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I have an Official Passport and want to get a Regular Passport

by Cedric
(Oak Harbor, Washington, US)

Question: I'm in the military and currently deployed and I received my Official Passport. I want to be able to visit Canada and I can't with and Official Passport since it will not be a visit for Official Business.

I need to know what can I do to get a U.S. Passport in addition to my Official Passport. I would like to be able to travel once I get back to the States. Any help is greatly appreciated.

Answer: There are three ways you can go about getting your regular tourist passport.

1. See your PAC or S1 shop, they should be able to help you process your application.

2. Visit the nearest U.S. embassy or consulate general. Note, it is often necessary to make an appointment.

List of U.S. Embassies and Consulates

3. Wait until you return to the United States and apply at a local passport office to get your passport in as little as 2-3 weeks or at a regional passport agency to get your passport the same day.

Comments for I have an Official Passport and want to get a Regular Passport

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Tourist w/ official sofa stamp
by: Anonymous

Question: Hello,
We were stationed overseas in Japan. We had an official passport as well as a tourist passport. When we were in Japan at the AMC they stamped my and my son's tourist passports with the official stamp verbiage.

Are our tourist passports now considered official and if so do we just apply for new tourist passports? Will we run into issues because we were previously issued tourist passports? We are unsure how to proceed as we just received orders to go back to Japan. We have official passports so we’ll be fine moving to Japan but we want to travel straight away when we arrive so we want to sort it out asap. Thanks for any guidance.

Answer: You should contact the travel desk of the government agency you work for regarding your official and tourist passports. The National Passport Information Center may also provide some insight. You may call them at 1-877-487-2778.

No Fee Versus Travel passport
by: Anonymous

Question: I currently have a No Fee passport valid until 2024, but I will be traveling to Japan for leisure next month and I need an official passport. I have been issued two official passports in my life and two no-fee passports. The two official passports have expired and are not in my possession. Do I apply for a new passport with form DS11 or apply for a renewal with form DS 82?

Answer: You have two ways to obtain a civilian passport using your no-fee passport.

1. You can apply for a renewal using Form DS-82 and submit the no-fee passport. You will need to relinquish the no-fee passport -- it will not be returned to you.

2. You can apply for a new passport in person and submit Form DS-11 and use the no-fee passport as evidence of U.S. citizenship. The passport will be returned to you once the process is completed. Alternatively, you may use other forms of citizenship evidence like your original birth certificate and just keep your no-fee passport. We recommend this alternative so you have your no-fee passport in case you need to travel on orders while the civilian passport is on process.

Do I need a renewal or initial?
by: Anonymous

Question: I served in the military and separated in 2020. The military/base kept my official passport (brown) which is all I've ever had for a passport. Do I need to do a passport renewal or apply for an initial via DS11?

Answer: First of all, thank you for your service.

You need to submit a new application with DS-11 and submit it in person at a local acceptance facility.

Passport processing is taking longer than usual these days so it is best that you apply soon if you have plans of traveling. Also, we recommend that you wait until your passport arrives before making any final travel arrangements.

Can I use form DS-82 if I have an Official (Brown) Passport?
by: Anonymous

Question: I am currently on Active Duty Military. I have an official (Brown) passport, but I have never applied for/gotten a regular passport for leisure travel. Am I able to use form DS-82 and mail in my official passport with my application? Or do I have to use form DS-11, since I have never been issued a regular passport?

Answer: You will need to relinquish your military passport if you use Form DS-82. Because of this, you need to use Form DS-11 to get your civilian passport.

Obtain Tourist passport options if already have valid No-fee (blue) and Official (brown) passports
by: CR

Question: I recently retired from the military and need to obtain a tourist passport. I currently possess valid No-Fee (Blue) or Official (Brown) passports but no longer need them. They are still valid and set to expire in late 2023. Can I apply in the mail with a DS82 form (renew) or do I need to apply in person with a DS11 (new)?

Answer: First of all, let me say thank you for your service.

