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Can I use my passport if I owe more than $5000 in child support?

by Rudolph
(Miami, Fl USA)

Question: If you owe more than $5000 in child support and you try to travel internationally round trip on your existing, valid passport, will you be denied travel? What will happen?

Answer: First of all, the amount for which a person can be denied a passport has been changed to $2500.

You should only have a problem with your current, valid passport if it has been revoked. If that had occurred, you would have received notice of the fact.

According to federal law, "Passport revocation may be effected when the person obtained the passport fraudulently, when the passport was issued in error, when the person’s certificate of naturalization was canceled by a federal court, or when the person would not be entitled to a new passport under 22 CFR 51.70 (a) or (b)."

It goes on to say, "The physical revocation of a passport is often difficult, and an apparently valid passport can be used for travel until officially taken by an arresting officer or by a court."

Seriously problems can arise if your passport is lost or stolen while traveling abroad and need to obtain another in order to return to the United States.

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by: Anonymous

Question: Hello, can passport also be revoked or flagged in any way for owing alimony (spousal support) payments?

Answer: The Department of State has not included alimony payment arrears as grounds for passport denial/revocation.

Traveling out the country
by: Anonymous

Question: If you owe child support and you have a passport already, does this effect the person from traveling out the country?

Answer: Unless the person who owes child support received notification that his/her passport was revoked, he/she may travel overseas without issue.

Child support and disability
by: Anonymous

Question: I was on Child support when I found out that I have major health problems that do not allow me to work any longer. I am now on disability. Will I be able to get a passport if I still owe child support?

Answer: Please contact the Office of Child Support Enforcement handling your case. Once the child support case is resolved, you will know whether or not you may apply for your passport. It will all depend on the case resolution.

Can I apply for the passport if my lawyer is discussing with child support about payments being sent directly to my ex-spouse
by: Anonymous

Question: I have a problem with child support payments. From the start, I made a mistake by transferring the payment for the first 3 months directly to my ex-wife. At the moment, the lawyer is claiming that this be taken into account at the level of child support.

Is my name already displayed as a person you have to refuse the passport? I want to apply for a passport but I'm afraid before the problem is solved because the lawyer has all the proof of the banking transactions. Will I be denied the passport application? THANKS.

Answer: It is best that you wait until the payment issue is resolved to avoid denial of your passport application.

by: Anonymous

Question: I am a US resident and have a passport from my country. I owe more than $2500 in child support. Can I still travel using my valid passport from my country or will I be detained at the airport?

Answer: Owing child support does not prevent an individual from traveling outside the United States. You may travel as long as your passport is valid. Having said that, we recommend that you contact the case worker assigned to you about traveling just to cover all your bases.

by: Anonymous

Question: My brother-in-law owed 6000 he paid in full a day ago. Before that, he was on a repayment plan. He needs a passport the next day due to a family funeral. He already applied and was denied. They told him to pay the owed amount. Can he try showing the paperwork that he paid in order to obtain his passport because he did the emergency application in person?

Answer: He can try showing the paperwork to get an expedited passport. However, he must understand that it normally takes 2 to 3 weeks for a name to be taken off the denial list and the Department of State does not have control over the matter.

Can I still travel?
by: Anonymous

Question: There is an interstate dispute that is causing me to show that I am $7500 in arrears for child support. I have a court date to resolve this, but not until after I am to return from a trip abroad. I already have a passport, will I still be able to take my trip despite the fact that I am technically in arrears?

Answer: You may still travel with that passport if you did not receive any notification that it has been revoked.

Child support
by: Arcadia

Question: Hello, I’m wondering if I owe I think around 11 grand in back child support, is there any way I can still get a passport to travel?

Answer: You need to pay what you owe in order to get your name off the passport denial list. Please contact the Office of Child Support Enforcement for more information.

First trip after child support arears paid
by: Anonymous

Question: A relative recently paid off their child support arrears. They would like to cross the US/Canadian border for the first time to visit family. Can they cross and reenter with an enhanced US driver's license (rather than wait for a passport)? Are there any other factors they should be aware of to make sure they will be granted entry to Canada? Thank you for your help!

Answer: Please contact Canada Border Service Agency for their latest entry requirements.

Denial list
by: Anonymous

Question: My boyfriend applied for a new passport but was denied due to arrears. It is paid off now, how long does it take to have the name removed from the passport denial list? It's been 4 business days now. How can I verify it was removed?

Answer: It takes at least 2 to 3 weeks for HHS to remove a name from the passport denial list. You may contact the Office of Child Support Enforcement to verify if the report of payment has been made to HHS and the NPIC at 1-877-487-2778 in 3 weeks to verify that the name has been removed.

Back child support, renewal of passport out of US
by: Anonymous

Question: I'm a USMC Vet living in the Philippines for 9 years. My passport expires in December. I have like 45k in back child support. I emailed Nevada Child support and got an email saying the case was closed. That's where my ex and son live.

I started paying for it in Washington before moving here in 2013. I never got a letter about my passport, if I return to the US will I be detained soon as I get off the plane?

Answer: It is very unlikely that you will be detained because of your child support arrears.

Child Support Arrears
by: Anonymous

Question: I have a valid passport. I owe over $2,500 in arrears for child support. Can I travel out of the country?

Answer: Unless you were notified that your passport was revoked due to child support arrears, you may use it to travel abroad.

Passport verification
by: Anonymous

Question: I owe over 100,000 to the IRS but I am on a payment plan and they have a lien against my property. Can I still travel outside the U.S. as my passport is valid?

Answer: Unless there is a travel ban for you or you are tagged as a flight risk, you may travel outside the United States. Please contact the IRS for more information.

Child support
by: Anonymous

Question: I want to take my dad to his homeland, Puerto Rico, he’s never been. He’s 73 years old and owes child support. He never had a passport but my question is can he still travel even though he owes child support and can he use his id to travel instead of a passport?

Answer: Puerto Rico is a U.S. territory so you do not need passports to travel there. Your father may travel with a valid government-issued ID and proof of U.S. citizenship in order to get back to the mainland.

by: Mahamud

Question: I’m US resident now and I owe over 2500. I have a valid passport from my country. Can I travel outside the country? My dad passed away a few days ago. I wanna go to his funeral. I need an answer, leaving after tomorrow.

Answer: We're sorry for your loss.

Child support debt does not strip an individual of their right to travel. You should be able to travel out of the United States as long as you have a valid passport.

