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Comments for Can I return to the USA with a passport expiring in five months?

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Can I return to the USA with a passport expiring in three months?
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi,
I need a little information. My son is a US citizen by birth and his USA passport expires on 30th June 2024. He has a valid OCI card. He has been in India with us for the last 2 years (since 12th January 2022) and wants to go back to the USA with us this March 2024.

I do not know how much minimum passport validity needs to be there to go back to the USA and my query here is does he need to have at least 6 months of validity in his passport to board the flight? or will he be ok to enter the USA with only 3 months of validity left on his passport?
Thanks, in advance.

Answer: Your son may enter the United States without issue as long as his U.S. passport is valid. There is no minimum validity requirement.

US entry & exit with less than 6 months validity on Bangladeshi passport
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi. I have a green card with a Bangladeshi passport (expiry date: June 9, 2024). Can I exit the U.S. on December 20, 2023 and enter on January 19, 2024?

Answer: As long as you arrive with a valid green card and ID, you may re-enter the United States without issue. Have a safe trip!

South African Passport expires in 5 Months
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi I have a valid green card and plan to travel to South Africa on 12/7/2023 and return 01/10/2024. My South African passport expires in June 2024. Will I be ok to enter the USA with only 5 months left on my passport?

Answer: Yes, you may re-enter the United States without issue as long as you arrive with a valid passport and green card. Safe travels!

Italian passport with U.S. long-term residency
by: Anonymous

Question: Hello. My husband is Italian with a valid U.S. 10-year residency card, nowhere close to expiring. His Italian passport, however, expires end of October and we are planning to travel to Italy in September, returning end of September.

Will he be okay to re-enter the U.S. if his Italian passport is so close to expiration?
Trying to renew now with Italian embassy but very few appointments.

Thank you!

Answer: Your husband should not have any issued re-entering the United States as long as he arrives with a valid passport and resident card. Have a safe trip to Italy and back!

Travel to Germany
by: Anonymous

Question: My older daughter's passport expires in December. we are going to Germany from 10/9-10/23. Do I need to get her a new passport? She has dual citizenship; can I enter Germany with a different passport and come back with US passport?

Also, we adopted our foster baby and changed her name, but we have not gotten her new birth certificate yet, we do have court documents to prove we adopted her and legally changed her name. Do we need to get her a new passport before we travel, or we can use her old passport. It was issued in February 2023, and we adopted her in June 2023.

Answer: If your older child's foreign passport meets Germany's entry requirements, you may use it to while abroad. You will just need to use her U.S. passport to depart and re-enter the United States.

As for your younger child, I recommend that you contact your lawyer about the legality of it. Adults may travel with passports in their old names but it may be different with minors/babies since you may be asked to present proof of parental relationship and other documents. If your adoption/name change paperwork do not match the name on her passport, there may be questions that could delay your departure.

US passport expires in 4 months
by: Anonymous

Question: Traveling to the Philippines with dual citizenship but only holds a US passport that expires on December 23, 2023. Traveling tomorrow August 3, 2023. Would they let him travel? He's returning on August 22, 2023.

Answer: The Philippines now requires U.S. citizens to have at least 6 months of validity remaining on U.S. passports. Since the passport has less than that, the owner needs a renewal.

Traveling to Romania with a passport that is still valid but will soon expire
by: MP

Question: I have a Romanian passport that will expire on July 24. I applied for a new passport but it is not ready yet.

I am traveling to Romania this June/ July with a return date of July 20. I have a valid green card.

Will I be able to return to the USA with no problems? Thank you!

Answer: Yes, you should be able to get back to the United States without issue. Have a safe trip!

Travelling to Mexico from US
by: Anonymous

Question: If I leave the US (I am a US citizen) to Mexico from Aug 5-10 and my passport expires on the 16th, will I be fine?

Answer: Yes, you will be fine. Your passport only needs to be valid by the time you arrive in the United States.

Just under 6 months to expiry
by: Anonymous

Question: Both of my daughters' passports are expiring on January 9 next year. We are going to London from July 2-8 and then on to Paris from July 8-12, 2023. Will they be able to enter both England and France and still get back to the US?

Answer: Your children's passports have sufficient validity left to travel to France and the UK and then get back to the United States without issue. Have a safe and fun trip!

Traveling close to the 6 month validation
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi. My 11-year-old son will travel to Portugal from May 26 to June 3 and his passport will expire on December 2. Is his passport still valid to go to Portugal and return (U.S. Passport)? Thank you.

Answer: Yes, the passport is still valid for travel to Portugal.

Passport expiring day of
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi, I'm traveling to France for two weeks for work. I have a French passport that expires on the exact day of my return back to the US. I have a valid Green Card that expires in July. Will I have a problem getting in/out of the US?

Answer: You should be able to travel out of and to the United States with your passport. When you return, you may be asked to present an additional government-issued ID aside from your green card and passport.

Going to Mexico
by: Anonymous

Question: I am going to Mexico in July and my passport expires in Sept. Should I be okay going to Mexico and returning to the US? I am a US citizen.

Answer: Yes, you should be okay to enter Mexico and return to the United States.

US passport expired in less than 6 months
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi, please advise. If my U.S. passport will expire this June and I will enter the States this April, will it be ok?

Answer: Yes, it will be okay.

From Egypt to US
by: Anonymous

Question: I’m in Egypt currently and I plan to travel to the US in September but my American passport will expire on February 14. Is it still valid for traveling?

Answer: You may travel to the United States as long as your U.S. passport is unexpired. Your passport is still valid for travel.

Traveling to Mexico and returning to USA with a passport expiring in 3 months
by: AA

Question: Hi! I'll be traveling to Mexico with a green card and an Indian passport for 6 days in April. Will I be allowed to enter the US if my passport expires in July?

Answer: You will be able to enter the United States without issue as long as you arrive with a valid passport and green card.

Traveling to Japan and coming back to the US with a passport expiring in 10 days
by: Anonymous

Question: We are planning to travel to Japan from May 29 to June 16. My children have Japanese passports. However, I just noticed their US passport expires on June 26. Will it be an issue to go to Japan and come back to the US?

Answer: Your children will have no issues getting back to the United States as long as they present valid passports. Have a safe trip!

US passport renewal is backlogged again as per new notification 2 days back dated 02/27/2023
by: Anonymous

Question: US passport renewal is backlogged again as per new notification 2 days back dated 02/27/2023. For travel on 5/21/2023, I need to get my son’s us passport (minor) renewed. For travel less than 11 weeks we can do an expedited process paying $60.

How long in the current backlogged system, a minor kid's passport renewal would take time given he has travel on 5/21/2023? If I apply in the coming week, is there a chance that the passport might not get delivered before 5/21? I am confused as to apply or not. When he is going to travel his passport validity will be 7.5 months remaining. He will be good to travel to Destination country though but returning if he is less than 6 months, not sure if airline will allow him to board the flight to us.

Answer: Expedited processing currently takes 5 to 7 weeks excluding the time it takes for the application to arrive at the processing center and the time it takes for the new passport to arrive at your doorstep. If you apply soon, the passport should arrive by the last week of April at the latest.

Travel to India having passport valid for 7.5 month but returning to US passport less than 6 months . Can travel?
by: Anonymous

Question: My son is US born Citizen. Age 4.5 years(minor) . We are traveling to India on 5/21. We have H1B stamping in India. When he is traveling his passport is valid for 7.5 months. So he should be good for travel. But in case there is a delay in stamping, by the time we become ready to come back his us passport will be less than 6 months.

Will he be allowed to board the flight from India to US with his us passport less than 6 months of validity? Can the airlines stop him from boarding the flight to the United States? Also, will it cause any issues while he is in India while waiting for our stamping results if his passport is less than 6 months?

Answer: Your son will have no issues traveling back to the United States with a U.S. passport with less than 6 months of validity remaining. As for issues while he is in India, you should contact India's immigration for definite answers.

US -> Panama -> US
by: Anonymous

Question: I'm going to Panama on 3/9 and returning to the US on 3/17. I'm traveling with a green card and an Italian passport that expires on 6/13/23. Will I be granted re-entry to the US given these circumstances? Thank you!

Answer: You should be able to re-enter the United States without issue as long as you arrive with a valid passport and green card. Have a safe trip!

Do I need to renew the USA passport?
by: Anonymous

Question: I will travel to Thailand, Vietnam, and Maldives from 05/01/2023 to 05/30/2023, but my USA passport will expire on 06/06/2023. Is my USA passport will valid to go those countries and back to the USA? Or do I need to renew the USA passport?

Answer: Thailand, Vietnam and Maldives require at least 6 months beyond your planned date of exit from their countries. Since your passport will have only 6 days after the end of your trip, you need to renew in order to travel.

Standard renewal currently takes 6 to 9 weeks to complete. If you pay the $60 for expedited service, processing will be down to 3 to 5 weeks. If you apply soon, you should get your passport in plenty of time before your trip.

Get Passport Fast

Passport expiring January 2024
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi, I will travel to the Philippines on June 2-26 and my passport will expire on January 13 next year. Is my passport still valid to go to the Philippines? Thank you.

Answer: Yes, it is valid for travel to the Philippines.

Green card holder traveling to Peru
by: Anonymous

Question: I am traveling to Peru. Will I be able to return to the U.S. with a Peruvian passport that expires in 5 months (with no problems)? I have a valid green card.

Answer: You should not have any issues returning to the United States as long as you arrive with a valid ID (passport) and green card. Have a safe trip!

6 month rule
by: Anonymous

Question: I am traveling to Guatemala in 5 days and just realized there is a 6-month validity rule. My US passport expires in 5.5 months and I have dual citizenship (the second one is El Salvador). My Salvadoran passport is valid for another 5 years. Can I leave the US and enter/leave Guatemala with my Salvadoran passport and just use my (still valid) US passport to re-enter the USA?

Answer: Yes, you may do exactly that.

Can I return to the USA
by: Riham Elhabbal

Question: I’m a permanent resident with a valid green card and a Lebanese passport. I’m flying out of the US from 31/1 until 02/1 with my Lebanese passport, which expires on 04/12.

Will I be able to enter the US with a passport that is about to expire in less than two months?
Thank you.

Answer: Yes, you should be able to re-enter the United States with your valid passport and green card.

Passport Expires
by: Anonymous

Question: I am traveling to Brazil on 1/20 and my son’s American passport will expire in March. We will be back on Feb 6 in the USA. Will he be good to come back?

Answer: Yes, your son will be able to enter the United States without issue as long as his passport is valid.

Travel out of the US
by: Anonymous

Question: My daughter's passport expires in March but we have a trip to San Salvador on Friday 1/20. We will only be gone for 13 days. Would she be able to fly out and enter the US without a problem?

Answer: Your passports only need to be valid upon entry to El Salvador. Your daughter should not have any issues entering San Salvador and returning to the United States. Have a safe trip!

Passport expires in 3 months
by: Dee

Question: I’m a permanent resident with a valid green card and an Israeli passport. I’m flying out of the US from 02/16 until 02/25 with my Israeli passport, which expires on 04/23.

Will I be able to enter the US with a passport that is about to expire in less than two months?
Thank you.

Answer: Hello, Dee. You will be able to return to the United States without issue as long as you arrive with a valid ID (passport or other ID) and valid green card. Have a safe trip!

by: Anonymous

Question: If my passport is less than six months before expiring, the airline company can deny me travel to another country?

Answer: If your destination requires at least 6 months of validity on U.S. passports OR if it's the airline's policy to require at least 6 months of validity remaining for international travel, then yes, they can prevent you from boarding.

Permanent Resident With Expiring passport
by: Anonymous

Question: I’m a US permanent resident. I’m currently in Peru. My Peruvian passport expires a few weeks after I return to the US. As long as I have my green card with me will I have any issues returning to the US?

Answer: You should not have any issues getting back in the United States as long as you present a valid ID and green card upon arrival.

US passport with OCI
by: Anonymous

Question: I am a US citizen traveling back to the US from India in February and my passport expires in June. I plan to renew after I go back to the US. Would that be an issue to enter the US?

Answer: It will not be an issue. As a U.S. citizen, you should be able to re-enter the United States without any problems as long as you arrive with a valid passport.

Can I travel?
by: Anonymous

Question: I'm a Spanish national US green card holder living in the US. My Spanish passport is about to expire -I'm traveling on 12/21 to Ireland and then back from Ireland on 01/04.

My passport expires on 10/13 and I have an appointment in the Spanish embassy in January to get it renewed.

Will I be able to travel next week to Ireland and back in January if my passport has less than 6 months of validity?

Answer: As long as your passport meets Ireland's requirements for Spanish passport holders, you should be able to travel. You will also just need to present a valid ID (passport) and valid green card to re-enter the United States. Have a safe trip!

Have a valid 6-month Guyana passport
by: Anonymous

Question: Can I enter the US with a 5month Guyana passport as a green card holder?

Answer: You may re-enter the United States as long as you present a valid ID (can be your passport) and your valid green card.

Expiring Hong Kong Passport with student visa
by: Claudia

Question: Hi, I hold a Hong Kong passport which expires in May 2023. I plan to travel to Hong Kong and return on Jan 30, 2023. Can I enter the US with my passport expiring in less than 6 months?

Answer: As long as your visa is valid, you should be able to re-enter the United States. You may call the CBP for more information.

Passport Expires on Feb 15 2023
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi, my Philippine passport will be expiring on Feb 15 2023 but my US F1 Visa is valid until 2024. Will I be able to enter the US again in January 2023?

Answer: Yes, should be able to. Please contact the CBP for more information on re-entry.

2 months before my passport expires
by: Anonymous

Question: I’m an American citizen with Israeli citizenship. I’m flying out of the US with my Israeli passport, which is good for 5 years. My question is will I be able to enter the US if my American passport is about to expire in two months?
Coming back on 12.29, my passport expires on 2.27.

Answer: You may re-enter the United States as long as you arrive with a valid U.S. passport. There is no minimum validity required for U.S. citizens returning to the country.

Ethiopia & Greece
by: CB

Question: I want to leave with my US passport on 1/11 to go to Ethiopia and Greece, Return 2/2. My passport expires on 6/13. Do I need to get a new passport?

Answer: Based on data from the Department of State, your passport does not meet the 6-month requirement in order to enter Ethiopia but it meets the 3-month post-departure requirement to enter Greece.

You need to renew your passport before you travel.

Get Passport Fast

Flying to Mexico
by: Anonymous

Question: I’m flying out to Mexico on Dec 6 and coming back on Dec 25. My passport expires on January 2023. would I have any issues?

Answer: You should not have any issues. Your passport only needs to be valid upon arrival in Mexico and return to the United States.

Travel to India and return to US
by: SI

Question: My US passport expires on July 2023. I am planning to go to India on Dec 09 and return by Dec 24. Will I have an issue? [ I am PIO card holder]

Answer: You should not have any passport-related issues when you travel. Have a safe trip!

US passport that expires June 2023
by: Anonymous

Question: I have a US passport that expires on June 5 next year and I will be traveling to Switzerland and to France on Dec 15. I will be returning back to the USA on Dec 29.

Will I be able to enter Switzerland and France using my US passport? Will I be able to leave the USA and re-enter the USA with my US Passport? Thank you.

Answer: Switzerland and France are both party to the Schengen agreement. As such, both countries require that your U.S. passport have at least 3 months of validity remaining by the time you exit any of the Schengen countries.

Since your passport will have more than 3 months by December 29th, you should be able to enter both Switzerland and France and re-enter the United States without issue. Have a safe trip!

