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Do babies need passports?

by Elizabeth
(Santa Barbara, CA, USA)

Question: My family will be traveling to Mexico in July and we will have a 3-year old and an infant about 4 months old. Will they both need passports?

Answer: Every citizen of the United States, independent of age (even newborn infants), is required to have a valid passport when traveling outside the United States. There is an exception for travel on a closed-loop cruise or travel by land to Canada.

Regular processing of passport applications can take 4-6 weeks or longer. We recommend you submit the applications as soon as possible.

For complete details, please click the link below.

How to Get a Child's Passport

Comments for Do babies need passports?

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Flying domestically then crossing over by land
by: Anonymous

Question: I'll be traveling from Florida to New York and then by land to Canada with my 3-month-old boy who is born in the US. I have my Canadian visa. Will he be able to go to Canada and reenter the US without his passport but with his birth certificate? His passport is not ready yet.

Answer: Yes, your child may enter Canada and get back to the United States with his original U.S. birth certificate. Make sure it is the long form issued by the city/state vital records office.

International flight with a 3 months old baby
by: Anonymous

Question: I have to travel to Haiti with my 3-month-old son but I still haven't received his passport or in a short time will be 6 months old on American territory. And I don't want to find myself in an illegal situation. Is there a way for me to travel with him with a document other than a passport, such as his birth certificate? Otherwise what to do?

Answer: Your child needs a passport to travel. You may contact the NPIC at 1-877-487-2778 to schedule an appointment at a regional agency to get the passport issued within 72 hours.

Infant travel outside the US
by: Anonymous

Question: How long can an infant, who is a citizen of the United States, leave the US?

Answer: There is no limit as long as the child leave and re-enters the country with a valid U.S. passport.

Protection Order
by: Anonymous

Question: I will be taking my 2-year-old on a Disney cruise. I applied for her passport with only me because I have a protection order against her father. I attached the court order but I received a letter saying he has to sign for her passport with me. How is this possible when we have a protection order?

Answer: The Department of State reserves the right to require documents they deem necessary for passport applications. You may speak to your lawyer about getting the requirement through the father's lawyer.

Traveling with a 3 year old
by: Anonymous

Question: I have a 3-year-old daughter. Does she need a passport to travel within the United States such as Atlanta, Georgia?

Answer: A passport is not required for domestic travel. Minors also do not need to present identification, only the accompanying adults do.

Birth Certificate Error - Father's Birth Date
by: Anonymous

Question: I ordered a certified birth certificate for our 3 mo. old daughter to apply for a passport and noticed an error in the father's birth date. I've submitted for correction, but the turnaround from the State Records Dept. is about 6 months, but we need to apply for a passport as soon as possible. Would this error prevent our daughter's passport application from being approved?

Answer: It should not affect the child's passport application. Please contact the NPIC at 1-877-487-2778 for more information.

Driving to Mexico from US /Flying from Raynosa to Ciudad Juarez
by: Anonymous

Question: I'll be driving from McAllen to Raynosa with my wife and children. Does my newborn need a passport if flying from Raynosa airport to Ciudad Juarez? Will be driving back to US?

Answer: You need to contact the Mexican aviation authorities to find out what they require for minors traveling domestically.

Unexpected emergency
by: Anonymous

Question: Hello,

My husband just got his visa interview this week. From the date we received his appointment, they only gave us 17 days total to make arrangements.

I have a one-month-old and now with 15 days Ieft I will not be able to process her passport even if I wanted to because my husband is still living in Mexico. We also need to leave earlier so he can get his biometrics complete and his medical examination done for his actual visa interview. So technically I only really have 12 days to figure things out.

I also know that I would need to fill out another form since he's not here with us which would take even more time because I wouldn't even be able to start the process without the notarized form. In a case like this where there's no sufficient time to do things in a timely manner, is there any way to get an emergency passport?

Answer: If you can get the notarized consent mailed to you ASAP, you can set an appointment at a regional passport agency and get your child's passport issued within 72 hours of your travel date.

Please call 1-877-487-2778 for an appointment.

Also, if you're traveling to Mexico by land or sea, your child will only need his/her U.S. birth certificate.

International with a one-month-old
by: Anonymous

Question: Can a one-month-old baby travel internationally from the USA to Mexico with a birth certificate?

Answer: If traveling by air, a valid passport book is required. If going to Mexico by land or sea, the original U.S. birth certificate will suffice. However, if for any reason the child needs to travel back to the U.S. by air, you will still need a valid passport book. We strongly recommend getting the child a passport in case of emergency.

Documents needed for newborn to re enter US
by: Anonymous

Question: My son is 1 month and will be traveling to Mexico in a couple of weeks but still doesn’t have his birth certificate. What will He need to be able to re-enter?

Answer: If traveling by air, the child needs a valid U.S. passport book. If going by land or sea, the original or certified copy of a state-issued birth certificate is required. The child cannot travel without one of the two.

Teen mom wanting to travel with baby
by: Anonymous

Question: Good afternoon. I am a teen mom (17) who wants to travel internationally to Mexico with my 3-month-old.

I know she needs a passport but will she be able to travel with me alone since I am technically underage even though I am her mother and the only one on the birth certificate? Father is not on the birth certificate since he was not present at birth but I decided to give her his last name. Will that be a problem as well in the process of applying for a passport and traveling?

Answer: Your child having a different last name from you is not going to be an issue when applying for a passport and traveling. However, Mexico has stringent rules regarding traveling minors. We recommend that you contact the Mexican Embassy about two minors traveling without an adult.

Passport for newborn
by: Anonymous

Question: My newborn is still waiting for his US passport but that probably won't get here in time for our travels. My newborn has a passport from another country because he is a dual citizen and also has a birth certificate. Can he enter the USA with a USA birth certificate and foreign passport?

Answer: No, he cannot. As a U.S. citizen, your child is required to leave and re-enter the United States with a valid U.S. passport.

US territory to US mainland
by: Anonymous

Question: Does my 6-year old son need a passport to travel from Guam (US territory) to the US Mainland and back? Or is his birth certificate sufficient enough?

Answer: A passport is not required to travel from a territory to the mainland and vice versa. Just bring proof of the child's citizenship in case it is required.

International Travel with newborn
by: Kristy

Question: Dear Sir or Madam. Can I travel with a US citizen newborn from Miami to Cancun by plane using a German children’s passport or Mexican passport? Since the processing time takes 4-6 weeks. Thank you.

Answer: No, yu cannot. As a U.S. citizen, the child is required to depart and re-enter the United States with a valid U.S. passport book.

Baby passport
by: Anonymous

Question: I have a six-month-old baby and I want to travel to Mexico and come back to the US. I’m going to travel on a bus. To re-enter the U.S, does my baby need a passport? I have a valid passport but my baby doesn’t.

Answer: Your child may re-enter the United States with his/her U.S. birth certificate if traveling by land or sea. However, in the event that he/she needs to return to the U.S. by air (due to an emergency, for example), a valid passport book is required.

Please contact the CBP for more information regarding re-entry into the United States.

1 year old
by: Anonymous

Question: I have a 1-year-old and traveling to Cancun from Mexico. Does she need a passport?

Answer: If you are traveling from Cancun from somewhere in Mexico, your child should not need a passport.

If you mean you are traveling to Cancun, Mexico from the United States, a valid passport book is required if traveling by air. If you are traveling by land or sea, you will only need your child's U.S. birth certificate.