Denied passport renewal.
by: Anonymous

Question: Denied passport renewal. I work overseas but my passport renewal was denied due to arrears. Is it possible that my passport can be renewed if I make arrangements with the state to pay back arrears?

Answer: You must pay your child support arrears to the appropriate State Child Support Enforcement Agency before applying for your passport.

21k Back Child support
by: R

Question: I owe $21,000 in Child Support.
I have a valid Passport that expires in 2 years.
I know I can travel outside of the United States with my Current passport. My question is will I be arrested when I return after TSA
has scanned my database?

How can I find out if I will or will not be arrested when returning? I would also like to know if my passport is revoked for back child support & who do I contact to get the right information.

I would like to visit South America next year, but I don’t want to be arrested at the airport when returning to the U.S.

Answer: Please contact the State Child Support Enforcement Agency handling your case for answers to your questions.

Child Support Passport denial
by: Anonymous

Question: My brother's passport is stolen and he's abroad owing child support with passport denial, how can he get back to the U.S.?

Answer: Please have your brother contact the U.S. Embassy or Consulate closest to him for assistance.

Back child support
by: Anonymous

Question: I have a green card. I owe 4000 for back child support but I am paying. Can I travel to Mexico?

Answer: As long as you have a passport and there is no travel ban for you, you should be able to travel.

Traveling Overseas with child support
by: Anonymous

Question: I owe over $5,000 in child support. I'm planning my honeymoon with a cruise to the ABC islands (Aruba, Bonaire, Curacao). My passport got denied due to the arrears that I owe. The cruise line told me I'd be all set to go if I have my birth certificate and photo ID. Will I be denied access to the cruise ship or get in legal trouble if I leave the country with this cruise?

Answer: If you are traveling on a closed-loop cruise (one that begins and ends in the same U.S. port), you will (legally) be able to board with just your birth certificate and ID. However, you may or may not be allowed entry into your ports of call, depending on each country's requirements.

Also, in the event that you will need to travel back to the U.S. by air, there will definitely be an issue if you do not have a valid passport book.

Child support
by: Anonymous

Question: I have a current unexpired US passport. I got a letter from child support saying I owe 49,000 in child support.

I live near the Mexican border and also have a none expired passport card. Can go into Mexico and catch an international flight back and forth to Mexico with my book passport and then cross the border with my passport card?

Answer: If the letter did not indicate that your passport book and/or card are revoked, you are free to travel to Mexico or any other international destination. However, you will not be able to renew your passport unless the child support debt is paid in full.

Threatening to leave the country!
by: Anonymous

Question: My non-citizen ex already owes nearly 30k in child support to his ex and is threatening to leave the country because he knows I am about to put him on child support as well. What happens? Can he leave?

Answer: Please contact a lawyer or child services regarding your concern.

Child support
by: Anonymous

Question: I owe more than 15k in child support, I'm traveling overseas in the summer I have a green card but I'm traveling with my Colombian passport, can I enter the USA without any issues?

Answer: Please contact the CBP and the USCIS. In most cases, unpaid child support can affect your status and future citizenship application.

US and out of country passports
by: Anonymous

Question: Can I use my active passport from another country to visit family outside of the US if my current active US passport is behind on child support?

Answer: You may travel with your U.S. passport unless you received notice that it has been revoked. As a U.S. citizen, you need to depart and re-enter the United States using your valid U.S. passport.

Recent Arrears and Travels
by: JLee

Question: I recently got my child support obligation settled and finally signed off by the judge on Feb. 1st.

However they claimed I have 14K in arrears, and I called Child Services to put in for a modification for this amount since my job is not the same.

I have already purchased a family flight for Feb. 23rd for a funeral in Central America. I was born in the US and I still have a valid passport for another 3 years.

I will be paying my obligations for the month and will Pay something towards my arrears before this funeral.

Can I still travel with a round trip international flight without any issues? I did receive a letter but it was mainly about the arrears for the state and mentioned the passport situation but did not state if was revoked or anything. I’m very confused and need advice please.

Answer: If the letter did not say your passport was revoked, you may still travel with it.

How can you find out if your name is on the denial list for a passport
by: Anonymous

Question: How can you find out if your name is on the denial list for a passport?

Answer: If you owe over $2500 in child support, your name is likely on the denial list.

Re Entry into the USA if I owe child support
by: Anonymous

Question: I am a non-citizen of the USA. I have a valid passport from my country and a US tourist visa, and I applied for US Visa because I am a victim of crime. In June, my father passed away so I come back to my country (India). And my kids are still in the USA. I owed child support can I come back to the USA? I already overstayed in the USA.

Answer: You need to secure a new visa before you can re-enter the United States.

Statute of limitations confusion!
by: Anonymous

Question: My new partner owes child support that he is currently on plan to pay back the arrears from the UK where we live. The statute of limitations is up in 2 years - why do they want him to sign the waiver if they can still withhold the passport regardless?

Answer: Please contact the State Child Support Enforcement Agency handling the case regarding your concern.

Trip to Jamaica
by: Curious

Question: My boyfriend owes a tremendously huge amount in child support but he pays every month. Would he be able to obtain a passport?

Answer: The amount owed must be paid in full in order for the applicant's name to be taken off the denial list. Only then will he be able to apply for a passport.

Trip to Jamaica
by: Curious

Question: My boyfriend owes a tremendously huge amount in child support but he pays every month. Would he be able to obtain a passport?

Answer: Individuals who owe over $2500 in child support are entered into the passport denial list. The only way to be taken off the list is to pay the amount in full. Please contact the State Child Support Enforcement Agency handling his case for more information.

Passport for work purposes
by: Anonymous

Question: Can I obtain my passport for work purposes when I owe over $5000?

Answer: Individuals who owe over $2500 in child support are entered into the passport denial list. You need to pay your arrears in full or at least make reasonable payment arrangements with the State Child Support Enforcement Agency handling your case. When this is done and your name is taken off the list, you can apply for your passport.

Disability and child support payments
by: Anonymous

Question: My wife is a 100% service-connected disabled veteran. I received my decision and was granted 90% service-connected disability (veteran).

My child is now an adult and has two children of his own. His mom is angry that we never married and has told my wife to pay my child support and used derogatory terms to refer to my wife. This has nothing to do with my question though.

My wife has had a death in the family and wants me to accompany her. I haven’t worked since 2018 and am now applying for SS Disability. Will I be able to apply for and get my passport under these circumstances? Or will it be a waste of time to even try?