Chinese citizen with US work visa
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi, my passport will expire in June next year and I will enter the USA from the UK with a valid work visa in January next year. I will update the Chinese Embassy to get a new visa immediately, will it be ok? Thanks!

Answer: You should be able to enter the United States since you have both valid passport and U.S. visa.

Indian passport expiring within 6 months. Can I travel back to US??
by: Anonymous

Question: I'm an Indian citizen with my passport expiring within 6 months. I'm good with an H1 visa and an approved I140. I'm currently in India, can I travel back to the US??

Answer: As long as you have the appropriate immigration documents, you should be able to re-enter the United States. Please contact the CBP or the USCIS for more information.

Student Spanish Passport
by: Anonymous

Question: My son studies in the US. He has a Spanish passport that expires in March 2023. Can he enter the US in January 2023? He will get a new passport from the Spanish consulate in Miami.

Answer: As long as his immigration documents are current and valid, he may travel back to the United States without issue.

Dual citizen (German-US)
by: Mart

Question: Hi,
I want to travel next week to the US. I have a US passport which expires in 3/23 and a German passport which is valid for a few years. Is it possible to travel to the US for 3 weeks without problems? Can I get into the US with a passport expiring in 5 Months and can I leave the US? Thank you!

Answer: Yes, you may enter and depart the United States without issue as long as your U.S. passport is valid.

Transfer in Miami
by: Anonymous

Question: Hello, I carry a Polish passport which expires in mid-May next year. I want to travel to Mexico in November and return in December. On the way, I will transit through the US. I have an American tourist visa valid till 2028. Is it ok for me to transfer to the territory of the USA under these conditions?

Answer: Yes, it should be okay.

India passport - domestically in USA
by: Anonymous

Question: I have an Indian passport which is expiring in 12 months. Can I travel domestically in the US showing my passport as ID?

Answer: Yes, you can.

Traveling to Taiwan with dual citizenship, US passport expiring in 4 months
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi, I’m a dual citizen of Taiwan and the USA. I’m thinking of traveling to Taiwan in mid-April 2023.

My U.S. passport expires in mid-August 2023 but my Taiwan passport is valid until 2031. My plan is to leave the US with my US passport and enter/depart Taiwan with a Taiwan passport, and re-enter the U.S. with a US passport. Will this be a problem? Since I have a valid Taiwan passport, would the US prevent me from leaving even though I have 4 months left on my US passport from the date of departure?

Answer: Your plan is perfect. As long as you arrive in the United States with a valid U.S. passport, there shouldn't be any issues. Have a safe trip!

Expiring passport
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi I’m traveling with my daughter to the Philippines on November 17 and I just renewed her Philippine passport. Her blue passport will expire on January 11. We are returning to the united states on December 8. Will she have issues coming back to the United States if her blue passport will expire in less than 40 days? She is a US Citizen.

Answer: No, she will not have issues returning to the United States.

Re-entering on a G4 visa with 4 months validity left on foreign passport
by: Anonymous

Question: My son is an Australian citizen on a G4 visa. We will return to the US when he has four months left until his passport expiry. Can we re-enter the US and apply for a new Australian passport here?

Answer: Yes, you should be able to. Please contact the USCIS for more information.

Can I enter the US with my US passport with 2 months left to it?
by: Anonymous

Question: I have a U.S passport that expires on Dec 5th and I'm traveling to the States on Oct 8th. Will I be able to come in with no problem? To exit the States back where I came from. I have another passport from that country with more than 6 months to it.

Answer: As a U.S. citizen, you may re-enter the United States as long as your passport is valid, no minimum validity is required. Also, you need to present your valid U.S. passport upon your departure and then use your foreign passport for all other purposes outside of the country.

4 months to work
by: S Loebers

Question: I am flying to Germany on Oct 14 and my US passport expires on Feb 11. Can I use this passport to exit and re-enter the US? Does one need to have a 6-month lead time to the passport's expiration? I also hold an EU passport that doesn’t expire for another 3 years.

Answer: You may use your U.S. passport to depart and re-enter the United States and your EU passport to enter and depart Germany. Have a safe trip!

Returning to USA one day before passport expires
by: Mariana

Question: I am returning on Sept 23. My passport expires on Sept 24. Will I be able to re-enter the United States without any problem?

Answer: Yes, there should not be any issues getting back into the United States with your current passport.

Passport expiring
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi. I'm a permanent resident and I have a green card. My passport is Iraqi and will expire in 3 months (renewal is still in process)
I'm going to Mexico for vacation. Will I be able to enter the US with an Iraqi passport that is expiring soon?

Answer: Yes, you may ree-enter the United States without issue as long as you arrive with a valid passport and green card. Have a safe trip!

Expiring Lebanese passport with valid green card
by: Andrew

Question: Hello,

I am traveling back to the USA where I live on Sunday, August 28th. I am a permanent resident that holds a green card. My Lebanese passport will expire the following day, August 29th. Will I be able to enter the USA with a valid green and my Lebanese passport that expires the next day?

Answer: Yes, you may enter the United States without issue.

Traveling to and from Canada by land
by: Anonymous

Question: I’m traveling next month to Canada by car. I am a citizen (have my birth certificate, license, etc) and I have my passport. However, my passport expires in October. Am I okay to re-enter the US with my passport even though it expires in a month? I return to the states on September 5th.

Answer: You should be able to cross the border without issues. Have fun on your trip!

Passport expiring soon
by: Koki

Question: I am planning to travel to Israel and Jordan on August 26th and come back to the US on the 30th. My Micronesian passport will expired February 27. Am I allowed to use it to board a flight back to US?

Answer: If you are a legal permanent resident, you may travel back to the United States with your current passport. If you are not, we recommend that you contact the CBP about re-entry.

Can I return to the US?
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi, I’m in Pakistan on an emergency, my passport expires in 140 days at the time of my flight. My green card is with me and I can’t renew my passport here because my document is in the USA. Can I return from Pakistan to the USA on my green card and 140 days passport as well as having my medical documents?

Answer: Yes. You may re-enter the United States without issue as long as you arrive with a valid passport/ID and valid green card.

F1 visa valid and passport expiring less than 2 months
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi, I am Indian and my passport is expiring in March. I've got a valid F1 visa and will that expire in 2024. I am planning to go to India in Dec 2022 and will come in mid-Jan 2023. Will there be an issue?

Answer: Please contact the CBP about exit and re-entry with your documents.

Dual citizenship travelling to Europe with soon to expire US passport
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi, I have dual citizenship from the US and the European Union. My US passport expires in 80 days while my EU passport expires in 5 years.

Can I travel to Europe (transit through Germany) based on my EU passport and return, the same route, using my unexpired US passport?


Answer: Yes, you may definitely do that. Enjoy your trip!

Passport Expiring in 5 1/2 months
by: ETV

Question: We are US citizens and traveling to the Philippines from July 24 thru August 8. My son's US passport will expire in January next year. Will he have any problems traveling to the Philippines and back to the US?

Answer: Based on the latest information on the Department of State's website, your U.S. passports need to be valid for at least 6 months upon entry to the Philippines. If your son's passport expires after January 24, he should be okay. Please contact the Philippine Embassy or the airline you are traveling with for confirmation.

US dual citizen traveling to Colombia
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi. I am traveling to Colombia on August 14th. I plan to enter with my Colombian passport which is active for another 8 years. My US passport expires in September. Will I be ok to re-enter the US on August 17th with my US passport that expires in September?

Answer: Yes, you will be able to re-enter the United States using your current U.S. passport.

Travel to Europe with children
by: Chris

Question: We will be leaving for Denmark on 8/13 and returning from London on 8/28. My kids (under 16) passports expire on 2/20 next year. Are we ok to travel?

Answer: Yes, you are good to go. Have a safe trip!

Travel to Spain with only 4.5 months left on passport
by: Anonymous

Question: I am departing for Spain from September 5 to September 12, 2022. My passport expires February 7, 2023. Since Spain only requires 3 months will I be able to return to the USA on September 12, 2022?

Answer: Yes, you should be able to travel to Spain and back without issue. Have a safe trip!

Flying to France
by: Anonymous

Question: Hello,

I am flying to Paris, from August 22-28th, and my US passport is set to expire on Jan 6th. Will I be ok getting into France and then back to the US?

Answer: Definitely. Your passport meets the 3-month post-departure requirement by the Schengen area which France is a part of.

Passport expiring in 2 days, is US re-entry allowed?
by: Anonymous

Question: My daughter (a US citizen) is 17 and her passport expires on Aug 8. We are traveling to Canada from Jul 30 to Aug 6th. On Aug 6th, will she have a problem re-entering the US?

Answer: Since her passport will still be valid upon re-entry, your daughter should not have any issues.

US passposrt expiring in 5 months
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi, I will be traveling to India on July 3rd with my son who is a US citizen. My son's US passport will be expiring on Jan 16th next year.

Will my son be allowed to travel back to the US on Aug 9th with a US passport valid for 5 months? Do I have to apply for renewal in India before traveling back to the US or can I get it done after coming back to the US?

Answer: Your son will have no trouble getting back to the United States as long as his passport is valid. You may apply for a new passport after your return. Have a safe trip to India!

Flights to Europe with expiring US Passport
by: Anonymous

Question: I'm a US Citizen. My passport expires on 8/30. We are flying to London on 7/16, then flying to Geneva from London on 7/24, then flying back to the US from Geneva on 8/3, with layovers in Brussels and Frankfurt.

Will I be able to do all those flights with my passport expiring on 8/30?

If not, which flights are possible?

And, if not, can I take a train to France or Switzerland instead of flying?

Answer: The United Kingdom will allow entry as long as your passport stays valid during your stay. As for Switzerland and Germany, you need at least 3 months beyond your planned departure from either country.

In summary, you will only be allowed into London with your current passport. Land travel to the Schengen area (France and Switzerland) will still require at least 3 months after your exit.

Green card holder and expiring passport
by: Anonymous

Question: I’m a green card holder. My passport will expire in 1 month. Can I re-enter the U.S. if I go to Haiti for a week?

Answer: As long as you arrive with a valid passport/ID and your green card, there should not be any issues.

Passport expires in 5 month
by: Anonymous

Question: I'm a DV-2022 winner, I have been appointed to interview on July 19 in Tbilisi, Georgia.

My passport from Georgia expires on February 27 next year. I'm going to enter the USA in September. At this time, my passport will be valid for 5 months. Can I enter the USA with this passport or should I make a new one and travel with both passports?

Also, the coat of arms on the cover of the passport is half-erased. Is this a problem?

Thanks in advance.

Answer: Please contact the USCIS regarding entry to the U.S. as a DV-2022 awardee.

2 months validity of passport
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi, my clients are going back to the US on June 26 but their 2 kids' passports will expire in August. They are US citizens. Is there a problem departing from the Philippines back to the US?

Answer: As long as they arrive with valid passports, there shouldn't be any issues.

Dual citizen
by: Anonymous

Question: My US passport expires in a month and a half, can I leave the US if I hold another passport from a different country?

Answer: You need to use a valid U.S. passport to depart and re-enter the United States.

Expired passport
by: Anirban

Question:vI am a green card holder, I have an expired Indian passport. Can I enter the USA by land with an expired Indian passport and a valid green card?

Answer: You need to present a valid government-issued ID and your green card to re-enter the United States. Please contact the CBP for more information.

by: Anonymous

Question: Can I return to the US from Italy if I have 4 months until my passport expires. I’m a US citizen.

Answer: Yes, you may return to the United States up to the date your passport expires.

Traveling United airlines from usa to Israel and back
by: Connie

Question: If my 14-year-old son’s passport is expiring 3 weeks AFTER we return back home to the USA, will certain airlines give us an issue? We are scheduled to fly United.

Answer: Israel does not require a certain amount of validity in order to allow entry. However, some airlines may decline boarding if a traveler has fewer than six months of validity on his or her passport.

As for re-entry to the United States, you should be able to do so without issue as long as your passports are valid.

We recommend contacting United Airlines to ascertain what their travel requirements are.

Travel with 4 months validity
by: Anonymous

Question: I have an Indian passport and I am a green card holder. We are planning to visit India and be back in a few months. When we return, my passport will have 4 months of validity left. Will that be an issue while entering back in the USA?

Answer: You will be able to re-enter the United States without issue as long as you arrive with a valid passport and green card. Have a safe trip!

Russian passport, green card
by: Anonymous

Question: Can I return to the US with my Russian passport that expires in less than 5 months and a valid green card? Thank you!

Answer: Yes, you may enter the country without issues using your current passport and green card. Have a safe trip!

Can I fly to USA and back to Germany
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi I'm a Philippines passport holder with a green card. We are flying out from Germany to the USA From June till July. But my passport expired in November. Can I still fly? Please let me know and thank you.

Answer: Since your passport expired in November, you can no longer use it for travel. If you mean your passport will expire in November, you may travel to the United States without issue since you have a green card.

by: Hammad

Question: My passport will expire in Feb 2023. I am planning to travel in August for one month and return in September. Will I be able to return to the US with 5 months of passport validity? I am a US citizen.

Answer: Yes, you may return to the U.S. with your passport. Please check your destination's entry requirements to make sure your passport is still good for your trip.

My passport expires this year
by: Anonymous

Question: I’m traveling to Mexico on June 3 and coming back on June 7. My passport expires on July 18. Will I have any problems entering the United States?

Answer: No, you won't. You just need a valid passport to enter Mexico and return to the United States.

Expiring passport
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi, I hold a permanent resident card and a Lebanese passport. My passport will expire on September 7th, and I'm planning to travel to Lebanon in July and come back in late August. Will there be any problem for me to come back to the United States in August?

Thank you.

Answer: You may enter the United States without issues as long as you have a valid ID (which can be your passport) and a valid green card. You need your valid passport to board a flight to the U.S.

Re-entry to the U.S. with a Lebanese Passport that will expire in less than 6 months
by: Anonymous

Question: I'm a student on an F1 visa. Can enter the U.S. from Lebanon with my Lebanese passport which will expire in less than 6 months?

Answer: As long as your visa is valid, you may re-enter the United States.

Passport Expiring within a month
by: Anonymous

Question: I have a Philippine passport expiring within a month and have a transit visa in the US. Can I transit thru the US even if my passport is expiring within a month?

Answer: Yes, you can. Please contact the CBP for more information.

My US passport
by: Anonymous

Question: I am a US citizen. I will leave for Taiwan on June 12 and will travel back to the US on August 23. I am afraid that I won’t be allowed to board on the 23rd of August because my passport will have less than six months remaining until its expiration date. (It will expire on February 13, 2023.) Am I allowed to fly back to the US on August 23? I look forward to receiving your response. Thank you for your time and attention.

Answer: U.S. citizens may re-enter the United States up to the day their passport expires. You should have no issues boarding your flight home using your current passport. Have a safe trip!

expired passport greencard holder
by: Anonymous

Question: I am a green card holder and my Taiwan passport is expired. Can I leave US with the expired Taiwan passport?

Answer: A valid passport is required to board an international flight. A green card is not a travel document so it will not have any bearing on your ability to travel overseas.

Travel to Taiwan
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi, my child is 14 years old. We are going to travel to Taiwan and we plan to return to the US at the end of July. Her passport expires on 1/23 next year. Can she enter the US with no problem?

Answer: Your child may re-enter the United Sates without issue as long as she arrives with a valid U.S. passport. If she is not a U.S. citizen, she will need valid U.S. visa/residence documents in addition to her valid passport.

