact the Department of Homeland Security regarding your concern with Real ID.

Last name
by: Anonymous

Question:My son's birth certificate has his dad's first name and middle name only. I just noticed it and has never had an issue. But will this prevent my son from getting a passport? I submitted his dad birth certificate in case there's a question or issue. Will he still get his passport? Thanks.

Answer: It should not be an issue. If it does create one, passport services will get in touch with you via mail.

Birth certificate does not match SS card and license
by: Anonymous

Question: I recently became a US citizen and am going to apply for my fist US passport soon. I want to to know what name should I put on my passport application.

My birth certificate has my first name and my three last names, however my social security card and driver's licence was issued only on my first name and one last name.

For example, my first name is Antonio and my last names are Barrera Perez Gonzalvez. My foreign birth certificate has all four names, but my social and drivers license has only Antonio Gonzalvez. I want to know if its okay to apply for a passport using just Antonio Gonzalvez since that's the name that matches my social and drivers licence and if it wouldn't cause any problems in the future. Thank you.

Answer: The passport will be issued in the name you enter in the application form as long as it is supported by the ID you present with the application.

Birth Certificate Incorrect
by: Anonymous

Question: My birth certificate shows a different last name for my dad and me than his real last name. All my maiden name information is in my dad's real last name. I have transcripts from high school, my old social security card, marriage license and some other documents showing my maiden name as my dad's real name. I contacted vital records and they said I have to petition the courts the change my name. Can I get a passport without having to go the court the change my maiden name?

Answer: The passport will be issued in the name you enter in the application form as long as it is supported by the ID you present with it.

Transposed letters
by: RLS

Question: My name on my birth certificate is spelled Rapheal. However, all other legal docs are spelled Raphael. The difference being the A - E, transposed. Will this be an issue obtaining a passport?

Answer: It should not be an issue.

Italian First Name
by: Anonymous

Question: My birth certificate has my first name as Valeria but my SS card and everything else in my life shows Valerie. I am not able to get the new driver's licence because they say it has to match your birth name. What can I do?

Answer: Please contact the DMV for instructions regarding your license name change.

Middle name mispelled
by: Anonymous

Question: My middle name is spelled 2 different ways -- on my birth certificate (O'neal) and SS card (O'neil). I applied for a passport and was told I had to get it corrected first, I am 30 years old and active duty military. What can I do to get my passport?

Answer: If the advice was to have the spelling corrected, you should do it through social security.

My first name is all messed up
by: Anonymous

Question: On all my legal documents, my first name is spelled Mayleen but on my birth certificate its spelled Maling. They sound the same thing, just spelled 2 different ways. Will this be okay? I'm 40 years old and never been on a plane. I want to go to Paris.

Answer: In order to go to Paris, you need to apply for a passport. Your U.S. passport will be issued in the name you enter in the application form as long as it matches either your birth certificate or ID.

Real ID
by: Anonymous

Question: There is a Jr. on my birth certificate but not on my license. will there be a problem getting a Massachusetts Real Id license now?

Answer: Please contact the DMV regarding your concern.

Last name spelled differently
by: Anonymous

Question: My last name is spelled is two words on my birth certificate and on my drivers license and social security card its one word. Will this keep me from getting my passport? If so, what do I need to do to change this?

Answer: It should not be an issue.

All my identification is in a name not on my birth certificate.
by: Anonymous

Question: After my divorce 45 years ago, I did a common law name change (which was then legal and not questioned), as I did not want to keep my ex-husband's name nor to take back my maiden name.

I have used my current last name, my great-grandmother's last name, for everything for the last 45 years. It is on my DL, my Social Security number, on the deeds of property I own, bank accounts, etc., but not on my Birth Certificate.

How can I establish that I am indeed the person on both my Birth Certificate and all the rest of my paperwork? My parents are now dead, so they cannot identify me.

Any suggestions?

Answer: You can provide as much documents proving your identity as you can. The passport will be issued in the name you enter in the application form as long as it is supported by your identification document/s.

Difference in spelling
by: Gina

Question: My first name is spelled Gena on my birth certificate but in my SS card, driver's license and all my legal papers, my first name is spelled Gina. Will this prevent me from getting a passport?

Answer: You can still apply for a passport. The passport will be issued in the name you enter in the application form as long as it is supported by either your birth certificate or government-issued ID.

Name on birth certificate
by: Anonymous

Question: My license and SS. card and my birth certificate with the feet all have the same last name. The birth certificate downtown has my father's last name. I need a pass port and don't know what to do?? I Am 40 years old.

Answer: The passport will be issued in the name you enter in the application as long as it is supported by either your birth certificate or driver's license. Please submit the long form birth certificate that has the registrar's seal on it.

Middle Names don't match
by: Kate

Question: So on my SS card it says my full name (ex: Kathy Marie Jane Smith) but my birth certificate says Kathy Marie J Smith and because of that the DMV put my license as Kathy Marie J Smith. I need to get a passport and I was wondering what needs to change and what docs I need to get.

Answer: The passport will most likely be issued in 'Kathy Marie J Smith' since it is what's in your evidence of U.S. citizenship and proof of identity.

by: Anonymous

Question: My first name on my passport is a family surname (it is the first name listed on my birth certificate as well), followed by my real name. My driver's license and my social security card both do not have the surname on them. How can I get my passport name to match the name on my other official documents (which is the name I have for all my public and personal affairs as well).

Answer: If you cannot provide proof of legal name change, you can apply for a new passport instead of a renewal. The passport will be issued in the name you enter in the application form as long as it is supported by the ID you present.

Changed name
by: Anonymous

Question: I legally changed my name but haven't filed for my new birth certificate. Will I be able to get a passport with my old birth certificate and my court documents granting my name change?

Answer: You may apply for the passport in your new name as long as you can provide an ID that bears that name. Passport services may require proof of legal name change for which the court documents will suffice.

Different middle name
by: Anthony Peter Anonymous

Question: I've gone my whole life with my middle name as Peter. My birth certificate has my middle name as Roger. Is it a problem to change it to Roger on SS card and Drivers license?

Answer: Please contact the DMV and SSA regarding your concern.

Name change
by: Anonymous

Question: My last name is different on my birth certificate than any of my other documents. This was changed by my parents when I was a minor. I have no proof of it. Will this be an issue?

Answer: The passport will be issued in the name you enter in the application form as long as it is supported by either your evidence of U.S. citizenship or identification document.

Different last name
by: Anonymous

Question: I have a different last name on my birth certificate and ID but the last names on my ID and social security card match. Would I still be able to get my driver's license in Arkansas?

Answer: Please contact the DMV in Arkansas about your concern.

Only Use My Middle Name
by: Anonymous

Question: Would it be alright to only use my middle name as my first name on a passport. I have never used my first name from birth to now. I always was called by my middle name and dropped my fist name upon marriage 35 years ago. My driver's license also has only my middle name on it as my fist name: Middle Name, Maiden Name, Married Last Name. Is this acceptable to use for a passport? Please advise and thank you.

Answer: Yes, you can use your middle name as your first name. Your passport will be issued in the name you enter in the application form as long as it is supported by the ID you submit with the application.

by: Hayden

Question: My mom and I are planning a trip out of the country and she needs her passport. The name on her birth certificate is different than the name on her DL/the name she goes by. She was married, divorced, yet kept her married name from the marriage.

Does she need to go through any special application process, or can she just use her maiden name (which is on birth certificate) and apply with her certified birth certificate and drivers license (names don't match).

Answer: Hi, Hayden. The passport will be issued in the name your mother enters in the application form as long as it is supported by either her citizenship evidence or proof of identity.

Name change
by: Anonymous

Question: I got married, and changed the name on my license, but not my birth certificate. Is this okay as long as I provide my marriage certificate?

Answer: There is no need to change the name on your birth certificate after marriage. If you want to apply for a passport name change, you may do so with your marriage certificate.

Name spelled wrong
by: Anonymous

Question: I lost my passport when I moved to Nevada and I need to obtain a new one so that I can travel overseas.

On my California driver's license (which expired) and my old expired passport, my name is spelled Lloyd. However I discovered on my birth certificate that it is misspelled, Llyod. And the clerk at the Nevada DMV caught this and issued my driver's license under Llyod instead of Lloyd.

But my old expired passport is Lloyd. Can I get a new passport under my correct spelled name of Lloyd instead of Llyod?

Answer: Yes, you can.