You have two ways to obtain a civilian/tourist passport using your official/no-fee passport.

1. You can apply for a renewal using Form DS-82 and submit the official/no-fee passport. You will need to relinquish the old passport -- it will not be returned to you.

2. You can apply for a new passport in person and submit Form DS-11 and use the official/no-fee passport as evidence of U.S. citizenship. The old passport will be returned to you once the process is completed.

Either way, you will be issued a civilian passport for leisure travel. Happy new year!

Expired Military Passport
by: Former Military Dependent

Question: Hello. I had a military passport that was issued back in 1996 for me to travel overseas with my parents for their deployment, but it is more than 15 years expired. The passport is not in my possession. I am wanting to apply for a civilian passport. Would I still need to answer question #21 on the application since I don’t have the passport or passport information?

Answer: Yes, you need to indicate that you have been issued a passport in the past and just leave out data that you do not have or unsure of.

Denied previously
by: Legal issue

Question: I applied for a passport in early 2019, but was denied due to something that needed to be cleared up via court. Have since done that. Do I apply again for a new passport at the same cost or do I do something else?

Answer: You need to resubmit the same application requirements. Note, however, that fees have increased late last year. The application fee for the passport book is now $130.

New Passport Requirements

Previous child dependent
by: Wanderlust 2022

Question: Had a previous, I’m assuming official passport, like 30 years ago to travel with military father to live overseas. It is not in my possession (he is retired) but would like to get a civilian passport now. Would I just apply for a new or is this considered a renewal? I don’t have any info from the previous one or the physical book to turn in.

Answer: You need to submit a new passport application in person. Please prepare the following requirements:

1. Form DS-11
2. Original or certified copy of U.S. birth/naturalization/citizenship certificate (plus photocopy)
3. Photocopy of government-issued ID (present the actual ID, driver's license preferred)
4. One passport photo taken within the last 6 months
5. Payment for fees:
-Acceptance: $35 (paid separately)
-Application (passport book): $130
-1 to 2 days delivery (recommended): $18.32
-Expedite (optional): $60

Schedule an Appointment

Please note that regular processing currently takes 8 to 11 weeks while expedited service takes 5 to 7 weeks. These processing times do not include shipping times which vary across the country. If you have any plans of traveling abroad, we strongly recommend waiting until the passport arrives before making any final travel arrangements.

Expired Military Passport
by: S.D.O.

Question: I retired from the Military in 2017 and still have my Brown Govt passport. I want to obtain a civilian Blue passport. Can I use the "Renew Passport" service or do I need to use the "New Application" service?

Answer: You have two ways to obtain a civilian passport using your official passport.

1. You can apply for a renewal using Form DS-82 and submit the official passport. You will need to relinquish the official passport -- it will not be returned to you.

2. You can apply for a new passport in person and submit Form DS-11 and use the official passport as evidence of U.S. citizenship. The official passport will be returned to you once the process is completed.

Thank you for your service and best of luck on your application.

Diplomatic to regular passport
by: Anonymous

Question: I have a diplomatic passport issued in 2010 (less than 15 years ago) that expired in 2014 (more than 5 years ago). Can I use the DS 82 and send in my expired passport as proof of citizenship?

Answer: You may use the diplomatic passport as citizenship evidence but you need to use Form DS-11 and submit your application in person.

Application for New Passport

Passport renewal
by: Anonymous

Question: I have an expired military passport. Can I use that passport to renew a civilian passport online?

Answer: Civilian passports are renewed by mail or in person, in case of emergencies. You may complete the form online but you need to mail the physical passport to the processing center.

If your civilian passport

1. is in your possession
2. is undamaged
3. was issued with full 10 years validity
4. and was issued when you were age 16 or older,

you may apply for a renewal by mail. Please prepare the following:

1. Form DS-82
2. Old passport
3. One new passport photo
4. Payment for fees

If your civilian passport does not meet any of the four requirements listed above, you need to submit a new application. You may use your military passport as evidence of U.S. citizenship. You need to submit the following in person at an acceptance facility:

Schedule an Appointment

1. Form DS-11
2. Military passport
3. Government-issued ID (can be the military passport as well)
4. One new passport photo
5. Payment for fees

You may contact the NPIC at 1-877-487-2778 for more information.

