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My passport was denied for child support but I pay for arrears.

by Jermaine
(Detroit, Michigan, U.S.)

Question: I have left a message on your passport line a week ago and no one has returned my call yet. I was told my call would be returned in days but it has now been a week. I am due to go out of town soon and it is past the point when I can get my money back.

I pay child support and included in my child support payments is also arrears payments. So I do not understand why I was denied. Need to know how I can get this handled quickly. Already called 877-487-2778 and I was told to call another number and leave a message. HELP!!!!

Answer: The number you listed above is the only number available for the National Passport Information Center. Try calling again and leaving another message.

When someone owes child support in the amount of $2500 or more, they are put on a list that makes them ineligible to obtain a passport. Once adequate arrangements are made for payment of the child support, they are taken off the list. However, it can take several weeks after arrangements are made before the persons name is removed.

You should contact the State Child Support Enforcement Agency in the state where you owe child support and make sure that they contacted the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to inform them that acceptable arrangements for payment had been made.

HHS takes your name off the list of those who are in arrears of child support. They send notice to the Department of State Passport Services which enables you to apply for a passport.

Comments for My passport was denied for child support but I pay for arrears.

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Statute of Limitations
by: Anonymous

Question: Why did they get rid of the Statute of Limitations on Child Support in Arrears? The debt used to go away within a certain amount of years which seems much fairer than all of this Accrued Debt adding up month after month, making it impossible to ever get caught up! It seems very one-sided!

Answer: Kindly contact Office of Child Support Enforcement regarding your concern.

Denial due to child support
by: Anonymous

Question: My boyfriend paid his ex for 18 months via Zelle for child support. She then changed it to have him pay through the government. It now shows that he is delinquent in paying 18 months of child support. We called the child support main number and filled out the documents with proof of payments directly to her. She still has not signed or turned in her documents to show it was paid.

They do not get along and we do not see her sending in the documents anytime soon. He already received his denial letter from passport services stating it was because of child support. Is there any way to get him his passport if she refuses to sign the documents?

Answer: Unless he is taken off the denial list, passport services cannot issue him a passport. The child support issue must be resolved first. Once this is settled and his name is off the denial list, he can reapply for his passport.

az des - spousal support
by: Anonymous

Question: I have paid my child support. I still owe over 54,000 in arrears for spousal support. I make the monthly payments. I have a job offer which would require international travel. Job is for a significant monetary amount. I called AZ DES they said they would not send the clear passport until all arrears even spousal support was paid. They said it is state policy. Is there anything I can do? It is a significant increase in pay.

Answer: Individuals who owe spousal support are not placed on the passport denial list. You may call the NPIC at 1-877-487-2778 for more information.

Child support arrears
by: Anonymous

So this is what happened in my situation hopefully someone finds this information useful. I applied for my passport 5/23, I received a letter 6/26 from the US passport agency stating that they couldn’t issue my passport due to my child support arrears which was only $586.

Atp I paid my arrears and sent the passport agency the receipt (trust me they can care less). I then received another letter 7/23 stating the same that they had no obligation to my child support case and were still unable to issue the passport.

After countless calls to Maryland child support they finally gave me the # to the FEDERAL child support agency 202-401-9389 (calling the passport hotline is useless) after speaking to someone at the federal child support agency they were told to send the passport agency an EMERGENCY release letter being as my name was removed from the denial list 7/13 and my trip to Mexico is 8/17. Today is 8/11 so hopefully, this info helps someone out because constantly contacting the US passport agency is useless. Your issue will have to be resolved with your local child support agency but call the federal child support hotline will tell you if your name has been removed.

Child support fully paid not on a list but passport still denied
by: Anonymous

Question: I submitted a passport application in March. I received a letter stating that I was in arrears for child support. However, I contacted the child support agency and they confirmed I am not on a list and was never put on a list for denial of a passport.

I mailed back the passport agency proof that I am not pending a balance and proof that my child support rep stated that I am not on a list. The passport agency mailed back again saying that I am still on the list for child support arrears. What can I do?

Answer: Please contact the NPIC at 1-877-487-2778 to clarify the issue.