Nigerian Passport
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi,

I am currently studying in the US, but I want to travel to Nigeria with my Nigerian passport between the 22nd of May to the 23rd of June. My passport will expire on the 16th of July. Will I be allowed to enter the US?

Answer: Please contact the CBP or the USCIS regarding re-entry to the United States.

Child’s passport
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi. My 6-year-old son is a US passport holder through CRBA. My question is can he travel to the US, for the first time, with less than 6 months on his passport?

Answer: Yes. Your son may enter the country as long as his passport is valid.

Returning to the Philippines
by: Anonymous

Question: I am a Filipino Citizen currently residing in the United States. I am planning to go home to the Philippines on May 18. However, my passport will expire on October 3. If I go back to the United States, (Philippines to U.S.), will I have any issues? I will return on June 28, 2022.
I am a green card holder. Can you provide the law or source that says we can enter?

Answer: You will only need a valid passport to board a flight back to the United States and your green card to re-enter the country.

CBP Article: Traveling outside US - Documents needed for Lawful Permanent Residents

Going to canada
by: Anonymous

Question: I’m going to Canada in two weeks for the weekend. Will I be able to return to the US if my US passport expires in June?

Answer: Yes, you may return to the United States without a problem even if your passport is expiring in 2 months.

Nigeria passport
by: Anonymous

Question: I'm planning to enter the US on May 30th on a J1 visa(1-year traineeship) and my passport will expire in August next year. Do I need to renew my passport before entry or will my passport validity cover my stay in the US?

Answer: You should be able to enter the United States with your current passport. Please contact the USCIS for more information.

Passport Expiring
by: Anonymous

Question: Traveling to Mexico from the US - will be out for about 2 weeks in June. My passport is set to expire in September. Would it be ok to travel with my current passport set to expire in September?

Thank you!

Answer: Yes, it is okay to travel. Your passport only needs to be valid upon entry to Mexico and re-entry to the United States. Have a safe trip!

Travel to Mexico with a passport will expire in one month
by: Anonymous

Question: I am going to Mexico on May 1st, and my Chinese passport will expire on June 14th. I have a valid green card. Will I have any issues when I return to the US in May with a passport that will expire in one month?

Answer: You may re-enter the United States as long as you arrive with a valid passport and green card.

My Boyfriend's passport is expiring in less than 4 months and only has a E2.
by: Anonymous

Question: He is Leaving for Belgium at the end of April and his passport expires in July. He only has a work visa (E2) and so we wanted to know if he will have issues coming back into the U.S.
Will he need to renew his passport before leaving for Belgium or will he will be okay?

Thank you.

Answer: Please contact the USCIS or the CBP regarding visas and re-entry to the United States.

Expires in less of 3 months , dual citizenship
by: Alvaro

Question: Hello, I have a trip with my kid. We are both dual citizens of Spain/USA. His passport is expiring in less than 3 months, but we are coming back before it will expire.

We are trying to get an appointment but it's impossible, there are no appointments available.

Is possible to travel with a valid passport that is expiring 2 weeks after we came back from the trip?

Answer: Your son may depart and re-enter the United States with his U.S. passport. However, he will need a Spanish passport to enter Spain since his American passport does not meet the country's 3-month-post-departure entry requirement.

Travel to the Philippines
by: Anonymous

Question: I’m an immigrant and planning to go to the Philippines on May 1 and return on May 27. My Philippine passport will expire on June 21. Can I travel on that particular date?

Answer: You should be able to return to your home country on your current passport. As for re-entering the U.S., please make sure your passport and immigration documents (visa/green card) are valid upon your arrival.

Dual passport
by: Dani

Question: I'm flying to Italy in June and coming back in July. I have both US and Italian passports. The US Passport expires in September. Will I have any issue flying in and out of the US?

Answer: You should not have any issues. You may depart and re-enter the United States with your U.S. passport and use your Italian passport while overseas. Have a safe trip!

13 days till passport expires
by: Anonymous

Question: Will I be able to return to the US with only 13 days left before it expires. I have a Zimbabwean passport and green card. I will be returning on the 1st May and my passport expires on the 13th May.

Answer: You may re-enter the United States without issues as long as you arrive with a valid passport and green card.

2 months expired from June
by: Anonymous

Question: My daughter has a green card and a Philippine passport (Sept 2022 expiration). They are planning to travel to the Philippines in June for our wedding and back in July. Will she be able to travel back to the USA with her Philippine passport which will expire within 2 months from June? Thank you so much!

Answer: Yes. She will be able to re-enter the United States with a valid Philippine passport and green card.

3months valid passport
by: Rain

Question: Hi! Can I travel to Colombia for 1 week and go back to US (I'm a green card holder) if my Philippine passport is expiring in 3 months?

Answer: You need to contact the Embassy of Colombia for entry requirements specific to Philippine passport holders. As for returning to the United States, you should have no issues as long as you arrive with a valid passport and green card.

Passport Expiration
by: Anonymous

Question: I am traveling to Mexico a week from now. I’ve only now realized that my passport expires next month. Will I be able to come back into the US if my passport expires next month, but I return from Mexico on the 21st of March?

Answer: There should not be any issues. Your passport only needs to be valid upon entry to Mexico and re-entry to the United States.

Entering the US on student visa with an expiring passport
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi. I am junior studying at a university in the United States. I have studied there since the beginning of my college years. I am a Cameroonian citizen. I recently went on a study abroad program and then realized my U.S. student visa is expired and my passport is to expire of September 8th of this year.

My question is if I am to apply for the renewal of my US student visa, is it possible that I will be rejected based on my current passport validity? Also, I am due to return to the US on June 20th, meaning I will only have 4 months left on my passport at the time of entry. Will I be allowed to enter? Please note the country I am currently in does not offer a passport renewal service for my passport nationality.

Answer: U.S. visa applications usually have minimum passport validity requirements. You need to contact the U.S. Embassy or Consulate in the country where you are currently in for assistance regarding your student visa. If they issue you a visa, you should be able to enter the United States with your passport.

Re entry to US with passport expiring in August
by: Anonymous

Question: I am a green card holder with a Nicaraguan passport that expires in August. I am trying to go to Mexico for a week from 3/21 to 3/26. Would I have any problems coming back to the US since my passport expires in less than 6 months??

Answer: You should be able to get back in the United States without issue as long as you have a valid passport and green card.

US greencard holder with expired Philippine passport
by: Anonymous

Question: Hello. I would like to go back home ASAP to the Philippines but my passport had already expired. It’s very hard to renew due to covid and now it’s by appointment only. I have a valid green card until 2030. Can I buy a ticket, go home with my passport expired and renew it in the Philippines while I am there?

Answer: No, you cannot. A valid passport is required to board an international flight. Also, your green card has no bearing on your ability to travel internationally. You need to renew your passport in order to travel to the Philippines.

Lithuanian passport and US green card holder
by: Anonymous

Question: My grandmother will be flying from Lithuania to Chicago in a few weeks. Her passport is expiring in August (in 5months) Will she have any issues since her passport is expiring in less than 6 months?

Answer: Your grandmother should not have issues entering the United States as long as she arrives with a valid passport and green card.

US Child passport expiring 15 days after return
by: Anonymous

Question: My son's US passport is expiring on 20 May and we plan to travel to India and return back on 1st May. Will the US allow entry?

Answer: Yes, your son should be able to re-enter the United States without issue as long as he arrives with a valid U.S. passport.

Expiring passport
by: Anonymous

Question: Hello, I’m a dual citizen (American and Nigerian). I’m traveling back to Nigeria in 5 days but my U.S passport expires on April 26 2022, will I have any issues traveling?

Answer: You need to have both a U.S. passport and a Nigerian passport in order to travel to Nigeria. You need your U.S. passport to leave and re-enter the United States.

U.S.-Nigeria dual-national citizens are now required to have a valid Nigerian passport in order to depart the country. Dual-national citizens can be, and often are, denied boarding until they have obtained non-expired Nigerian passports.

Guatemalan Passport
by: Anonymous

Question: I’m a permanent resident (green card holder) with a Guatemalan passport and I’m planning to go to Mexico in July for 8 days. My passport expires in September. Will I be able to travel back to the USA with no issues?

Answer: As long as you return with a valid passport and green card, you may re-enter the United States without issue.

US passport
by: Anonymous

Question: Hello, I hold a US passport that expires on October 9th. I plan to travel to India on April 4th and return April 27th. Will I have a problem returning due to less than six months remaining on my passport?

Answer: There should be no issues traveling as long as you have a valid India visa.

Travel Entry
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi, we’re planning to visit our family in Indonesia on June 23rd to September 3rd.
My son (6 years old) has a US passport which will expire on October 19. Shall I renew it before we leave or after we get back? Thank you.

Answer: You need to apply for a new passport for your child. Indonesia requires that U.S. citizens bear passports that have at least 6 months of validity remaining counted from your scheduled date of departure from their country.

If you apply soon, you should have the new passport in time for your trip.

Passport expires 1 day after returning
by: Anna

Question: Hi. We are US citizens traveling to Europe and back. My daughter‘s passport will expire on July 4, 2022. We will return to US on July 3, 2022. Will we run into problems coming back home?

Answer: Hello, Anna. You should not have any issues getting back into the United States. However, you may have trouble entering most European countries. Schengen countries require at least 3 months of validity remaining on your passport counting from your scheduled departure from the Schengen area.

We recommend that you contact the immigration offices/embassies of the countries you plan on visiting to check their current entry requirements. Your daughter will likely have to renew her passport before your trip.

Student Visa-Expiring Passport
by: Anonymous

Question: Hello,
I am in the US on a student visa and my Jamaican minor passport expires in May 2022. The closest time for an in-person interview to apply for an adult passport is in May. I need to attend a funeral at the end of this month. Will I have any problems when returning back to the US?

Answer: You should be able to re-enter the United States with your valid passport and visa. Please contact the CBP for confirmation and more information.

Passport less 2 month
by: LUU

Question: Hi, my daughter is 5 years old. She has a U.S. passport but her passport will expire on 08 Jun 2022. She can come back to the US in April? Or does she need to renew her new passport? Thanks.

Answer: Your child may return to the United States without issue using her current passport.

My passport will expire in June
by: Wardy mendoza

Question: Hi. I'm a resident of Seattle Washington. I'm a green card holder. I'm going to Manila, Philippines on March 25 and coming back on April 25. I'm worried because my passport expired in June. And my daughter's passport expires in August. Is it ok to travel to manila and to come back to Seattle? Thank you so much.

Answer: You may enter the United States without issue as long as you all arrive with valid passports and green cards.

Please contact the Philippine Embassy for the most updated entry requirements to the Philippines.

Less than 6 months validity
by: Anonymous

Question: Hello. I hold a Lebanese passport with less than 6 months validity and plan to travel to the US on a b1/b2 visa that expires in 2023. Is this ok?

Answer: Yes, it is okay. Your Lebanese passport only needs to be valid for the duration of your stay in the United States. Have a safe trip!

Passport Travel
by: AZC

Question:Hi. My son (5 years old) and I have Indian passports and valid Green Cards. We are planning to travel to India for 15 days and return at end of April. My son's passport expires in June. Will we have any issues entering the US?

Answer: There should not be any issues as long as you arrive with valid passports and green cards.

by: Seem

Question: Hello, I hold a Bengali passport. I have my flight on 14th February to JFK and my expiry date is on 14th Jan 2022. Can I travel with my family to USA with this current passport?

Answer: You cannot board an international flight with an expired passport. You need to secure a new passport before you can travel to the United States.

Passport expiring 8/4/2022
by: Anonymous

Question: I am traveling to the Philippines on 2/18for a family emergency for 13 days with a Philippine passport expiring 8/4. I have a permanent resident card. Will I have a problem returning to the USA with less than 6 months validity on my passport?

Answer: You will not. You may re-enter the United States without issue as long as you arrive with a valid passport and green card.

US transit
by: Anonymous

Question: Hello. I hold a Lebanese passport with a Valid US visa. Planning to travel on the 15th of February for only one day transit but my passport expires in August 2022. Would i be able to enter the US with the passport validity less than 6 month? Thank you.

Answer: Yes, you may transit though the U.S. with your passport and visa.

Dual Citizenship and expiring passport
by: Anonymous

Question: Hello. I hold both a US and UK passport and am living in the UK. I travel to the US in March for 6 days but my US passport expires at the end of July. Can I still travel on it or should I get a visa in the UK passport? Ideally would like to enter and leave each country on the right passport.

Answer: You may enter and depart the United States with your currently valid U.S. passport. There is no immediate need to renew it or obtain a U.S. visa on your British passport. Have a safe trip home!

Passport expires in less than 5 months, but valid Green Card
by: Anonymous

Question: My husband and I are planning our anniversary trip to Europe from 02/24 to 03/06. However, his Honduran passport will expire in July. He has a green card which is still valid.
Will he have any issues re-entering the U.S. with his Honduran passport and green card?

Thank you.

Answer: Your husband should not have issues re-entering the United States as long as his passport and green card are valid when he arrives.

We recommend that you check the entry requirements of your destination countries specific to Honduran passport holders to make sure you don't run into issues. His green card will not have any significance while he is traveling overseas.

Entry to USA
by: Winnipeger

Question: I will visit my parents in Texas in February for a week. My US visa is valid till 2025 but my passport is about to expire in April. I am a permanent resident in Canada. Can I still travel?

Answer: Yes, you should be able to enter the United States with your passport and visa.

Dominican Republic
by: RP

Question: I have a valid US Passport that will expire in July. I am traveling to the Dominican Republic in April for 1 week. Can I wait until I return to the US from this trip to renew my passport?

Answer: Yes, you can renew after you return. Your passport only needs to be valid for the duration of your stay in the DR.

Passport Renewal by Mail

Quick Passport Renewal

US passport expires Aug 22
by: Anonymous

Question: I'm traveling to the Dominican republic on March 7, returning on March 21. My passport expires on Aug 22, five months exactly when I return. Is it ok to travel to the DR & return to the US? Many thanks.

Answer: Your passport only needs to be valid while you are in the Dominican Republic. You should be okay to travel there and get back into the United States.

by: Joana

Question: Hello, my grandparents are currently permanent residents in Texas. They traveled to Mexico in the summer but my grandmother had a fall and needed hip replacement surgery. Their passports expired. Can they travel back to Texas with their Texas permanent resident cards?

Answer: Please contact the CBP regarding re-entry to the United States.

German passport expires in July
by: Anonymous

Question: I'm a German citizen but live in the U.S. with a green card. I am also married to a U.S. citizen. My German passport expires in July and I want to travel to Germany for a week in February. Will I have any issues re-entering the U.S. with my German passport and green card?

Answer: You should be able to re-enter the country without issue with your valid passport and green card. Have a safe trip!

Going back to USA
by: Naijh

Question: Hi! I have a green card and a Philippine passport (June expiration). I am planning to travel to the Philippines in February and go back in March. Will I be able to travel back to the USA with my Philippine passport that will expire within 3 months from March? Thank you so much!

Answer: You may re-enter the United States as long as you arrive with a valid passport and green card.

Travel to Jamaica
by: Anonymous

Question: I am traveling to Jamaica in March for 8 days. My daughter's passport will expire in 5 months. Can we still go there?

Answer: You can still go. Your U.S. passports only need to be valid when you enter Jamaica and when you leave their country. Safe travels!

Philippine passport only
by: Anonymous

Question: I am planning to travel to the US in July 2022 but my passport expires in August 2022. Will I be allowed entry in the US from the UK?