Answer: As a general rule, individuals who owe over $2500 in child support cannot be issued U.S. passports. Since your child is now an adult and you are in a special circumstance, some rules may not apply. Please contact the State Child Support Enforcement Agency regarding your particular case.

I have dual citizenship
by: Anonymous

Question: I owe child support and my US passport application was denied. I have a passport from my country of origin. Can travel outside the US with it and come back with it and my certificate of naturalization as proof of citizenship?

Answer: As a U.S. citizen, you are bound by law to depart and re-enter the United States with a valid U.S. passport. You will most likely have issues returning to the United States without a valid U.S. passport.

I Need Help ASAP
by: One Hurt Son

Question: I owe child support and have made payments to the tune of $11k. I cannot get a hold of my court-appointed Atty and I need to attend my father's funeral in Nigeria on Friday. Are there exemptions that exist that will allow me to get my passport?

Answer: As a general rule, your arrears must be paid in full to be taken off the passport denial list. Please contact the State Child Support Enforcement Agency handling your child support case to discuss your options.

Back child support
by: Anonymous

Question: How was I able to renew my passport last year even though i owe over 60k in child support? I'm still traveling over seas with no issues. Should I be concerned to get denied at airport? I have a trip coming up in December.

Answer: Please contact the NPIC at 1-877-487-2778 regarding the issue.

Frozen passport
by: Lula

Question: Hi, the child support office told me that my passport is frozen, it's valid for 7 more years, I owe back child support but never stopped paying and never got anything saying I can't travel.

Answer: Owing child support may result to revocation or denial of passport application. Please contact the State Child Support Enforcement Agency handling your case regarding the issue. You may also call the National Passport Information Center at 1-877-487-2778 for guidance.

Child support arrears
by: Anonymous

Question: I owe 40k in backtrack child support however I have been paying for over 2 years 400 a month, I have an arrangement. How can I get a passport?

Answer: As a general rule, the arrears must be paid in full in order to be taken off the denial list. Please contact the State Child Support Enforcement Agency handling your case to find out if your arrangement is sufficient to get you off the list. If it is, they will notify passport services that you have been taken off the list. Only then can you apply for a passport.

My ex-husband
by: Esmeralda

Question: My ex-husband owes over $50,000 in child support. Can his passport be revoked even if he’s doing $100 payments a month?

Answer: He will receive notice of revocation if his passport gets cancelled due to his child support debt.

Child support was recently established
by: Anonymous

Question: Child support was recently established it was said that I owe 6000 dollars in arrears though I don't start making payments until next month according to child support. Would my passport be automatically revoked till areas are paid?

Answer: It is uncommon for passports to be revoked because of child support arrears. However, you will not be allowed to renew your passport until the debt is paid in full.

Hi again
by: Anonymous

Question: I have a European passport and I'm not a U.S. citizen but i owe child support. Can I leave the US with no problem?

Answer: The same answer applies. Please contact the State Child Support Enforcement Agency handling your case to find out if you have a standing order preventing you from leaving the country.

Can I travel to Europe?
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi, I owe child support. I have a European passport. Can I leave the country with out any problems? Thank you.

Answer: If you are a U.S. citizen, you are required by law to depart the country on a U.S. passport. You will most likely be questioned if you leave the country with pending issues and on a foreign passport.

Need to know
by: Anonymous

Question: I have a trip coming soon but I own 4500 on back child support. Can I still travel with my valid passport?

Answer: Unless there is a standing order preventing you from leaving the country, you may still travel overseas with your current passport.

OWE 20K But did not received revoked demand
by: Anonymous

Question: My boyfriend owes 20k in child support but we pay the court every 4 months for 1600 for arrears/fines. We have not received any revocation letter for the passport and he has a valid passport already. We wanted to ask if he can leave the country for 2 weeks.

Answer: If you does not have a standing order preventing him from leaving the country, he should be able to travel overseas since he has a valid passport.

Owe 25,000 in child support
by: Anonymous

Question: I have plans to travel to Mexico in December, I owe 25,000 in child support. Can I still use my passport to travel?

Answer: If your passport is still valid and there is no standing order preventing you from leaving the country, you may travel using said passport.

Closed Loop Trip
by: Anonymous

Question: I am currently behind $5000 in child support payment and unable to obtain a passport. My fiancé has surprised me with a closed loop three day cruise to the Bahamas which states that I only need a birth certificate and driver's license. Can I be denied access to the crew ship because of my being behind in child support payments?

Answer: As long as you provide sufficient travel documents required by the cruise line, you should not have issues. However, please note that you may not be able to disembark from the vessel into the Bahamas without a passport. Please contact the cruise line for more information.

Traveling overseas while paying child support
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi. My boyfriend owes around $20,000 in child support but pays x amount per month. Can he travel overseas (to Iceland to live) with his passport? He has a valid passport and he got a letter saying that he can't travel unless the payment he owes is fully payed which I find very strange.

Answer: It is possible that his passport has been revoked because of the arrears. Please have him contact the State Child Support Enforcement Agency regarding this issue.

by: Cleo

Question: I owe over $2500 on child support but I have a valid passport until 2020. Can I still travel?

Answer: As long as you do not have a standing order preventing you from traveling overseas, you should be able to use your current passport to travel. You just need to make sure it also meets the requirements of your destination country.

Over 8500 in child support arrears but have a valid passport
by: Anonymous

Question: I owe $8,500 in child support. I still have a valid passport by December, will I be okay to travel internationally (to Mexico)?

Answer: Unless there is a standing order preventing you from leaving the country, you should be able to go to Mexico.

Over 20k back Child support
by: Anonymous

Question: My friend has back child support of over 20,000. He has been overseas for over two years and he wants to come back to the United States. Will he have a problem entering the States? He wants to stay for one month and go back overseas again, will he have a problem going back overseas?

Answer: As long as his passport is valid and there is no standing order preventing him to leave the United States, he should be able to enter the country and go back overseas.

Passport has been flagged
by: Anonymous

Question: If the state child support agency stated my passport has been flagged due to not paying my Child support and I'm traveling internationally, will they stop me at the U.S. or international gates?

Answer: Unless you received notification that your passport has been invalidated, you should still be able to travel with your passport without issue.

Truck driver headed to Canada
by: Anonymous

Question: I have a current support order and am paying current and arrears. But I fell sick for a bit and owe 5200 in arrears still. I have a current job now driving a truck and will require me to go into Canada. I have a passport card to enter and still valid to date. How do I find out if it has been revoked and if not, can I enter Canada?

