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Is passport information public records

by Richard

Question: I am a private investigator and wanted to know if passport information was public record, is it possible to check someone's name and find when and if that person left the country as would be documented on their passport?

Answer: Passport Services maintains United States passport records for passports issued from 1925 to the present. These records normally consist of applications for United States passports and supporting evidence of United States citizenship, and are protected by the Privacy Act of 1974, (5 USC 552(a)).

Passport records do not include evidence of travel such as entrance/exit stamps, visas, residence permits, etc., since this information is entered into the passport book after it is issued.

Also, third party requests must include one of the following:

1. Notarized consent from the owner of the passport records,
2. Proof of guardianship,
3. Death certificate, or
4. Court order signed by a judge of competent jurisdiction requesting the Department of State to release passport records.

The only exception to this requirement is when the owner of the passport records was born 100 years or more ago.

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Unauthorized information
by: Anonymous

Question: How do you find out if someone has given your personal information unauthorized to another person in order to get passports? Who do I need to call? I am an ex-spouse and my ex gave my information to another person unauthorized and without consent. That person took my info and got them passports. What do I need to do?

Answer: It looks like your situation calls for police attention since it MAY be a case of identity theft. Passport services cannot help you.

Looking for information from my grandfathers passport #
by: James Christian

Question: I am trying to track down information on my Grandfather who was born in 1919. The only info I have is his passport number.

How would I go about asking for information from the passport agencies like his DOB?

Answer: You may request for a passport record.

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About the Author: For over 20 years, the U.S. Passport Service Guide team has helped hundreds of thousands of travelers with their travel document questions and shared advice about how to make traveling abroad simpler, safer, and more enjoyable.

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