Name on brith certificate dose not match my driver's license
by: Phyllis H

Question: My name is spelled Phyllis on my driver's license and Phillys on my birth certificate. Can I still get a passport?

Answer: Yes, you can. The small error should not be an issue.

by: Anonymous

Question: So, I will be trying to get my child's passport soon. I have known about this error for the longest but never did anything about it because her father is not in her life. He will be coming to consent but on her birth certificate I listed his middle name as Louis, but it is actually spelled Lewis. Will they deny her passport because of it?

Answer: It might not be an issue but it will be entirely up to the agent who receives the passport. Please call customer service at 1-877-487-2778 for more information.

Different name on passport and citizenship evidence
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi. I’ve been using my name (ex: Ana Marie Smith) for all of my documents including school, DL, social security and an old passport I had when I was under 18. But looking back at my citizenship, it says Ana Smith Marie. Will it be an issue if I want to re-apply for a new passport?

Question: The passport will be issued in the name you enter in the application form as long as it is supported by your ID (driver's license).

Name change
by: Anonymous

Question: My mom changed my last name to hers when I was about 5. I'm now 26 and I cannot get no ID of any kind. I have no birth certificate with name change but I have a social security card. I checked the local courts and county but no records can be found. Help, how do I get this so I can get my ID and changed birth certificate?

Answer: Please contact the vital records office of the city/state you were born in for assistance regarding your issue.

SSN # & birth certificate
by: T.J.

Question: Does the name on your birth certificate and the name on your social security card have to match in order to get a passport?

Answer: No, they do not have to match.

Birth certificate does not match drivers license ,SSI card or baptismal cert.
by: anthony Peter

Question: I've used Anthony Peter all my life which is on all my records. I got a birth certificate after my parents died so when the time came, I could get a passport and renew my driver's license. The name on the birth cert. Is Roger Anthony. I would like to keep it Anthony Peter . What needs to be done to fix it.

Answer: We recommend to get a court ordered name change to legally make Anthony Peter your name.

No proof of name change
by: Betty

Question: I need a passport but do not have proof of changing my last name. I've had this name on my SS card and driver's license for over 50 years.

Answer: The passport will be issued in the name you enter in the application form as long as it is supported by the ID you submit with the application.

Adding partner to child's birth certificate
by: Brittany I

Question: The hospital was the one that filed for my child's birth certificate. They gave me an affidavit to take home so the father and I could sign and have notarized.

But I lost the paper work and since then DNA testing has established that the person I thought was the father actually isn't. Another person who could be I don't remember who he is due to a drunk night.

Needless to say, I haven't filed for my child's birth certificate myself since she was born and hospital has no father on the birth certificate. How do I get documents to add my name and the father's name to the affidavit of birth certificate again?

Answer: Please contact the hospital or the city/state vital records office regarding your concern.

Name issue
by: Anonymous

Question: My name is JUAN but since I was little, they call me John so all my documents say John on it. To get my pension benefits, I need to get my birth certificate verify that my name is Juan. How could I go about it?

Answer: Please contact the vital records office of the city or state you were born in for assistance.

Birth certificate one letter missing!
by: Anonymous

Question: Help, my birth certificate lists my name with 1 "L" while my whole life I have been using 2 "L". My license , passport, bank accounts, home mortgage, tax returns, everything else has the double L. OK Lynn found out about the discrepancy when I got married in Jamaica and they insisted that I use the spelling on my birth certificate. What should I do to be sure my marriage is valid and I'm qualified and entitled to my earned social security later in life?

Answer: Please contact the vital records office regarding your concern.

Birth Certificate is Wrong
by: Anonymous

Question: My mother is going on a cruise next month and while applying for her passport, learned that her last name was supposed to be "Jackson" (her mother's last name) the entire time. Her birth certificate and ALL of her legal documents say that her last name is "Noble" (her father's name) so that's what she has always used. We just learned this today while applying, and now she can't get a passport for her cruise that she's been looking forward to for a long time. What can she do to prove her identity? Nothing has her 'actual' last name on it.

Answer: If your mother can provide sufficient identification with her current name, she should be issued a passport in that name despite the difference in the birth certificate. Please call the National Passport Information Center at 1-877-487-2778 for more information.

Passport, birth certificate, DL, SSN
by: Toni

Question: My Birth Certificate name is Marie Antonnette, as my first name. My SSN, DL and all my documents now have my first name as Toni.
I just got married a year ago. How can I change my name on the passport?

Answer: You may apply for a renewal with name change by submitting the following:

1. Form DS-82
2. Current U.S. passport
3. Original or certified copy of your marriage certificate
4. One new passport photo
5. Payment for fees

Frank vs Francis
by: Anonymous

Question: My birth certificate says Francis. Drivers license/ SS#card, IRS and whole adult life I am known as Frank. I am having a hard time getting passport and a raised seal birth certificate as I don't have photo ID as Francis.

What can I do?

Answer: Hi, Frank. You may submit secondary proof of citizenship if you cannot provide an acceptable birth certificate.

Name does not match SScard
by: Anonymous

Question: My birth certificate and my Social Security card do not match. I use the name on my card for everything. I am retiring and will be applying for Social Security benefits is this going to be a problem? Thank you for any information.

Answer: Your passport and social security card do not have to match in order to travel. However, Social Service may have different requirements. Please contact Social Services for more information.

by: Anonymous

Question: My husband has gone by his name all his life. We only recently found out his name on his birth certificate is totally different than what is on his SS card and state Driver License. How do we go about getting a passport for him?

Answer: The new passport will be issued in the name he enters in the application form as long as it is supported by his proof of identity and a connection can be established between both names.

Birth certificate names are different from my passport
by: Wesley

Question: My birth certificate has three names (eg, John Michael Smith), and my academic papers and drivers licence have two names (Eg John Smith). I want to get a passport under "John Smith" and I leave out the "Michael" so instead of "John Michael Smith" I want "John Smith" since these are the names that everyone knows me by. Will this have any complications?

Answer: It should not complicate things. The passport will be issued in the name you enter in your application as long as it is supported by either your citizenship evidence OR proof of identity (driver's license).

Passport for child
by: Marlena

Question: Hello. I would like to apply for a passport for my child. She has a misspelled last name on her birth certificate and her father has misspelled his first and last name too.

I tried to change the birth certificate but I can't make corrections with the father's name because they require his birth certificate. He doesn't live in U.S. and we have no contact with him. I also have sole care custody order and there are correct names on it. Can I still apply for my child's passport with that mistake and write an explanations for the name difference. Can I use some forms regarding that issue?

Answer: Hi, Marlena. There is no form that serves your purpose. If you can have the child's passport corrected without correcting the father's name on it, we recommend that you do it before anything else.

Also, since the father's name is on the birth certificate, you need his presence or consent to apply for your child's passport, even if he is absent in the child's life. The easiest way around this is to file for SOLE LEGAL custody of your child.

letters in my name which
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi, so my social security name is spelled correctly. But on my birth certificate, the last 2 letters of my first name were switched. Would I still be able to use my ID and passport to travel even though my name on my ID is spelled differently?

Answer: There shouldn't be an issue as long as the name on your ticket/s matches that on your passport.

by: Anonymous

Question: My birth certificate has two last names but my resident card, SS, driver's license all have only one. My old school only used 1 last name but when I moved my new school refused to just leave the one last name I go by. I’m about to graduate in less than two months and my diploma is going to have both last names. Will this affect my scholarships, applying to college or anything. What do I do?!?!?!

Answer: You need to contact the vital records office or the universities you are applying scholarships for regarding your concern. We can only provide information regarding U.S. passports.

Different first name
by: Anonymous

Question: My first name from my birth certificate has never been used from the time of school, drivers license, jobs, through retirement. I had passport that expired in Oct 2012 with my current name on it. Some 60 years ago I consulted a lawyer about a name change and I was told that the name that I use in my documents is my legal name, so I never went any further.

Answer: Your passport will be issued in your current name, even if it does not match that on your birth certificate.

Since your last passport expired more than 5 years ago, you need to apply for a new passport. If your old passport is undamaged, you may submit it as evidence of U.S. citizenship instead of your birth certificate. This way, you won't have to explain the difference between the names on your birth certificates and IDs.

by: Anonymous

Question: In 2001 I got married and changed the name on my ID and social security card to my husband's. We are now divorced but I never changed my documents back to my maiden name and continue to use his last name. My birth certificate has my maiden name. How would I go about obtaining a passport if the names on my documents don't match?