U.S. from Mexico
by: Anonymous

Question: My baby is 3 months. Does she need a passport to re-enter the U.S from Mexico?

Answer: If entering by land, you may present the child's U.S. birth certificate for re-entry. For air travel, a valid passport book is required.

Infant 5 months
by: Anonymous

Question: I only have my baby's birth certificate. Flying from Cali to New York, does she need a passport?

Answer: A passport is not required for domestic travel. Just bring the birth certificate in case it is required. Have a safe trip!

Waiting for passport
by: Anonymous

Question: Several of my grandchildren are waiting on their passports to surprise me and go on a Cancun vacation. They can’t even sign in and find info about them. System overload. How do we find out? 2 mos away from flight.

Answer: Passport status is available online. The Department of State does not recommend calling the NPIC to check on the status of applications. You just need to keep trying -- checking during late hours or very early in the morning may work due to less traffic to the site. Please note that it takes about 6 weeks for an application to register in the tracking system.

Check Your Application Status

by: Anonymous

Question: I have a 1-year-old and we need to travel to Mexico. Does she need a passport or can I take her with her birth certificate?

Answer: If you are traveling to Mexico by air, your child needs a valid passport book. If traveling by land or sea, you may use the child's birth certificate.

3 month old
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi. I am traveling to Chicago from California. Does my baby need a passport or will a birth certificate will be just fine?

Answer: Minors do not need to present identification for domestic travel, only the accompanying adults do. You may bring the birth certificate in case questions arise.

New born
by: David

Question: Hi, my newborn is 5 months old I’m planning on going to Tijuana this weekend. Unfortunately, my newborn doesn’t have a birth certificate yet since the offices are closed due to covid. Is it okay to just take her SSC and her hospital birth certificate?

Answer: A hospital birth certificate may not be honored as official evidence of U.S. citizenship. The SS card is also not acceptable. Also, land border crossing to Mexico is still restricted to essential travel until at least July 21st.

My 14 months old baby boy
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi. We are planning to travel from New York City to Florida but we haven’t gotten my son’s passport. Can he travel with us? Does he need an ID or birth certificate to travel? Please let me know.

Answer: A passport is not required for domestic travel. Also, minors do not need to present an ID, their accompanying adults have to do this on their behalf. Just bring his birth certificate in case you are asked for documentation.

7-month-old baby
by: Anonymous

Question: I am not a U.S. citizen but my baby was born in the U.S. I am planning to travel to my home country. My baby's passport hasn't arrived yet and she s laissez-passer from my home country so my baby can enter my home country without a passport. So, does my baby need a US passport to exit the US?

Answer: Since your child is a U.S. citizen, she needs to exit the United States with a valid U.S. passport. Please apply for your child's passport and wait for it to arrive before making any final travel arrangements.

One year old baby
by: Anonymous

Question: Will my one-year-old baby be allowed to fly without a passport from San Francisco to Mexico City?

Answer: No. All U.S. citizens, regardless of age, need a valid U.S. passport book to board an international flight out of the country.

US Passport needed?
by: VB

Question: I want to take my son 15yo to a family reunion in Russia. He has a valid Russian passport, expired US passport, and birth certificate. Can he enter the USA with the birth certificate and Russian passport?

Answer: No, he cannot. As a U.S. citizen, he is required by law to leave and re-enter the United States with a valid U.S. passport.

Crossing land, then fly domestically
by: Natalie C.

Question: Hello! I need help. We are planning on traveling with a baby by land into Mexico. Flying from TJ to Mexico City domestically.
And then return the same way, crossing the border by land from TJ.

But my question is will the 1-year-old baby need a passport to fly domestically within Mexico.

Answer: You need to contact the Mexican travel authorities for an answer to your question. As a general rule, minors do not need identification/passports for domestic travel but we do not know if Mexico has different regulations.

Cannot get an appointment
by: Anonymous

Question: We have been calling to get an appointment for our daughter. We will be traveling to Mexico from Tijuana using the CBX. Do we need a passport to fly nationally from Tijuana to Puerto Vallarta. The travel is in less than 10 days now.

Answer: Since you are technically entering Mexico by land, the minor only needs her U.S. birth certificate. However, in the event that she needs to re-enter the United States by air, a valid passport book is required.

by: Nenny

Question: I will be traveling to Mexico by car with my 6-month-old and my 6-year-old. I have a passport but they don’t. Will they be requiring one to enter Mexico/US? Or just with birth certificates is fine?

Answer: If traveling by land or sea, the minors may use their birth certificates. If traveling by air, valid passport books are required.

Passport for 5 month old
by: Anonymous

Question: I submitted the form to get my daughter's passport about 4 weeks ago and did expedite services, I will be traveling within a week from now. Will the passport arrive on time? Do they look at the traveling date provided on the application? What can I do if it doesn't arrive on time 3 days before the flight?

Answer: They do look at the travel date and do their best to accommodate your plans and get your passport to you on time. Howeever, there are no guarantees except that the application will be processed in 4 to 6 weeks.

You may schedule an appointment at the closest regional agency just as a backup. You may followup in person at an agency. Your appointment must not be sooner than 3 business days before your trip.

Set an Appointment

Re-entering the U.S
by: Anonymous

Question: Can my 2-year-old child and I reenter the U.S if my passport has recently expired and my child doesn't have her passport with her but I have proof of her passport.

Answer: The U.S. Department of State has recently announced that they will allow re-entry into the U.S. by citizens who are currently overseas and whose passports expired after January 2020. You will able to enter the United States with your expired passport but your child may have issues since she does not have one at all. The "proof" you have will not suffice.

Please contact the CBP if there is a workaround for the minor or if you really need to apply for your child's new passport before traveling.

If you are arriving from Mexico by land or sea, your child will only need her U.S. birth certificate or any other proof of citizenship in order to re-enter the country.

7 month old and 8 year old
by: Anonymous

Question: I have a baby who will be a 7-month-old when we travel. I also have an 8-year-old. I will travel by Land on Bus to Guanajuato Mexico, Do they need a passport or can I use their Birth Certificates?

Answer: Your children may travel to Mexico by land using only their birth certificates. However, in the event that they need to travel back to the United States by air, valid passport books are required.

Mexico by plane
by: Denise

Question: We plan to take a 10-month-old to Mexico by plane. Can we just bring her birth certificate?

Answer: A valid passport book is required for international air travel, even just to Mexico. You must apply for your child's passport before you travel.

by: Anonymous

Question: I just had my baby Dec 15. We want to go to Mexico due to his dad being deported and we also have a 2-year-old. I will be traveling by car there, do my kids still need a passport?

Answer: Your children may travel to Mexico by land or sea with only their birth certificates. However, in the event of an emergency and you need to travel back to the United States by air, they will need valid passports.

by: Anonymous

Question: I applied for my 4-month-old baby's passport but her dad is not here. They need DS 3053 and it should be notarized at the US embassy. The embassy is not giving appointments until January but I have to go. What should I do?

Answer: The father may have the form notarized by any legitimate notary public. Please make sure he also sends a photocopy of the ID he presents to the notary to you. You need the original form and the ID photocopy for the application.

by: Virysz

Question: My baby is 6 months old and on December we are thinking of visiting family in Juarez. We are located in El Paso so we will be crossing the border by car. Does my baby need a passport or can I just use his birth certificate? Thank you.