I paid off my Child Support, but owe only interest?
by: Anonymous

Question: I paid off my child Support in full, but only owe the interest. Why can't I get a passport?

Answer: The principal and arrears need to be paid in full in order to be taken off the passport denial list.

Who do I contact, I called the numbers
by: Howard

Question: I paid off my child support over a month ago. My passport was denied and the passport office has my old one and my money. What do I do next? The child support office says they lifted the hold.

Answer: It takes several weeks for the child support enforcement agency to notify passport services that you have been taken off the denial list. The notice may have already been sent but not processed yet. Please contact the NPIC at 1-877-487-2778 to follow up on the lift and your pending application.

by: A Jones

Question: I no longer pay child support but have an agreement signed through the agency to pay my arrears. Can I get my passport now?

Answer: As a general rule, child support arrears must be paid in full in order to be taken off the passport denial list. You need to contact the State Child Support Enforcement Agency handling your case to discuss your options.

Owed less than $2500 and was denied
by: Anonymous

Question: I owed $1200 in arrears and was denied my passport. I did my research and thought i would be fine since it should not be over $2500. My Trip is in 13 days and paid in full. I received the denial letter 5 days ago and then paid in full. That payment posted on the state sight yesterday. I have reached out to my child support agency. They said they will email the state. How long will this take to get my name off the list? Will it make it in time for my trip?

Answer: According to the State Government's website, it takes approximately 2 to 3 weeks for HSS to remove you from the denial list and report it to passport services. Adding that time to the passport processing time, you might not be able to make your trip.

arrearage and bankruptcy
by: Anonymous

Question: Hello. I have an arrearage that has been part of a bankruptcy. I have been paying off the bankruptcy for a couple of years. Will I be denied a passport renewal if I am paying off a bankruptcy? Is there a hold on my renewal?

Thank you.

Answer: Unless the child support debt is paid in full, you are on the passport denial list. Please contact the State Child Support Enforcement Agency handling your case for more information.

Ex wife
by: Anonymous

Question: My ex owes over 40,000 in back child support in Chicago, IL. He goes all over like Canada and Jamaica and still has a passport and not been arrested.

Answer: If a person who owes child support has a valid passport and the child support enforcement agency does not revoke it, he is free to travel overseas. Also, owing child support is not cause for arrest.

Passport Denial Program
by: Anonymous

Question: My ex owes well over $12,000 in back child support however the state of Ohio allowed him to use a current passport to travel to Rome Italy on vacation with his girlfriend. He owns no house, has zero retirement funds because he cashed them all out to live a jet set lifestyle with the girlfriend (I saw the tax refund where he had to claim the cashing out of his retirement and claim the income for 2016 in 2017). Therefore I feel he's a flight risk to leave this country and shouldn't have been permitted to leave. The child support agency informed me since he already had a passport and it won't expire until Feb 2021 that he can travel until then but come that year he cannot renew his passport if he has an arrears balance of over $2500. How many states enforce the passport denial? Don't other states confiscate existing passports?

Answer: Owing over $2500 in child support puts you one in the denial list but does not revoke an existing passport. This is applicable across all states.

Settled Arrears and Interest
by: Anonymous

Question: I currently settled my arrears with the mother of my child. The child support agency contacted me and said everything has been zeroed out in their system. How long until the passport agency will see that and I can apply for passport? What is the processing time for the Us. Passport agency to take me off the list?

Answer: According to the Department of State, it takes approximately 2-3 weeks for HHS to take you off the denial list and report it to passport services.

Arrears paid in full, passport taking long to process .
by: Anonymous

Question: My fiancé and I applied for our passports the same day and had them expedited as we have a trip coming up on September 29. I previously had child support arrears but they were paid off more than a year ago. Her passport has been processed, approved and shipped. Mine is still in the processing stage. How long will mine take to process and receive ? I’m getting a bit anxious since we travel in less than 2 weeks.

Answer: If the debt has been paid over a year ago, the issue might not be child support. Please contact the NPIC at 1-877-487-2778 to clarify what the issue is.