Answer: The passport will be issued in the name you enter on the application form as long as it is supported by either your evidence of U.S. citizenship or proof of identity. Passport services may also require you to present documents to provide a link between both names.

Hyphen or no hyphen?
by: Anonymous

Question: My birth certificate shows my first two names NOT hyphenated. My passport, marriage license and social security card show my first two names AS hyphenated. My driver's license doesn't show my middle name but has my maiden name initial as a middle initial. Please tell me what to do. Oh, Medicare card is hyphenated but left the last letter off my middle name.

Answer: The passport will be issued in the name you enter in the application form as long as it is supported by either your birth certificate (evidence of U.S. citizenship) or driver's license (proof of identity).

Identity problems
by: Anonymous

Question: So I found out my parents are not my birth parents. They are actually my uncle and my aunt and my birth mother is obviously my aunt's sister and basically what happened was they picked me up from the hospital with her and the nurses and the doctors thought that they were just giving my mom a ride home from the hospital and actually she just left me in the car with Michael Meyer and got off the car. I was there after that they never legally got me adopted so I've never had a birth certificate and the name that was given to me at the hospital. They just started giving me the name that they gave me and I don't know how I have a Social Security number in that name that they gave me. I've never had a birth certificate, what do I do?

Answer: Please contact the vital records office of the city or state of your birth to see if they can provide you with a certified copy of your birth certificate.

Diferent last name
by: Anonymous

Question: I am naturalized in the U.S. and my American passport and social security have my maiden name but my driver's license has my married name. Is this illegal?

Answer: No, it is not illegal.

Mom was pissed at dad
by: Anonymous

Question: So mom gave me and brother her maiden name at birth and dad's name on our SS cards. We both have always gone by what is in our SS cards. What do we do to get a passport? I’m so confused. Help, please.

Answer: The passport will be issued in the name you enter in the application as long as it is supported by either your citizenship evidence or proof of identity. While your SS card is acceptable, we recommend presenting your driver's license instead. If you only have the SS card, you need to submit it with other secondary proofs of identity.

Please call customer service at 1-877-487-2778 for more information.

by: Kevin J.

Question: So the last name on my birth certificate is different then on my SS and my ID. But I have a legal court document saying my last name was changed. That’s how I got my ID. Could I use that to get my passport?

Answer: Hi, Kevin. Yes, you can. Please send a copy of the document when you apply for your new passport to avoid issues and delays.

Help! License name changed but not passport
by: Anonymous

Question: Hello! I recently changed my last name on my license because I got married but I have yet to change my SSN and passport. I am traveling next week and my passport still has my maiden name. Will this affect my travel?

Answer: It should not affect your travel as long as the name on your ticket matches the name on your passport.

First Name Misspelled
by: AnonymousTamika

Question: Hello, I've gone by the name "Tamika" my whole life, this is the name listed on my drivers license, social security card and ALL other identification documents since I was a baby. However, on my birth certificate my first name is spelled "Tamiko". Will I have any problems getting a passport?

Answer: Hi, Tamika. The passport will be issued in the name you enter in the application as long as it is supported by either your citizenship evidence or proof of identity. Since your license is already in Tamika, it should be issued in the same name.

Birth certificate name differs from baptismal and ID
by: Jennifer

Question: Father-in-law is trying to apply for a passport. His birth certificate name is James Frances G******* and his baptismal is Michael James Frances G*******. His license says Michael James G******* as well as his military ID. His parents names are not on his birth certificate and he is having trouble. What is his next step?

Answer: First, he needs to secure a long-form copy of his birth certificate from the vital records office of the city or state he was born in. Once this is taken care of, he can begin the process to obtain his U.S. passport.

The passport will be issued in the name he enters in the application as long as it is supported by either his citizenship evidence or proof of identity. If his license has Michael James G*******, it will be issued in that name as long as all the documents he submits with the application are in order.

1sr time passport
by: Anonymous

Question: My wife is getting her passport for the first time. Her middle name is Lynn on her drivers license, SS card and marriage license but on her birth certificate it’s Lyn. Will she have a problem getting passport?

Answer: No, she will not.

My name is spelled wrong on birth certificate
by: Anonymous

Question: My name is spelled wrong on my birth certificate and Social Security card. It's just one letter that needs to be changed. My whole life it has been spelled with a y, driver's license, taxes, work ID, marriages, but on my birth certificate and social Security card it's spelled with a j. What do I need to do so that I can get a passport?

Answer: Your passport will be issued in the name you enter in Form DS-11 as long as it is supported by either your evidence of U.S. citizenship or proof of identity (driver's license).

Three different last names! help!
by: NOLA Girl

Question: My last name was changed to my father's when I was 12. His last name appears on my birth certificate but not on my social security card or ID (they both have my mother's last name). I was able to obtain a marriage license with my maiden name being shown as my father's (since the office issuing marriage licenses file names according to the birth certificate).

Now I would like a passport. I have been using my mother's last name my entire life because of the ties to my SSN. How can I get a passport? How can I change my last name to my husband's? There was no court order to change my last name. My parents simply had an acknowledgment of paternity notarized and taken to vital records (which has been destroyed in hurricane Katrina).

Answer: Your passport will be issued in the name you enter in Form DS-11 as long as it is supported by either your evidence of U.S. citizenship or proof of identity. Passport services may request for supporting documents to establish the link between the names on the birth certificate, ID and application form.

Adopted id and sacaré have different name from birth certificate
by: Mario G

Question: The last name on my state ID and social is different from my birth certificate. I was adopted by my stepfather when I was young and just never got a new birth certificate. Would that be a problem?

Answer: You need to provide a link between the name on your birth certificate and the name you enter in your passport application. If there is none, we recommend that you apply for a court ordered name change.

Spanish version of name
by: Anonymous

Question: My husband’s birth certificate says Miguel but he has always gone by the English version Michael. His SS card and DL all have Michael. Will this be an issue when he applies for a passport?

Answer: Your husband can request either the name on his birth certificate or the one on his IDs. The only requirement is that there be a link between the citizenship evidence (birth certificate), identifying documents (driver's license), his signature and the name requested on the application. Note, the processing agent has final say as to which name will be listed in the passport. As long as there is clear evidence of a link, there should be no problem with either name.

Name on birth certificate do not have jr.
by: Jun

Question: All of my public documents have Jr. but on my birth certificate does not. What should I do? Do I have to change / add Jr. on my birth cert.? But how?

Answer: Your passport will be issued in the name that you enter in the application form as long as you provide sufficient ID/s that bear that name and a connection between the name on the ID and birth certificate can be established.

Illegal name change
by: Anonymous

Question: I was incarcerated a while back and while I was someone changed my last name to try and draw a disability check in my name now I can't get a birth certificate or social what do I do? I can't be employed without either or.

Answer: Please contact an attorney regarding the issue.

Trying to get my name right.
by: M. Munoz

Question: I'm trying to get my passport. But the name on my birth certificate is different from my social security card, driver's license, and marriage license. My mom remarried when I was young and we just took my step dad's name even though we weren't legally adopted. So I have nothing to prove the name change from my birth certificate to the name I've used all my life. So now in order to get my real driver's license I need to prove all name changes. DMV said the best thing that I could get would be a passport. Please help.

Answer: As long as you can provide sufficient identification bearing your assumed name, you should be okay.

Name change
by: Sean franks

Question: My mom gave me my step dad's last name when i started school but it was never done in court and now I'm needing to get my birth certificate. But my name doesn't match whats on my birth certificate. What do I do?

Answer: Please contact the local vital records office for concerns regarding birth certificates.

Name on Birth certificate does not match my drivers license and ss card
by: Anonymous

Question: My birth name is Jesus Guillermo but I have always gone by Guillermo Jesus. I'm planning on applying for a passport for the first time and don't know how to fill out my application because other than my birth certificate and SS number no other legal document has my birth name.

Answer: You may apply for your passport under Guillermo Jesus as long as you can present a primary ID (driver's license) bearing that name. The slight difference in the names should not be an issue.

Cannot get birth certificate
by: Anonymous

Question: I was born with my father's last name but at 6 months began residing with my aunt and uncle. My entire history is under the harvest name. Both biological parents are now deceased. I am unable to get my birth certificate because I have nothing that validates that name. My SSI, driver's license, bank and court records all have my aunt's last name. No legal adoption. How do I get my birth record or certificate.