Answer: U.S. citizen minors need only present their original U.S. birth certificate or other form of citizenship evidence to enter Mexico by land or sea. However, in the event that you need to fly back to the United States (for an emergency or any other reason), your baby will need a valid U.S. passport book.

by: Selena

Question: I have a two-month-old baby and I need to go to Tijuana. I’ll be crossing by land.
Does my child need a passport or just will the birth certificate will do?

Answer: If traveling to Mexico by land or sea, minors can use their birth certificates. Having said that, it is strongly recommended to have a valid passport in case of emergencies that require that you return to the United States by air travel.

by: Anonymous

Question: I want to travel to Mexico in the next week but I will leave from Tijuana. Does my daughter need a passport to travel from Tijuana to Zacatecas.

Answer: Since you're already in Tijuana traveling to Zacatecas, it will be considered domestic travel. It should not require a passport. Please contact the Mexican travel authorities for more information.

Child's passport
by: Anonymous

Question: When should I apply for my child's passport? My daughter was born in June. We had planned to travel in December overseas but in light of the current situation have decided to hold off on international travel. I would feel better though knowing I have her passport at hand. Is it best wait to 2021 to get her passport when she is slightly older or get it now when she is a newborn and her features are changing weekly? This is all new to me so I'm rather curious.

Answer: Since you are not traveling anytime soon, it will be wise to wait to apply. For one thing, children must be kept away from the public as much as possible to protect them from the virus. Children need to present at the time the application is submitted.

Also, passport services is backed up and processing may be significantly delayed. It may take months before you receive the passport and supporting documents. We recommend waiting until passport services are back to normal operations.

There is no need to worry about the child's changing appearance compared to the one on the passport photo. A lot of changes are expected of little ones in the 5 years that the passport is valid. Should questions arise, you can always present photos from the time the photo was taken up to the present.

Chicago to Mexico
by: Anonymous

Question: I have a 7 month old and we’re flying to Mexico from Chicago does my baby need a passport or can we use birth certificate?

Answer: A valid passport is required for international air travel.

Passport for 4-month-old infant
by: Anonymous

Question: I am traveling to Mexico by land. Does my 4-month-old baby need a passport to come back to the U.S.? Can I use her birth certificate or does she need a passport?

Answer: Minors may re-enter the United States at land or sea borders with just a birth certificate or other forms of citizenship evidence.

Also, unless the child is accompanied by both parents, the child must have a notarized letter from the other parent or signed by both parents stating, "I acknowledge that my son/daughter is traveling outside the country with [the name of the adult] with my permission."

7 month old traveling to GA
by: Anonymous

Question: Does my 7 month old need a passport to travel to Georgia from Philadelphia by plane?

Answer: Passports are not required for domestic travel. Minors also do not need to present an ID.

Newborn 2 weeks old
by: Anonymous

Question: I'm a U.S. citizen going back to Mexico. I'm planning on leaving in a bus from Las Vegas to TJ. Does my son need a passport or can we just travel with his birth certificate. Also, his dad is in Mexico. Will I need anything else?

Answer: All U.S. citizens are advised to travel overseas with a U.S. passport. Having said that, your child may travel with just his birth certificate. Please contact the Mexican border authorities for more information.

Possible to get passport during current COVID pandemic?
by: Katrine

Question: I am due in about 6 weeks and plan to travel to Denmark for my maternity leave once the baby is over 2 weeks old. Given the current situation with COVID, will I be able to get a passport for the baby once it is born?

Answer: Hi, Katrine. Passport service is still available but expect delays in the processing. Also, you need to take the baby to the passport office so it may be too risky for a newborn. Expedited service is not available at this time except for life and death emergencies.

Going to New York
by: Glenda

Question: Hello. I am going to New York with my baby. Does my baby need to have medical exams aside from her vaccines from her pediatrician?

Answer: Hi, Glenda. Travel to New York is strongly discouraged at this point because of the rising number of COVID-19 cases. If it is absolutely necessary that you go there, please contact your child's pediatrician for advice on how to keep your baby and yourself safe.

My 2 year old
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi I have a 2 year old in P.R. with my wife. I would like to bring them to North Dakota. Does my 2 year old need a passport to travel?

Answer: Since Puerto Rico is a U.S. territory, U.S. citizens may travel there without U.S. passports.

by: Anonymous

Question: I am traveling from New York to Canada by car... my son will be 10 months by then, will he need a passport?

Question: Your son will only need his U.S. birth certificate to travel to Canada and back.

Do babies need passports?
by: Anonymous

Question: We are taking a Cruise from Orlando/Canaveral to Nassau, Bahamas and Turks and Caicos back to Canaveral. Does our 8 month old need a passport or just a birth certificate?

Answer: The baby's birth certificate should suffice. Please bring the original and a photocopy.

Does my baby need a passport
by: Anonymous

Question: Does my baby need a passport even if he is not traveling out of the country?

Answer: Babies/minors do not need passports/IDs to travel domestically. Having said that, it is ideal for all citizens to have a valid passport in case of unplanned international travel.

Passports from PA to Hawaii
by: Jasmine

Question: Me, my husband and children, who will be 10 and 4 yrs old at the time, will be flying to Hawaii from Pennsylvania in December. My husband and I have our real IDs - will any of us need passports? We all are Americans and we are the biological parents, if that helps? Thank you.

Answer: Passports are not required your trip if it's a direct flight from PA to HI. The kids also do not need IDs but we recommend that you bring their birth certificates.

Overseas travel
by: Anonymous

Question: Can I travel to the Philippines? My son is 2 years old. He was born here so he is a U.S. citizen. I'm just a green card holder. What should i do, can I apply for a U.S passport for him?

Answer: Yes, you can apply for your child's passport. The child must apply in person with both parents present to submit the following requirements:

1. Form DS-11
2. Original U.S. birth certificate
3. Photocopies of both parents' IDs
4. Proof of parental relationship (birth certificate)
5. One new passport photo
6. Payment for fees

Baby Passport
by: Anonymous

Question: I have a child who is in the department of child safety system and I am fostering the child and have an order of authorization to apply for his passport and a notice to providers stating who I am. But the court order only has the Department of Child Safety supervisor and worker to apply but they are not able to go apply for the child. Will I be able to since he is in my care? I am traveling in the next 3 days to Mexico and need his passport. He is 5 months old.

Answer: Since the child is technically a ward of the state, you need a notarized statement of consent from the Department of Child Safety's representative to apply for the passport. Please contact the NPIC at 1-877-487-2778 for more information.

For a 2-week-old baby
by: Anonymous

Question: My daughter just had a baby. He is 2 weeks old. Does she need to get a border crossing card for him even though she has his birth certificate?

Answer: If traveling only by land or sea, the state-issued birth certificate should suffice. A passport book is required for air travel.

6 week old
by: Lauren

Question: We are interested in traveling outside the US when our baby will be about 6 weeks old. Since the baby is not born yet and will only be 6 weeks around the time we travel, do we need a passport or should we get baby a passport and have it expedited?

Answer: All U.S. citizens, regardless of age, need a valid passport book to travel overseas by air. Your baby will need a passport and you may apply for it as soon as you get his/her state-issued birth certificate and SS card.

Processing takes 6 to 8 weeks so you will definitely need to expedite processing if you will leave 6 weeks after he/she greets the world.

by: Anonymous

Question: Hello. I'm traveling from Guam to Washington to accompany my mother. I'm taking my 7-month-old baby with me. Does she need a passport to travel?

Answer: Minors do not need passports to travel within the United States and its territories.