If not, do you accept extended Philippine passport validity because I cannot book an appointment in the UK due to limited slots?

Answer: Please contact the CBP or the closest U.S. Embassy or Consulate regarding entry to the United States with your Philippine passport.

USA passport expiring
by: Anonymous

Question: Hello. My daughter is 6 years old and is a citizen of the USA and Russia. Her USA passport will expire on 10/20/2022. We are planning to travel to Russia from May to August 2022 entering Russia on a Russian passport.

Do we have to get her a new USA passport now or she will be able to exit and enter the USA with her expiring passport? Thank you.

Answer: Your daughter should be able to depart and re-enter the United States with her current U.S. passport.

Peruvian Passport expires in 4 months
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi, my Peruvian passport expires in less than 5 months, and I had a vacation trip planned to the US. My visa expires in June this year. Does my passport need a minimum of 6 months of validity in order for me to travel to the US?

Answer: Your passport only needs to be valid for the duration of your stay in the United States. Please contact the CBP to check for the latest entry requirements specific to Peruvian passport holders.

Passport expiration
by: Anonymous

Question: Hello,

We are traveling to Cancun from 2/12 to 2/19. Our passports expire 8/10. Will we be able to enter back into the USA?

Answer: Yes, you should be able to re-enter the United States without issue as long as you arrive with valid U.S. passports.

Passport expiry
by: Anonymous

Question: Hello,

I have an Indian passport expiring on 11th Nov. I am currently on an H1-B visa which is valid until Sep 2023. I can leave for Mexico and return to the US on Mar 23rd without having to renew my passport before. Am I correct?

Answer: You need to check with the Mexican authorities for entry requirements specific to Indian passport holders. As for returning to the United States, you should be okay as long as you arrive with a valid passport and documents.

Syrian passport expiring in five months?
by: Bassam

Question: Hi. I am a green card holder with a Syrian passport. I'm planning to travel to Aruba in March.

Will I have any issues entering the US with a Syrian passport that expires the end of August? I will have my green card with me during entry to the US.

Answer: Hello, Bassam. You may re-enter the United States without issue as long as you arrive with a valid passport and green card. Have a safe trip!

Travelling to Mexico from USA - 4 months until passport expires upon return
by: Anonymous

Question: Irish citizen living in the USA. Green cardholder. I will return from Mexico with 4 months until the expiry date on my Irish passport, should I be able to enter the USA without any problems?

Answer: You may re-enter the United States without incident as long as you arrive with a valid passport and green card.

Travel to the U.S.
by: Anonymous

Question: I’m a Saudi citizen With a b1/b2 visa that expires at the end of September 2023 and my Saudi passport will expire on May 20th. I’m planning to visit the U.S at the end of December for two weeks and return to Saudi in January.

Does my passport have to be renewed before this planned trip, or would I be allowed to enter the USA since I’m leaving back to Saudi before my passport expires in more than 4 months?

Answer: Your passport only needs to be valid for the duration of your stay in the United States. Have a safe trip!

Passport expiring in 5months
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi, can I enter the US with my US passport in December if my passport is expiring in May the following year?

Answer: Yes, you can. Your passport only needs to be valid in order to enter the United States without issue.

Coming to the U.S. two days before the Passport expires
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi. I am a Brazilian and American Citizen. Can enter the U.S. two days before my passport expires?

Answer: You may enter the United States without issue as long as you arrive with a valid U.S. passport.

US entry with less than 3 months validity on Bangladeshi passport
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi. I am a greencard holder with a Bangladeshi passport. I will be traveling to and from Bangladesh in January. Will I have any issues entering the US with a Bangladeshi passport that expires the first week of April? I will have my Greencard with me during entry to the US.

Answer: You should not have issues re-entering the United States as long as you arrive with a valid passport and green card.

Passport USA
by: Paulita

Question: Can I travel to Honduras with a USA Passport expiring within 3 months?

Answer: Hello, Paulita. Your passport needs to have at least 6 months of validity left in order to enter Honduras. You need to renew your passport in order to travel.

Get Renewal Fast

French passport soon to expire
by: Anonymous

Question: Hello, I would like to know if I can enter the USA on Dec 10, return on Dec 18 with a French passport expiring on Jan 1. I was issued the ESTA visa with no issue. Thank you!

Answer: Hello! Your passport only needs to be valid for the duration of your stay in the United States. Have a safe trip!

Traveling on US Passport that expires in less than 6 months to Ecuador
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi I am a 19-year-old Ecuadorian/US dual citizen with a departure from US scheduled for December 13 and I return December 30. However, my 5 years US passport expires on June 7. Will this be an issue on exit/re-entry into the US? I have additional documentation proving citizenship for both countries (i.e birth certificate/ social security card/Driver's License).

Answer: There's no problem. You may leave and re-enter the United States as long as your U.S. passport is valid.

Can I come back to the US?
by: Anonymous

Question: I am a Chinese citizen with a Chinese passport expiring on Jan 9, 2022. I am applying for a US green card and have an unexpired advance parole card. I plan on traveling to Mexico and coming back on Jan 2. Would I have an issue coming back to the U.S.?

Answer: Please contact the CBP regarding your concern.

Enter in USA with 3 months Passport Validity
by: Anonymous

Question: I am a Bangladesh passport holder. My passport expires on 01 July and my VISA valid up to 02 December 2023. If I plan for a visit on 17 March and return on 02 April, can I enter the USA? People say it is necessary to perform a journey to the USA with at least 6 months passport validity, is it true?

Answer: It is true. Your Bangladeshi passport needs to have at least 6 months of validity remaining for you to enter the United States.

Entering the US with a US passport
by: carmen

Question: I am planning on going on a trip to Mexico from January 15 to January 26. My US passport expires on February 2. Will I be able to come back to the United States?

Answer: Yes, you will be able to. Your passport only needs to be valid upon your arrival to the United States.

Entering and leaving US on a US passport with 6 weeks before expiration?
by: Anonymous

Question: My grandchildren are coming to the US from Cyprus in 3 weeks with their mother. The children travel with a US passport because their father (deceased) is a US citizen.

They will be leaving the US to go back home on Jan. 2 and the oldest child (9) has a passport that will expire 6 weeks after they leave. Because she is traveling on a US passport, will she have any trouble entering or leaving the US with an expiration date that close?

Answer: The child will not have issues entering and leaving the United States using her current passport.

Entering USA with Mexican passport
by: Anonymous

Question: My Mexican passport expires in one month, will I be allowed entrance into the United States? (Travel by air)

I understand that one can re-enter Mexico with an expired Mexican passport. I’m wondering if this reason constitutes exemption from the 6month validity rule.

Answer: Your passport only needs to be valid for your entire stay in the United States. Please contact the CBP for more information regarding entry to the United States.

My passport expires in 4months
by: Anonymous

Question: I plan to travel to Mexico for one week. I'm a permanent resident but my passport is set to expire in 4 months. Will I be able to return to the US knowing my passport will expire within 4 months?

Answer: You should be able to re-enter the United States without issue as long as you arrive with a valid passport and green card.

Two passports, one (with ESTA) expiring a month after transit?
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi,
Dual nationality (Greece/Swedish). Swedish passport expiring 2025, just realized my Greek passport expires Jan 2022. ESTA from a previous visit was valid through the Greek passport expiry date, Jan 2022. Traveling 20th Nov from Sweden, transiting through the US to Costa Rica, return same way 12 Dec.
Will there be a problem as long as ESTA is valid for the duration of the trip?

Answer: There should not be an issue since your ESTA is valid and you're only transiting. Please contact the CBP to confirm.

US citizen living in UK
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi. I’m a US citizen who lives permanently in the UK. I’m planning on visiting my family in the US on 11/23 and am staying until 12/10. I have just realized that my US passport expires on 12/20. Will this be a problem for me?

I also have British citizenship so wondered if it would be better to travel using that passport?

Answer: You may leave the UK with your British passport but you need to enter and depart the United States with your American passport. The good news is it only needs to be valid upon your entry and departure from the U.S. Have a safe trip!

Passport expiration
by: Anonymous

Question: I am from Iran and a green card holder. My passport will expire in 4 months, can I go to Mexico and return to USA?

Answer: Please contact the Embassy of Mexico for entry requirements specific to Iranian passport holders. As for re-entry to the United States, there should not be any issues as long as you arrive with a valid passport and green card.

Philippine passport
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi, I have a Green Card and a Philippine passport. My passport will expire on March 17. Can I possibly go back to the Philippines in December and go back to the USA in January?

Answer: Yes, you can. You may reenter the United States without issue as long as you arrive with a valid passport and green card.

Visa Validity
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi. I'm a Palestinian passport holder. I have a valid US B1/B2 Visa that expires in April. I'm planning to go to the States in December for the New Year. Am I eligible to enter the states?


Answer: As a general rule, you need at least 6 months of validity on your passport beyond your planned date of departure from the United States. Please contact the CBP if there are any changes on the requirements for entry.

Driving to Mexico and Flying Back
by: Anonymous

Question: Hello, I'm a US Citizen with a passport that expires in March of 2022. If I drive to Mexico in November of 2021 and return by plane in December of 2021, will I have any trouble with re-entry via plane?

Answer: No, you will not have any passport-related issues. Have a safe trip!

Traveling with a passport expiring in Jan
by: Anonymous

Question: Venezuelan citizen with residency in Austria. Could I travel to the US from Austria from Nov 12 to Nov 20 with a passport that expires in Jan? Thank you.

Answer: Your Venezuelan passport only needs to be valid for the duration of your stay in the United States. So as long as you have all the necessary documents including a valid visa, you may travel to the United States.

Entering USA with ESTA from Portugal
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi,

I have a Portuguese passport that will expire in April next year and intend to visit the USA (already requested ESTA) for 2 weeks, returning on January 9th. Will I have any issue entering and exiting with a passport that has less than 6 months validity?

Thank you,
Fracisco Silva

Answer: Hi, Francisco. Your passport only needs to be valid for the duration of your stay in the United States. Please contact the CBP ahead of travel for the latest entry requirements.

by: Rymart

Question: Hi I'm a USA 10-year green card holder and I'm in the Philippines. My Philippine passport will expire 1 week before my return flight to the USA. Will I still be able to go back to the USA?

Answer: You need a valid passport to board an international flight. You need to renew your passport before traveling.

April 2022 reentry
by: Anonymous

Question: Hello. I’m a Nigerian who stays in the USA as a permanent resident. My Nigeria passport expires on April 21 next year.

I will be going to Nigeria for Christmas and will be back in USA on January 24.

Can I return to the US with my valid permanent resident card & my Nigerian passport which is to expire by April?

Your answers will be well appreciated.

Answer: Yes, you should be able to re-enter the United States without issue as long as you arrive with a valid passport and permanent resident card.

Visa Validity
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi,

I have a valid American Visa that expires in April next year. I am planing to go on vacation for two weeks in February. Am I eligible to enter the States?

Answer: The answer depends on which country issued your passport. Please contact the CBP regarding entry into the United States.

Visa Validity
by: Anonymous--

Question: Hi. I have a valid American Visa that expires in May next year and I'm planning to go on vacation for two weeks in February. Would I be eligible to enter the States? Thanks.

Answer: The answer depends on which country issued your passport. Please contact the CBP regarding re-entry into the United States.

Travel Document
by: abel

Question: Hey. I am planning to visit Ethiopia for 10 days in December. I have an entry visa, but my question is at the time I travel, my travel document validity is going to be 4 months. would I be able to enter Ethiopia?

Answer: U.S. citizens need to have at least 6 months on their passports in order to enter Ethiopia. You need to renew your passport before your trip.

If you mean something else by travel document and you are not a U.S. citizen, please contact the Embassy of Ethiopia for entry requirements specific to citizens of your country.

Reentry to US from Mexico
by: Anonymous

Question: I'm supposed to travel to Cancun Mexico this Saturday, Oct 23, and return to the US on Oct. 27th. My passport expires on Jan 29 next year.

I know Mexico doesn't have the "6-month rule" but wanted to verify that I will not have a problem with re-entry to the USA with my passport expiring in 3 months.

Answer: You should be able to re-enter the United States without any issues as long as you arrive with a valid U.S. passport.

Pakistani Passport, 2 hours stay in DXB
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi, my passport expires in January and I'm travelling to Pakistan in November and I have 2 hours of stay in Dubai. I have a valid green card. Will I have any problems in Dubai or in Pakistan?

Answer: Your green card does not have any bearing on your overseas travel. As a general rule, you do not have to meet a country's entry requirements if you are only transiting and staying only in the airport (DXB). Also, you should not have issues entering your home country. We recommend that you contact the airline you are flying with to confirm travel requirements.

Nigerian passport
by: Anonymous

Question: I currently hold an f-1 visa and my flight is scheduled for Dec 19. However, my Nigerian passport will expire June 4 which would be 5 months and 2 weeks away from my travel date. Will I be able to enter the US and renew the passport afterward?

Answer: Your passport needs to be valid for the duration of your stay in the United States. If your period of stay exceeds your passport's validity, it is best that you renew in advance of travel.

We recommend that you contact the CBP regarding your passport and your student visa.

Children passports
by: Joanna

Question: My children and I are traveling to Mexico on November 21 for a week's vacation. My children are US citizens and their passports will expire on March 22. Is it gonna be a problem for them to re-enter the USA? Do they need new passports?

Answer: No, it will not be a problem. They will only need valid U.S. passports to re-enter the United States without issue.

Traveling to USA with a Canadian passport
by: Anonymous

Question: I’m a Canadian citizen with a Canadian passport. Can I enter the USA with a Canadian passport that expires in less than 3 months?

Answer: Your passport only needs to be valid for the duration of your stay in the United States. We recommend that you contact the CBP for the most updated COVID-related entry requirements.

by: Anonymous

Question: Hello. I’m a permanent holder in the USA but have another citizenship passport which will expire in April next year. I’m to travel in December and be back in January before the expiration date of my non-USA passport. Would I be granted entry into the United States?

Answer: I am not sure what you mean by "permanent holder".

If you are a U.S. citizen, you need to use a valid U.S. passport to depart and re-enter the United States. If you are a permanent resident, you may re-enter the United States without a problem as long as you arrive with a valid passport and green card.

Expired passport
by: Anonymous

Question: I have dual citizenship. My U.S. passport is expired. Can I travel in November and return to the U.S. with my expired passport?

Answer: No, you cannot. As a U.S. citizen, you are required to board a flight leaving the United States with a valid U.S. passport. You need to renew your passport before you leave.

Get Passport Fast

French Passport + GC - US Re-entry
by: Anonymous

Question: Hello, my French passport expires on April 7 next year. My trip to Europe is planned for October 11 - 23. Can I re-enter the US with the passport with 5 months left and a Green Card? Thanks.

Answer: Yes. You may re-enter the United States without a problem as long as you arrive with a valid passport and green card.

Indian student on F1 visa
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi, I'm a student with an Indian passport on an F1 visa currently in the US and my passport expires in March. I plan to travel to India in Dec and return in Jan. Will I be able to return with the remaining (2 months) validity? My F1 visa is valid until 2024.

Answer: Please contact the CBP for the latest re-entry requirements for F1 visa holders.

Colombian passport expiring in 5 months on G4 Visa.
by: Maria

Question: I have a Colombian passport expiring in March (less than 6 months). I am on a G4 visa that expires in 4 years. I will be traveling to Peru for 1 week in October. Can I reenter the USA with my passport?

Answer: You should be able to re-enter the United States with your valid passport and visa.