Paying arrears and monthly agreed amount by courts
by: Anonymous

Question: My husband is current on Child support. He pays monthly and also $100 towards arrears each month. (He is $10k in arrears.) He landed a job as an overseas contractor, in which he will pay off arrears with his first 4/5 paychecks. However, he was denied a passport. Is he denied a passport indefinitely? His child support and arrears are garnished with a court order.. on an agreed amount by the courts. Shouldn’t this be enough?

Answer: Please contact the State Child Support Enforcement Agency handling your husband's case regarding your concern.

Passport hold
by: Anonymous

Question: I have a passport. It doesn't expire until 2025 but I owe $3000 in back child support. Can I still travel?

Answer: Unless you received communication that your passport has been revoked, you should still be able to travel.

Paid and off the list
by: Sunny

Question: I was in arrears of over $4000 but I satisfied the arrears. I am up to date. I called passport services and they notified me that I am off the list as of June 25th. I submitted my application in April. Now that I have finally gotten off the list, how long will it take to receive my passport? We have a departure date of August 29 and would like to know if I will receive my passport in time for travel. What can I do to ensure I receive my passport in time since I have now been off the list for almost three weeks. Thank you.

Answer: Processing should have begun after your name was taken off the list. If that was the case, the passport should arrive on the week of August 19. Routine service approximately takes 6 to 8 weeks.

Please call customer service at 1-877-487-2778 if you wish to expedite or need more information.

Passport in hand
by: Anonymous

Question: I was issued an emergency passport to attend my father’s funeral in 2011 even though I had arrears at the time and would otherwise have been denied one. I was told that the passport was valid for 30 days to go home.

I have since paid off my child support in full. It has been years. The passport I have in hand expires in 2021. I know you have told others that if I have the passport in hand I can travel but how do I know that:

1) the child support agency requested the hold be removed
2) NPIC lifted the hold.

I am traveling next month and am a bit anxious about being denied entry.

Answer: If your passport is invalidated, you would have already been notified.

Left via Mexican Border
by: Anonymous

Question: My ex left via the walking border via San Isidro, CA. I received a letter that he has a passport denial. Are there consequences for leaving without notice, well knowing he had over 2,500 dollars in no payments? He is a person who knows how to play the system.

Answer: If he does not have a passport, he may be denied re-entry into the United States. Please contact the CBP for more information.

I have 1800
by: JB

Question: Is North Carolina a zero balance state?

Answer: Hi, JB. We're not sure what you mean by zero balance state. With regard to child support, those who owe over $2500 are placed in the passport denial list. Since you owe less than that amount, you should be able to apply for a passport.

$2300 arrears
by: Anonymous

Question: I have a trip planned for July 2019. My arrears are at $2300 and have made arrangements for payments. Can I still receive my passport?

Answer: You should be able to apply for a passport since you have not exceeded $2500 in arrears.

Child support
by: NZ

Question: The father is not paying child support since 2015 because he left America and he is now in Dubai. I went to court and I have a case in DCSS . I contacted the Embassy in Dubai and I ask them to not renew the father passport but they told me they should have a report from the Department of State. They can not do anything from the States, it should be federal.

I only have the court order and from the child support agency in GA. How can I make sure that the father will not renew his passport in Dubai?

Answer: Please contact the State Child Support Enforcement Agency handling your case. They should be able to coordinate with the embassy regarding denial.

Child support arrears
by: Anonymous

Question: How long will it take for you to find out that your application had been denied because of child support arrears?

Answer: You will be notified once your application is received and your name is matched on the denial list. If you suspect that you have arrears over $2500, it is best to contact the State Child Support Enforcement Agency handing your case to make payment arrangements before applying for a passport.

Husband has not had arrears in 6 Years
by: Anonymous

Question: My husband paid off his arrears 6 years ago & is current on all of his child support. It seems to be taking a while with his passport application, but we haven't heard whether it was denied yet or not. Is it typical for the State to send a notification or something to have your name removed from the list, or do you ALWAYS have to contact them to get them to do their jobs?

Answer: Your husband needs to followup om his removal from the list as well as his pending passport application. He needs to contact the State Child Support Enforcement Agency handling his case, and passport services at 1-877-487-2778.