Passport to American Samoa
by: Anonymous

Question: I will be traveling to American Samoa with my 6-month-old child. Will he be required to have a US passport since American Samoa is a US territory?

Answer: Since this is considered domestic travel, a U.S. passport is not required. However, you need to carry the child's birth certificate as proof of U.S. citizenship. Please contact the CBP for more information.

Montego Bay, Jamaica
by: Anonymous

Question: I'm traveling for work and I am a photography specialist. I'm going to Jamaica to do a wedding and my husband is going. We leave early October. Can my 5 month old baby come? My husband and myself both have passports. We only have a birth certificate for our baby. Is this okay.

Answer: It is not. Your baby also needs a passport to travel overseas.

Flight booked for NYC
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi. We currently live in Florida and want to go up to NYC to see friends and families. My daughter is 6 years old, does she need a passport for this trip?

Answer: A passport is not required for domestic travel. Also, minors do not need to present IDs, only the accompanying adults do.

Traveling to Mexico
by: Anonymous

Question: I have a baby that is 8 months old. Does she need a passport to travel to Mexico? We are traveling by land.

Answer: According to the CBP minors age 15 and under may exit and enter the United States with just evidence of U.S. citizenship. However, Mexican officials may ask you to present a passport when you enter.

Traveling to Mexico
by: Anonymous

Question: I will be traveling to Mexico with my infant who is 3 weeks old. Will I have to get him a passport?

Answer: If traveling by air, a passport is required. If by land or sea, the child's U.S. birth certificate should suffice. Please contact the CBP for more information.

by: Anonymous

Question: Hi we are planning to go to Canada next month by land. Does my 8 months baby need a passport to go there??

Answer: Children age 15 and below only need birth certificates or other proof of U.S. citizenship to travel between the United States and Canada by land or sea. However, in the event that the child needs to travel back to the U.S. by air, a passport book is required.

by: Anonymous

Question: My kids are 17 and 14 and we will be traveling to Mexico by land. The trip is about 5 weeks out. Do they need a passport?

Answer: The 14-year-old will not need a passport for land travel to Mexico. However, the 17-year-old needs one. Also, should they need to travel back to the United States by air for any reason, passport books will be required.

If you apply for passports now and request for expedited service, you will get the passports in 2 to 3 weeks.

You may visit the following web pages for more information:

Passports for Minors
Passports for Minors age 16 and 17

Do infants need passports?
by: Anonymous

Question: I will be traveling to Mexico in July. My twins will be 6 months. We will be driving into Mexicali, will they need a passport?

Answer: Passports are not required for children but we strongly recommend having one in case you need to travel by air back to the United States for any reason.

by: Anonymous

Question: I am a father with a Green card, traveling with my 4-year-old son to Mexico. He's an American citicen. We are just traveling 10 miles from the border. Does he need a passport to re-enter the United States?

Answer: While your son will not be expressly denied re-entry to the United States if he arrives with just a U.S. birth certificate instead of a passport, questions may arise which may seriously delay the process.

For this reason, we strongly recommend applying for your child's passport before going overseas.

Passport for 4-year-old.
by: Anonymous

Question: I am a father traveling with my 4-year-old son to Mexico. He's not in school yet. We are just traveling 10 miles from the border. Does he need a passport? I have a green card.

Answer: Please contact the CBP regarding travel by green card holders.

Travel to mexico
by: Anonymous

Question: If a child under 15 is accompanied by his/her parents, does he/she need a passport to board a plane to Mexico and then board another one to come back to the United States?

Answer: Yes, a valid passport book is required to board an international flight.

Will I need a passport?
by: Anonymous

Question: I have a 4-month-old infant. We plan to go to Mexico. Our plan is to drive down to Tijuana and fly from Tijuana to Mexico City. Will I need to get my infant a passport?

Answer: According to the CBP, minors may enter Mexico and re-enter the United States with just U.S. birth certificates.

You will have to check with Mexican authorities about domestic air travel requirements. Also, we recommend having a U.S. passport book handy in case an emergency arises and the child will need to travel back to the United States by air.

Does my son need a passport?
by: Anonymous

Question: My son is 1 year and we are traveling from Mexicali to Guadalajara. He is a U.S. citizen, does he need a passport?

Answer: It is recommended that U.S. citizens have U.S. passports when traveling. But since you're planning domestic travel within Mexico, a passport may not be required. Please contact the Mexican travel authorities since this is under their jurisdiction.

Baby travel
by: Anonymous

Question: My baby will be 11 months old when we travel. We are traveling from Ohio to South Carolina. Does she need a passport? What does she need to travel?

Answer: A child does not need a passport or ID for domestic travel. The accompanying adult needs to present a Real ID or Real ID-compliant document.

Travel by land
by: Anonymous

Question: My son will be 7 months old when I travel to Mexico to visit family. We are only driving 10 miles across the border. Will he need a passport?

Answer: He will not. Instead, he will need proof of U.S. citizenship like his birth certificate.

Infant and national emergency travel
by: Anonymous

Question: My son is 19 months old, can we travel to and from Canada with only his birth certificate?

Can we travel during a national emergency?

Answer: Minors age 15 and under may travel between Canada and the United States by land or sea with just proof of U.S. citizenship like a birth certificate. If traveling by air, a passport book is required.

Please contact the CBP regarding travel as it relates to the national emergency.

by: Anonymous

Question: I'm traveling to Mexico and I have a 1 year old kid. Does he need a passport or can he just get an ID to travel by land?

Answer: While children only need proof of U.S. citizenship like a birth certificate to re-enter the United States from Mexico, a passport may be required to enter Mexico in the first place. Please contact the Embassy of Mexico for the latest entry requirements.

Does a 18 month old need a passport flying to London?
by: Anonymous

Question: We are leaving the USA. Does my 1-year-old need a passport?

Answer: Yes. All U.S. citizens, regardless of age, need valid passport books to travel by air overseas. You need to apply for your child's passport before you leave.

Puerto Rico
by: Anonymous

Question: I'm planning a trip to Puerto Rico. Does my daughter who is 16 months old need a passport since it is a territory?

Answer: If you are flying directly from the United States to Puerto Rico and travel the same way back, you do not need passports.

Infant traveling
by: Anonymous

Question: My baby is 11 months old. We are here in new York traveling to California and my baby doesn't have an ID. Only birth certificate & SS.

Answer: Minors do not need to present IDs when traveling domestically. The accompanying adult needs to present an ID.

Issuing a passport
by: Anonymous

Question: Hello. My daughter is one month old. I have to travel to Mexico and need to file a passport quickly but my husband can’t attend to file the passport. What do i need to do to file alone?

Answer: The father can provide you with a notarized statement of consent plus a photocopy of his ID to submit with the rest of the child passport application requirements.

Passport for 9-month-old baby
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi,

My daughter is going to be 8 months old when we travel to Los Angeles, California. Does she need a passport from Philadelphia to California? We have sent her birth certificate to be corrected and that's taking time. Please Let me know if she needs one or not. Thanks.

Answer: Minors do not need passports or IDs to travel domestically. Only the accompanying adults need to present Real ID compliant identification.

Baby passport renewal
by: Anonymous

Question: I have two sons and they have their legal American passports. The passports do not need to be renewed for another 3 years. but the photos on both passports are baby photos taken when they were a few months old. The passports were issued when they were little.