Answer: Please contact the vital records office where you were born. They may be able to assist you in obtaining a copy of your birth certificate.

First name spelled differently
by: Anonymous

Question: My first name on my birth certificate is Sanya. My father changed my first name to Sonya. How hard will it be to get a passport?

Answer: It should not be too hard to apply for a new passport. As long as you can provide appropriate identification bearing the name you fill in your application form, the passport will be issued in that name.

Please call the National Passport Information Center to verify if you need more documents. you nay reach them toll-free at 1-877-487-2778.

by: Anonymous

Question: My birth certificate has 1 last name but my social security has 2 last names. I can't renew my ID. How can I fix this without going to Puerto Rico? I don't have a valid passport or ID.

Answer: Please contact the state/city vital records office or the Social Security Administration for assistance regarding the matter.

Last name
by: Anonymous

Question: I'm requesting for my child's passport but my husbands last name on my child's birth certificate does not match, it's missing one of his last names. Can I still get a passport?

Answer: There may be questions regarding the last name. But as long as you can provide a verifiable link between the father's name on the birth certificate and the ID that the father presents when you apply for the child's passport.

First name is different than ID, SS
by: Anonymous

Question: All my life my parents taught me to spell my name Rhonda and I still do up to the present. All my legal documents are under Rhonda. I just found out that my birth certificate has a different first name spelling: Roanda. Please help me. I just moved to another state.

Answer: The slight difference in spelling should not matter as long as the name you elect to have printed on your passport matches the name on the ID you submit for your application for a new passport.

Do I need a new birth certificate?
by: Zed

Question: My name is spelled wrong on my birth certificate (Zedekaih) and is spelled right on my Social Security (Zedekiah), but every document and Id has the spelling of my birth cert. How do I fix this?

Answer: If you want to have your name corrected, you need to have a court-ordered name change.

first name spelled wrong
by: Anonymous

Question: My first name on my birth certificate has Vaneasa on it but I have spelled it Vanessa for over 40 years. My driver's license, SS card, and marriage license have Vanessa on them. Will this affect my passport?

Answer: The slight difference in the spelling should not matter as long as you provide an ID that matches the spelling you used in your passport application.

First name spelled wrong
by: Anonymous

Question: My birth certificate has my first name spelled Vanesa and I have spelled it Vanessa for 41 years. Will that affect my passport? My driver's license and SS card say Vanessa.

Answer: The slight difference in the spelling should not be a problem.

Last name different on birth certificate and SS card
by: Anonymous

Question: I’m trying to get my birth certificate but my maiden last name is different on my marriage certificate & social security card than in my original birth certificate. My biological dad was dead when I was born and my mom went with my grandparents to a attorney and did an affidavit to add my dad’s last name only on my social security papers.

What can I do to obtain the birth certificate? Do I have to go back to Puerto Rico and contact a lawyer in there?

Answer: Please contact the office that originally issued your birth certificate for assistance. If you were born in Puerto Rico, you may need to contact the state vital records office regarding your birth certificate.

First Name on Birth Cert does not match Soc Sec and DL
by: Dianne

Question: My first name on my birth certificate is spelled 'Diane', but at age 10 years old, I began spelling my name 'Dianne'. My Social Security card, Driver's license and all my college records have my name spelled 'Dianne'. Will this prevent my getting a passport? What can I do short of a legal name change?

Answer: The difference the the spelling should not matter.

PP question
by: Zeke

Question: Hi so my birth name isn't my name now I had a name change but my last name is still the same and I gained a middle name legally. I'm transgender do I necessarily have to get my birth certificate changed or is their another way I could go without doing that? I hope so.

Answer: If you have proof of legal name change, you should be able to use your original birth certificate. Please call 1-877-487-2778 to speak to a customer service representative.

My birth certificate
by: Anonymous

Question: My social security card has my name on it BUT my birth certificate has Not named and my last name. How can I get a ID or what do I do?

Answer: You may submit your SS card and another ID for as proof of identity. Then you need to submit DS-10 Birth Affidavit with your application for a new passport.

A birth affidavit may be submitted (with an application for a U.S. passport) when an acceptable birth certificate cannot be obtained for a person born in the United
States. The affidavit must be accompanied by a photocopy of the front and back side of your identification and, when applicable, a notice from the appropriate authorities indicating that no birth record exists.

A birth affidavit may also be submitted in conjunction with other birth records. A birth affidavit must be made by an individual who has personal knowledge of the facts of the applicant's birth in the United States; it is preferred that the affidavit is made by an older blood relative or by the attending physician. The affidavit must be signed in front of a notary, unless it is being submitted to an authorized Passport Agent or Passport Acceptance Agent.

The affidavit shall state briefly how the affiant's knowledge was acquired. Requests for copies of this affidavit should be made at the time of execution.

by: Anonymous

Question: I'm going in person to apply for a passport for my new born baby but the last name of the father is different from her last name. Is that a problem or not?

Answer: It should not be a problem as long as the father can present an ID that matches the name on the passport. Also, both parents need to be present when submitting the application for the child's passport.

If one parent cannot appear with the child, the applying parent must submit a notarized statement of consent from the absent parent.

Last name
by: Alejandro

Question: I’m trying to get a Mexican passport but om all my documents I am Alejandro LAST NAME and on my birth certificate it says ALEX Soto LAST NAME. Would it be a problem?

Answer: We edited out your last name for security purposes.

Please contact the Mexican Embassy or Consulate for advice regarding Mexican passports.

Misspelled letter on last name
by: Anonymous

Question: Hello. I would like to apply for passport, my last name is Rodriguez with a G, but my birth certificate shows Rodriquez with a Q. Can this be a issue when applying for my first passport.

Answer: Yes, while it is possible that passport services will provide leniency with the slight difference, it may still be an issue. Please call 1-877-487-2778 to speak to a customer service representative.

First name one letter
by: Anonymous

Question: My first name is Cassondra and it is spelled Cassandra on my birth certificate. Will this hinder me from getting my passport?

Answer: It should not as long as you can provide appropriate identification documents bearing the name that you fill in on your application form.

Middle name on birth certificate not match with valid IDs
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi. My brother wants to apply for his first passport but his middle name is not the same on the valid IDs that he's used ever since. Example: on birth certificate middle name is only Silva but on valid IDs, all of them has De Silva. Will that case affect his application? Thank you.

Answer: Since it is a very minor difference, it may not be an issue. Please call customer service at 1-877-487-2778 to verify.

Maiden Name missing a letter
by: Klee

Question: My daughter received a copy of her birth certificate to apply for a passport. My maiden name (I'm the birth mother) is missing a second 'n' at the end of my last name. Will that prevent her from getting her passport?

Answer: It should not matter. For good measure you can include a signed statement explaining the discrepancy along with the application.

First name dropped
by: james

Question: The name on my birth certificate says Yukdon John Wong. Over the years my
driver's license and social security card have listed John Wong. What will my passport be issued under?

Answer: Your passport will be issued in the name that you enter in the application form.

First name diff. on birth certificate
by: Anonymous

Question: My birth certificate list my first name as Cynthia but my social and drivers license say Cindy. I have never used Cynthia on anything even my marriage license says Cindy. Will that be an issue getting a passport?

Answer: As long as you can provide a link between your birth name and your current name, you passport will be issued in the name you place in your application form. Please call customer service at 1-877-487-2778 for more information.

HELP!!! Last name is different
by: Anonymous

Question: I recently found out that the last name on my birth certificate is completely different than what I have been using all my life. My military docs, SS card, license, bills, medical all have my original last name. Not this one on the birth certificate. I submitted a petition for name change with the courts but that takes 3 months and my trip is in Sept. What shall I do?

Answer: If you cannot provide the court order, you must submit 1) Form DS-60 Affidavit Regarding a Change of Name and 2) at least three early public records.

Note, the U.S. Department of State Passport Services has final say concerning which name is entered in your passport in this case. They can choose to enter the name on your birth certificate even if you prove the use of another name.

An Affidavit Regarding a Change of Name must be submitted with an application for a U.S. passport when the name which is used by the applicant is substantially different from that shown on the evidence of citizenship.

The person who completes the form should preferably be a blood relative and must have personal knowledge of the your use of both names.

To support a change of name that has been adapted without formal court proceedings or by a marriage, you must present three or more public documents showing exclusive use of the name for at least five years.

