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Comments for Can I travel to Nicaragua if my passport has than 6 months validity?

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Mis Hijos menores de edad viajarán
by: Anonymous

Question: Hola. Mis hijos viajan el 1 de mayo a Nicaragua y regresan el 15 de mayo a Miami son residentes de EEUU pero el pasaporte Nicaragüense se les vence el 6 de junio será que tengan algún problema para regresar a EEUU.

Answer: Hola. Sus hijos no tendrán problemas para regresar a los Estados Unidos siempre que lleguen con pasaportes válidos y tarjetas de residencia.

Passport expiring in less than 6 months
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi. I’m traveling on the 17th of August and coming back on the 28th to Peru. I have dual citizenship which means I have both an American and Peruvian passport.

My US passport is expiring on November 28th. Would I have any issue leaving or entering the US? To my understanding, I can use my US passport to leave and enter the US and when arriving in Peru, show my Peruvian passport. I just want to make sure.

Answer: You are correct, you may use your U.S. passport to depart and re-enter the United States and use your Peruvian passport while overseas. Have a safe trip!

exp. passport
by: KB

Question: My niece is going back to Nicaragua, her home country. Her passport expired. Can she still get a flight back? I read that it is at the discretion of the airline. Is that true? My husband is also from Nicaragua, went home on an expired passport and renewed it up there.

Answer: Generally, a valid passport is required to board an international flight. Please contact the airline your niece is traveling with to find out about their regulation regarding passport validity.

Can I travel from USA to Nicaragua with a passaport that will expire in less than 6 months?
by: Joscelyn

Question: I will be leaving to nicaragua on Thursday and today I checked my passaport and realized that it expires on November 16 2016. I will be traveling to nicaragua on the 14 and will be coming back on the 26. Do you believe I can go in with out a problem?

Answer: Nicaragua only requires a U.S. passport be valid for length of stay. You do not need to renew your passport before your trip.

passport expire
by: Ajax

Question: I'm a resident. I need to travel on March 26. Somebody broke into my house. Now, I can't find my passport. I just have one that is expired. Can I still travel to Nicaragua with the expired one then get a new one in Nicaragua?

Answer: You cannot travel by air with an expired passport. You need to apply for a new passport through the Embassy of Nicaragua Consular Services or the nearest Consulate General of Nicaragua. Please contact the embassy for more information. The phone number is (202) 939-6570.

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About the Author: For over 20 years, the U.S. Passport Service Guide team has helped hundreds of thousands of travelers with their travel document questions and shared advice about how to make traveling abroad simpler, safer, and more enjoyable.

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