Now one of my sons is 3 and the other one is 1,.5 and of course they look different than the photos on their passports. I will travel abroad without my husband but with my two sons. Would it be a problem that their passports have baby photos of them?

Answer: It should not be a problem. Should questions arise, you may present photos showing the physical change to justify the difference.

Traveling type
by: Anonymous

Question: Does it matter how you're traveling? Driving, flying, bus? Does it apply in general? My daughter is 2 months and thinking about traveling to Mexico for Christmas, driving.

Answer: The type of passport depends on your travel needs. A passport book allows its bearer to travel by land, sea and air. A passport card, on the other hand, can only be used for land and sea travel between the U.S. and Mexico, Canada, the Caribbean and Bermuda.

You may apply for a passport card for your child or you can apply for a book which will also allow her to travel by air.

by: Anonymous

Question: My son is 2 months old. Does he need a passport?

Answer: All U.S. citizens, regardless of age, need to present a valid passport when traveling by air. If traveling by land or sea to a contiguous area like Canada or Mexico, a U.S. birth certificate or other proof of U.S. citizenship will suffice for minors age 15 and younger.

Emergency passport
by: Anonymous

Question: Is there anyway that I can take my 8 month old baby to mexico for an emergency? I have to go to my aunt's funeral and I want to know if there's any way I can take my daughter without a passport?

Answer: All U.S. citizens, regardless of age, need to have a valid passport or passport card (if traveling by land or sea) in order to enter Mexico. Please contact the Mexican Embassy for more information.

Infant traveling
by: Anonymous

Question: My daughter is 8 months old, we live in California and are traveling to Minnesota for three days for a family event. Does my daughter need a passport?

Answer: Minors do not need IDs or passports to travel domestically. The accompanying adults, however, need Real ID-compliant identification or any other TSA-approved ID.

by: Anonymous

Question: According to the CBP website: "U.S. citizen children ages 15 and under arriving by land or sea from a contiguous territory (Canada or Mexico) may present an original or copy of his or her birth certificate (issued by the Vital Records Department in the state where he or she was born), a Consular Report of Birth Abroad, or a Naturalization Certificate. If the child is a newborn and the actual birth certificate has not arrived from the Vital Records Department, we will accept a Hospital issued birth certificate."

The information given in this website is wrong. Go to the US customs and border official website.

Answer: You are correct. However, Mexico requires that all citizens, regardless of age need to present a passport book, card or any other WHTI-compliant document to enter by land or sea.

There is no contradiction in the information we provide. If you can point our a certain page on the site that says otherwise, we'd be happy to update the content. Thank you so much.

Have no time to get my children passports
by: Anonymous

Question: I have to go to Mexico Puero Peñasco for a week and I don't have time to get my children passports. They are 11, 4 and 3 years old. I have a school ID for the 11-year-old and birth certificate for all three. Will that be okay for re-entry? All my children are U.S. citizens. My husband and I have U.S. passports.

Answer: All U.S. citizens, regardless of age need to have a passport book to travel to Mexico and get back in the U.S. via air. If traveling by land or sea, a passport book, passport card or any WHTI-compliant document is required.

The documents you have for the children will not suffice.

3-month-old baby
by: Anonymous

Question: My mother-in-law is taking my 3-month-old baby to Mexico with her by car across the border. I was wondering can she do that without me there cause I don't plan on going. I have my daughter's social and birth certificate is that all she needs?

Answer: All U.S. citizens, regardless of age, need to have a valid passport (book or card) or any other WHTI-compliant in order to enter Mexico and re-enter the United States.

In addition to the passport, you also need to provide a signed statement of consent for the child to travel that your mother-in-law needs to present at the border.

Travel International
by: Anonymous

Question: My son was born a month ago and the father is in Egypt. Can I travel with my baby with a travel document and issue the passport from the council in Egypt?

Answer: If your son is a U.S. citizen, he needs to have a U.S. passport to leave the United States.

In order to apply for your child's passport without the father's presence, you need to submit Form DS-3053 with the rest of the requirements. This form must be filled out by the father and he can have it notarized at the U.S. Embassy in Cairo then send it to you.

Traveling to San Benito,TX with a 10 moth infant
by: Jasmine

Question: Hi, I have a 10-month-old infant. We have an emergency in San Benito,TX; my 10-month-old baby only has his social security card. Will there be any problems when trying to cross back?

Answer: Minors age 15 and under do not need to present Real ID-compliant identification for domestic air travel. Only the accompanying adults have to. You should have no issues.

Do infants need a us passport to leave the U.S?
by: Anonymous

Question: My family and new born baby are leaving the U.S. to another country. The baby has a passport from another country (the one we are travelling to) but not a U.S. one.

Baby will need a U.S. passport to re-enter the USA but does she need one to exit the country as well or can she use her foreign passport?

Answer: By law, all U.S. citizens regardless of age, need to depart and re-enter the United States using U.S. passports. You need to apply for your child's U.S. passport before you leave the country.

Taking trip to Mexico.
by: Anonymous

Question: Planning to go to Mexico and taking my 6 month old son , does he need a passport?

Answer: Yes. All U.S. citizens, regardless of age, need a passport book, passport card, or any other WHTI-compliant document to travel to Mexico and re-enter the United States. You need to apply for your child's passport before you travel.

3-month-old baby
by: Anonymous

Question: I’m going to the airport to Tijuana. Could my baby cross back with his birth certificate?

Answer: No, he cannot. All U.S. citizens, regardless of age, need a passport book to travel to Mexico and back to the United States by air.

Baby needs passport but Dad is in Mexico
by: Anonymous

Question: Hello. I am trying to take my newborn to Mexico to see his dad but since his dad is in Mexico and it's required for both parents to sign, how can I do it to where I can sign by myself? What can I do to get my son's passport if his dad is absent since he is in Mexico?

Answer: The father can fill out form Form DS-3053 and have it notarized at the U.S. Embassy in Mexico City or any of the U.S. Consulates located all over Mexico.

Once he has the document notarized, he needs to send it to you with a photocopy of his ID. You can then apply for your child's passport without the father's presence.

What is the Canadian travel by land exception to needing a passport?
by: AmericanMomma

Question: I am pregnant. The father and I are engaged, I'm American, he's canadian, we have a dual citizen baby that we have to apply 2 birth certificates for. I thought we had to get a passport for him to take him out of the US to go to Canada to get his other set of paperwork done, and now I'm wondering if we have to do that. Could you explain this exception to me, please? Thank you.

Answer: Minors age 15 and below may enter Canada and re-enter the U.S. with just evidence of U.S. citizenship. However, should you need to travel back to the United States by air, you need a passport book for your child.

3 month old
by: Anonymous

Question: Planning a trip to Cuidad Juarez Chihuahua, Mexico by land. Does my 3-month-old need a passport or can she re-enter the U.S. just with her birth certificate?

Answer: All U.S. citizens, regardless of age, need a U.S. passport (book or card) or any other WHTI-compliant document to enter Mexico.

While U.S. citizens will not be barred from re-entering the United States due to lack of proper documents, you may face delays at the border while officials verify your child's citizenship. It is best to secure your child's passport before your trip.

Passport card
by: Anonymous

Question: I have a 6-month-old baby. Can I get her a passport card instead of a regular passport? We travel to Mexicali, Mexico (border town) by land.

Answer: Yes, you may apply for a passport card for your child. Just make sure that you check the appropriate box on application form Form DS-11.

by: Anonymous

Question: I am planning a trip to Mexico and will be traveling via bus. Question is, do my children 12 yrs, 10yrs & 1yr old need passports? They are not dual citizens. And will be traveling with both parents on our way there , then with just dad on the way back.