Answer: You would have already been contacted if your passport was revoked. So it is most likely still valid for travel. Please contact the State Child Support Enforcement Agency handling your case for more information.

Denial list
by: Anonymous

Question: My son's father currently owes $6000. He just came back from the Dominican Republic. I bet he will be on another trip in August for his girlfriend's birthday. How do I know if he has been placed in the denial lost or not? Is there a way to find out or is this information confidential?

Answer: If the father has a valid passport, child support arrears (no matter the amount) will not stop him from traveling overseas. But since he owes over $2500, he is on the passport denial list. Once his passport expires, he will not be able to renew it unless the arrears are paid in full and he is up to date with the payments. You may contact the State Child Support Enforcement Agency handling your child support case for more information.

Emergency passport
by: Anonymous

Question: I owe $29k in child support. My passport is about to expire. My father is dying in the Czech Republic. Will I be able to get a new passport based on family emergency?

Answer: Please call the NPIC at 1-877-487-2778 or the State Child Support Enforcement Agency handling your case regarding your concern.

Revocation of passport for back taxes
by: Anonymous

Question: How common is it for the State Dept to actually revoke an existing, valid passport after the tax debt is certified and the taxpayer receives notice CP 508c?

The rules and all the govt websites say that a new passport or a renewal will be denied but with regard to existing passports it just says the State Dept. MAY revoke an existing passport.

There is also no time frame provided for the notice to possible revocation.

Answer: We do not have statistics regarding the issue. Please contact passport services at 1-877-487-2778 for answers to your question.

Passport denied
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi. My passport renewal was denied due to child support arrears. My passport is currently expired. If I drive to Mexico, will I be able to reenter the USA with just my DL and birth certificate? I am an American citizen.

Answer: All U.S. citizens age 16 and older need to present a valid passport book, passport card or any other WHTI-compliant document to re-enter the United States from Mexico. Please contact the CBP for more information.

Reason for revoking
by: Anonymous

Question: Will child support only revoke your valid passport if they are asked by your child’s mother or father? I owe 7500; I haven’t received any papers saying that it was suspended. My child’s mother did threaten to call child support to have it done is that possible? Please let me know. I leave in less than 2 weeks.

Answer: The mother cannot order the revocation of your passport unless she goes to court. Please contact the State Child Support Enforcement Agency for more information.

Passport revoked
by: Tj James

Question: Is it true the if you have a child support warrant the your passport is automatically revoked?

Answer: Not in all cases. You will be notified by mail if your passport is revoked because of child support.

Child support
by: Antoine

Question: I’m in arrears in child support and I tried to get a passport to go on a trip and I was denied! My kids are grown up and all I’m paying is my arrears. could I still try and apply for my passport again?

Answer: The arrears must be paid in full in order to be taken off the denial list. Please contact the State Child Support Enforcement Agency for more information regarding your case.

Passport Renewal
by: Anonymous

Question: If my boyfriend owes $6800K in child support but pays $5000K, can he get his passport renewed within 3 weeks if we show the itinerary to travel next month?

Answer: He needs to contact the State Child Support Enforcement Agency handling his case to see if he can already be taken off the denial list despite the 1.8k balance. If approved, it takes 2 to 3 weeks for his name to be taken off the list and then he can apply for a renewal.

At this point, he will need to request for expedited sevice to get his passport in time to travel.

Passport Options.
by: Anonymous

Question: I owe over $5000 in child support (since I learned of things I've been paying it and have never been late or missed a payment in 6 years). I contacted Texas and asked about getting a passport and they said I was not allowed to get one. I understand the amount but I'm following (and have never missed an order for current and arrears we all agreed to for 6 years). I would like to go to Canada with my son (whom I'm paying support for) and his family. His mother has even tried to talk to Texas about it and they are sticking to things. What other options do I have besides a miracle of paying the whole thing. Thank you.

Answer: If you are traveling to Canada by land or sea, you may not need a passport. You may apply for an enhanced driver's license or enroll in any Trusted Traveler Program to facilitate travel between travel between the U.S. and Canada.

Travel while owing
by: Help

Question: My husband has back child support that is over $2500. He has a valid passport that still has 8 years left on it. We received a letter from the Texas Attorney General that his passport has been placed on a denial. We have been making payments on the arrears in excess of what the court ordered. Can he travel with his passport. We are taking my oldest son (his step-son) out of country for his graduation present. This has been planned for a very long time and the court order and child support did not even exist until 8 months ago. I just need to know if he can travel and if I need to worry about repercussions of travel. No one seems to be able to answer that questions. Child support office says call passport office. Passport office says call child support office. All I get told is that there is a denial and no one can explain exactly what that means and how it affects his current/valid passport.

Answer: If a person owes child support amounting to over $2500, that person is placed in the passport denial list. This means that if an application under that person's name is submitted, it will be denied.

Denial is different from revocation. Unless your husband also received a letter saying that his passport has been revoked, or that he has a standing order preventing him from leaving the United States, he is free to travel using his current passport.

I owe more than $4000 in Child Support Arrears
by: Anonymous

Question: I owe more than $4000 in child support arrears but I am paying it biweekly including my monthly child support payments and it is automatically deducted from my paycheck biweekly.

I have a current passport in my possession. Can I travel overseas for 3 weeks without incurring any problems leaving and coming back into the US?

Answer: It should not be an issue as long as there is no standing order preventing you from leaving the country.

Seriously Delinquent Tax Debt
by: Anonymous

Question: I have a current passport that does not expire for 4 years. I have a seriously delinquent federal tax debt of well more that $51,000 which I cannot possibly pay. I have received the CP508C from the IRS but have not received anything yet from the CIS informing me that my passport has been revoked. Can I still travel internationally? I have moved since renewing my current passport in 2013 so what address would the CIS use to inform me if my passport has been revoked? Is there any way to find out if my current passport is still valid?

Answer: It will be hard to tell since you did not receive any correspondence regarding your passport. It may help to have your passport checked by an official at an international airport but the best course of action would be to contact the IRS regarding the issue.

30k back child support travel
by: Anonymous

Question: My friend owes over 30k in back child support and he lives abroad. He is a U.S. citizen and has a valid passport. Can he enter/exit the U.S. without any problem?

Answer: If there are no legal orders preventing him from travel, he should be able to do so using his current passport.