Paying as agreed by the court order for arrears
by: SAO

Question: I'm currently $98,000 in arrears but I'm current on my arrears monthly payment of $300 for the past 5 years. Since I'm current on the arrears and actually showing positive on my credit, can I get a passport?

Answer: You need to contact the State Child Support Enforcement Agency handling your case.

by: Anonymous

Question: If I’m currently paying arrears and have been making weekly payments on time, can I get a passport card?

Answer: Please contact the State Child Support Enforcement Agency regarding your eligibility for a U.S. passport.

Afraid They won’t honor agreement (Sept 2018)
by: Anonymous

Question: I paid for a trip to Jamaica for my boyfriend and I to go on in December 2018 for our birthdays, which are in Nov and December. I booked it in May 2018. He has never been and I thought it would be a nice gift.

A month later, his child mother put him on CS because he demanded to know where the money he was sending her was going. We recently went to get our passports and his was denied. He’s paying the required payments on time. He contacted the local office handling the case and explained that the trip was paid for and non-refundable. They told him if he paid $2,000 of the $10k arrears they’d remove his name. They said they’d email him the agreement that day and it’s been a week and still no email. My concern is if he pays this and they don’t honor the agreement. Coming up with this $2k won’t be easy and will require some work. We don’t have $2k just laying around to throw at an agreement that won’t be honored. Has anyone ever had an agreement and then still not be taken off the list?

Answzer: As long as acceptable payment arrangements are made, a person may be taken off the denial list. This can take weeks to fully process. Please follow up with the State Child Support Enforcement Agency handling the case.

Renew passport
by: Anonymous2013

Question: My ex husband does not pay child support . I want to make sure that he did not get a new passport . If I call the passport office do they will give me this information.

Answer: Passport services will not be able to provide the information you need. If he owes child support, he will not be issued a passport. If he already has a passport, he can still travel overseas.

No arrears owed and still no passport
by: Anonymous

Question: My husband doesn't owe any arrears and it has been two years. The Child Support office will not remove his name nor return his calls.

Answer: This concern is best directed to the State Child Support Enforcement Agency.

New thread (June 2018)
by: Chris

So let me start off by saying you can still receive your passport with more than $2500 worth of arrears. Each is case by case but you need to contact the agency who is directly responsible for your denial. I owe about $7000 worth of arrears but paid a hefty amount showing That I was committed to paying off the arrears plus I asked for it to be taken directly out of my paycheck. If you need to travel for work And need your passport, speak with the director of either friend of the court, or financial officer Or case officer regarding the arrears to see what can be done.

I got a letter from work saying I needed my passport to travel, my last two paychecks showing it’s been taken out of my paycheck, and spoke to the case manager directly. If they agree on an amount for you to pay directly or whatever conditions satisfy, It will take roughly less than a week for your name to come off the list and get your passport.

by: Anonymous

Question: So I owe the State of Connecticut $2,000. Would that not let me get my passport even though I am paying them?

Answer: Certain federal loans may prevent a citizen from applying for a passport. If you owe the government loans for repatriation or evacuation of you, your children, spouse or other immediate family members from a foreign country to the United States or for emergency medical care, dietary supplements and other emergency assistance, you may be denied a passport.

After being denied
by: Ernest

Question: I understand that if I owe more than $2500 and I wont get my money back for my passport application but once I pay my money owed to child support, do i have to pay again for a passport and re-do the application for a passport?

Answer: Passport services will hold your application as pending and give you a chance to pay your arrears. Once the debt is paid or acceptable payment arrangements are made, HHS will remove your name from the denial list and notify passport services. Your application will then be processed as normal.

Please contact the State Child Support Enforcement Agency for further assistance.

Child support can stop passport renewal
by: nz

Question: My ex husband went to Dobia and he is not paying any child support from 3 years ago.

I went to the court and to DCCS to make him pay but if he is not in the U.S.A. My question is how can I make sure that his passport will not renew or how can I revoke his passport?