Visa Transfer from Official to Personal
by: Anonymous

Question: I am currently overseas and do not plan to return to the States. I was wondering am I able to transfer my visa from my government-issued passport over to my personal passport?

Answer: No, you cannot. A visa issued for the purpose of carrying out official duties cannot be used for civilian/leisure travel.

Passport renewal or new passport
by: Anonymous

Question: I'm 30. I was issued my first passport at 16 in 2007. It expired in 2017. I no longer have that passport in my possession. Do I renew or apply for a new passport and mark "no it was lost" and follow those steps. Or mark Yes even if I don't know the book number, when asked about previous my passport?

Answer: Since you cannot send your most recently-issued passport for a renewal, you need to submit a new application. You need to still indicate that you have been issued a passport in the past but leave the details blank.

If you're having an issue completing the form online, you may download the form and complete it by hand. Please use black ink.

Download Form DS-11

Expired Passport
by: Sheila P

Question: I was issued a no-fee passport to travel overseas with my husband back in the '90s. At the time that Great Lakes Naval Station was processing my passport, they said I had a green card on file which I didn't know about. But they said that they were going to issue my passport by way of being a citizen in marrying a US service member.

I should say that I was adopted by my mom and dad who both were US Citizens and bought me to the US when I was two (I am now 62). My passport is a blue no-fee passport and has expired but I want to get a new regular one. Am I going to have to apply for new citizenship? My passport states that I am US Citizen.

Answer: Hello, Sheila. You may use your no-fee passport as evidence of your U.S. citizenship if it is in good condition. You need to apply for your civilian passport in person at an acceptance facility. Please prepare the following requirements:

1. Form DS-11 (completed but not signed yet)
2. Old no-fee passport
3. Government-issued ID plus a photocopy
4. Passport photo taken in the last six months
5. Payment for fees

An agent will witness you take the oath and adjudicate the form at the acceptance facility. Most of these places require an appointment.

Schedule an Appointment

Routine service currently takes 10 to 12 weeks. If you request and pay for expedited service, processing will be completed in 4 to 6 weeks. Processing times may change without prior notice.

Is a returned passport lost or stolen?
by: Anonymous

Question: I had an official brown passport for work that was returned to the government when I retired.

I want to get a new Personal Passport

The form asks if I had a passport, which I did. But I not longer have it. Since it is no longer in my possession the form wants to know if it was lost or stolen.

It wasn't lost or stolen it was returned, which box do I check?

Answer: It seems that you are completing the form online which can often be confusing. We recommend printing the form and completing it by hand. You can then indicate that you have been issues a passport in the past and simply write NA for information you cannot provide.

Post office won’t accept official passport as proof of citizenship
by: J. E. C.

Question: Today my husband and I went to get him a new passport. As proof of citizenship, we brought along his expired, official (red) passport. The person helping us got her supervisor and she said that the official passport couldn’t be used as proof of citizenship. She also stated that he should’ve relinquished that passport when it expired. I called the travel.gov number on the application and even got confirmation that the official passport is, indeed, an acceptable form to prove citizenship. How should we get the post office to accept this information? They didn’t want to hear that they were wrong.

Answer: An official passport is indeed a valid proof of citizenship. You may want to go to a different acceptance facility to submit the application.

Soldier stranded at Airpot in Dubai
by: James Cambell

Question: I'm a soldier and my international passport has expired. I'm stranded in Dubai with no means of getting a new card because my bank card doesn't work there. I need help with this situation.

Answer: Hi, James. You may seek assistance from the U.S. Consulate in Dubai.

Civilian passport
by: Joe

Question: I am currently in the military and have a current official (red) passport. I want to apply for a civilian (blue) passport. I will not be sending in my official passport because I need it for work. Do I check yes on question #21 and fill in the information about my official passport on form DS-11?