Early public records include but are not limited to the following.

* Baptismal certificate
* Census record
* Early school record
* Family bible record
* Doctor's record of post-natal care

Middle name on birth certificate is different from the name I go by
by: Jerry

Question: I found out back in 1995 that the middle name that I have used my entire life is not the same name on my birth certificate. I would like to apply for a passport soon but I do not want any problems once I apply. Plus I would like to know if that will affect me in the future for social security benefits.

Answer: You may still apply for the passport using your birth certificate and the name you have been using for most of your life. The most uncomplicated way to document the link between both names is through a court order.

If you prefer not to change your name through a court order, then you must submit 1) DS-60 Affidavit Regarding a Change of Name and 2) at least three early public records.

Note, the U.S. Department of State Passport Services has final say concerning which name is entered in your passport in this case. They can choose to enter the name on your birth certificate even if you prove the use of another name.

An Affidavit Regarding a Change of Name must be submitted with an application for a U.S. passport when the name which is used by the applicant is substantially different from that shown on the evidence of citizenship.

The person who completes the form should preferably be a blood relative and must have personal knowledge of the your use of both names.

Name spelled differently on my birth certificate
by: Anonymous

Question: I have 2 Ts on my birth certificate but I use only one T on my driver's license, SS and others. How can I change everything to the two Ts?

Answer: Since your birth certificate has the name you want, the process of changing the name on your identification documents will be less complicated. You can start with the DMV and Social Security Administration.

Middle name I use is different from that on my birth certificate
by: Jessica

Question: Hi, the middle name I use is different from the middle name on my birth certificate. I'm using "Dela Cruz" in all my documents including SSS, NBI, Pag-ibig and so on. When I tried to apply in Phil health, they saw that something different in the middle name I use compared to the one on my birth certificate. The middle name on my birth certificate is "De la Cruz", what should I do? All my documents have the middle name that I commonly use. I need an answer because I'm a graduating student. I need clarification. Thanks in advance. Answer me please!

Answer: We do not have extensive information regarding the Philippines' laws on identity. Please contact the National Statistics Office for answers to your questions.

Never used my full first name
by: Anonymous

Hi. I have never had my original birth certificate. I had only the green copy and now I have lost that as well. I'm trying to get my birth certificate but can not because I have never used my full first name that is on my birth certificate which is AnnTyrell. I have never used that name in full. On all my documents as well as my immunization card, I was signed in school as Tyrell on my original s.s card also has Tyrell. How do I get my birth certificate so that I can get a passport.

Answer: Please contact the vital records office of the state where you were born regarding your birth certificate.

Mom's maiden name wrong on birth certificate
by: Brian

Question: My mom's maiden name is wrong on my birth certificate. Can i still use it for a passport?

Answer: Yes, you may still use it as evidence of U.S. citizenship when you apply for a passport. However, you need to include a letter of explanation concerning the discrepancy on the birth certificate.

Last name and temp state ID
by: Anonymous

Question: I have a birth certificate with my mother's maiden name on it and only my mother documented as the parent. My parents married after I was born and I have been using my father's last name/mother's married name as mine since I was a child. I was born in 1939 and no legal name change took place. My state issued ID has my married last name only on it. My marriage certificate has my father's last name on it as my maiden name. In addition, the state I live in issues temporary IDs and mail the official ID at a later date. I'm applying for my first passport. Just in case my permanent ID does not arrive in time, is my birth certificate and temp ID sufficient identification? Or do I have to bring additional documents? My SS card has my father's last name and my married name. Please help! I travel soon and have made an appointment at my local passport office to apply in person. When I call the 800 number I've been given different answers.

Answer: Since you cannot submit primary proof of identity, you need to submit a combination of the following secondary proofs of identity:

-State-issued non-driver ID
-Out-of-state driver's license
-Social Security card
-Learner's or temporary driver's permit
-Voter registration card
-Employee ID
-Student ID
-Selective Service (draft) card
-Medicare or other health card
-Expired driver's license
-Membership card in a local social organization or club
-Rental contracts
-Mortgage documents
-Auto registrations
-Traffic tickets & violations
-An Identifying Witness

Two last names on birth certificate
by: Rosa

Question: I applied for my son's Mexican nationality at the Mexican embassy in Santa Ana but I didn't know that his names have to appear the same way on his American and Mexican birth certificates. We've lived in mexico since 2010 but now he is going back to the USA. His school papers are in the name that appears on his Mexican birth certificate with two last names and we got the info that it will be a problem to register him at school in the USA. What I can do to fix it?

Answer: Please contact the local vital records office for advice on the matter.

Please help
by: Anonymous

Question: Can I get a passport if my birth certificate spells my name Terren but my license and SS card spells my name Taren?

Answer: According to the Foreign Affair Manual Volume 7 1316 Appendix C Minfor, Differences in Name, "an applicant may change the spelling of the given names or surname if the new spelling is pronounced the same way."

The passport is usually issued in the name that is requested on the application form as long as it is supported by either citizenship or identification documents.

Using married name on passport
by: Anonymous

Question: My birth certificate is in maiden name. My drivers license & SS card are in my married name. I want my passport in my married name. Is this a problem?

Answer: It should not be a problem. Please fill out Form DS-11 with the name that you want to appear on your passport.

Last Name Does Not Match
by: Marvin

Question: My birth certificate has my longer last name that I've never used in my entire life. I've had a passport when I was young, but it's been 30 years since I've gotten one. My military ID, SS card, and everything in my name is my shortened last name. What do I need to bring with me to get my passport taken care of?

Answer: Please submit all the documents required to obtain a new passport, including your birth certificate and at least 5 documents that show exclusive use of your assumed name for at least 5 years. Send as many as you can. Passport Services will contact you if they need more.

Would like to obtain a US Passport for many years.
by: Anonymous

Question: At age 9 for (whatever reasons which still remain a mystery to this day), my father changed our last name. I have lived with this last name for 50 years. I have all documents to prove my birth name and the name I have had (not legally changed, which I found out after my father's death) such as my Birth Certificate, license, high school, college diplomas, my confirmation of Catholicism, marriage licences, etc. Curious if I will have a problem getting a passport. We live our fathers sins somehow. Getting older and would like to travel out of the US. THANK YOU.

Answer: Please submit all the documents required to obtain a new passport, including your birth certificate and at least 5 documents that show exclusive use of your assumed name for at least 5 years. Send as many as you can. Passport Services will contact you if they need more.

Middle name
by: Anonymous

Question: On my birth certificate it has my first and one of my middle names as my first (Christopher Michael) and my two other middle names as my middle name (Aaron Scott). When submitting the application should I just put Christopher as first name and Michael as the middle name?

Answer: You may elect to use any name on your U.S. passport as long as you can prove that you have used it for at least 2 years. However, to avoid complications, we recommend that you use your name as it appears on your birth certificate and primary identification document.

Do I have to legally change my name to get a passport?
by: Anonymous

Question: On my birth certificate my first name is spelled Pamela. For the last 50 years, I have spelled it Pammyla. Do I need to legally change me name in order to get a passport?

Answer: The most effective way would be to legally change your name through a court order. Once you have the court order, you may request to have the name on your birth certificate changed. After which you can apply for a U.S. passport

The name on my birth certificate is in a different language than my Driver's License. Does it matter?
by: Anonymous

Question: The name on my birth certificate is spelled in Spanish but the name on my driver's license is the English version of the name. Will that be an issue getting my passport? Same name just in a different language.

Answer: A minor difference in spelling may be negligible. We recommend calling customer service at 1-877-487-2778 to verify.

Will changing my name on my SSC and driver's license affect my current passport with my old last name?
by: Anonymous

Question: My current passport is still in my maiden last name, but I just got married and changing my SSC, and driver's license to my new last name. Will this affect my passport, or do I need to apply for a new passport with my new name after it's changed?

Answer: U.S. citizens are advised to travel in their current legal names. If your name has changed through marriage, you must also change the name on your passport.

If you need to travel soon, you may choose to apply for a passport name change at a later date. Just make sure that you book your airline tickets in the name that appears on your current passport.

Need Passport
by: Frank

Question: My mom married my step dad when I was eight, 49 years ago, and I started usig his last name. My driver's license, social security card and all my work history was using my step dad's last name.

I am trying to get a passport. I have my birth certificate, driver's license and a notarized declaration from when I went to Mexico in 1991.