French passport soon to expire
by: Anonymous

Question: Hello, I would like to know if I can enter the USA on Oct 11, return on Oct 22 with a French passport expiring on Nov 11. Thank you!

Answer: Yes, you may enter the United States. Your passport only needs to be valid for the duration of your stay in the country.

Please contact the CBP for other COVID-related entry requirements.

Philippine passport expiring March 2022, green card holder
by: Anonymous

Question: I’m travelling to the Philippines in October and coming back to the US around November. I am a green card holder but my Philippine passport will expire in March next year. Will I be able to gain entry back to the US?

Answer: Yes. You will be able to enter the United States as long as you arrive with a valid passport and green card.

Re: Passport Validity
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi, my British passport expires on 23 July 22 but am coming to the USA on 30 May to leave on 14 June. Will that be permitted, please?

Answer: British citizens only need their passports to be valid for the duration of their stay in the United States. You should not have any issues traveling.

We strongly recommend contacting the CBP or the airline you are flying with weeks before travel to check the latest entry requirements.

Philippine Passport and Permanent Residence of Canada
by: Anonymous

Question: Hello, I have a Philippine passport that will expire on March 29. Living in Canada as a permanent resident. Can I go to San Diego, California for one week to visit my mother-in-law on November 1? Please guide me.

Answer: Please contact the CBP for entry requirements specific to Philippine passport holders.

Dual citizenship , US passport expiring soon
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi. I hold dual citizenship: USA and Polish. I am planning to travel to Poland in October for a week. My American Passport will expire on December 29 while my Polish passport is valid until 2026. Will I have any issues with departing the US and coming back?

Answer: You should not have any issues. You may use your U.S. passport to depart and re-enter the United States and use your Polish passport to enter and depart Poland.

Enjoy your trip!

IR5 Immigrant visa entering USA
by: Anonymous

Question: My mother's passport is set to expire in July next year. She's traveling to the US and will be entering on an immigrant visa in December. Do you think the Philippines will allow her to depart with a passport expiring in 7 months? Will US lets her enter with no issue?

Answer: She should be able to travel as long as her documents are complete and in order. Please contact the USCIS and the CBP regarding additional COVID-related entry requirements.

by: Anonymous

Question: My husband's passport expires in 5 months. We are traveling this Monday to Greece. Would that be a problem? And would it be a problem re-entering USA?

Answer: It would not be a problem as long as he will have at least three months left when you leave Greece. The requirement for Greece and the rest of the Schengen area is three months beyond your intended period of stay.

He will also not have issues re-entering the USA as long as he arrives with a valid passport.

Passport expiring on Dec 19, have GC, traveling to Cancun in Oct
by: Anonymous

Question: I have an Indian Passport that expires on Dec 19. I hold a Green Card that doesn't expire anytime soon. I am traveling to Cancun MX for a week vacation from Sept 25-Oct 2. Will I be allowed to re-enter the US?

Answer: You will be able to re-enter the United States without any problems as long as you arrive with a valid passport and green card. Enjoy your vacation!

Passport expiration
by: Anonymous

Question: Can I enter the US with a foreign passport that expires in three months from the entry? My home country has a three-month policy. I'm also on a visa.

Answer: The answer depends on which country issued your passport. Please get back to us with the information or check with the CBP for entry requirements.

Passport about to expire
by: howard

Question: Hi. I'm going back to the USA at the end of Sept but my passport will expire on Oct 22. Will I still be able to travel back to the USA? I have a green card. Thank you.

Answer: Hi, Howard. You should be able to enter the United States with your valid passport and green card. If you are coming back from an extended stay overseas, you may need to contact the CBP for a re-entry permit.

Green card holder and dual passport (non-US)
by: Anonymous

Question: Last time I entered the US was with one passport and an H1B visa. While in the US, I have obtained a green card. Now I need to travel internationally, but my passport from country A (the one with the H1B visa) is expired but my passport from country B is not. Can I leave and re-enter the US with my valid passport from country B? I have never used it before to re-enter US.

Answer: You should be able to to but we recommend contacting the CBP to make sure you do not run into issues.

Expired US immigrant visa
by: K.G

Question: Hi, I hold an immigrant visa, waiting for my green card and I want to go to the Philippines for a short journey. Can I enter the Philippines even if my US immigrant visa was already expired 10 days ago? But my 1-55 with a stamp says it is temporarily proof of legal residence of US for 1 year while awaiting for green card.

Answer: Your visa status in the United States does not have any bearing on your entry to other countries. As long as your passport meets the requirements set by the Philippine government, you should be able to enter the country without issue.

We recommend that you contact the USCIS regarding overseas travel and how it might affect your green card application.

by: Neil

Question: Hi, I’m a US citizen traveling to the Philippines on October 3 and returning end of October with an American Passport expiring in March next year.

Will I be denied entry/boarding my flight back into the United States (expiration < 6 mos.)?

If so, how do I expedite passport renewal?

Answer: Hi, Neil. Your passport only needs to be valid upon entry to the Philippines. You will also just need your passport to be valid to re-enter the United States. Have a safe trip!

Passport Validity
by: Anonymous

Question: I have a valid US visa that expires by the end of April next year and my passport has less than six months so I applied for a new passport in that order.

So my visa is on my old passport which is still valid and I have my new passport. Do I need to print the visa again on my new passport or I can use the existing one?

Answer: Please contact the U.S. Embassy or Consulate closest to you regarding your concern.

Passport Validity upon entering the US
by: Anonymous

Question: Hello Dear,

I'm a Palestinian passport holder and I have an active tourist Visa to the US. I'm planning to visit for two weeks on the 15th of Feb and my passport expires in April. Would that be an issue?

Answer: Yes, it will be an issue. Your Palestinian passport has to have at least 6 months of validity beyond your planned period of stay in the United States. Please contact the CBP for more information regarding entry into the U.S.

Tourist visa holder traveling to USA w 5mo left of passport
by: Anonymous

Question: Hello. I’m a Mexican passport holder living in Egypt. I have a valid tourist visa and want to visit for a week at the end of December 2021. However, my passport expires beginning of May. Would I be allowed in the US?

Answer: Your Mexican passport only needs to be valid for the duration of your stay in the United States. Please contact the CBP for COVID-related requirements prior to travel.

Conditional Green Card/German Passport
by: Anonymous

Question: I have a conditional green card and a German passport expiring in 5 months. Currently, I am in Germany. Do I have to get a new German passport here before I can return to the U.S. or can I return with my current passport (less than 6 months valid)?

Answer: You will only need your green card and valid passport to re-enter the United States. Depending on how long you've been out of the country, you may also need to secure a re-entry permit. Please contact the CBP for more information.

Two Passports
by: Anonymous

Question: I am traveling to Germany, Poland, and Portugal in October. My American Passport will expire on Dec 29, less than three months after my return to the USA (late October). I also have a Brazilian passport valid until 2026.

Can I leave the USA with the American Passport, travel to Europe with a Brazilian passport, and return to the USA with my valid US passport?

Answer: Yes, you may do that. You are only required to depart and re-enter the United States using your U.S. passport. You are free to use your Brazilian passport while overseas. However, different entry requirements apply to Brazilian passport holders. You need to check entry requirements with the embassies/immigration departments of Germany, Poland, and Portugal for entry requirements specific to Brazilian citizens.

Expired passport
by: Anonymous

Question: I have an expired Chile passport but a valid green card. Will I be allowed to re-enter the US with an expired passport?

Answer: You will be allowed back into the United States with your green card and valid identification. However, you may have issues boarding a flight to the United States with an expired passport.

Return of U.S. citizen from India
by: Anonymous

Question: My U.S. passport expired in June 2021. I am planning to go to India in December and return in January. Will I be allowed to come back?

Answer: If you mean your passport will expire in June 2022, you should not have issues traveling to India and back to the U.S. Please make sure you have a valid India visa as well.

Indian passport expires in two months
by: Manan

Question: If my Indian passport expires in 2 months and I am a green card holder, can I travel to India and come back to the USA before my passport expires?

Answer: Yes, you can. Just make sure that your green card and passport are valid upon re-entry to the United States.

Swedish passport
by: Anonymous

Question: I have a Swedish passport which has close to 6 months validity left and a green card and obviously both vaccine shots.

Answer: What is your question?

return on G4 visa with 5 months passport validity
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi I am travelling to the UK with my family. We all have G4 visas valid until Oct 24, however, my wife's passport will have 5 months validity when we return, will we be able to re-enter the US?

Answer: Please contact the CBP regarding re-entry to the United States on valid visas but with less than 6 months validity remaining on passports. Some countries have arrangements with the United States government to extend passport validities to 6 months from the original expiration date.

Will I be allowed to re-enter US
by: Glamor

Question: Hi, my Philippine passport will be expiring on March 23 next year. I plan to go to the Philippines on Sept 11 and return to the US on Nov 11. My green card will expire on 2/26/2030. Will I be allowed in the Philippines to depart to the US? And will I be allowed to re-enter the US?

Answer: As long as you present a valid passport and green card, you will have no issues boarding a flight to the United States and re-entering the country.

Cuban national with a greencard.
by: Anonymous

Question: Hello, I am traveling to Mexico this August for 3 days, and my Cuban passport expires in December. Considering that my green card does not expire until 2028 and that my passport will still be valid, can I return to the US?

Answer: You may return to the United States without issue as long as your passport and green card are valid when you arrive.

Turkish citizen, US green card holder
by: Anonymous

Question: Hello, the expiration date for my Turkish passport is 12/12. My green card is good through 08/2024. I will travel to Turkey in mid-August and return in mid-September (<3months). Would I run into any issue upon entry back to the USA? Thank you.

Answer: You should be able to re-enter the United States without issue as long as you arrive with a valid passport and green card.

U.S Active Duty Military returning stateside
by: Anonymous

Question: I am an active duty member stationed overseas in Germany moving back to the States in August. My family has no-fee passports that will expire on Sept. 20. Are we required to renew passports prior to departure regardless if I’m on orders?

Answer: There should be no need to renew your passports. You may re-enter the country without issues.

Dual citizenship
by: Anonymous 11

Question: Hi I have a Greek and US Passport. My US passport expires in less than 3 months. I am traveling to Greece in 2 days. Will the US airline (direct flight) allow me to travel to Greece with less than 3 months on my US passport since I have a Greek passport as well? PLEASE HELP ME ON THIS.

Answer: You should be able to depart the United States using your U.S. passport and use it to re-enter the country as well. You may use your Greek passport to enter Greece.

H1b Italian passport
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi. I'm an H1B visa holder, my Italian passport expires on Feb 20 next year. I'm traveling internationally on August 8 (five months before expiration). Can I return to the USA with a passport expiring in five months? Thanks!

Answer: You should be able to return to the United States without issue as long as you arrive with a valid passport and U.S. visa.

Dual Spain /US citizen, US passport expiring soon
by: Anonymous22

Question: Hi. Traveling to Spain end of July and coming back to USA mid-August. US passport expires end of September but Spain passport good till 2029

Can I use my Spain passport to get into Spain and come back to the USA on a US passport?

What passport do I show the airline people when leaving the US? Will using the US passport to leave the US not cause a problem since it does not have 3 months left? Won't they flag it?

Answer: Your passport will not be flagged when you leave the country with less than 3 months of validity remaining. You may use your U.S. passport to leave and re-enter the United States and your Spanish passport while you are overseas.

Have a safe trip!

Philippines to United States
by: Jimbo

Question: Hello, I have a Philippine passport that will expire on September 5 and my flight going back to the United States is on August 25. I am a US greencard holder. Can I still enter the United States with it?

Answer: You may re-enter the United States without issues as long as you arrive with a valid passport and green card.

US-Greece-Munich-US trip
by: Sandra D

Question: My husband's US passport expires on Feb 8 next year. We fly US-Greece on Sept 22. It is a direct flight to Greece. The return flight is Greece-Munich-US. We will be allowed into Greece, Germany, and back to the US?

Answer: As long as you will have at least 3 months on your passport after you leave Germany, you should be okay to travel with it. You will also just need a valid U.S. passport to re-enter the United States.

EU passport & US green card
by: Anonymous

Question: Hello. I hold a Spanish passport expiring in 4+ months, and a permanent resident card that is valid until 2023. I will be traveling to Iceland soon for a week. Will I have any issues leaving or re-entering the U.S.? Thank you.

Answer: You should be able to re-enter the United States without issues as long as you arrive with a valid passport and green card. We recommend contacting the Embassy of Iceland for entry requirements specific to Spanish passport holders.

Expiring passport
by: Anonymous

Question: I am a permanent resident of the US with a green card and a Greek passport that expires in 30 days. I need to travel outside of the US for 3 days, will I be granted entry to the US within this month.

The country that I am visiting doesn’t have any restrictions about the passport’s expiration date. Please advise. Thanks!

Answer: Hello! You may re-enter the United States without issue as long as your passport and green card are valid.

Have a safe trip!

Entry to US with Honduras passport
by: Anonymous

Question: I’m planning to travel from Honduras to the USA in July and return in August with a passport that expires in November. Can I enter the USA with my Honduras passport?

Answer: Honduran passport holders traveling to the United States are required to be
in possession of passports that are valid for six months beyond the period of their intended stay in the country. Since your passport does not meet this requirement, you need to renew your passport before travel.

If you have a valid U.S. visa, you may also need to have the visa transferred or apply for a new one. Please contact the U.S. Embassy in Tegucigalpa for more information.

US and Swiss Passport Holder, but US Passport About to Expire
by: Anonymous

Question: I am traveling to Switzerland and the UK at the end of August and traveling back to the US in mid-September.

I have a US passport that expires in October and a Swiss passport that is valid through 2030.

Will I have any issues exiting or re-entering the country?

Answer: There shouldn't be any issues. You may use your U.S. passport to exit and re-enter the United States. You are free to use your Swiss passport while you are overseas.

Have a safe trip!

Travel with US passport that is about to expire
by: Anonymous

Question: I'm a US citizen and planning a vacation to the Caribbean from August 22 to August 29. However, my passport expires on September 1st. Can I still return to the US with a passport that expires in 2 days? Thank you.

Answer: Yes, you may return to the United States up to 11:59 PM of your passport's expiration date.

6 month rule applies to permanent residents?
by: Anonymous

Question: I am a permanent resident of the USA but only hold a Mexican passport. I use this when flying to and from Mexico. I just realized the passport expires in mid-August. I have a trip planned where I fly back to the USA from Mexico on August 1st. Will I be able to enter the country given I hold a permanent resident card? Even when my Mexican passport does not meet 3-6 month expiration requirements.

Answer: You should be able to re-enter the United States as soon as you arrive with a valid passport and green card.

India Entry 5 months left on passport
by: LO

Question: I already have a travel visa for India through Nov 2021. however, my passport expires in December 2021 - travel is planned end of July 2021 through the beginning of August 2021. Will I be able to enter the country with a US Passport with less than 6 months to expiration?

Answer: You should be able to travel to India with your current passport with a valid visa. We recommend that you contact the airline you are traveling with to find out of they have COVID-related entry requirements.

US passport expiring in week
by: Thiru

Question: My Son is a US citizen (currently in India) and his passport is going to expire on 07/21. meanwhile, he is planning to travel back to the US on 07/05. Will it create any issue to enter the US? Does he need to have 6 months of US passport validity? Please advise.

Answer: Your son may enter the United States without issue as long as he arrives with a valid U.S. passport. There is no minimum validity required.

traveling with dual citizenship about to expire US passport
by: Anonymous

Question: I am planning to go to Turkey from July 3 to July 17. My American passport expires on August 16. There is no way to make a new one because they are really busy.