Answer: Yes, you need to fill in details regarding your military passport in Form DS-11.

Can I use my goverment passport as proof of citizenship?
by: Anonymous

Question: Can I use my government passport (Red booklet) as my form of verifying my citizenship and identity?

My post office is telling me they won't accept it because it's not a blue cover passport. I've tried to explain to them and even showed them a print out stating that a undamaged U.S. passport (even if expired) can be used instead of a certified copy of a birth certificate. Am I correct that I am able to submit my government passport instead of a birth certificate?

Answer: You should be able to use your government passport as evidence of U.S. citizenship.

Used an official passport in the past
by: Anonymous

Question: My official passport was turned in to the government back in the 80's after my official travel was completed. Do I now apply for a renewal or a new one.

Answer: You need to apply for a new passport.

Birth certificate and Military Passport
by: Juan

Question: If a birth certificate is longer than 12 inches and says copying is unlawful. What are some options?

Can an expired military passport be used as proof of citizenship? If so will it be returned?

Answer: Yes, you may use the expired military passport as citizenship evidence.

Expired Official passport
by: Buzz

Question: I have an official passport that has expired and I want to get a civilian passport. Is the process different than if I had never had a passport?

Answer: Hi, Buzz. You have two ways to obtain a civilian passport using your official passport.

1. You can apply for a renewal using Form DS-82 and submit the official passport. You will need to relinquish the official passport -- it will not be returned to you.

2. You can apply for a new passport in person and submit Form DS-11 and use the official passport as evidence of U.S. citizenship. The official passport will be returned to you once the process is completed.

Line 21 DS-11
by: Former Military Brat

Question: I have two passports: a brown one and blue one. The blue was was issued before the brown one but expired at a later date. On line 21 of form DS-11, which passport information should I use? Which passport should I mail back with form DS-11?

Answer: Please use your civilian (blue passport) for the renewal. You also need to fill in Line 21 with information tied to the blue passport.

Official Passports and Civilian Passports
by: Anonymous

Question: I currently have an Official Passport. I am wanting/needing to apply for a civilian passport. Does the Civilian Passport application form or process require passport number or any other information from my Official Passport?

Answer: Question #21 of Form DS-11 pertains to U.S. passports you have applied for or been issued in the past. Please answer those questions with details from your official passport.

Ex Military Spouse
by: Julie

Question: I was issued a blue passport through the military to accompany my husband overseas. However, we had to surrender those passports upon returning from the overseas assignment. I am trying to find out what I need to do. Would I be applying for a new passport or renewing? I do not have the old one to submit with my application but they were issued in 2012 so that is less that 15 years ago.

Please inform! Thank you!

Answer: You need to apply for a new passport in person at an acceptance facility.

Child Passport
by: Anonymous

Question: I have a step-child with me overseas and I want to apply for a tourist passport for the child, could I use the no-fee passport as identification if I do not have my step-child's birth certificate? Will the biological father have to sign off again if he's already signed off for child's no fee passport?

Answer: The no-fee passport may be used as evidence of U.S. citizenship. Please contact the embassy of the country you are currently in regarding the need for the biological father to consent to the issuance of a tourist passport.

Need to keep Official passport
by: Caroline

Question: My husband has an official passport that is not expired. I'm not comfortable putting it in the mail and not getting it back. Can he just apply in person for a regular passport?

Answer: Yes, you husband can apply for a regular civilian passport in person. He will need the following:

1. Form DS-11
2. Evidence of U.S. citizenship
3. Proof of identity
4. Photocopy of ID
5. New passport photo
6. Payment for fees

He needs to appear in person at a nearby acceptance facility.

Military passport conversion to civilian?
by: Anonymous

Question: I got a military passport in 1996, obviously it's expired now. I have read that I cannot get a passport for travel due to back child support. Is it worth applying for a renewal/conversion to a blue passport? Or would it likely be denied for the same reason?