Answer: Revocation of the passport is up to the child support enforcement agency handling your case. However, he will not be able to renew his passport if he owes more than $2500 in child support.

Arrears Interest
by: Anonymous

Question: My fiance and I would like to plan a destination wedding. However, he owes a little less then $6000 in Arrears Interest. His arrears are at zero but he still owes the interest. Will this stop him from obtaining his passport?

Answer: Your fiance should contact the state agency to which he paid the arrears and ask if his name remains on the passport denial list.

by: Anonymous

Question: I live in Ohio, my fiancé was denied a passport because of child support. He has a payment plan set up with the Child Support Enforcement Agency, but when he talked to them they said there’s nothing he can do. We’re supposed to go to Italy in July with my family, and as of right now it seems like he won’t be able to go. What can we do?

Answer: In order to be taken off the passport denial list, payment of the arrears must be made in full.

Denied passport
by: Anonymous

Question: I am from Indiana and I was denied my passport due to child support that I owe. I am behind on around $1200. but a check for child support comes out every month. What am I supposed to do? Can I still get my passport? If not, can I get my money back for applying for a passport?

Answer: Only individuals who owe more than $2500 in child support arrears are placed in the passport denial list. Since you owe less than that amount, you should be issued a new passport.

Also, passport fees are non-refundable. We recommend that you verify your eligibility with the child support enforcement agency handling your case before submitting your application.

by: Anonymous

Question: If my ex owes me more than $6,000 in back-pay child support and has a passport, what can be done? He got a passport back in 2013. I know if applying for one it can be denied but in this case what can be done because he travels to Mexico almost every other week. If I can get information on that.

Answer: According to federal law, "Passport revocation may be effected when the person obtained the passport fraudulently, when the passport was issued in error, when the person’s certificate of naturalization was canceled by a federal court, or when the person would not be entitled to a new passport under 22 CFR 51.70 (a) or (b)."

It goes on to say, "The physical revocation of a passport is often difficult, and an apparently valid passport can be used for travel until officially taken by an arresting officer or by a court."

Based on this, your child's father may continue to use his passport for travel. It is well within his rights since his passport is still valid. When his passport expires and he needs to renew it, his application will be denied because of this child support arrears.

Already have a Passport
by: Anonymous

Question: I live in Louisiana, I'm currently having child support taken out of my pay check weekly. I do owe back child support to my ex-wife. I already have a passport and plan to travel later this year, will my back child support prevent this?

Answer: Owing more than $2500 in child support will prevent you from obtaining a U.S. passport but will not stop you from traveling if you already have one.

I owe 1,900
by: Anonymous

Question: I live in Tennessee. I do not owe over 2,500. Why was my passport denied? I submitted my application June 23, 2017 and I am supposed to travel August 10, 2017. What is going on?

Answer: Please contact the child support enforcement agency handling your case to find out why you were mistakenly put on the list and if you can be taken off it.

Does Alabama report parents who are more than $2500 behind
by: Anonymous

Question: How can I find out if Alabama actually follows the law and reports parents who are behind on support. My daughter's ex is more than $40 thousand behind and is planning on taking kids to Canada for his monthly visitation. He doesn't have passports for the kids either. Please help me see if he is on the list to be denied a passport.

Answer: We do not have access to the passport denial list. However, the rule applies to all states. We recommend you contact the local Child Support Enforcement Agency for further assistance.

Child support
by: Anonymous

Question: Does that 2500 apply to every state?

Answer: Yes. Individuals who owe over $2500 in child support arrears are placed in the passport denial list. The arrears have to be paid in full in order to be taken off the list.

Owe back pay
by: Confused dad

Question: I found out today that I'm placed on child support and then I owe back pay of $3,500. I have a trip planned out of country; can I still go or will they deny me? I already have my passport.

Answer: You will be able to travel with your current passport. However, you will not be able to renew your passport unless you pay your arrears in full and be taken off the denial list.