Unpaid tax
by: Anonymous

Question: Can a U.S. citizen get a passport rejected if the owe $3000 in taxes?

Answer: According to the https://www.irs.gov/businesses/small-businesses-self-employed/revocation-or-denial-of-passport-in-case-of-certain-unpaid-taxes, seriously delinquent tax debt amounting to more than $51,000 may place a person's passport at risk of revocation. Passport applications MAY also be denied.

Since yours is below the said amount, you may still be able to apply for a passport.

by: Anonymous

Question: I am a resident of the USA with back child support over $2500. I have a passport from Panama. Will I be able to fly back in the country with the arrears of child support?

Answer: There should be no issue getting back in the United States as long as your passport and green card are valid.

I am dual U.S. citizen
by: Anonymous

Question: I am a dual U.S. citizen who traveled abroad and my lost U.S passport. I have my U.S citizen ID card, can I come back to the U.S with foreign passport and U.S. passport card ID?

Answer: If you will be arriving by air, you will need a valid passport book to re-enter the United States. Please contact the CBP for more information.

by: Anonymous

Question: I owed, at one point, over 100k and now I owe about 40k. Can I obtain a passport? My job requires for me to be abroad. Can I negotiate with the child support unit so I can get my passport?

Answer: Please contact the State Child Support Enforcement Agency.

Owe 2200 in back child support
by: Anonymous

Question: I have an order for back child support paid in the state of Georgia. My kids live in Georgia and I live out of state. I was told that the entire amount that I owe in back child support needs to be paid in full before I can apply for a US passport. I owe approximately $2200. Do you know if this is true?

Answer: Please contact the State Child Support Enforcement Agency handling your case.

International travel while owing 14000 in child support
by: Anonymous

Question: Can an individual who owes child support totaling $14,000 travel internationally whether he is a U.S. resident or U.S. citizen? What will happen when he returns and still owes this large sum in child support. Thank you.

Answer: If that individual has a valid passport, he/she can travel overseas and get back in the country. However, if the amount remains unpaid and it's time to renew the passport, the application will be denied.

Family death emergency
by: Anonymous

Question: My wife's family member died and I been paying child support back pay for 5 years. I want to know if I will be able to go with her from Miami to China to attend her family member funeral. Is it possible? What are the requirements?

Answer: If you still owe over $2500 in child support arrears, you will not be eligible to apply for passport. Without a passport, you will not be allowed to board a flight to China.

Please contact the State Child Support Enforcement Agency handling your case for more information.

Passport Question
by: Anonymous

Question: I have a passport that does not expire until 2027. I play professional sports overseas and make money from doing so, this will be my rookie season but I am behind in child support. Two questions:

1. If an overseas team books my flight will I still be able to travel?
2. If I can pay my arrears with my salary, will that be okay?

Please let me know, thank you!

Answer: I shall answer your questions in the order you asked them:

1. You should be able to travel since you have a valid passport.

2. If you pay your arrears and keep up with your child support payments, you will no longer be in the passport denial list. When it is time to renew your passport, there should not be any issues.

Retired Military
by: Anonymous

Question: I am a retired Army sergeant and I owe child support over 2500 but my retirement check which is federally funded is being garnished. Can I still apply for a passport and are there any political figures that owe child support and are able to travel out of the country?

Answer: All citizens who owe over $2500 in child support will be placed in the passport denial list. The only way to resolve this is to pay the arrears in full or at least make acceptable payment arrangements.

Since your retirements checks are being "garnished" to pay off the arrears, you MAY be eligible to apply for a passport. Please contact the State Child Support Enforcement Agency handling your case regarding this.

by: King

Question: I've had a valid passport for the past 8 years, in two years I would have to renew my passport but I owe more than $2500. Would I be able to renew my passport? I currently have a payment plan set up.

Answer: If you have already paid your arrears in full by the time your passport expires, you should be able to apply for a renewal without issues.

Traveling Back
by: Anonymous

Question: My ex owes over $50k in child support. If he travels while his license is still valid with our 4-year-old child and happens to lose his license overseas...what would happen to him and my child as far as getting back into the country?

Answer: A driver's license is not valid travel document unless it is an enhanced driver's license, in which case he may use it for travel within the Western Hemisphere by land or sea.

If traveling by air, he needs a valid passport book to re-enter the United States.

I owe over 2500.
by: Anonymous

Question: My cousin is getting married in Ireland and I owe over 2500 in arrears. Is there a way to get a 3 -day exceptional passport for circumstances to go to her wedding?

Answer: Exceptions MAY be issued in life or death emergencies. A wedding does not constitute this emergency. Please contact passport service at 1-877-487-2778 for more information.

Travel plans
by: Anonymous

Question: I have plans to travel out of the country. I owe $2325 in back child support. Should my passport be denied?

Answer: It should not be. Only those who owe over $2500 in child support will be placed in the passport denial list.

Back child support law
by: Anonymous

Question: Did the law recently change from the $2500 minimum to Zero now?

Answer: No updates or announcements have been posted in the State Department's web site.

Please help me with this, thank you.
by: Anonymous

Question: I have a passport that I had gotten 2 years ago. I wanna book a flight to DR in two weeks but I owe over 5,000 in child support. Will I be okay with taking the flight or will I be denied?

Answer: Since you have a valid passport, you may travel just like any American citizen with a valid passport.

by: Alain Fillion

Question: Would like get my passport back, what do l need to do?

Answer: If you sent your passport for a renewal, you need to wait until the process is completed to get it back. Please call customer service at 1-877-487-2778 for more information.

Passport revoked?
by: Anonymous

Question: My son is traveling internationally in a couple of months but owes more than $2500 in child support. He has a valid passport and is making regular payments of his arrears and current support. Will he be able to travel? On the county website it does not say his passport was revoked but says this, "We have asked Department of State to deny the passport of the parent who owes support." Does this mean his passport is revoked or that he will only be "denied" if he reapplied for a new passport? Thanks.

Answer: Citizens who owe more than $2500 in child support are placed in the passport denial list until the arrears are paid.

In some cases, passports can be revoked but the bearer will be notified by mail if this happens. If your son has not received any communication regarding passport revocation, he should still be able to travel with his current valid passport.

When he renews and still owes arrears over $2500, his application will be denied.

Is Passport Revoked? We are going to travel
by: Anonymous

Question: My son owes over $2500 in arrears. He has a current valid passport and has not received any letter saying it has been revoked. On the child services website it does state this, "We have asked Department of State to deny the passport of the parent who owes support". Does that mean he cannot travel using his passport internationally? We have a family vacation planned.