I have also a Russian passport valid until 2025. Can I exit the USA with my American or Russian passport and enter back with my American passport? Also if for some reason I get sick or something and my American passport expires there, can I still came back in or do I need to renew my passport overseas.

Answer: You may leave the United States and return to the country with your current U.S. passport. You may use your Russian passport to enter any countries you are visiting during your time overseas.

Returning to the United States with an expired passport is subject to eligibility criteria. You can find more information on this topic here.

To go back from Russia to USA
by: Anonymous

Question: Hello! My son is gonna travel back to the USA in March 2022 and his American passport will expire on May 21. He has dual citizenship Russian and American. Will there be a problem going back to the US if the American passport will expire in few months?

Answer: Your son will not have any problems as long as he arrives with a valid U.S. passport.

Foreign passport with visa
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi, I am French with a valid J1 visa currently in the US. I plan to travel in July but my passport expires at the end of August, will I be able to reenter the US?

Answer: Please contact the CBP for re-entry requirements and the provisions of your J1 visa.

Travel to Bulgaria
by: Rumy

Question: My current US passport will expire on August 21. I have just booked an emergency flight to Bulgaria from June 30 till August 7, through Germany. Will I be having any issues flying out and coming back to the US on these dates?

Answer: Your U.S. passport must be valid for at least three (3) months from the expected date of departure from Bulgaria. Since your passport does not meet the validity requirement, you will have issues flying out and getting into Bulgaria.

If your reason for travel is a qualified life or death emergency and you have proof of said emergency, you may contact passport services for an appointment. You will be given priority because of the emergency.

Please call the following numbers:

1. From 8am-5pm ET, Mon-Fri (excluding federal holidays), call 1-877-487-2778 (TDD/TTY:1-888-874-7793).

2. Outside of these hours, call 202-647-4000

If you are not traveling because of a life or death emergency, you need to go online for an appointment. Please note that appointments are extremely limited and only a few agencies cater to customers traveling for reasons other than a life or death emergency.

Schedule an Appointment

Passport about to expire
by: Anonymous

Question: As I understand, upon entry to the US with a B1 visa, if you have a Turkish passport with less than 6 months left for expiration, you can still enter the US, as long as you depart before the passport expiration date. Is this right?.

Now, would it still be the case, if you have only 10 days or maybe a week for the expiration of your passport? The reason I am asking is, I may have a short notice job interview; go there and come back after the interview, and if they offer me the job, then I can renew my passport, go through new visa requirements etc.

Answer: Yes, you are right. Your passport only needs to be valid for the duration of your stay in the United States. As long as you can provide proof that you will leave the country before your passport expires, there should be no reason to deny entry.

Please contact the CBP for the latest information regarding entry into the United States.

Transit with an expiring passport
by: Anonymous

Question: Hello. I am an American citizen traveling to Serbia by plane and the plane is making a stop in Qatar and I have a 14-hour layover in Doha International Airport.

My US passport is expiring on the 18th of October, which is less than 3 months from my planned arrival in Qatar, which is the 23rd of July. I am also a citizen of Serbia, so my only concern is whether Doha International Airport will allow a US citizen with an expiring passport to transit through Doha airport on a 14-hour layover. I do not plan to leave the airport at all and am only transiting through the airport so I can make it to Serbia. Will I be able to make the journey to Doha airport?

Thank you very much.

Answer: As long as you do not leave the airport, there should not be any issues. You may confirm this with the airline you are traveling with.

Expired passport
by: Anonymous

Question: My daughter is presently in the Caribbean and her U.S passport expired on May 5th. Can she travel back to the USA on her passport due to covid?

Answer: On May 24, the U.S. Department of State announced that U.S. citizens whose passports expired after January 1 2020, and are stranded overseas may return to the United States on expired passports. Certain criteria need to be met in order to be allowed admission.

You can read the official statement here: DOS DHS Official Statement

Please have your daughter contact the closest U.S. Embassy or Consulate and verify her eligibility before making final travel arrangements.

Mexico to U.S.
by: Anonymous

Question: Hello,

My in-laws (visa holders) would like to visit the U.S. at the end of June. I noticed their passports will expire on July 07th. Will they be able to enter the U.S. with no issues with proof of appointment to renew both passports by the Mexican Consulate here in the U.S. and confirmation of return flight? Or must they renew in Mexico before they attempt to travel?

Thank you.

Answer: Hello! Citizens of Mexico must present a passport that is valid for their intended period of stay in order to enter the United States. Your in-laws must renew your passports ahead of travel to avoid issues.

Re-enter into USA from Uzbekistan
by: Anonymous

Question: My daughter who is 5 years old was born in the USA. She has dual citizenship (US and Uzbekistan). We are in Uzbekistan now and have return airline tickets for July 11th. Her US passport expires on June 19th. Will she able to get on board with an expired passport with her US birth certificate. If not please advise what to do.

Answer: On May 24, 2021, the U.S. Department of State announced that U.S. citizens with expired passports may be allowed to enter the United States from overseas provided that certain criteria are met.

The passport must

1. Have expired after January 1, 2020
2. Be undamaged
3. Have been issued with full validity (10 years for adults, 5 years for minors)

A negative COVID test is still required. Please contact the airline you are traveling with for more information.

Green Card holder with a foreign passport
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi, I'm planning to go to Morocco in July and come back to the USA in August. My Moroccan passport expires in November. Can I enter the USA with a passport expiring in two months?

Answer: As long as you arrive with a valid green card and passport, you should be able to re-enter the United States without issues.

Russia-US dual citizenship
by: Anna

Question: Hello! We have a trip to Russia from May 3 to July 16. My daughter has dual citizenship (Russia and US). Her US passport expires September 27 and her Russian passport expires October 16, 2021. Will we have any problems leaving the US on May 31st (almost 4 months before her US passport expires) or returning back on July 16? Thank you.

Answer: Since your child's U.S. passport will be valid upon leaving and re-entering the United States, there shouldn't be any passport-related issues.

check-in to departing flight with foreign passport
by: Anonymous

Question: Hello,
As a dual US citizen, am I allowed to check-in to a flight leaving the US with my foreign passport as long as I also bear a valid US passport? There is no exit immigration in the US so it is confusing.

I will not be able to check in to my flight leaving the US with my US passport because it will expire in a few weeks. But as I understand as long as I bear a valid US passport when leaving the US this is legal. I can show my about to expire US passport to anyone who needs to see it in the US, airline, security, etc. but I will need to check-in to this departing flight with my foreign passport. Besides the country I am going to will want to see my foreign passport, not my US passport.

Answer: As a U.S. citizen, you are bound by law to depart the country on a valid U.S. passport. You may use your foreign passport when you arrive at your destination and use your American passport again when you return.

Traveling to the US with almost expired Philippine Passport
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi! My family and I are tourists who are planning to travel to the US for vacation and all of our Philippine passports are expiring on December 2nd. Can we travel even if we have less than 6 months of passport validity?

Answer: You may travel to the United States as long as have valid visas. Please make sure that you depart the country before your passports expire.

Visit to US with an Italian passport
by: Anonymous

Question: I have an Italian passport, expiring at the end of October. I want to visit the USA in August or September. Can I travel under the visa waiver program, and leave before my passport expiration?

As I understand, Italy has an agreement with the US, and passports are still valid and recognized.
I'd like to confirm that before such travel.

Answer: It is true that Italy is a participant of the United States' Visa Waiver Program. Based on the details you have provided, you should be able to enter the U.S. without issues.

But just to make sure, please visit the U.S. Embassy's page on the Visa Waiver Program to find out if you are eligible.

My Indian passport expires in 5 months (validity until October 2021
by: Anonymous

Question: My Indian passport expires in 5 months. But I have a valid h4 visa until May 2023. I will be returning to the USA to join my husband in June 2021. Will they allow me to enter the USA with this passport which is having 5 months expiry period?

Answer: You should be able to enter the United States as long as you arrive with a valid passport and visa. Please contact the CBP for other COVID-related requirements for re-entry.

US citizen currently in the Philippines
by: Anonymous

Question: I am a US citizen with a passport expiring in October. I would like to return to San Francisco where I live. I am hoping to get back in September and renew my passport once I get back to the US. Can I return back without any issue?

Answer: You may enter the United States without issue as long as you arrive with a valid passport.

Dual citizen Leaving US to France on about to expire US passport
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi, I am a dual US/New Zealand citizen. I will be traveling to France from the US. Will I have any trouble leaving the US if my US passport is due to expire in a few weeks from departure?

My New Zealand passport is valid for much longer and I will be arriving to France on that passport anyway. Also, is it okay if I check-in to my flight departing the US with my New Zealand passport as long as I also show my US passport? Thanks.

Answer: Yes, you may use both passports to travel. As a U.S. citizen, you need to use your American passport to depart and re-enter the United States but you may use your New Zealand passport to enter and depart from your destination/s.

From USA to Mexico
by: Anonymous

Question: Hello, so I am a U.S. citizen and I will be traveling to Mexico from May 4th up to May 18th. My passport expires in August. Will I be allowed back into the USA without any issues?

Answer: You may re-enter the United States without issues as long as you arrive with a valid passport.

Travel to Greece
by: Anonymous

Question: My European passport expires at the end of Dec 2021. I am a permanent resident in the US and plan on traveling to Greece next August. I will be returning at the end of October. May I return to the US with the same still valid passport?

Answer: Yes. You may return to the United States without issue as long as you arrive with a valid passport and green card.

Return to the USA
by: PSC

Question: I am leaving for INDIA for stamping and I will have 4 months validity on my return date to the USA. Am I eligible to travel to USA with 4 months validity after stamping.?

Answer: If you are a U.S. citizen with a U.S. passport, you may return to the country without issues. If you are a legal permanent resident, you may return as long as you have a valid passport and green card.

If you are returning to the United States on a visa, please contact the CBP regarding re-entry.

Dual citizenship
by: Sarah

Question: Hi, I have dual citizenship. I would like to travel to Israel in May. My Israeli passport expires in 5 years but my American passport expires in June. Am I ok to leave the US end of May and return at the beginning of June just one week before my US passport expires?

Answer: Yes, you should be okay. As a U.S. citizen, you may return to the United States without issue as long as you arrive with a valid U.S. passport.

US citizen passport will expire in 2 days
by: Anonymous

Question: I am a dual citizen of the Netherlands and the United States and wish to travel home to New York on March 30th. My US passport expires on April 1st. Can I travel with a passport that is close to expiration? I plan to travel back to Europe with my valid Dutch passport on April 15th. Will this raise any issue?

Answer: As a U.S. citizen, you are required to enter and depart the United States using a valid U.S. passport. While you may enter the United States with your U.S. passport (even if it's close to expiration), you may be questioned if you depart with a Dutch passport. It is best that you travel with a renewed U.S. passport to avoid issues.

Green card applicant
by: Anonymous

Question: I have an Irish passport. I am married to a US citizen and applied for my green card in Feb 2020. Covid has meant severe delays. Now, in March 2021 I just received advance parole but still have not had my official interview.
I need to travel to Ireland to see my mom in April. When I return, my Irish passport will have 5.5 months validity. I cannot apply for a new passport yet as I need it for my upcoming interview. Will I be allowed re-enter the US with my passport at 5.5 months validity?

Answer: Please contact the CBP regarding re-entry to the United States.

USA to Turkey
by: Anonymous

Question: Hello. My daughter has a US passport but is also a Turkish Citizen with no Turkish passport. Her passport is expiring on 09/05. We are flying to Turkey on 05/09. We will come on back on 07/30. Can she go to Turkey (since she has Turkish citizenship as well and come back to the US with no problems?

Answer: Since your daughter does not have a Turkish passport, she will have to enter Turkey as a U.S. citizen. Therefore, her travel documents must meet the entry requirements imposed by the government of Turkey.

U.S. citizens must have a visa and a passport with at least 6 months validity in order to enter Turkey. Your daughter's passport does not meet the validity requirement.

I recommend that you contact the Turkish Embassy to find out if citizens may enter without a passport. If they will allow it, your daughter may safely travel to Turkey and get back into the United States without issues using only her U.S. passport and proof of Turkish citizenship.

Can I return to the USA with a passport expiring in two months?
by: Juan

Question: Hi, my daughter is a permanent resident in the USA with a valid Green Card but now she is in Mexico. Her Mexican passport expires on May 8th. Can she enter the USA with that Mexican passport?

Answer: Yes, she can re-enter the United States without a problem as long as she arrives with a valid passport and green card.

Passport soon to be expired with a visa appointment ahead
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi,
I'm a US citizen son and I'm yet to immigrate to the US. I just got my medical test done and will probably be scheduled for an appointment in the week. But my foreign passport is set to expire in July basically 4months from now! So my question is should I keep my passport that way and go to the interview appointment or go and renew it before?

Answer: If you are already a U.S. citizen, there should be no need to apply for a visa to the United States. What you need to apply for is a U.S. passport if you do not yet have one.

Expiry date
by: Anonymous

Question: I am a UK national with a US permanent resident card. I am planning to travel to the UK on April 10 and return to the US on April 18. My UK passport expires May 11 next year. Will this be an issue?

Answer: It will not be an issue. You may re-enter the country without any problems as long as you arrive with a valid passport and green card.

US Passport expiring soon
by: MB

Question: My daughter has a US passport expiring in Nov 2021. We plan to visit India in March 2021 (when her passport is still valid for more than 6 months) and return in June 2021 (when her US passport is valid for just 5 months).

Can she easily enter and exit India; and similarly can she enter the US in June 2021.

Answer: She may enter India without issues as long as she has a valid Indian visa. There will also be no problems returning to the United States.

Green card holder with Indian passport
by: Sweety

Question: I am a green card holder of the United States of America. Right now I am in India and my passport is going to expire in the next 5 months. Can I return to the USA?

Answer: As a legal permanent resident, you may re-enter the United States without issue as long as you arrive with a valid green card and passport. Please contact the CBP for any COVID-related requirements for re-entry.

US IMMIGRANT with Foreign passport expiring in 4 months
by: WorriedTravel

Question: Can I travel back to the US if my foreign passport is expiring in 4 months? I am a legal immigrant.

Answer: As long as you arrive with a valid immigrant visa and passport, you should be okay. Please contact the CBP for the latest entry requirements including those that are COVID19-related.

US passport renewal
by: Anonymous

Question: Father is in India. US passports expiration is June 2021. What’s the timeframe for them to enter the US? Is it okay if they arrive two weeks prior?

Answer: U.S. citizens may re-enter the United States up to 11:59PM of their passports' expiration date.

by: Matheus

Question: I have a trip to the Maldives scheduled. My US passport expires in June. I come back in March. I have a Brazilian passport where I know I can leave the country. But will I be able to come back home with my US passport even though it expires in June?

Answer: Hello, Matheus. You will be able to re-enter the United States without issue as long as you arrive with a valid passport.

US Citizen
by: Anonymous

Question: My mother is in India, her US passport expires on April 18 2021 but due to Covid, she can't come now. Can she come to the USA in June 2021 with an expired passport?

Answer: No, she cannot. A valid passport is required to board an international flight and to re-enter the United States.

Phil. Passport expiring in march 2021
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi. I'm a green card holder residing in one of the U.S territories. I'm planning to relocate to California this January but my passport is expiring in 2 months. Would they allow me to travel even if my passport is about to expire?

Answer: Yes, you should be allowed to travel with your passport since you will essentially not be leaving the United States.