Answer: All U.S. citizens, regardless of age, need passports to enter Mexico. You need to apply for passports for your children before your trip.

Father deported
by: Anonymous

Question: My husband was deported to Mexico last year. We went to visit him for 5 months but came back due to a high risk pregnancy. The child is now 3 months old and I want to take him to Mexico in December to see his father along with our other 3 children who already have passports. I have a photocopy of his father's passport and voluntary leave papers from the court last year along with our I-131 family/spouse petitioner saying it has been received and still in processing but am unable to get the form DS-3053 notarized.

Answer: Form DS-3053 must be filled out by the absent parent (your husband) and he should have it notarized then sent to you. He can do this at the U.S. Embassy in Mexico City or the closest U.S. Consulate. The original notarized form must be submitted with a photocopy of your husband's passport.

If this is not possible, you may be able to apply for your child's passport by submitting Form DS-5525 plus his voluntary leave papers. Please note that applications sent with Form DS-5525 are processed on a case by case basis. Please call 1-877-487-2778 to clarify the issue with a customer service representative.

Do I need a social security to apply for my newborn's passport
by: Anonymous

Question: Do I need a social security number to apply for my newborn's passport?

Answer: You may apply for a newborn's passport without an SSN as long as you include a signed and dated statement containing the following:

"I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the United States of America that the following is true and correct: (Child's full name) has never been issued a Social Security Number by the Social Security Administration."

Baby passport
by: Anonymous

Question: Does my 10-month-old child need a passport if we are driving to Juarez from El Paso, and then flying from Juarez to Mexico City and back to Juarez? After landing in Juarez, we are driving back to El Paso.

Answer: All U.S. citizens, regardless of age, are required to be in possession of a U.S. passport to enter Mexico. Since you will be flying in between cities, a passport book is required.

You need to apply for your child's passport before your planned trip.

I lost my daughter's birth certificate
by: Anonymous

Question: I lost my daughter's birth certificate and we are in Tijuana, Mexico. How can I cross the border? I just have her social security card.

Answer: While U.S. citizens will not be denied re-entry to the United States, border officials will need to validate the child's U.S. citizenship and this may cause some delay.

Please contact the U.S. Consulate General in Tijuana for assistance.

by: Ken

Question: I want to know if I need a passport for an 11-month-old to go to Canada. We are not flying but traveling by car. Please let me know if anyone knows. Thank you in advance.

Answer: U.S. citizen minors under 16 years of age may travel to Canada and re-enter the United States with only their birth certificates or any other form of U.S. citizenship evidence. However, in the event that you need to travel back to the U.S. via air, the child will need a valid U.S. passport book.

Husband is in the army
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi. We will be leaving to Acuña, Mexico tomorrow. I have my baby's birth certificate and her Id with me. Do I still need a passport? Unfortunately my husband is in the army and it's hard to get a hold of him.

Answer: All U.S. citizens, regardless of age, need a passport book or passport card to enter Mexico and re-enter the United States. A passport book is required if you are traveling by air and a card will suffice if you are traveling by land or sea. Your child needs a passport to travel.

We recommend calling customer service at 1-877-487-2778 to find out whether or not you can submit your husband's deployment order together with Form DS-5525 Statement of Exigent Family Circumstances.

Passport needed?
by: Anonymous

Question: We are wanting to fly from the us to Canada with a 9 month old. Do we need to get a passport for the baby?

Answer: While you may fly to Canada with only a birth certificate for your child, you will need a passport to re-enter the United States.

Wanting to take baby
by: Anonymous

Question: I want to take my 2 1/2 month old baby to the International Peace Gardens to see my sister's concert for the International Music Camp. All I have is her social security card. Is that enough?

Answer: If you are traveling domestically, you do not need a passport. We recommend you also bring your child's birth certificate.

Need help
by: Anonymous

Question: My daughter who is 2 years old will be traveling to Culiacan Sinaloa but will be leaving from Tijuana airport. Does she need a passport or ID passport to go?

Answer: Since the child is not traveling overseas, a passport MAY NOT be required. Please check with the airline you are traveling with to verify travel document requirements.

by: Anonymous

Question: Hi, I want to go from NYC to Miami with my two-month-old baby. Do I need a passport to travel with her by air? If not what do I need?

Question: U.S. citizens do not need passports to travel domestically. However, you may be required to present the child's birth certificate. You should also bring your own ID. Please contact the airline you are traveling with to verify.

by: Anonymous

Question: We are planning on going to Tijuana for the weekend. My daughter was born 4 weeks ago and does not have a passport yet. Is she required to have a passport to travel to Mexico by land or will her birth certificate be enough?

Answer: All U.S. citizens, regardless of age, need to have a passport book or passport cards to enter Mexico and return to the United States.

Since you only have a few days before your planned trip, you need to apply for your child's passport at a regional agency. Aside from the requirements, you also need to present proof of immediate international travel. Your hotel reservations for Tijuana should suffice. An appointment is normally required but you can try to walk in with the application. Just make sure you arrive before the agency opens and that you have all the documents in order. Regional agencies process applications within one to eight business days.

by: Anonymous

Question: Hello,

I plan on going to Cuidad Juarez, Chihuahua which is border to El Paso, Tx and 3 hours away from my town Ruidoso, NM. My question is does my 3-year-old need a passport or do I just need his birth certificate. Where crossing over by car.

Answer: All U.S. citizens must travel with a passport book or passport card to travel to Mexico. Please apply for your child's passport before you travel.

Unmarried parents with absent father
by: Chudson

Question: We are planning a cruise in November. My grandson will be 1 year old. His parents were unmarried when he was born but the father voluntarily put his name on the birth certificate. Since then, the father has been absent except for harassment and has been avoiding service for order of protection and child support petition. In Tennessee the mother has sole legal custody unless the father petitions and is awarded something different. How can the mother get a passport for the child if even the police cannot locate the father to compel him to appear in court? The exception form doesn't seem to apply since the travel is not related to the health of the child.

Answer: Please consult an attorney about getting an official court order that awards the mother sole legal custody of the child. Once this is done, the mother can apply for the child's passport without the father's presence or consent even if his name is on the birth certificate.

by: Anonymous

Question: Hello, I have a question. My two sisters were born here and they are going to Tijuana with my husband but they don't have a passport and they don't have the same last name. They have mine though. Will they be able to go with my husband to Tijuana?

Answer: U.S. citizens need U.S. passports to travel to Mexico. Your parents or your sisters' legal guardian/s need to apply for U.S. passports for them so they can travel to Tijuana. They will each need the following:

1. Form DS-11 (completed but unsigned)
2. Evidence of U.S. citizenship
3. Parents' or guardians' proof of relationship to child
4. Photo ID of parents or guardians
5. Photocopy of IDs
6. One passport photo
7. Payment for fees

They need to apply in person with both parents or legal guardians at a nearby acceptance facility.

by: Anonymous

Question: We will be driving to Canada this August. I have a then 3-year-old and a 10-month-old. Will I need passports for them?

Answer: U.S. citizens minors age 16 and under may travel to Canada and return to the United States with just a birth certificate. However, in the event that they need to return to the U.S. via air travel, they will need passports.

Puerto Rico to Texas
by: Yaritza

Question: Hi. I'm traveling from Puerto Rico to Texas in a few months and I have a one-year-old baby. Does the baby need a passport?