Can I get off the passport denial list if my son's mother doesn't want back pay anymore?
by: Anonymous

Question: If the mother of my child calls the attorney general office of child support and she wants to cease the back pay of what I owe. Saying she does not want the back pay anymore and is content with the weekly child support that is taken out of my check. Is this possible that she could do that so I would not owe any back pay anymore so I can get off the list for owed child support so I can travel for work related purposes? Than would I be able to get my passport that's is being held by the state. I applied for a new passport and was not aware of the law stating that I could not travel since I owe more than 2500. My current back pay is 3400.

Answer: Passport Services does not determine who is placed on the passport denial list or removed from it. Everyone who owes $2500 or more in child support arrears is placed on the list. To discover if there are alternative methods of being removed from the list other than paying the full amount, you need to discuss the issue with an attorney and/or the state agency to which you owe child support. Once your name is removed from the list, the fact will be communicated to Passport Services and you can obtain a passport.

How do I verify existing Passport is valid?
by: Anonymous

Question: FL CSE says they requested that the Dep of State remove my name from the PDP list as my child support arrears are paid. How do I verify this has happened. I do not doubt them but want to verify my passport is valid before arriving at an airport gate. I have a passport in my hand, I'm not waiting for an application. I just want to be sure I'm off the list.

Answer: Unless you received a letter informing you that your passport had been revoked and it has not reached the date of expiration, it remains valid. Individuals who are placed on the passport denial list are unable to obtain a new passport. Placement on the list does not automatically revoke a valid passport.

Cannot get a passport for work related issues due to back child support in Oregon
by: Anonymous

Question: I owe 8300 dollars in back child support in which the arrears is being knocked down each month and I cannot get a passport for work or even look for jobs that require international travel. The child support case is in Oregon and I understand that if I pay off the arrears or paying it off I can obtain one. Why can't I get one?

Answer: Once the arrears reach $2500, you must pay the amount in full in order to be removed from the passport denial list. Please contact the Division of Child Support, Oregon Department of Justice to find out if there are any exceptions or an appeal process.

Documents back?
by: Anonymous

Question: I finished paying child support? When i originally applied for a passport it was denied due to child support and they kept my documents. I tried to request them but they denided it. I want to apply for a passport now that i am able, how can i request my original documents?

Answer: Please call 1-877-487-2778 to speak with a customer service representative.

Passport and arrears
by: Anonymous

Question: I have applied for a passport but was denied due to arrears. I live in MD and the payments go to GA. I have a court order that pays the support and an amount of the arrears every month from my check. What is Georgia's policy/law referencing arrears and renewing passports.

Answer: Please contact Georgia's Department of Child Support Services for this information.

passport renewal
by: Anonymous

Question: Which states require zero arrears balance before passport renewal? I do not see this specific question in this forum.

Answer: Please contact the Office of Child Support Enforcement for this information.

Employment denial of Passport
by: Anonymous

Question: If my employer gave me a written document stating that I need to obtain a passport due to my employment requirement to travel but due to my arrears and the amount that is owed I cannot receive one, can I take this up in a court of law in the State of California?

Answer: Federal policy delegates authority to states to determine their own policies related to satisfactory payment arrangements for passport release.

Some states allow obligors to contest a passport denial in cases of work-related travel requirements. California's emergency release policy does not include this option. However, we recommend you call to discuss this with a representative of the child support office.

To reach your local child support office, call the statewide toll free number at 1‑866‑901‑3212 for assistance.

passport and child arrears
by: Anonymous

Question: I have paid off my arrears since last year June. I was informed by the child support division that I can now apply for a passport. Why is my name still on the list?

Answer: Please call 1-877-487-2778 to speak with a customer service representative.

passport n paying on back money owed
by: Anonymous

Question: I owe back child support in Indiana. I owe back support only it's not ongoing. I'm making regular weekly payments. I have never had a passport but want to get one. Is it possible for me to get a passport? If so, how? Also, does a person's name automatically appear on the HHS list for passport denial or does the court have to place it there?

Answer: Once the total of your child support arrears reaches $2500 or more, the state child support agency places your name on the passport denial list. This list is sent to HHS who then sends it to the U.S. Department of State. In order to have your name removed from the list, you must pay the outstanding amount in full. Please contact the child support agency for more information.