Answer: If the passport is valid and it meets the requirements of your destination country, there should be no issues with your son traveling. He will not be denied travel but if he renews and still owes child support, his application will be denied.

Can he travel?
by: Anonymous

Question: My dad owes 500$ on child support. I am already 22 and married. He has been paying it off but still owes 500$ only . We are going on vacation this week on a cruise. He applied for a passport but got denied. Can he travel?

Answer: If you are traveling on a closed-loop cruise, your father may not need a passport anymore. A closed-loop cruise is one that starts and ends in the same U.S. city. If this is the case, he will only need his birth certificate and an ID to travel.

Having said that, we recommend that you contact the cruise line to verify entry requirements of your ports of call.

Child support
by: Anonymous

Question: Hello. I have a sick family member who lives out of the country. I already have a valid passport but my babies' mother and I are not together and there is a case on me for child support but I have not been served. Will I have issues flying out of the country and returning?

Answer: You may travel out of the country if you already have a U.S. passport.

Travel plans
by: Anonymous

Question: My boyfriend's baby mother passed and took care of them ever since they were born. Child support informed him that he can travel to certain countries as they put a stop to child support collections. Can he get a passport to travel on a cruise as the amount was $2800?

Answer: If he was taken off the passport denial list, he can apply for a passport.

Child support
by: Anonymous

Question: I have been out of the U.S. for 20 months. Ii owe a little more than $5000 and I have an arrest warrant. My daughter is already 18 but I still owe the $5000. If I go back, I know I am going to get arrested. If they arrested me and I get to an arrangement with the judge, do you think she will let me know? Or am I going to be arrested for a long time?

Answer: Please speak to a lawyer regarding your issue.

by: Anonymous

Question: I really need to get my passport to see my close family who is sick and old. I have never tried to travel outside of the USA. I have a very good job, my child is 26, I’m paying the interest and I am almost done. Can I get it?

Answer: Please contact the child support enforcement agency handling your case to check your eligibility to apply for a passport.

Verification resource
by: IB

Question: I’ve read that a valid passport can still be used even if you owe beyond $2500 in child support. But I’ve also read that I will be notified if my passport is revoked. My question is where can I can to inquire about the status of my passport and confirm that my valid passport will not allow me to travel? Is there an office or website that will give me this info?

Answer: Please contact the state child support enforcement agency handling your case.

Travel to Mexico by car
by: Anonymous

Question: I owe $20k in child support . I’m a U.S. citizen. My passport wasn't revoked.
If I drive out the U.S. to Mexico, can i re-enter the country with my citizenship certificate and my California ID?

Answer: In order to enter Mexico and re-enter the United States by land, you need to present a passport book, passport card or any other WHTI-compliant document.

Leaving on a cruise
by: Anonymous

Question: What if someone goes on a cruise knowing he is not allowed to leave the U.S. due to arrears in child support and gets away with it because he made up a fake letter for work? What happens if he gets caught?

Answer: Unless there is a standing order preventing him/her to leave the United States, a citizen who owes over $2500 in child support may travel overseas as long as he/she has a valid passport.

Citizens who owe more than $2500 in child support are entered into the passport denial list -- they cannot apply for a passport unless the arrears are paid in full.

Two nationalities
by: Anonymous

Question: My brother owes more than 10k in child support, my question is he has another nationality and passport. He can’t get his US passport but he can exit the country with his other passport. But can he return? Or what steps he needs to know about trying to get back in the U.S? He is also an American citizen.

Answer: Please contact the state child support enforcement agency for concerns regarding child support and the circumstances that surround the parent involved.

Suspended passoport
by: Anonymous

Question: I filed DS-64 and reported the passport lost or stolen due to UPS delaying delivery for over a month. Now they found it after delivering to the wrong address. I have a overseas trip in a month and when applying for a new passport was denied due to child support. Can I travel with my found passport?

Answer: Once reported lost, a passport is already invalidated and can no longer be used for travel. You need to settle your child support arrears to be taken off the denial list and be able to apply for a new passport.

by: Anonymous

Question: Can you be denied to travel if your not a citizen of the USA and you owe support being a citizen of another country?

Answer: Owing over $2500 in child support disqualifies one from applying for a U.S. passport. Unless there is a court order prohibiting you to leave the United States, you should be able to travel out of the U.S. using your foreign passport.

by: Anonymous

Question: Does being retired and having no income affect the "denial of passport from child support debt"?

Answer: Please contact the Office of Child Support Enforcement handling your case for information and assistance.

Expired passport - birth certificate
by: Anonymous

Question: My husband owns child support in arrears of over $2500. His passport expired and of course it can't be renewed because of the arrears. But can he travel overseas (to Canada or in a cruise) with his birth certificate only? Would he have any issues returning to the USA with only his birth certificate? Please advise. Thank you.

Answer: Your husband may enter Canada with his birth certificate and driver's license but these documents are not applicable for entry back to the United States. A passport book, card, enhanced driver's license or any other WHTI-compliant document is required to re-enter the United States by land or sea. A passport book is required when traveling by air.

If you are going on a closed-loop cruise (one that starts and ends in the same U.S. city), your husband may not need a passport. However, it is recommended that he carry proof of identity and U.S. citizenship. Also, in the event that he needs to travel back to the U.S. by air, he needs to present a passport book to gain re-entry. We recommend that you contact the cruise line you plan to travel with to verify documentary requirements before you book your trip.

Can I get a passport
by: Anonymous

Question: I currently owe 9000 in back child support due to loss of jobs but have an opportunity to go over seas for work. This will help me get caught up on my back plus keep up with my payments but when i applied they denied me . Is there any way to get a passport so I can get this job?

Answer: By law, you need to pay your arrears in full in order to be taken off the passport denial list. Please contact the Child Support Enforcement Agency handling your case to see if your situation will allow certain arrangements.

Living abroad and owe child support but have a new family
by: Juan

Question: I live in Mexico. I am a U.S. citizen and married to a Mexican national with 2 kids born here. I have been living here for 8 years but now I owe child support back home. I just want to renew my passport here in Mexico. Can it be done even if I do not plan to go to America?

Answer: Citizens who owe more than $2500 in child support arrears are entered into the passport denial list. You need to pay your arrears in full before you can renew your passport. Please contact the U.S. Citizen Services desk of the U.S. Embassy in Mexico City or at any of the U.S. Consulates located all over Mexico.

by: Anonymous

Question: I owe more than $5000 in child support and wanted to travel to Canada. I'm a permanent resident with a Jamaican passport. Will I be able to leave and return without being held?