Answer: If you and your child are a U.S. citizens or green card holders, you do not need to present passports or green cards to travel directly between parts of the United States, which includes Guam, Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands, American Samoa, Swains Island and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI), without touching at a foreign port or place.

Having said that, it is recommended that you bring a government-issued ID and a copy of your birth certificates. If you are a green card holder, it is recommended that you carry your green card in case you are asked to prove your status.

Passport card or passport book?
by: Anonymous

Question: Which is required to travel by bus to Mexico and back to California? Passport book or passport card?

Answer: A passport cards should suffice since you are traveling by land. However, in the event that you need to travel back to the U.S. by air, you need to present a valid passport to be allowed entry.

Passport for St. Thomas/St. John
by: Anonymous

Question: Does my infant need a passport to travel to St. Thomas/St. John? If no, what documents would they need?

Answer: U.S. citizens traveling between the mainland U.S. and its territories without touching a foreign port or land do not need to present a passport. However, it is recommended that you bring a government-issued ID and a copy of your birth certificate. This applies to all U.S. citizens regardless of age.

Passport for my newborn
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi, my family and I are planning to visit Canada in July -- for a weekend at the Niagara falls. My wife, my older daughter and I have passports. Does our newborn need a passport to cross the border in a car?

Answer: U.S. citizen minors may cross the border to Canada and return to the United States with only a birth certificate. However, in the event that the child needs to travel back to the U.S. by air, a U.S. passport
book is necessary.

Cruise with infant
by: Mikey

Question: Hey. We have a baby on the way but a cruise scheduled for December which will make my daughter 2 months old. It will be to the Bahamas with a few stops in between, I believe. Will she need a passport?

Answer: Generally, all U.S. citizens are required to present a valid U.S. passport when traveling to The Bahamas, as well as proof of anticipated departure from The Bahamas. Those traveling to The Bahamas on a cruise may use another Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative (WHTI) compliant document. However, we strongly recommend visitors obtain a passport before travel in case of an unforeseen emergency that requires a cruise passenger to disembark and return by air.

We recommend you contact the cruise line to confirm travel document requirements.

Baby born in Mexico travelling from India
by: Saurabh

Question: Hi, my baby is born in Mexico and we are Indians. We are planning to go to Mexico and my baby is now 6 months old.

How can she enter Mexico now . She has a Mexican birth certificate and Indian Passport.


Answer: Please contact the Mexican Embassy in New Delhi for information about entry into Mexico.

C-8 Anand Niketan,
Nueva Delhi, 110021, India
Tel:+91 (11) 2411-7180
Fax:+91 (11) 2411-7193

Working hours:
Monday to Friday
8:30 am - 17:00 Hrs

by: Anonymous

Question: I would be going to Tijuana. Can I take my 1-year-old without a passport? I would be walking to the border I would only be the for 1 day or 2.

Answer: All U.S. citizens, regardless of age, need a valid passport book or passport card in order to travel to Mexico and return to the United States.

11-month-old child
by: Liz

Question: My niece lives in Seattle with her 11-month-old girl. I plan to visit her in Oct 2017. We want to take the Victoria Clipper from Seattle to Victoria, BC Canada for a day trip. Does the baby need a passport. Thank you. Liz

Answer: The birth certificate should suffice. Please contact the Victoria Clipper to confirm travel document requirements.

We are going to Mexico by land
by: Anonymous

Question: Does my baby need her passport. She is 8 months old. We are going to Mexico. Can I use her birth certificate to come back to the US?

Answer: A passport is required for travel to Mexico and reentry to the United States. You can access a list of requirements here.

Travel to Nicaragua
by: My baby is 2 months

Question: Hi. I have a question. I have a 2-month-old baby and I want to travel with the baby to Nicaragua. Does the baby need a passport? And the baby's father is in Nicaragua. He's not here in Miami to fill out the papers with me?

Answer: Yes, your baby needs a passport. The father can visit the U.S. Embassy in Nicauragua to complete consent form DS-3053 and have it notarized. Afterwards, he should send the form to you so that you can submit it with your baby's passport application.

by: Anonymous

Question: I have legal guardianship of my grandson, age 11 months, and would like to take him with me to visit my brother in Spain. How do I get him a passport? Or can I get him one?

Answer: Visit a nearby passport application acceptance facility with your grandson. Many facilities require an appointment.

Take a completed Form DS-11, your photo ID, copy of your ID, a recent passport photo of your grandson, his birth certificate, document proving legal guardianship and payment for fees.

Routine service takes 4-6 weeks. To get the passport in 2-3 weeks, request expedited service and overnight delivery of the new passport. There are additional fees for these services.

The fastest way to get a passport is to submit the application form at a regional agency. However, you need proof of travel within two weeks in order to do this.

Traveling with grandparents with parent's consent
by: Anonymous

Question: My parents are going to Guatemala and is willing to take my son along on a vacation trip. My husband and I are staying in the U.S. and is willing to let my 1 yr old son to go with his grandparents (my parents). Is there anything else I have to do as a parent to let my parents take my son?

Answer: Your son will need a valid U.S. passport. The grandparents should carry a notarized consent to travel signed by both parents.

9 month old / 5 day cruise
by: Anonymous

Question: Will my baby need a passport to go on a cruise that will make a stop in St Thomas?

Answer: Please contact the cruise line for information about travel document requirements.

by: Anonymous

Question: My brother and sister live with me. What do I need in order for them to renew their passports?

Answer: If they are minors age 15 or younger, You will find a list of requirements here. If they are age 16 or older, you will find the list of requirements here.

Does my baby need a passport to travel to Mexico by bus?
by: Anonymous

Question: I have a 2-month-old baby and we want to travel by bus to Mexico. Will he need a passport?

Answer: According to the Consular Section of the Embassy of Mexico, everyone going into Mexico needs a valid passport. A valid passport is also required for reentry to the United States. You can access a list of requirements here.

Does my 5-month-old baby need a passport?
by: Anonymous

Question: I will be traveling by car to Mexico and I am not sure if my 5-month-old baby needs a passport or not.

Answer: Yes, your baby needs a passport. You can access a list of requirements here.

by: Anonymous

Question: My son's dad doesn't not have any type of ID or birth certificate. What can I do to get my child's passport?

Answer: Unless you have sole legal custody, the father must apply with the child or provide a notarized letter of consent to apply. He must provide a valid photo ID.

by: Anonymous

Question: Does my 2-year-old need a passport to drive into Canada from Montana with both adoptive parents?

Answer: A passport is not required for a minor age 15 or younger to enter Canada and reenter the United States by land. You must present an original or certified copy of birth certificate and adoption decree.

Does my baby need a passport
by: Anonymous

Question: I will be traveling from Georgia to California on a plane. Does my 9-month-old baby need a passport?

Answer: Passports are not required for domestic flights. Please contact the airlines for travel document requirements.

Traveling by land
by: Anonymous

Question: Do my children (1 and 7 years old) need a passport to travel to Mexico by land (on a bus)?

Answer: According to the Consular Section of the Embassy of Mexico, everyone going into Mexico needs a valid passport. You will find information about how to apply for a child's passport here.

Single Parent
by: Anonymous

Question: I want to get a passport for my 5-month-old baby and I am the only one on the birth certificate. Do I still need to try to contact the father in order to get him to fill out paperwork, or can I just apply as an only parent?

