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Comments for Is a minor travel consent form necessary for a mother to travel alone with a child?

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Minor Travel Consent
by: Anonymous

Question: My daughter is going to travel with her grandparents, she is 15 years old. Does she need to bring the Minor Travel Consent form?

Answer: Some destinations require a notarized consent to travel for minors signed by both custodial parents. It is best to provide your child such a document to cover all bases.

Single Mother
by: Anonymous

Question: I want to visit the Philippines and Europe with my 3-year-old son. Do I need a consent letter from his father even though we are not married but he is on his birth certificate?

Answer: The answer depends on your destination's entry requirements but to be sure, we recommend that you secure a notarized consent to travel to avoid questions about international parental child abduction.

Entry to United States without either of her parents
by: Anonymous

Question: My daughter, who is a minor, is going to travel alone without either of her parents to the United States. I would like to know if there are any requirements that the authorities demand to allow her to enter the United States without her parents?

Answer: The CBP requests written consent from both parents or the parent who is not accompanying the minor for minors (those less than 18 years of age) traveling to the U.S. alone or accompanied by only one parent. This consent must be in English. Please contact the CBP for more information.

Travel consent
by: Anonymous

Question: I will be traveling alone with my 4-month-old baby from the USA to Albania where his father lives. Do I need a minor travel consent from his father?

Answer: Please contact the Albanian Embassy to find if they have special requirements for minors. As for leaving the United States, the consent is not required as long as the child has a valid passport.

Consent necessary for mother with infant travelling back to USA
by: Anonymous

Question: My wife and I traveled outside the USA together with our newborn baby. I had to return earlier because of my job but she decided to stay a bit longer and is returning to USA with the baby end of this month. Does she still require a consent letter signed by me?

Answer: The answer depends on the exit regulations imposed by the country from which they are departing. Mexico, for example, requires such consent letter before the child can depart their country.

If you are concerned about re-entry to the United States, there should be no issues.

Passport expiration
by: Anonymous

Question: My daughter and I are planning on going to Peru in March. I just realized that her passport expires at the end of May. We will be in Peru for only 14 days. Do I need to renew her passport or would we be okay?

Answer: Your child needs a new passport to enter your destination. Peru requires that you have at least 6 months validity on U.S. passports.

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About the Author: For over 20 years, the U.S. Passport Service Guide team has helped hundreds of thousands of travelers with their travel document questions and shared advice about how to make traveling abroad simpler, safer, and more enjoyable.

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