What do I need to get a passport? My flight is June 5 2017.

Answer: Submit all required documents set forth here, including your birth certificate, copy of driver's license and at least 5 documents that prove exclusive use of the assumed name for more than years. We also recommend a letter outlining when you started using the step dad's last name. Note, Passport Services may still request additional documents beyond what you send. If so, you will be notified in writing.

Which last name to use?
by: Anonymous

Question: Filling out passport application for my kids. It's asking for mother's birth name (my birth name).

I have a situation where I was born with a different last name, but at 5 my name was legally changed. So my birth name is NOT what is on my birth certificate, social security card, etc.

Which name do I put? The one I was born with? Or my legal one which is on all my supporting documents?

Answer: Please enter name at birth. Include evidence of legal name change.

Amended birth certificate
by: Anonymous

Question: Will an amended birth certificate work? My husband has a similar situation where he has only used his step fathers name and all legal records like taxes, social security and property and school records are in this name. Only his birth certificate has his original name. We filed to have his last name amended on his birth certificate by providing documentation that he has been using this name all his life. Will the amended birth certificate work for his passport identification. We are leaving on our trip very soon and may not have time to petition for a legal name change.

Answer: A final decision about the acceptance of a document can only be made by the adjudicator who processes your passport application. You can present them to the Acceptance Agent where you submit the application forms for an initial review but, even if they are accepted at this point, there is no guarantee that they will be accepted at the processing center.

We recommend you submit what you have. If additional documents are required, Passport Services will contact you in writing with instructions.

Social security card and driver's license middle names different
by: Amanda

Question: Hi, I recently got married and changed my middle name to my maiden name. My social security card reads "Amanda, maiden name, married name". My driver's license reads "Amanda middle name married name". Is this going to be a problem when getting my passport?

Answer: The difference in names on your SS card and driver's license will not be a problem. You do not need to show your SS card. You only need to include the number on the application form.

There may be a problem if you request "Amanda, maiden name, married name" since that name is neither on your birth certificate nor your driver's license. If that is, in fact, the name you want on your passport, you will need to submit a name change document that reflects that name. The document can be either your marriage certificate or a court order.

first and middle name different than birth certificate
by: Anonymous

Question: First and middle names are different on my ss# and driver's license. They are one way but my birth certificate is another. Can I still get a passport With my ss# and driver's license?

Answer: The name on your SS card does not matter. You only need to provide the number. As long as the name you put on your passport application matches either your the name on your birth certificate or driver's license, there should be no problem.

Jr on driver's license but not on birth certificate
by: Anonymous

Question: My driver's license has Jr at the end of my name but my birth certificate does not. Will this prevent me from getting a passport?

Answer: No, it will not.

Middle name
by: Anonymous

Question: All of my documents say my name is Joanne as does my driver's license. I got my birth certificate today and it says my name is First name Jon and middle name Anne. I have always thought it was Joanne. Will this be a problem?

Answer: The name that is requested on the passport application is usually the one printed in your passport as long as it is supported by citizenship and/or identification documents. Even though your driver's license has Joanne, we recommend you send 3-5 secondary identification documents showing use of the name for more than 5 years.

by: Anonymous

Question: All my documents for work have my name spelled Rosahlie but on my birth certificate it is spelled Rosalie. I recently got my US citizenship document with Rosalie on it. Which one will I use for my US passport? Do I need to hire a lawyer to solve this problem?

Answer: The name you request on your passport application should be supported by your citizenship and identification documents. Also, diferences of one letter that do not affect the pronunciation of the name are usually permitted. You do not need to hire a lawyer. You should be able to get your U.S. passport without any problems.

My husband's last name on his birth certificate is off by one letter.
by: Anonymous

Question: My husband is applying for a passport. His birth certificate has his last name ending in an a, when it should be i. His driver's license, social security, our marriage license all have the i. Will he be able to get a passport?

Answer: He should be able to get a passport. We recommend he include a brief letter with his passport application that explains the error on his birth certificate. You will find a complete list of requirements here.

no documentation of name change
by: Anonymous

Question: I was born with a different last name than I have now. At some point during my early childhood my name was changed to my stepfather's last name. I have no record of this change legally. I later got married and that last name was legally changed from my stepfather's name to my married name. I have my birth certificate, my marriage certificate (with stepfather/married names) and my driver's license in my married name. I have been married for 22 years and have used my married name that whole time. What other documentation would I need? I have no additional documentation with my birth name.​

Answer: If you are applying for a first-time passport, you only need your birth certificate and driver's license to get the passport in your married name.

My Middle Name Is Misspelled On My Birth Certificate
by: Renie

Question: My middle name is misspelled by one letter on my birth certificate. It says Chira when it should say CHIARA. Will this be a problem when I apply for a passport? I will be able to provide other documents with my full name correctly spelled out, such as my high school diploma and my certificate of confirmation if necessary.

Answer: The difference of one letter is usually not a problem.

Last letter of last name is different than on original birth certificate
by: Anonymous

Question: The very last letter of my last name is different than what it says on my birth certificate. Everything else is exactly the same, except for this one letter. When I turned 18, I legally changed my last name to reflect this one letter difference as this is what my family's name originally was. Will this be an issue when I apply for a passport? I had a passport when I was younger (12 years old), but that reflected the name on my birth certificate since it was before I legally changed my name.

Answer: It should not be a problem, however, Passport Services may request additional documents to support the use of the name.

Spelling error on birth certificate
by: Anonymous

Question: My mother's middle name is spelled incorrectly by one letter on my birth certificate, however, I wrote the correct version of her name on my passport form. Will this stop my application from being accepted?

Answer: Small discrepancies in middle names are usually not an issue. If you have not yet submitted your application form, we recommend you include a brief letter of explanation.

Name different on social than ID
by: Anonymous

Question: I was recently married and hyphenated my last name on my ID but have yet to change it through social security. Will this be a problem in obtaining my passport?

Answer: It should not be a problem.

Double life?
by: Anonymous

Question: My birth certificate lists that my name is "Ivette," however, for as I long as I can remember my name is and has always been "Yvette," with my state ID and SS card concurring as well. I am in the midst of applying for a new passport, will this be an issue?

Answer: It should not be an issue.

Last name changed when I was a kid
by: Anonymous

Question: My last name was changed by my mom when I was real young. So the last name on my birth certificate is different than what I have been using for the last 30 or so years. All early records were in my original last name and not my current last name. Is there anyway I can get a passport with my current last name on it?

Answer: In order to get a passport in your current name, you either need to obtain a court order name change or submit multiple documents which show exclusive use of the name for a period of more than 5 years.

by: Anonymous

Question: My fiancé has a hyphenated last name on his birth certificate. Although he has only gone by one of those last names on his social security card and driver's license. Does he have to use the hyphenated name on his passport or can he drop the last name he doesn't use and use the one he always has?

Answer: A passport is generally issued in the name on the passport application as long as it is supported by citizenship and/or identification documents. Your fiancé should be able to obtain a passport with the single last name.

Birth certificate missing middle name
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi. I am adopted by a father. Same mother. When she married him she left my middle name off my new birth certificate. I just obtained a copy. However, all my legal ID, drivers, SS card and even my very expired passport all have my middle name. I would just submit my old passport with the documents, but the back was stamped when I was married with a name change. Which then means I need to send in legal name divorce papers and it seems insane. Advice please?

Answer: Please call 1-877-487-2778 to discuss your situation with a customer service representative.

First name abbreviated
by: Anonymous

Question: Hello my name is Jean Pierre on my certificate of naturalization. Can I put may name on passport form as J.P.? Under what forms I can put my name?

Answer: It is preferred that the full name be shown on the passport; however, you may use the initials instead of the full given names that are on your Certificate of Naturalization. In order to do this, your identification documentation must reflect the use of the initials. The application form for a new passport is DS-11.

Spelling on name question
by: Anonymous

Question: Hello, question I wish to apply for a passport but my birth certificate says Lisa for my first name spelling. However, since I was a child, the name spelling has been Leesa as it says on my state ID, Social Security Card and all my other documents, bills, credit cards, etc. Will there be a problem? It is the same name but spelling differs.

Answer: According to the Foreign Affair Manual Volume 7 1316 Appendix C Minfor Differences in Name, "an applicant may change the spelling of the given names or surname if the new spelling is pronounced the same way."