Child Support Arrears
by: Anonymous

Question: In Illinois, if a passport is denied for arrears above $2500, can someone gat a passport once that amount falls below $2500 or does the arrears have to be paid in full?

Answer: The arrears must be paid in full before a passport will be issued.

Arrears less than 2500
by: Anonymous

Question: We are currently dealing with a passport denial due to arrears which in fact are being currently paid. The balance is less than 2500...actually the arrears is less than 500, so I don't understand the denial. The county prosecutor of the CS division is perplexed as well. We travel in less than 3 weeks. Any suggestions?

Answer: If the arrears surpassed $2500 at any time, you would have been placed on the passport denial list. After that happens, the only way to be removed is to pay the total amount of arrears.

The line of communication is the following. You contact the state agency to which you owe arrears. The state agency contact the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. HHS contacts Passport Services.

In order for Passport Services to process your application and issue you a passport, notice must be received by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services informing that the arrears have been paid.

We recommend you contact the state agency and request that someone contact HHS concerning this matter.

by: Brian

Question: So my question is if I owe more than $2500 in arrears, and I am paying more than my monthly child support obligation so that I can pay off the arrearages. I will not be able to obtain a passport until I reach a limit lower than $2500 or I can talk to the court where my case is at and they can send a notification to the passport office saying that payment arrangements are made and I can get my passsport? I am confused.

Answer: If you owe $2,500 or more in child support, you are not eligible to receive a U.S. passport. Some states require you pay the full amount before a passport will be issued. Contact the state agency to which you owe child support for more information.

reapplying once arrears is paid in full
by: Anonymous

Once you have been denied due to arreage, and the arrears has been paid off and the HHS has been notified, when reapplying for a passport how do you reapply? is it consider a new application?

Response The Passport Agency will hold your application for 90 days. If OCSE has released your case before the end of the 90-day hold period, the Passport Agency will mail the passport to you within two to five working days. If the release process exceeds 90 days, a new passport application must be submitted.

child suppt full pyment
by: Anonymous

My passport was denied due to the arrears owed, what should I do when I pay it in full?

Response Once the debt has been satisfied, the State(s) will request that OCSE remove your name from the passport denial program. This can take a few weeks. After the denial of passport has been withdrawn, contact the National Passport Information Center (NPIC) at 1-877-487-2778 or make an appointment at a regional passport agency.

Denial of Passport
by: Anonymous

Some states have a $0 arrears policy meaning they won't clear you until you have a $0 balance.

Response: Once a obligor reaches $2500 in arrears, s/he is entered into the Passport Denial Program. To be released from the program in order to obtain a passport, the obligor must pay the arrears in full.

hope for the best!!
by: Anonymous

please note that in accordance with section 7303 of public law 109-171, the deficit reduction act of 2005, the theshold for denial fo passport services was reduced from $5000 to $2500 on october 1, 2006.

i got this right from my letter saying i cant get a passport either the best bet is to call your local childsupport office and talk with a supervisor about payment options. im about to call and am hoping for the best but they arent very nice even when you are making the payments.

amount for being denied
by: Anonymous

The amount is actually 5000.00 dollars. Once you reach this amount you are denied a passport.

Response: According to the Department of State and the DC Office of the Attorney General, the amount of child support arrears for which a person can be denied a passport is, in fact, $2500. See here.

backchild support
by: Anonymous

SO does this mean if you are already paying back, back child support, u have to have in pd in full before you can get a passport?

Response A passport will not be issued if you owe $2500 or more. You must contact your local child support agency to make satisfactory arrangements to pay your past-due support obligation. If more than one State reported your name to the Passport Denial program, you must reach an agreement with all States involved in order for the passport to be released.

Once the debt has been satisfied or a satisfactory agreement has been reached, the State(s) will request that OCSE remove your name from the passport denial program. After the denial of passport has been withdrawn, contact the National Passport Information Center (NPIC) at 1-877-487-2778 or make an appointment at a regional passport agency.

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About the Author: For over 20 years, the U.S. Passport Service Guide team has helped hundreds of thousands of travelers with their travel document questions and shared advice about how to make traveling abroad simpler, safer, and more enjoyable.

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