Answer: We recommend that you contact the U.S. Customs and Border Protection and Canada Border Service Agency for advice before you travel.

Valid passport with child support arrears
by: Anonymous

Question: I owe over $2500 in child support. Can child support agency put a restriction or revoke my passport preventing me to travel overseas. I have a valid passport. no warrant , clear records besides child support arrears.

Answer: Passports of individuals who owe over $2500 in child support arrears may be revoke but it does not happen often. If your passport is revoked, you will be notified in writing.

Valid passport with arrears in child supports
by: Anonymous

Question: I was able to renew my US passport in 2012 even owing over $2500 in child support due to family emergency overseas. Now I have a valid passport good for 10 years. Can I use it to travel overseas without notifying the child support enforcement agency since it's a valid passport.

Answer: You will be able to travel overseas with the passport unless there is a standing order preventing you from leaving the United States.

Dual citizenship
by: Anonymous

Question: If I have dual citizenship and owe back child support can I use my non American passport to travel?

Answer: You may travel with your foreign passport unless there is a legal order that prevents you from departing the United States.

Traveling with child
by: Anonymous

Question: I was ordered thru family court to get a passport for my daughter to be able to travel with her father. A child support order for his arrears was done after family court order . He is in arrears for just $4800. Can he legally travel with her?

Answer: Yes, the father may travel with the child unless there is an order in effect that prevents him from doing so.

Are we sent a letter?
by: Anonymous

Question: Are we sent a letter from the US. Dept. of State to say that our passport is restricted for use? I do owe arrears but it was just granted to my ex. I have arrangements set up through my job, which is a federal job and it comes straight out my check, but I haven't received a letter stating I am being restricted.

Answer: Individuals who owe more than $2500 in child support are placed in the passport denial list. Passports may be revoked for particular reasons but it does not happen often. If your passport is revoked or restricted, you will be notified in writing.

Can I use my passport
by: Anonymous

Question: I owe 7,000 in child support and I have a valid passport. I leave in 2 weeks and I'm going overseas. Can I use my valid passport to come back in United States?

Answer: Owing over $2500 in child support arrears puts you in the passport denial list. If you have a valid passport, you may travel overseas and re-enter the United States unless there is any other legal reason for you not to be allowed to.

I haven't applied for a passport, but...
by: Anonymous

Question: If I never tried to apply because I knew there was a hold from child support but I did call and ask if child-support passport division would lift the hold so I can get it, does that mean when I cross they will hold me while coming back?

Answer: The only way to be taken off the passport denial list is to pay your child support arrears in full. If you are traveling from overseas, you will not be allowed back in to the U.S. without a passport book or any other valid travel document.

Freezing of passport
by: Anonymous

Question: I owe 2890 it was up to 3800 can I still use my valid passport I leave in a week can my child's mother get my passport revoked by calling in?

Answer: You may use your passport for travel. However, you need to pay your child support arrears in full in order to be taken off the passport denial list and be able to renew your passport when it expires.

Non child support revocation?
by: DS

Question: My ex claims she can have my passport revoked for arrears of retirement percentage she was awarded. Is this true?

Answer: Passport Services may deny issuance and restrict use of passports for a number of reasons. We recommend you consult an attorney regarding the matter.

Suspension of passport
by: Anonymous

Question: Is it true the ex-spouse has to contact the child support office to revoke or suspend a passport?

Answer: The child support office cannot revoke or suspend a passport. The law is that anyone with over $2500 in arrears of child support is entered into the passport denial list. To be removed from that list and obtain a passport, that parent must pay the arrears in full.

Can I still use my passport
by: Anonymous

Question: I owe 3000 in child support. I already have a passport. Can I still use it to travel?

Answer: Yes, you may use your current passport for travel. However, in order to renew your passport when it expires, you need to pay your arrears in full to remove your name from the denial list.

Obtaining a passport to work outside of the US
by: Anonymous

Question: I have never had a passport and can work outside of the US and make a lot more money than in the US, thus making it easier to pay my arrears. Is there a way to obtain a new passport strictly for work purposes? I currently owe about $17,000 in arrears, but pay extra every month to knock that down, and I pay on time. But traveling would help me pay this off a lot faster.

Answer: Please contact the local child support enforcement agency or family court. You may also consult your lawyer to see if you can file for a dispute.

Issue with getting passport back
by: Anonymous

Question: I renewed my passport a year early and now I have been denied due to child support however my current passport doesn't expire until March 2018 but they sent it in at the passport office as proof of citizenship when I applied for renewal. Will they send my old one back to me? I am traveling out the country in a couple of weeks. No letter was sent saying to me saying that my passport has been revoked and when I called the passport office they couldn't give me an answer saying they would get back to me.

Answer: Passport services does not return passports when applications are denied. Please contact the state agency to which you owe arrears to make arrangements for payment.

Denied renewal took my current passport
by: Anonymous

Question: I renewed my passport a year early and now I have been denied due to child support however my current passport doesn't expire until March 2018 but they took it at the passport office when I applied for renewal. Will they send my old one back to me? I am traveling out the country in a couple of weeks.

Answer: Since you were denied a passport due to child support arrears, your previously-issued passport will not be returned to you. Please contact the state agency to which you owe arrears to make arrangements for payment. Once the payment is made, your name will be removed from the passport denial list and your application will be processed.

Past due arrears
by: Anonymous

Question: It seems that even if you owe child support many people are still successful at obtaining a passport. Why is that? Is it possible to owe child support and not be on the passport denial list? My child's mother got one and she owes 15000.

Answer: Contact the Office of Child Support Enforcement in the state in which child support is paid to discuss this issue. The state agency is responsible for placing those who owe $2500 or more in arrears on the passport denial list.

Passport and California Car Tax
by: Anonymous

Question: I haven't paid this years car tags and I'm planning to go on vacation. It's 6 months late. Will they not let me on the plane because of this? I was planning on paying when I got back.

Answer: It will not be an issue.

passport revoked + repatriation loan
by: Anonymous

Question: Was overseas and passport was revoked & limited validity issued to travel back to US due to arrest warrant. Repatriation loan paid for my minor son's flight. Matters resolved in US & am back living overseas with my son. I'm a dual citizen so I have a valid passport from my other country of citizenship. Loan was around 1,500$ and I haven't paid it back nor have I received information from government, to the best of my knowledge, about paying it back. Need US passport for identity, banking, etc. If I apply for a new one, will I be able to receive it considering the debt?