Answer: You can submit the birth certificate as evidence of sole legal custody. The father's consent is not required in this case. For a complete list of requirements, click here.

US Passport for my baby who has another passport
by: AF

Question: My newborn baby has his second citizenship passport but he doesn't have US passport yet. Can he go outside US with the secound passport and when he comes back to US just show the birth certificate with the other passport?

Answer: Your child will need a valid U.S. passport to reenter the United States unless you will be entering by land from Canada in which case a birth certificate is acceptable. We recommend you obtain the passport before your trip. This can be done quickly at a regional passport agency.

If this is not possible, you can apply for the passport at any U.S. embassy or consulate general abroad. Processing times vary but it usually takes 2-3 weeks. Emergency, limited-validity passports can be issued the same day. For a list of locations, click here.

U.S. Citizenship for baby in Mexico
by: Anonymous

Question: I am a U.S. Citizen and my wife is not. Our son was born in Mexico and they both now live in Mexico. What do I need to do to have him become a U.S. Citizen?

Answer: Your son may already be a U.S. citizen. If he is, then a U.S. passport can be obtained for him at the U.S. Embassy in Mexico or one of the consulate generals. For more information, read the article about birthright citizenship.

If he does not meet the requirements for citizenship as described in that article, contact the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services.

by: Kaniya

Question: Can I take my 3 year old niece on a cruise to Bahamas without a passport? Or what documents will I need to take her on the cruise?

Answer: Please contact the cruise line for travel document requirements for your cruise.

What do I need to do?
by: Anonymous

Question: I want to get my 2-month-old baby a passport. I read that both parents need to be present when you go to apply for a passport. What if the baby's father is in México and he can't be present with me to get his passport? What to I do?

Answer: The father can visit the nearest U.S. embassy or consulate in Mexico to complete consent form DS-3053 and have it notarized. He can then mail it to you. For a complete list of requirements, click here.

by: Anonymous

Question: Can I travel with my 4-month-old baby to New York from Dallas without any ID. Because I didn't get her passport yet. Also, for her birth certificate we send it for getting passport. Can I travel? Please help.

Answer: Yes, you can travel from New York to Dallas without a passport. Your baby's birth certificate is required to get a passport.

passport for baby
by: Anonymous

Question: I have 2-month-old baby. Does she need a passport to travel to Florida?

Answer: Your baby does not need a passport to travel within the United States.

New born baby does she need a passport card to travel to mexico
by: Anonymous

Question: I want to travel to Mexico with my new born baby. Does she need a passport card to enter Mexico? If yes, how much would I have to pay to get her passport card?

Answer: Yes, your baby needs a passport to travel to Mexico. If you plan to fly, she will need a passport book. The application fee for a passport card is $15 and the execution fee is $25. For more information about getting a passport for a child, click here.

Does infant need a passport?
by: Cher

Question: Traveling to Trinidad with my 3-month-old. Would he need a passport?

Answer: All U.S. citizens, independent of age, are required to present a valid passport to travel abroad by air. For a list of instructions, visit How to Get a Child's Passport.

Mexico travels
by: Anonymous

Question: Traveling to Mexico with my two year old daughter. Does she need a passport or is her birth certificate ok?

Answer: Your daughter needs a passport to travel to Mexico. For a complete list of requirements and instructions for getting a passport for a minor, click here.

passport for a 9-month-old baby
by: Anonymous

Question: Does my 9 month baby need a social securty to apply for a pastport ! I havent had a chance to go get it at the social securtiy office!

Answer: All applicants should provide their social security number. However, parents can usually apply for an infant's passport if the child does not have one.

Would there be a problem?
by: Anonymous

Question: I will have my son who is almost 2-months-old in a couple of days. We are going to try to travel to Chicago from Atlanta. Does he need his passport to be able to travel to different states?

Answer: A passport is not required to travel within the United States.

Baby passport
by: Anonymous

Question: I have a 2 months old baby. Does she need a passport to travel to another state?

Answer: Passports are not required for travel between states.

Traveling to Canada
by: Anonymous

Question: Does my 2-year-old need a passport to travel by land to Canada? If not, what documents does he need?

Answer: A birth certificate will suffice for your child. If traveling with only one parent, it is recommended that the traveling parent carry a letter of consent from the non-traveling parent.

Passport for children under 16 and travelng only to Mexico.
by: Anonymous

Question: Do we have to get a full Passport for children under 16 or can we travel only to Mexico with our 1 year old and 7 year old with only a Passport Card? If so will the fees only be $40.00?

Answer: A passport card is acceptable for travel to Mexico by land or sea. Both children and adults can use the passport card. A passport book is required for all international travel by air.

The passport card fee is $15 per applicant. It is paid to the U.S. Department of State. There is also an execution fee of $25 that is paid to the acceptance facility where the application is submitted.

Is it okay?
by: nerson

Question: Is it okay if I travel with my two-month-old baby by using his birth certificate and a clearance letter from the doctor? I found out too late that a child should apply for one.

Answer: All U.S. citizens, including infants, are required to present a valid passport to travel abroad by air or to reenter the United States. A baby can enter Canada by land without a passport. While a passport is required to enter Mexico, documents are not always checked at land border crossings. For a list of requirements, visit how to get a passport for a minor.

Does my child need a passaport?
by: Anonymous

Question: My son is 3 years old & we want to travel to Texas. Does he need a passport? I heard he only needed a birth certificate?

Answer: A passport is not required to travel within the United States.

My child looks different to the passport photo taken as a baby
by: Anonymous

Question: My child was issued a passport when 5mths old. Now 4 years old, will be travelling overseas soon, however, the child does not look like the baby in the photograph .. will this be a problem when travelling under this passport? Will I need to renew it before the expiration date?

Answer: Should nto be a problem. You might carry photos of your child which show growth from the time the passport was issued to the present. If you are concerned that there may be a problem because the agent will not be able to recognize your child from the photo, you can apply to get a new passport early.

passport ages
by: Anonymous

Question: Do children under the age of 7 need passports to visit family in Guatemala from New York?

Answer: In order to travel to Guatemala, a United States citizen must possess a valid U.S. passport, independent of age. This includes children under the age of 7. Click the link below for a complete list of requirements.

How to Get Passports for Minors

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More Passport & Travel Information

Getting a Passport Expedited at a Post Office
Requesting express service at post offices and other facilities that accept application forms from U.S. citizens.

Applying at a Regional Passport Agency
Where processing centers are located. How to schedule an appointment. What documents to take with you.

Using a Registered Courier Service
How to pick a legitimate courier service company to assist in getting your passport quickly.

Routine vs. Expedited Passport Service: How to Choose
Guide to help you decide if standard or fast track processing is the best option for your situation.

How to Renew a U.S. Passport Fast
Learn to expedite passport renewals as quickly as the same day. Where and how to renew passport in a hurry.

Top 5 Questions About Expedited Passport Couriers

1. How can you get a passport when you're in a hurry?
2. What exactly does a passport expediter do?
3. Are passport expediting services legitimate?
4. How can I identify a reliable passport expeditor?
5. Is expedited passport service worth it?

Get answers to these questions and more in our Ultimate U.S. Traveler's Guide to Passport Expediters.

You can also visit our library of articles about passport expediting.

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About the Author: For over 20 years, the U.S. Passport Service Guide team has helped hundreds of thousands of travelers with their travel document questions and shared advice about how to make traveling abroad simpler, safer, and more enjoyable.

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