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Comments for I did not provide legal consent for my daughter's passport?

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Passport for my 17 year old
by: Anonymous

Question: I applied for my 17-year-old's passport; I was told only consent from 1 parent is needed once they are 16. I paid for expedited and after 3 weeks received a letter asking for a custody decree and a statement from my son's place of birth.

I brought my son 12 years ago and we don’t know where his father is. Why is a custody decree needed once they are 17 if they only need consent from 1 parent? My husband also applied for my stepson's passport who is also 17 and they never asked for any custody documents, he presented the same documents I presented and got the passport but they are asking me for more documents.

Why is this happening?

Answer: Was your child able to present his own government-issued identification document during the application? Proof of sole legal custody or consent from the other parent is usually required when the child is unable to present his own ID and submit a photocopy with the rest of the requirements.

by: Anonymous

Question: I have had partial custody of my 7-year old daughter for the past 5 1/2 years and I recently discovered the mother did not list me on our child’s birth certificate. Can the mother obtain a passport without my consent?

Answer: Technically, yes. She may submit the birth certificate listing her as the only parent as proof of sole legal custody.

My dad is holding us hostage.
by: Anonymous

Question: My dad took us from Bridgeport, CT to Iraq around 2009, and around 2014 he kicked me, my mom, and my 3 siblings to the streets because he divorced my mom. He took my younger siblings' passports and mine as well.

We couldn’t get new ones because we need his signature. I’ve asked him to sign the documents and quote on quote he said "I’d rather eat sh*t, that w**** will burn here".

We've had little to no income, no family, and no medical assistance since we’ve arrived in Iraq. I’ve tried contacting embassies and they just told my mother needs sole custody of the kids and in Iraq the law won’t allow my mother to have sole custody. Any help would be great!

Answer: The U.S. government cannot intervene/override a country's laws on families and custody. Since you are overseas, the only office that can possibly provide assistance is the U.S. Embassy. Non-government agencies may be able to provide assistance but we do not know of any on the ground in Iraq.

Can I apply for son passport
by: Anonymous

Question: My son's father is listed on the birth certificate but he did not see him even one time. We don’t have any court order for custody. My son lives with me only. Can I apply for passport? He is 2 and a half years old.

Answer: Despite his absence, the father technically still shares legal custody with you. Because of this, his presence or consent is required to apply for the child's passport.

Your best course of action is to petition the court for sole legal custody so that moving forward, you can make all important and legal decisions for the child.

Alternatively, you can submit Form DS-5525 with the rest of the application requirements. Note, however, that this may or may not be approved. You must explain the situation in as much detail as possible to increase your chances of approval.

What can I do?
by: Anonymous

Question: I did not provide legal consent for my daughter’s passport, and somehow my ex-wife was able to obtain one. We have joint custody. What can I do? Is this criminal? If so, what do I do?

Answer: Hello. Please consult a lawyer regarding the situation.

Moving forward, you may enroll your child under the Children's Passport Issuance Alert Program so you will be notified when a passport application under your child's name is received by passport services.

by: Anonymous

Question: I am not an American citizen. My child's father is an American citizen and he is not on birth certificate. We are no longer together. Can I apply for a USA passport without his consent since I need to travel back to my country?

Answer: Yes, you can apply for your child's U.S. passport if he/she has a U.S. birth certificate (as proof of U.S. citizenship). The father's consent is not required since his name is not on the birth certificate.

Can I sign?
by: ValeF

Question: I have a unique situation. I am married and my wife had a child out wedlock, sperm donor signed as the father and he listed as the father, but with my last name. Now, I am raising the child as my own and my wife does not speak to the sperm donor and he is not involved in my daughter life. Can I sign the application as one of the parent in passport application?

Answer: Since you're not listed as the father in the child's birth certificate, you cannot provide consent or presence for the passport application. We recommend seeking legal counsel on what to do with the situation.

Fathers information
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi. I want to fill out a passport application for my daughter who is underage. I’m having trouble on the information about putting in her fathers information on the application. We are not married nor together anymore and I have full custody on my child but the fathers information is on her birth certificate. Should I still write down his information on the application even though he gave up his rights for our child?

Answer: Yes, you should still enter the father's information.

How do i prove sole custody?
by: Anonymous

Question: I am newly naturalized and want to apply for a passport for my 14-year-old daughter - her biological father lives in Egypt and she has had nothing to do with him for years. I have sole custody but have nothing in writing because the Egyptian divorce law naturally says that custody goes to the mother so there is no need to put into writing. How do I go about proving this to the Passport Application office so I can get her her passport?

Answer: Please contact the NPIC at 1-877-487-2778 for answers to your questions.

Passport for Minor Child - Parent Incarcerated
by: Anonymous

Question: What form(s), if any, needs to be included with a passport application if the minor child's non-custodial parent is incarcerated?

Answer: If you can present proof of SOLE LEGAL custody, there is no need to involve the father. If you share legal custody with the father, you need to secure a notarized consent from him. You may need to speak to a lawyer about securing this.

Another option is to submit Form DS-5525 with a copy of the father's incarceration order with the rest of the requirements for a child's passport.

by: Annymous

Question: How do I get a passport for my kids when their mother has moved five years ago and has had no contact with them since? We don't know where she is.

Answer: You may submit Form DS-5525 with a thorough explanation of the situation and the rest of the requirements for a child's passport. There is no guarantee that the passport will be issued but this is your only way of applying without going to court and petitioning for sole legal custody.

Temporary sole custody for six and a half years
by: Anonymous

Question: So in 2013 I got my divorce finalized and rewarded temporary sole custody until the upcoming hearing in April but because nothing changed, no other court documents were recorded. I have my final divorce decree which stated that and in over six years he has not tried to even make an attempt to see his kids. But because I have "temporary" sole custody will that affect me applying for a passport for my child?

Answer: It should not as long as it clearly states that you have SOLE LEGAL custody of the children.

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You can also visit our library of articles about passport expediting.

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About the Author: For over 20 years, the U.S. Passport Service Guide team has helped hundreds of thousands of travelers with their travel document questions and shared advice about how to make traveling abroad simpler, safer, and more enjoyable.

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