The passport is usually issued in the name that is requested on the application form as long as it is supported by either citizenship or identification documents.

Middle name
by: Anonymous

Question: Hello. The name on my naturalization certificate is Jon White Doe; On my ID the name is Jon Ben White Green Doe, so 2 of my middle names are not included. Would that be an issue when applying for a first-time passport and if not, which name should I include in the application please?

Answer: A passport is usually issued in the name that is requested on the application form as long as it is supported by either citizenship or identification document. You do not have to include all your middle names.

Different spelling of middle name
by: Gwen

Question: My middle name is not spelled the same as on my birth certificate. My entire life I have spelled it differently. What is the best way to obtain my passport without a problem? Thank you.

Answer: Spell it the same as on your primary identification or apply for the
passport without your middle name. You can also amend yoru birth certificate and re apply within a year for a name change 5504.

Last name missing a letter on my birth certificate
by: Anonymous

Question: My last name on my birth certificate is spelled Rogers but all my other documents such as driver license, social security card, medical cards, bank Statements is spelled Rodgers. Can i still obtain a passport without having any travel issues with other countries.. Etc

Answer: According to the Foreign Affair Manual Volume 7 1316 Appendix C Minfor Differences in Name, "an applicant may change the spelling of the given names or surname if the new spelling is pronounced the same way."

As far as travel goes, it should not be a problem. Rarely is there a need to show any documentation other than your passport.

Name on birth certificate is different than how I've been spelling it for 40 years
by: Anonymous

Question: I'm trying to obtain a passport for travel, however in order to do that I need to get an official copy of my birth certificate. I can't obtain my b/c because the spelling of my name on all of my official documentation is different then the way my name is spelled on my b/c. According to the State the spelling on my form of payment, ID, and birth certificate all need to match, and it doesn't. What is it that I need to do?

Answer: If you are unable to obtain primary evidence of U.S. citizenship (i.e., birth certificate), you may be able to submit secondary evidence of citizenship. Please call 1-877-487-2778 to speak with a customer service representative about this issue.

First initial /middle name question
by: Anonymous

Question: All my documents (DL, SS card, passport) are with first initial and middle name except my birth certificate which lists both first and last name. I have never had a problem but I am just checking before I apply for some travel visas. I only go by my middle name but sign with first initial, middle name, last name.

Answer: This should not be a problem. However, we recommend you contact the embassies of the countries from which you want to obtain visas to confirm.

Which name will be on my passport
by: Anonymous

Question: My birth certificate has my last name hyphenated but my social security card and license have both last names without the hyphen. I want my passport to match my ss card and license. If I were to apply for a passport will the passport agency use my hyphenated last name or the unhyphenated last names as it is on my ss card and license?

Answer: Passport Services usually issues the passport in the name requested on the application form as long as it is supported by the citizenship and identification documents. However, a Passport Agent will determine the proper selection and sequence of names to be written in your passport.

List of Public Documents Requested
by: Anonymous

Question: Both my husband and I are applying for our passports for the first time. We sent them in and received replies asking for more information regarding name changes. My name was changed during a divorce, one line on the court form. I have the divorce decree, but it does not have the name change section included. My husband was "baby smith" for three days and then his birth certificate as amended to show his first name. The State Department is asking us both for proof of name change. My question is, where can I find a list of the "public documents which show use of this name for at least five years". I don't know what documents they want.

Answer: Probably the easiest and most definitive solution would be for each of you to petition for a name change court order at the county court. You can submit multiple identification documents that show exclusive use of a name for a period of more than five years. You can find a downloadable document that list acceptable documents here.

Can I get a passport if my last name is different on my social Security?
by: Anonymous

Question: I changed my last name on my Birth Certificate but I have not change my social security card. I already applied to get my passport. Do you think I will get it with no problem because I have not changed my last name on my Social Security card?

Answer: You can check the status of your passport application here. Call 1-877-487-2778 to speak with a customer service representative about the acceptability of your supporting documents.

Name change
by: Anonymous

Question: Recently, my husband legally changed his last name to his biological father's last name before we got married. He also changed it with the SSA and his ID. We are first time applicants for new passports. My question is, can he apply with his original birth certificate and bring the original document showing his new last name, or does he have to send out for a corrected birth certificate first?

Answer: Neither a driver's license nor a SS card are acceptable as evidence of a legal name change. Your husband must first apply for a corrected birth certificate.

Quick Question
by: Marle

Question: I need to get a passport for a cruise. My Birth certificate name is 6 names long. On my social security card and State ID plus all other records states the abbr. (acronym) name of Marle. Does that matter? Will I have to jump through hoops to get a passport? Thank you.

Answer: If there are conflicts between the names shown on the application and the evidence of citizenship and identity, the applicant must provide a court order or documents to support the name change.

While first and middle initials are allowed, there is no rule concerning the use acronyms. Please submit multiple documents which show the use of the name for a period of 5 years or more. Include a brief, written explanation.

Note, you still may be required to submit a court order to use the acronym rather than one of your given names. If this is required, you will be notified. If you prefer not to take the risk, you can petition for the court order before you apply for a passport.

Name discrepancy
by: Anonymous

Question: My first name on my birth certificate is cristobal which in translates to Christopher. All my legal documents say Christopher. Will this be a problem when applying for a passport?

Answer: It may be. Please submit at least 5 documents with your application form that show use of Christopher for 5 years or more. You can find a list of acceptable documents here. Even, then you may be required to submit more documents or a court order. Passport Services will contact you if this is required. Please review the complete list of requirements to get a new passport.

Name doesn't match all documents
by: Anonymous

Question: My birth certificate has my birth name and my driver's license has my current name. Will that matter?

Answer: Yes, it will. You will need to submit documents that demonstrate the connection between the two names. This can be an original or certified copy of a marriage certificate, divorce decree, adoption decree or name change court order.

Hyphenated last name
by: Anonymous

Question: My birth certificate has my paternal and maternal last names joined by a hyphen. All of my documentation (ss card, license, and passport) have both of the last names but without the hyphen. Should I change my passport and add the hyphen?

Answer: Is is not necessary to change your passport.

Kid's Passport
by: Anonymous

Question: I am a naturalized US citizen. I applied for my 10-years-old son's passport but I have been requested to provide public record since his birth certificate was obtained 8 years after his birth. He was born in a foreign country. Fortunately for me, I found his older birth certificate which I thought was missing. It was issued 3 months after his birth. The only problem is that there are some discrepancies in his names. I will used a fictitious name here: The old certificate has John Sam William II while the newer certificate has John William Jr. The birth date on both are the same and my information is the same on both. I just forwarded the old birth certificate this week. Will they be able to grant the kid's passport with these discrepancies? Just to note, my wife and I also summited DS-60 form. Thanks.

Answer: Please call 1-877-487-2778 to discuss this with a customer service representative.

Birth Certificate vs SSN suffix
by: Yesenia

Question: My boyfriend's SS card has Jr. in the end but his birth certificate does not. Come to find out, he's not an actual junior since he and his father do not share the same middle name. With that stated, can we apply for his passport without the (incorrect) suffix?

Answer: It is best not to include the suffix since it is not on your boyfriend's birth certificate. It is not necessary to present his SS card. You only need to enter the SS number on the application form. For a complete list of requirements, click here.

by: Anonymous

Question: I recently submitted my application for a passport. My father has two middle names and I realized I put a different one on my application than is listed on my birth certificate. Are they going to deny me even though all of my own personal information matches up?

Answer: You may receive a request for additional documents to substantiate the name you requested on your passport application. Please call 1-877-487-2778 to speak with a customer service representative.

The first name on my birth certificate is one letter off
by: Anonymous

Question: The first name on my birth certificate is Diana. Everything else I own has Diane. I recently applied for a passport and am little nervous because I sent in a copy of my Social Security card, driver's license. work ID and utility bill all with the spelling of Diane. Will I be denied?

Answer: Names with a difference of only one letter are usually accepted.

by: Anonymous

Question: I lost my passport and am reapplying for a new one. The name on my birth certificate is the name I was born with, my maiden name. All of my legal information now is in my married name. How will this affect my ability to get a passport that matches my current legal name?

Answer: When you apply for your passport, submit the original or a certified copy of your marriage certificate with the other supporting documents. You will find a list of requirements here.

by: Anonymous

Question: Can I get a passport if my birth certificate has the wrong gender?

