Planning an international flight by scanrail/DepositPhotos
A study of 130 million international airline tickets sold over a 19-month period was recently released by Airlines Reporting Corporation (ARC).
It reveals some money-saving tips for this year's international air
travelers that will have them flying high. The study includes tickets
for both domestic and international flights. ARC's statistical analysis
shows travelers the best day of the week to buy international airline
tickets, the best advance purchase time, and the best online sellers
for the greatest savings. With this data-based winning combination,
travelers can't help but save big money.
The Best Day of the Week to Buy International Airfare
For years, people have relied on the belief that Tuesday is the best day to buy airline tickets and save money. This may have been true at one point, but the data indicates that Sunday is actually the best day of the week to purchase your tickets. Of course, this is not an absolute, because airline ticket prices do fluctuate, but the data pattern shows that travelers received the greatest savings by purchasing flights on Sundays. With tickets at their lowest then, the prices increase daily as the week progresses, so that Friday's tickets are the most expensive. Saturday is the second-least expensive. If you must buy a ticket during the week, Tuesday is still the best weekday for purchasing tickets even though it still averaged a few hundred dollars more per ticket. Keep in mind that buying on Sunday is a recommendation, not a guarantee.The Best Time to Buy International Airline Tickets
When considering advance purchase savings on air travel, the data from the study indicates that the lowest international prices are 24 weeks prior to departure date. The average international ticket price is $1368. Travelers who purchase international tickets 225 to 150 days in advance see lower prices with the lowest airfare prices at 171 days prior to departure. It looks like this; an average $1368 international airline ticket would cost approximately $1035 during the 225 to 150-day advance purchase window, and $1004 171 days prior to departure. Factor in purchasing international tickets during this window on a Sunday, and the ticket price hits its lowest at $906. That is a savings of over $460. The bottom line is book your ticket at least 171 days before departure and buy it on a Sunday.The Best Place to Buy International Plane Tickets
In The International Airfare Booking Experiment, international airfare prices were compared on 12 online booking services. The research goal was to determine which, if any, of the booking services consistently returned the lowest cost plane fares. The study included Airfare.com, CheapoAir.com, Cheaptickets.com, Clickandfly.com, EconomyTravel.com, Expedia.com, Hotwire.com, OneTravel.com