US passport
by: Natalia

Question: I need to book a flight for my dad to Costa Rica for business, he has two passports, one from Colombia and one from the USA. Unfortunately, his US passport expires on January 25th. Can I book a flight back to the US on the 25th or do I have to do it the day before?

He can enter Costa Rica just fine with his Colombian passport that expires in 2025 but I am worried about his trip back to the states. He needs to stay until the 25th but I am scared his date of expiry won’t let him back in for that date. I know the Colombian passport will let him back in but I think that’s only for a period of time I believe, and a visa is required.

Answer: Your father may enter the United States with his current passport up to 11:59PM of the expiration date.

passport expire in a month
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi. I live in Israel. My daughter has both Israeli and U.S. passports. Her U.S. passport will expire in April 2021. Can she travel to the U.S. in February and back to Israel in March? Thank you.

Answer: Yes, she can travel to the United States without issue.

Passport question
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi. My mother's US passport expires on Jan 2. She is currently in Turkey and is coming back Dec 28. Will she be able to enter the USA?

Answer: Yes. There should be no issue as long as she arrives with a valid passport. Please check with the airline about possible additional requirements related to COVID-19.

Past expiration
by: Anonymous

Question: We plan to go to The Bahamas and return on Jan 3 and my son's Chilean passport expires on Jan 21. We live in the USA, will do a trip form and back to the USA. We have green cards.
Can we travel?

Answer: You need to contact the Embassy of the Bahamas regarding entry requirements specific to Chilean passport holders. As for re-entry to the United States, there should be no issue as long as you arrive with valid passports and green cards.

US passport expires while in the US Virgin Islands
by: Em

Question: Hi!

We'll be departing Sweden on December 14, 2020 to arrive in the US Virgin Islands on December 15, 2020.

Our daughter's US passport expires on December 17, 2020.

Can we travel to the US Virgin Islands and get her passport renewed while there?

She is a dual US/Swedish citizen.

Answer: There should be no issues as long as she arrives with a valid U.S. passport.

Trip to Mexico with passport close to expiration date
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi. I am a green card holder with a Cuban passport that expires on January 6th 2021. I am planning to travel to Mexico in December and come back to the US on January 4th. Will I be allowed to enter Mexico with a passport that will be valid during my stay there but close top expiration? Will I be allowed to re-enter the US two days before my Cuban passport expires?

Answer: You need to contact the Embassy of Mexico for entry requirements specific to Cuban passport holders.

As for re-entry to the United States, there should be no issues as long as you arrive with a valid passport and green card.

German citizen with green card
by: Anonymous

Question: My German passport expires in February 2021 but I have a valid green card.
Can I travel to the Bahamas in November 2020 and re-enter the US end of Nov? And can I travel to Germany in December and return to the US in January 2021?

Answer: You need to contact the Embassy of The Bahamas for entry requirements specific to German passport holders.

As for re-entry to the United States, there should be no issue as long as you arrive with a valid passport and green card.

Us citizen re/entry
by: Anonymous

Question: I am traveling with my daughter to Germany in Dec 2020. She is a US citizen but her passport expires in April 2021. Will she be able to re-enter without a problem?

Answer: Your daughter should not have issued re-entering the United States as long as she arrives with a valid U.S. passport. However, I would advise you to contact the German Embassy to check the latest entry requirements and if you need to comply with health protocols related to COVID-19. The airline you are flying with may also provide this information.

Traveling to Pakistan
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi. I am planning to travel to Pakistan with my 5-year-old son who has a US passport and I will be traveling on a Pakistani passport. Both of our passports are valid till March 2021 and we plan to leave October 2020. Would we be able to leave United States and travel to Pakistan?

Answer: As long as your son's passport has at least 6 months validity on his passport upon arrival to Pakistan, he should be able to enter the country. As for your case, since you will be using a Pakistani passport, you should have no issues getting in. Please contact the airline you are traveling with to verify entry requiements.

Passport Expires in 2 months
by: Anonymous

Question: My wife is in Iran and wants to come back to the US. She has to use a Connecting flight. Her passport expires in just 2 months. Is she able to travel back?

Answer: As long as she arrives with a valid U.S. passport, your wife should have no issues getting back into the United States.

Expired US passport
by: Anonymous

Question: Can a minor who has dual citizenship enter the USA with a US passport that has expired since 2017? The other country's passport is still valid.

Answer: As a U.S. citizen, he/she is required to enter the United States with a valid U.S. passport. While he/she will not be expressly denied entry into the country, he/she may face considerable delays at the point of entry while officials verify his/her U.S. citizenship.

by: Anonymous

Question: Hi!

I am traveling to the UK in December and my passport expires at the end of February. I am a green card holder. will I be able to get back into the U.S?

Answer: As long as you arrive with a valid passport and green card, you will be able to re-enter the United States without issue.

Traveling to Turkey with passport has about one month validity
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi, I am planning to travel to Turkey between August 7-19, my son has a US passport which will expire in September. He is also Turkish citizen. Can he travel to Turkey and can he re-enter to USA with his USA passport expiring soon?

Answer: Turkey requires U.S. passport holders have at least 6 months validity to allow entry. If your son also has a Turkish passport, he may use it to enter Turkey. He should be able to re-enter the United States without issue as long as his passport is still valid when you return.

Us Citizen in India
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi,

My wife and I have US citizenship and US passports but we have been in India for about 10 months. I just realized our passports expire in 6 months, what is the latest we can stay and come back to USA? Do we need to come back before 6 months? or Can we choose to stay until last month of expiration of passport to come back to USA?

Thank you.

Answer: You may re-enter the United States up to the expiration date of your passports.

Passport Expiration
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi, I am a green card holder and have a Brazilian passport. My passport expires on August 24th, can I return from Brazil to the US on August 23rd? My green card is valid for another 5+ years. Thanks!

Answer: You may re-enter the United States as long as you arrive with a valid passport and green card. Having said that, there may be additional procedures for all individual entering the country from overseas due to COVID-19. Please contact the CBP before traveling to find out what these procedures are.

Traveling to mexico
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi, my family has planned to travel to Mexico in July by land until August 17. My son's passport expires August 26th. Will he have any problem?

Answer: As long as he returns with a valid U.S. passport, there should not be any issue.

Passport expiration - minimal time needed to return to US
by: Anonymous

Question: What is the minimal amount of time a US passport can be close to expiration, before a US citizen would be denied entry back into the US from Canada?

Answer: You may re-enter the country without issue up to 11:59PM of your passport's expiration date.

Returning to USA with expiring passport
by: Kristen

Question: Hello. My son's father lives in Madrid. He is currently there with him. My son holds a USA passport and has a ticket to return to the USA on June 26, 2020. His passport expires July 6, 2020. Will he be able to fly back into the USA with his passport so close to expiring?

Answer: Yes. He may re-enter the United States as long as his passport is valid.

Ukraine citizen
by: Anonymou

Question: I am a green card holder( far from expiration) flying back to the USA by end of April and my passport will expire on 15 of October (little less than 6 months). Is it going to be a problem?

Answer: You should be able to enter the United States without issue as long as you arrive with a valid green card and passport.

US Passport to expire in 3 months
by: AH

Question: I am traveling to Costa Rica for one week and I my passport expires in 3 months. Will I have any trouble entering Costa Rica or entering the United States? Thank you.

Answer: There should be no issues since your passport only needs to be valid for the duration of your stay in Costa Rica.

Arriving on the expiry date
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi, I'm a US citizen but currently in Egypt. I travel back to the US on the same day of the passport's expiry date. Will I be denied entry in the US or can I wait till I get there and renew it? Thank you in advance.

Answer: You may re-enter the United States up to 11:59PM of your passport's expiration date.

Minor's passport
by: Anonymous

Question: My daughter's passport is expiring on 15 Sept, we are planning to travel to India between April & 2-May. Can she enter India her Indian visa is valid until 2025?

Answer: Yes, she can.

by: Anonymous

Question: I am travelling to Colombia and returning March 22nd, my US passport expires April 28th, will I be allowed back into the US?

Answer: Yes, you will be allowed back into the country without issue.

Minor’s passport expires in April
by: Anonymous

Question: Just noticed my 5-year-old's passport expires in April and we are traveling to France tomorrow. Will we be allowed to enter France?

Answer: As long as the passport has at least 3 months after your planned date of departure from France, you should be okay.

by: Anonymous

Question: I have USA passport that expires in April and currently in Ghana. I plan to travel back to the USA on March 15th, will I be allowed entry.

Answer: Yes, you will be.

Travel to USA with a passport expiring in 4 months
by: Anonymous

Question: Can I travel to the USA with a passport expiring in 4 months? I need to stay 4 days. I'm an Albanian citizen.

Answer: Please contact the CBP regarding entry to the United States.

Traveling to The Bahamas
by: Anonymous

Question: I am traveling to The Bahamas. My passport will expire the day we come back . Will I have any issues coming back into USA?

Answer: You will still be allowed re-entry into the United States without issue as long as you arrive with a valid passport.

Passport validity
by: Michael C.

Question: Will I be able to travel to Mexico from the US for a week if my US passport expires in July 10 this year?

Answer: Yes. Your passport only needs to be valid upon entry to Mexico and re-entry into the United States.

US citizen with less than 6 months of passport expiry
by: Anonymous

Question: My son is a US citizen. We are presently in India. His passport expires on July 26 and our travel date to USA is March 40. Will he be allowed to enter in USA without any restriction?

Answer: He should not have issues re-entering the United States.

Can I travel to the Usa with 3 months before the expiry date ?
by: Anonymous

Question: I am a Canadian Citizen with a Canadian passport. Will I be granted entry into the USA 3 months before my passport expires?

Answer: Yes, you just need your passport to be valid for the duration of your stay. Please contact the CBP for more information.

Travel to India with US passport, expiring on April 30, 2020
by: Anonymous

Question: My son's US passport will expire on April, 30 2020. We are planning to travel to India from April 10 to April 19. Can he enter US with his US passport?

Answer: Yes, he can. He only needs a valid U.S. passport to re-enter the country.

Running out
by: Anonymous

Question: I am a US passport holder living in the UK. I want to come back for a family wedding and have seen my passport expires in 6 weeks. Can I travel to US in 2 weeks time, and return in 4 weeks time to the UK?

Answer: Yes, you can. You can travel back and forth between the U.S. and UK as long as your passport is valid, assuming that you have resident status in the United Kingdom.

Philippine passport
by: ymous

Question: Hi, I’m a permanent resident with a Philippine passport and I’m planning to go to the Philippines it April and come back to the U.S. in May. My passport expires in June. Will I be able to travel back and forth?

Answer: You should be. You only need a valid passport and green card to get back in the United States.

by: Anonymous

Question: If i have a Saudi passport and it will expire in 4 months, can i enter the USA?

Answer: Please contact the CBP regarding entry to the United States.

Transit through with less than 6 months on a Cayman passport
by: Anonymous

Question: Can I transit through the U.S. if my passport only has 1 month remaining on it? Note my visa still has 2 years.

Answer: Please contact the CBP regarding entry to/transit through the United States.

Passport validity
by: Anonymous

Question: I'm going to Peru on March 12 to 18 and my passport expires on September 16. Am I able to come back to the United States? I have a Philippine passport and a green card.

Answer: As long as you arrive with a valid passport and green card, you should be able to re-enter the United States.

passport expires in 2 weeks
by: Anonymous

Question: I am a US citizen with a passport that expires in 2 weeks. I'm wondering if I'm able to go into Canada for a day and then return to the United States.

Answer: Yes. You may travel to Canada and back as long as your passport is valid.

Passport expiration
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi I'm Cameroonian on a J1 visa in the US. I will like to travel to Mexico to renew my US visa in January, however, my passport is expiring on May 5th, will I be allowed to return to the US with a less than 6 months on my passport?

Answer: Cameroonian passport holders need at least 6 months on their passports to enter the United States. Please contact the CBP for more information regarding entry to the U.S.

From Aruba to the US.
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi, I am from the island called Aruba and we are going to travel for a Disney vacation (for 9 days) in April next year but my daughter (5 years old) has a Dutch passport that will expire on July 1. Can she travel to the US?

Answer: Please contact the CBP regarding entry to the United States.

Mexican Passport to enter US
by: Anonymous

Question: A friend has a Mexican passport expiring 4 months after their intended departure date from the US (4.5 months validity at entry, planning to stay in the US for 2 weeks). Will they be allowed entry?

Answer: According to the CBP, Mexican visitors need only present passports that will be valid for the duration of their stay in the United States. Please contact them for more information.

US green card, Canadian passport will expire in 5 months
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi, I am a Canadian with US green card. I want to visit Canada during Christmas time. My Canadian passport will be expired in 5 months. Can I travel to Canada, and return to US? Thanks.

Answer: Yes, you should be able to travel back and forth as long as your passport and green card are valid.

Philippine passport expires on September 2020
by: Anonymous

Question: I am a permanent resident -- a green card holder with a Philippine passport. I'm going for a vacation to the Philippines on April 20 and coming back to the US on May 20. Am I able to come back to the United States?

Answer: Yes, you are.

by: Anonymous

Question: Hi, I am planning to go to the Philippines this November 25 and will come back here in United States on December 28. My passport will expire on July 16 next year. Will that be a problem for me to enter United States again?

Answer: As long as you arrive with a valid U.S. passport, you should have no issues re-entering the United States.

Can I return to USA with an Indian passport expiring in five months?
by: Sam

Question: I am an Indian resident staying in US on L1A visa since Apr 2017. My visa is valid until Feb 2020. My Son's Indian passport is expiring on 5/4/2020 which is less than 6 months. We have booked cruise from LA to Mexico from 11/15 to 11/18. Will there be any issue for him to enter Mexico or re-enter USA with a passport which has less than 6 months validity?

Answer: Please contact the CBP regarding entry into the United States and the Mexican Embassy regarding entry requirements specific to Indian passport holders.

Travel back to home country with less than 6 months validity
by: Anonymous

Question: I have a US Green Card and a Macedonian Passport that expires in January. I have a flight back to Macedonia end of November and plan to renew passport while home. I know I am ok for US re-entry, but will I be allowed to get on plane to Macedonia with less than 6 months on passport? It is with Turkish airlines and switches planes in Turkey, but still a US to MK flight.

Answer: Please contact your country's embassy for entry requirements for returning nationals or the airline for specific entry requirements.

With Romanian passport to USA/Bahamas
by: Anonymous

Question: Hello,

I am from Romania and plan to visit Miami and take a trip to Bahamas in the end of December 2019. My passport expires in June 2020 - less than 6 months. My USA tourist visa is valid another 7 years.

Will I have any problem ?

Thank you.

Answer: Your passport only needs to be valid for the duration of your stay in the United States. As for travel to the Bahamas, you need to contact their embassy for entry requirements specific to Romanian passport holders.

Layover in China
by: Anonymous

Question: I'm traveling from the U.S. to the Philippines this November and have 4-hour layover in China but will be back before my US passport expires. Can I travel even though my U.S. passport will expire in 2 months?

Answer: Yes, you can.

U.S. passport expiring
by: CE

Question: I am planning to have a vacation in the Philippines this December til January and I have a US passport that will expire May next year. Would this be a problem?

Answer: It should not be a problem.

Expiring Passport with Greencard
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi, I'm a British national with a valid green card. I need to leave the U.S. shortly, upon returning, my green card is far from expiry but my UK passport will be 3 months from expiring. Will this be a problem? I was planning on renewing it when I return.