Answer: Please contact the nearest U.S. embassy or consulate general to discuss this matter.

Current passport - way to revoke?
by: Anonymous

Question: My ex-husband owes $70,000 in arrears, but has a current, valid passport. He certified for passport denial as of January 1. He travels a lot, and the enforcement of losing his ability to travel will be a big motivator to compel him to pay his back support. Can he continue to use his current passport? Is there a way to revoke the passport he has until he pays off his arrears?

Answer: Your ex-husband can continue to use his current, valid passport until it expires. Please contact the U.S. Department of State Office of Legal Affairs for information about the possible revocation of your ex-husband's passport.

U.S. Department of State
Office of Legal Affairs
44132 Mercure Circle
PO Box 1227
Sterling, VA 20166-1227

Phone: (202) 485-6400
Fax: (202) 485-6496

Back child support
by: Ricardo

Question: Am I able to travel out the US if I owe child support more than 2500 and I still pay child support till this day? Will I still be able to get a passport?

Answer: If you already have a valid passport and it has not been revoked, you can use it until it expires. You will not be able to get a new passport if you owe $2500 or more in arrears until you pay the full amount.

revoked passport
by: Anonymous

Question: My international passport have been revoked. Can I travel internationally and return to the United States?

Answer: Please contact the nearest U.S. embassy or consulate general for answers to passport questions while abroad.

by: Anonymous

Question: My children's mother owes me nearly $20,000 in back child support and has already obtained a passport. She is planning on leaveing the US soon. Is there anything that can be done to put a freeze on her passport?

Answer: Please call 1-877-487-2778 to speak with a customer service representative.

Will passport be voided?
by: Anonymous

Question: I own a passport. If my arrears exceed $2500, will they void my passport?

Answer: Your passport can be revoked. However, it does not happen often. Usually, your name is placed on the passport denial list and you are unable to renew your passport. Contact the State Child Support Agency Passport Denial Program for the state to which you owe arrears for more information.

passport for child support
by: Anonymous

Question: What does back child support have to do with your passport? For some people, a passport is their proof of citizenship, or birth certificate that they have to have for jobs or entrying airbases, or even traveling overseas to see their families. By blocking or refusing people to obtain a passport, it is like taking away your citizenship. Don't you agree?

Answer: The Passport Denial Program, which is part of the Federal Offset Program, is designed to help states enforce delinquent child support obligations. Under the program, noncustodial parents certified by a state as having arrearages exceeding $2,500 are submitted by the Federal Office of Child Support Enforcement (OCSE) to the Department of State (DoS), which denies them U.S. passports upon application or the use of a passport service.

Denial of a passport does not change citizenship status. There are millions of Americans who do not have passports. Those who do not possess a passport can use a birth certificate to prove their U.S. citizenship.

Individuals who want to obtain passports but owe $2500 or more in child support arrears need only pay the arrears in order to have their names removed from the Passport Denial Program.

Passport restriction for owing child support
by: Anonymous

Question: My fiance owes child support. His passport is restricted though payment plan has been made by him. What can he do to enable him travel abroad because of his new relationship?

Answer: If your fiancé's passport has been restricted due to child support arrears, he needs to contact the State Child Support Agency Passport Denial Program for the state to which he owes the arrears for information about how to get the restrictions removed.

by: Anonymous

Question: Can I reenter the United States if my passport has been revoked? I owe $3000.

Answer: A passport is not automatically revoked because the bearer owes $2500 or more in child support arrears. Unless you have received a letter informing you that the passport was revoked, it is still valid until the date of expiration.

If your passport has expired, you will not be able to renew it until you pay the arrears in full. If that is the case, you might be able to get an emergency, limited-validity passport to return to the United States. Please contact the nearest U.S. embassy or consulate general for assistance.

Can I use my passport if I owe child support
by: Antoine

Question: I'm traveling to Mexico soon and want to know if I can use my passport. I owe over $5000 in child support but have been making payments every week since I got my job back in April 2015.

Answer: Your passport is valid until the date of expiration unless you have received notice that is was revoked which does not occur often. The problem will be when you need to renew your passport. If you owe more than $2500 at that time, your new passport will be denied.

Is my passport vaild to travel?
by: Anonymous

Question: I leave to go out the country in 2 days. Can I use my passport if I owe $1500? It's never reached $2500. Please let me know?

Answer: Only those who owe $2500 or more in child support arrears are placed on the passport denial list. For more information, contact the Office of Child Support Enforcement in your state for more information.

Is my passport vaild?
by: Anonymous

Question: If I owe less than $2500, is my passport still valid?

Answer: Your passport is valid until the date of expiration whether you owe less or more than $2500. The amount you owe only affects your ability to obtain a new passport or renew a previously-issued passport.

If the amount you owe reaches $2500, you will be placed on the passport denial list and will not be able to renew your passport until the arrears are paid in full.

If you owed more than $2500 but have now reduced that amount to below $2500, you may already be listed on the passport denial list. Again, this will only affect your ability to renew your passport.

Stepson's passport
by: Lynn

Question: My stepson has a passport. He currently pays child support payments that are set up through the state. Can he still travel internationally? He does owe $5000.00 and has been making monthly payments for the past 2 years. We are taking the family on vacation in December to Mexico and want to make sure he can go with us before we book the trip.

Answer: Your son's passport is valid for international travel until it expires or is revoked. He will not be able to renew his passport until arrears are paid in full.

past due child support holding current passport
by: Anonymous

Question: Can my ex leave the country with a current passport? He owes over $13,000 in back child support but he holds a passport from before our divorce.

Answer: Unless his passport has been revoked or restricted by the Department of State, he can use his valid passport to travel abroad. Contact the Office of Child Support Enforcement if you would like to find out about the possibility of having his passport revoked or restricted.

Cashless Mom
by: Cashless Mom

Question My son's father owes $9,000 in child support and was successful in obtaining a passport. He is now overseas. What can be done now to revoke his passport?

Answer: Contact the National Passport Information Center about this issue by calling 1-877-487-2778.

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About the Author: For over 20 years, the U.S. Passport Service Guide team has helped hundreds of thousands of travelers with their travel document questions and shared advice about how to make traveling abroad simpler, safer, and more enjoyable.

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