Answer: In order to be issued a passport, you need to pay your child support arrears in full. The same rule applies even if you had a military passport in the past.

Official passport photo and regular passport photo
by: Anonymous

Question: My children and I just received our official passports but are looking to get regular passports so we can travel outside the country we got the official passport for. Can we submit the same passport photo we used for the official passport for the regular passport application?

Answer: Yes, you may use the same photo.

by: Sandra

Question: I had the brown Official, no fee passport 12 years ago while in the military. I am now applying for a tourist passport for the first time. Do I answer yes on the Have you ever been issued a Passport question.

Answer: Yes, please indicate that you have been issued a passport before.

by: Melissa

Question: My kids have their no fee passports and we recently applied for their tourist passports but I received a letter from the processing office saying that they noticed they applied for a passport in 2015 and I should send those to them to finish their application. When I called customer service they said they don't ever ask for military passports back and now I'm just waiting for the processing office to call me and explain what I need to do.

Answer: That is correct. It should not have been necessary to send the no fee passports. Please let us know if you have any questions.

Had Brown Passport
by: Reginald

Question: Hi I have never had a Blue Passport, but I was issued a Brown Official Government Passport for a deployment when I was on active duty 9 years ago. I have since retired from active service and want to obtain a Blue passport. Since I've had the Brown Official Passport will the process be easier to obtain a Blue one? Or will I have to complete the paperwork as if I never had a passport before?

Answer: If your passport was issued less than 15 years ago, you can apply for a passport by mail. Note, however, that your official passport will not be returned to you.

If your passport was issued more than 15 years ago or you want to keep it, you must apply in person for a new passport at an application acceptance facility and present an original or certified copy of your birth certificate as evidence of U.S. citizenship.

Apply for tourist passport
by: Anonymous

Question: I also only have an official passport, and want to get a tourist one. Is my official passport sufficient as documentation for confirming my citizenship? I am having a copy of my birth certificate mailed to me, and don't know how long it will take.

Answer: If you submit your official passport, it will not be returned to you. If you want to keep it, you need to apply for a new passport at an application acceptance facility and submit your birth certificate as evidence of U.S. citizenship.

Official Passport Destroyed, Still Have Blue Passport...
by: Dave

Question: Hi, my most recent passport was an official passport, but I turned it in for destruction when I left the military... Can I still use my previous blue (unofficial) passport for renewal? (it meets all of the other criteria...)

Answer: As long as the passport meets the requirements, you can apply for a renewal by mail.

Same Situation
by: Tom

I have the same situation, I have a government passport and I'm currently deployed in Afghanistan right now, when i get back to the States what am I going to need to get my regular passport? You said if I go to a Regional Issuance office I can get it in one day? Is it because I already have the Government passport?

Thank you very much for the help!



Same day passports are only issued to American citizens who can present evidence of the need to travel urgently. If your flight is more than two weeks away, you cannot apply at a regional agency.

For a regular tourist passport, you must apply in person and submit form DS-11 and all supporting documents. For a complete list, click the link below.

US Passport Requirements


Do you normally need anything besides your official passport?
by: Anonymous

Are there additional requirements besides bringing your official passport?


Requirements for obtaining a new passport include the completed but unsigned form DS-11, evidence of U.S. citizenship, proof of identity, photocopy of ID, two passport photos and payment of fees.


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More Passport & Travel Information

Getting a Passport Expedited at a Post Office
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Applying at a Regional Passport Agency
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Using a Registered Courier Service
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Routine vs. Expedited Passport Service: How to Choose
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How to Renew a U.S. Passport Fast
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2. What exactly does a passport expediter do?
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5. Is expedited passport service worth it?

Get answers to these questions and more in our Ultimate U.S. Traveler's Guide to Passport Expediters.

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About the Author: For over 20 years, the U.S. Passport Service Guide team has helped hundreds of thousands of travelers with their travel document questions and shared advice about how to make traveling abroad simpler, safer, and more enjoyable.

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