Answer: Submit the birth certificate with a letter of explanation about the error. You may also want to submit a letter from your physician as verification. Alternatively, you may want to obtain a certified copy of your birth certificate and submit that so that you can submit the orginal to be amended simultaneously.

by: Anonymous

Question: My boyfriend needs his passport asap but his birth certificate has his name spelled as Jermey. His ID, ssc and everything else is Jeremy. Would there be a problem getting his passport?

Answer: The one letter difference should not be an issue. If he applies at a local application acceptance facility, he should confirm this with the Acceptance Agent. If he applies at a regional agency, have the agent confirm its acceptability.

Which name will appear on my passport?
by: Amy

Question: Will my birth name be used on my passport or my married name? All documents other than birth certificate say my current married name. I'm purchasing flight tix and want to know which will be used. Thank you.

Answer: Generally, the name you request on the application is the name that will be written on the passport. The name must be one that best identifies you as reflected in the citizenship and identity documentation you submit.

social security card name difference
by: Anonymous

Question: I applied for my passport today and I didn't think about this til after cause I didn't need to show my ss card but my last name on my ss card is still my maiden name (same as my birth certificate) but different from my license. Is this going to affect me getting my passport? I need it at the end of March because I have a trip to Jamaica. Please help. I'm so worried now.

Answer: It should not affect the processing of your passport application.

Last name different on birth certificate
by: Anonymous

Question: I have never used the last name that is on my birth certificate. It is different than the last name on my drivers license and my social security card. I was married for 18 years and went back to my maiden name 5 years ago. This is the last name that I am legally given by my birth mother and stepfather. I was told there was an "adoption" but I have no record of any paperwork that shows and my birth certificate was never changed. What do I do?

Answer: If you were not officially adopted and have no amended birth certificate, we recommend you file a Petition for a Name Change. Once completed, you will have a court order that serves as primary evidence of a legal name change.

Birth Certificate and SS name discrepancy
by: Anonymous

Question: My social security has my name as Ieasha and I've found out my Birth Certificate has Iesha. My state ID has Ieasha as well but all other documents such as diplomas, medical records etc have Ieasha. I need my passport ASAP for a teaching abroad program but I've never had a passport before. I wrote Iesha on the application form but will my application be denied because of the spelling?

Answer: Small difference in name are usually accepted, especially if they are supported by evidence of U.S. citizenship and/or proof of identity. You can check the status of your application form here.

my first name on the birth certificate doesn't match my license
by: Anonymous

Question: My birth certificate shows my first name as Suzan, my I've always used Susan on all documents and Ids. Well this be a problem getting a passport? Which name will they issue the passport under?

Answer: A passport is usually issued in the name requested on the application form as long as it is supported by citizenship and/or identification documents.

Birth certificate and social secruity card does not match
by: Anonymous

Question: Can I get a passport if my name on my birth certificate and Social secruity card does not match? My dl and birth certificate match but I just recently noticed that my social secruity card has my middle name as my first name a middle initial and my last name. (Example: First: Apple Middle: Mary June Casey Last: Nelson but my SS card has First: Casey Middle: J Last: Nelson) What should I do?

Answer: It should not be a problem when submitting your passport application. We recommend you request a name change on your Social Security card.

Obtaining a passport
by: Anonymous

Question: On my birth certificate, my name is Stevie. On my drivers license, social security card, military records and all other official documents it's spelled Steven. Will this be a problem to obtain a passport? I have used Steven for over 30 years.

Answer: According to 7 FAM 1316 Appendix C Minor Differences in Name, a passport may be issued in an applicant’s nickname or formal name if it is a common derivative of the given name shown on the citizenship evidence (for example, Jim for James, Susan for Sue). The Acceptance Agent where you apply will determine the best name to include in your passport. The passport generally is issued in the name shown on the evidence of
citizenship and identity.

Passport name issues
by: Anonymous

Question: My driver's license and social security card have my correct last name on them. My birth certificate was not changed (I have no idea how that happened). So, the names on my license and birth certificate are different. Can I still get a passport with this mistake? I do have court ordered papers to get my last name changed but it was never done. Please help.

Answer: If you want a passport that has a name other than the one on your birth certificate, you will be required to submit evidence of a legal name change such as a court order. That is the easiest and most efficient method.

You can request the use of a name other than the one in your passport if you have used the name exclusively for more than 5 years. In this case, you would need to submit at least 5 document to substantiate your claim. For a list of acceptable documents, download Acceptable Forms of Personal Identification Documents for Passport Purposes.

Note, it is very common in such cases for Passport Services to request more documents so your process may be delayed longer than the normal 4-6 weeks it takes to process an application.

Birth Certificate and Driver's License Different.
by: Anonymous

Question: My boyfriend's name is incorrect on his birth certificate (Erik) but spelled correctly on his driver's license and social security card (Erick). Will this be an issue if he tries to apply for a passport?

Answer: This should not be an issue. According to 7 FAM 1316 APPENDIX C MINOR DIFFERENCES IN NAMES, an applicant may change the spelling of the given names or surname if the new spelling is pronounced the same way.

Different last name
by: Anonymous

Question: I'm going on a cruise to the Caymen Islands. A passport is not required. My last name on my birth certificate does not match the name on my drivers license or social security card. Can I still use the documents to board the ship?

Answer: Please contact the cruise line for information about required travel documents.

Using first initial and full middle name
by: Anonymous

Question: For 30 years, I have never used my legal first name. I drop my first name to the initial and am known by my full middle name. For example, Mary Jane Smith, I would go by M. Jane Smith. My driver's license and banking info says M. Jane Smith. On applications, I usually have to enter the initial and middle name in the First Name block. Can I fill out my passport application in this format? Thank you.

Answer: Yes, you can use just the intital of your first name in your passport.

by: Anonymous

Question: Can I still get a passport even though the name on my birth certificate doesn't match my ID because I got married?

Answer: Yes, you can get a passport.

first and middle names switched.
by: Anonymous

Question: Can I get a passport if my drivers license and social security card have the first name and middle name switched around from the way it is on my birth certificate?

Answer: This should not be a problem. As long as the name you request be in your passport is the same as that which is on the citizenship and/or identification documents, it should be accepted.

Middle name issue
by: Anonymous

Question: I am applying for my passport but my middle name on my birth certificate is spelled different by one letter versus my driver’s license. If I am use the birth certificate spelling on my passport will this create an issue/denial?

Answer: It should not be a problem. You can confirm this with the acceptance agent at the location where you submit your passport application.

by: Anonymous

Question: Can I get passport if the middle name of my birth certificate does not match with the surname of my mother when she was single?

Answer: What matters is that the name you request on your passport application matches the name on your birth certificate.

First Name Different on Birth Certificate and Driver's License
by: Anonymous

Question: How can I get a passport if the first name on my driver's license and social security card is different from the first name on my birth certificate? I have never had a passport before.

Answer: In order to obtain a new passport, you need to submit both evidence of U.S. citizenship (i.e., birth certificate) and proof of identity (i.e., valid driver's license). If the names on these two documents do not match, you must submit evidence of a legal name change.

First name on passport different from name on birth ceritifcate
by: Anonymous

Question: My family and I are planning to take a cruise. My wife's first name is Allison with two "LL"s. That is how it is spelled on her passport and legal IDs etc. We recently discovered that her birth certificate, from 1970, has her named spelled with only one "L". We already have her passport with two "LL"s and are traveling in a week and a half. Is this going to be an issue when she goes through customs? Thanks!

Answer: The difference in spelling should not be an issue. Minor changes in the spelling of a given name or surname are permitted in a passport if the new spelling is pronounced the same way and the applicant can provide proper identification.

Last name only
by: Anonymous

Question: Can I get a passport if only my last name appears on my birth certificate?

Answer: Since your birth certificate only has your last name on it, you also need to complete Form DS-10: Birth Affadavit, have it notarized and submit it along with the passport application form and all other supporting documents. Note, Passport Services may request additional documents.

Great info!
by: Anonymous

This was very helpful!!

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More Passport & Travel Information

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Applying at a Regional Passport Agency
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Using a Registered Courier Service
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Routine vs. Expedited Passport Service: How to Choose
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How to Renew a U.S. Passport Fast
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About the Author: For over 20 years, the U.S. Passport Service Guide team has helped hundreds of thousands of travelers with their travel document questions and shared advice about how to make traveling abroad simpler, safer, and more enjoyable.

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