Answer: It should not be an issue. You may re-enter the United States as long as you arrive with a valid passport and green card.

Passport expires in 2 s
by: Anonymous

Question: My passport is expiring in 2 months but I am outside of the US. Can I enter the US with my Us passport that expires in January?

Answer: Yes, you can.

Expiring Passport
by: Anonymous

Question: Can I return to the USA with a US Passport which will expire within 2 months?

Answer: Yes, you can.

Flying outside US, expiring Philippines passport
by: Anonymous

Question: I have an emergency and I need to fly back to the Philippines and my Philippine passport is expiring in a couple days. Can I still fly outside US and renew my old passport in the Philippines so when I get back to US my passport is clean?

Answer: Yes, you can.

Kenyan passport
by: Anonymous

Question: My wife is a valid green card holder in the USA. She has a Kenyan passport that expires in 2021. The Kenyan gov't is switching to the new E-passports effective 3/2020 thus making old passports void. We leave for Kenya 11/15 and arrive back to the USA 12/8. She is awaiting for a new national ID card from Kenya so she can file for a new passport. Will she be allowed back into the USA even though there is less then 6 months on her passport?

Answer: She should not have issued re-entering the United States as long as she arrives with a valid passport and green card.

by: Anonymous

Question: I’m traveling to Mexico on January 7th and returning within a week. My US Passport expires on 25 August. Will be allowed to return?

Answer: Yes, you should be able to re-enter the United States with your current passport.

Passport validity
by: Anonymous

Question: I am planning to travel from the UK to the US on 24 October returning 28 October. My UK passport expires on 27 December. Will I be able to travel?

Answer: Your passport only needs to be valid for the duration of your stay in the United States. Please contact the CBP for more information.

Travelling to the US
by: Anonymous

Question: I'm traveling to the US October 24 and going back to the Philippines November 28. I hold a Philippine passport and it i will expire in April next year.

Answer: You will only need a U.S. visa and a passport that will be valid for the duration of your stay in the United States.

US Passport expires in 8 days
by: Anonymous

Question: I have a U.S. citizen a minor about 10 years old whose U.S. passport will expire in 8 days. She is in Sierra Leone and will be traveling to the US in 3 days time.

Would she be allowed to travel to the U.S. with a U.S. passport that will expire in 5 days?


Answer: She will be allowed entry. U.S. citizens may enter the United States as long as their U.S. passports are valid.

Double passport - US/Dutch
by: Anonymous

Question: My daughter is traveling from the U.S. to the Netherlands from 26 Dec to 12 Jan. Her U.S. passport is expiring on 9 March, her Dutch passport is expiring on 15 April. Will she have no issues returning to the US? Thank you.

Answer: She should not have any issues. She may use her U.S. passport to depart and re-enter the United States and her Dutch passport to enter and depart the Netherlands.

US passport UK travel
by: Indi

Question: My daughter's US passport expires in 5 months. We are traveling to London, UK and back within that period. Online I’ve found that UK does not follow the 6 month rule so there shouldn’t be an issue but I wanted to double check here to be sure!

Answer: You're right. Your U.S. passports only need to be valid for the duration of your stay in the United Kingdom.

by: Anonymous

Question: UK child citizen with passport expiring May 2020 but issued on Jan 2015 (so 4 months earlier than expiry). Travelling to US and back in October. ESTA is in place and wanted to check there won't be any issues.

Answer: Visitors from the UK only need their passports to be valid for the duration of their stay in the United States. There shouldn't be any issues.

Green Card holder traveling to Canada
by: Anonymous

Question: My boyfriend has a U.S. green card (not expiring anytime soon) and a Chinese passport that expires in March next year. We are planning a trip to Canada in November for 5 days. Given that his passport expiration date is within the 6 month expiration mark, is he not allowed to travel to Canada? If he is allowed, will he have trouble getting back into the U.S. since his passport will be expiring in less than 6 months?

Answer: Please contact the Canada Border Service Agency and the CBP for answers to your questions.

Layover in china
by: Anonymous

Question: My husband is travelling from the U.S. to the Philippines but he has a 4-hour layover in china in September. Is he good to go even if he travels with a U.S. passport expiring in 5 months?

Answer: As long as he does not go out of the airport, he should be okay.

US Resident with Honduran Passport
by: David

Question: My wife is a green card holder, her Honduran passport expires in April.
We plan to visit Honduras for a month leaving in December and returning in January. The plan is to have her renew her passport in Honduras. Will she have any problem leaving or entering the US?

Answer: There's shouldn't be a problem. U.S. green card holders may re-enter the United States without issue as long as they arrive with valid green cards and passports. Please contact the CBP for more information.

passport is expiring
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi, my daughter is a U.S. citizen. Her passport will expire in 10/01/20 but she is coming back from vacation on 04/17/20 it is 5.5 month not 6 month after she is returning. Is this a problem?

Answer: No, it will not. As a U.S. citizen, your daughter may enter the United States without issue as long as she arrives with a valid U.S. passport.

8 months before expiry
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi, I hold a Philippine passport (Philippine resident) that expires May 2020. I'll be going on vacation in the US Sep through mid Oct. US visa is valid until 2025. Will there be an issue?

Answer: There should not be as your passport only needs to be valid for the duration of your stay in the United States. Please contact the CBP for more information.

Dual citizen, USA and Ecuador
by: Julio

Question: Hello, I am a US and Ecuadorian citizen. I have to travel to Ecuador but my USA passport expires in 4 months. I’m planing to leave the USA with my Ecuadorian passport. Can I re-enter the USA with my USA passport ? I am only staying in Ecuador for a week.

Answer: As a U.S. citizen, you need to depart and re-enter the United States with your U.S. passport. You may then use your Ecuadorian passport to enter and depart Ecuador.

Passport expiring soon
by: Anonymous

Question: I hold a US passport. I travel to Cancun, Mexico from July 23 to July 30 and my passport will expire on August 11. Will I have any issues going to Mexico and getting back to the USA? Need help, thanks.

Answer: You should have no issues as long as your passport is valid for the duration of your trip and up to your re-entry to the United States.

My passport is going to expire
by: Anonymous

Question: I am an American citizen living in Mexico and I have to return to the USA. My passport is going to expire in a few days. Can I travel with my passport on those conditions?

Answer: As long as you arrive in the United States with a valid passport, you should have no issues. If you can, it will be best to renew your passport before you travel back to Mexico.

Green Card holder - My native passport expiring soon
by: Anonymous

Question: I am a U.S. Green Card holder with a Japanese passport. I am departing the U.S. on 7/3 to Japan and coming back on 7/15. My Japanese passport expires on 8/17. Would that be a problem?

My green card's expiration is years away.

Thank you.

Answer: It should not be a problem as long as you arrive with a valid passport and green card. Having said that, requirements change without prior notice. Please contact the CBP for the latest re-entry requirements for permanent residents.

Passport expires in 3 months
by: Anonymous

Question: I'm a U.S permanent resident card holder living in NYC with a South Korean passport. I'll be visiting South Korea in July and back in August with passport that will expire in October. Should I be worried about re entering the states?

Answer: You may re-enter the United States as long as you arrive with a valid passport and green card. Please contact the CBP to confirm.

Passport expires in 2 months
by: Anonymous

Question: Do I need to renew my passport if I fly from Vancouver to the U.S. with a U.S. passport that will expire in about 2 months?

Answer: There is no need to renew your passport before traveling. You may enter the United States as long as your passport is valid.

Ccrossing the border from Mexico to USA
by: Anonymous

Question: Could I return to the USA if I bring my passport (expired) and all my other necessary documents like current ID, birth certificate, or green card?

Answer: Please contact the CBP for the most updated regulations regarding border crossing.

Coming back to the US
by: Maria

Question: I’m a F1 student in the US and I will leave for a couple weeks for Spain and come back. By the time I come back, my Venezuelan passport that has my F1 visa will have 5 months before expiring. Can I come back without any issues or should I cancel my flight?

Answer: You should be able to re-enter the United States as long as you arrive with a valid passport and visa. Please contact the CBP for more information.

Passport validity is less than 6 months, visa has 2 years
by: Anonymous

Question: Hello,

We plan to travel from Chicago to London
then train to France depart end of June and return mid-July. My daughter holds a French passport which will be valid for about 4 months but still has 2 years validity on the L-1 dependent Visa the day of return from London where we will have a transit coming back from France.

1. Should I expect any issue in Chicago with check in or at the immigration ?

2. Is there any risk than she will not be boarding in London on our way back to USA?

Thanks for your feedback.


1. No, there should not be any issue.

2. Your daughter should be able to board and flight to and re-enter the United States as long as she arrives with a valid passport and visa.

Dual citizen returning home to the USA
by: Anonymous

Question: I am a US citizen and also hold German citizenship. I left the USA for Europe on my German passport because my US passport has less than 6 months' validity. When I return to the USA (after several weeks in Europe), must I return on my German passport? I will not have complied with visa requirements for German citizens entering the USA. But I will have with me my valid US passport. Can I expect to encounter problems?

Answer: You should not have any issues as long as you arrive with a valid passport.

US Resident (green card), Brazilian Passport
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi, I'm a Brazilian citizen and US resident. I need to go to Brazil on the same month that my Brazilian passport will expire. I'll be travelling to Brazil 14 days before it expires and will be back to the US 10 days before it expires. Should I be concerned about renewing it?
I only have a couple of weeks to the trip.
Thank you for your clarification!

Answer: You should be able to re-enter the country as long as you arrive with a valid passport and green card. Please contact the CBP for more information.

Expiring passport
by: Anonymous

Question: I’m traveling to Kenya with a passport which will be valid for 6 months and 1 day over. Will I be allowed to fly from the U.S. to Kenya with that passport?

Answer: Yes, you should be able to use your passport to travel to Kenya.

Passport expiring soon
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi, I’m hoping to travel to Kenya June 1 and come back to the U.S. June 12. My passport expires December 3. Will I be stopped from entering Kenya or coming back to the U.S? Please let me know.

Answer: You should not be stopped since your passport will be valid for 6 months and 2 days upon your entry to Kenya.

B2 visa
by: Anonymous

Question: I interviewed for a tourist visa to the USA. I have a Belize passport and it expires October this year and I am planning on visiting the USA from overseas in August to mid September. Does the six month rule apply ? Or does my passport need to be valid six months after my stay?

Answer: Your passport only needs to be valid for the duration of your stay in the United States.

Expiring passport but have 6 months validity
by: Anonymous

Question: I'm Burundian and I have no U.S. citizenship yet. I'm hoping to travel to Kenya June 1 and returning to the U.S. June 12. Will I find any problem departing from the U.S. and re-entering the U.S?

Answer: As long as you arrive with a valid passport and U.S. visa or green card, there should not be an issue re-entering the United States.

Traveling to the U.S.
by: Anonymous

Question: I need to travel to the U.S. in June. I have dual citizenship, U.S. and German. My U.S. passport expires in August, my German passport is valid for another few years. Will I have a problem getting into the U.S. or back to Germany with the limited validity of my U.S. passport? Thanks.

Answer: You should not have any issues as long as you arrive with a valid U.S. passport.

F1 visa
by: Anonymous

Question: I have a Moroccan passport that expires in 5 months but my F1 visa (student visa) expires in 2 years. Can I use this passport to re-enter the US by sea after a cruise?

Answer: You should be able to. Please contact the CBP for confirmation.

Passport expiration dates
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi, I'm a Venezuelan citizen but I'm a Chile permanent resident and I'm planning to travel to the U.S. from 07/01 to 07/19. My passport expires on October 7th. I want to know if I can travel with this passport three months close to expires without any problem.

Thanks in advance for your response.

Answer: Your Venezuelan passport only needs to be valid for the duration of your stay in the United States. Please contact the CBP for additional requirements.

Student visa and passport renewal
by: Anonymous

Question: I have a student visa that expires in 2022 but my passport (not US-citizen) expires in November 2019. Can I travel in the end of May before renewing my passport in the embassy of my country in the United States? Or will re-entry to the U.S. be denied?

Answer: You should be able to re-enter the United States as long as you arrive with a valid passport and visa.

Re-entry to US
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi, I'm not a US citizen. My passport is expiring on 1/4/2020. I am re-entering the US on 6/1/2019 - will I have any issue re-entering? My current visa expires on 6/3/2019 but my I94 is valid through late August 2019. Thanks!

Answer: Please contact the CBP for answers to your questions.

US Passport expiring
by: Anonymous

Question: We live in Peru but have U.S. passports and I am traveling tonight to the U.S. (for 1 week) and I realized my son´s passport expires the end of this month. Is there any problems to enter and leave the US with a passport expiring in 2 weeks?

Answer: U.S. citizens may enter and depart the United States as long as their passports are valid.

Need 6 months valid passport to back in to U.S?
by: Anonymous

Question: I have dual citizenship, Peru and US. I live in the U.S. but I am traveling to Peru with my Peruvian passport. My U.S. passport expires in two months, but I will be back one month before expiration. Will I have an issue coming out of Peru if my U.S. passport expires in a month? I'm hoping that I can get out of Peru with this passport expiring in one month. Do I need to renew before I leave?

Answer: You may re-enter the United States as long as your passport is valid.

Indian Passport Expiring in 6 months
by: shaoni

Question: Hi ! I am an Indian passport holder living in the US on a F1 Visa. My passport expires on 11.22. I will be visiting Poland this June and will re-enter the US on 06.22. Will I have problems re-entering the USA? Do I need to renew my passport ? Please help.

Answer: You should be able to re-enter the United States as long as your passport and visa are valid. Please contact the CBP for more information.

Layover in USA
by: Anonymous

Question: Hello, I am a U.S. citizen living in Chile. I will be traveling to China with a layover in the USA. My trip is from April 29 to June 6th and my passport expires on June 23, do I need to renew my passport? Thank you!

Answer: You may enter the United States as long as your passport is valid. However, China requires that your passport have at least 6 months validity remaining. Because of this, you need to renew your passport at the U.S. Embassy in Chile before your trip.

Passport expires in five months
by: Anonymous

Question: I'm travelling to the U.S. and stay there 3 weeks. My passport is valid until September 9th. Is there any problem?

Answer: The answer depends on which country issued your passport. Please contact the CBP for specific entry requirements.

Travel to Iraq
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi. I have a green card and I'm going to travel to my country IRAQ by my Iraqi passport and back to U.S. on 4 July. My passport expiration at 4 August. Can I re-enter the U.S?

Answer: You should be able to re-enter the United States as long as you arrive with a valid passport and green card.

How long can I stay in the USA?
by: Anonymous

Question: I'm traveling to the USA this month on the 23rd but my passport expires December this year and I'm using my Visa as well.

Answer: The answer depends on the provision in your U.S. visa. Please contact the National Visa Center for more information.

Passport expiry time
by: Anonymous

Question: I am traveling to New York from the UK in August. My passport expires March 20 next year. Will that be sufficient time left?

Answer: Yes, your British passport only needs to be valid for the duration of your stay in the United States.

Traveling to Canada
by: Anonymous

Question: I am U.S. citizen traveling to Canada this coming June. I will be returning end of June, passport expires mid-July. Will I be able to go and return without having to renew my passport before then? Thank you!

Answer: There is no need to renew your passport before your trip. You may travel to Canada and back as long as your passport is valid.

Passport expiration 4 months after return
by: Anonymous

Question: I am traveling to Turks and Caicos by air. I am a US citizen and my passport expires mid-September, my return is mid-April. Will that be an issue? Thank you.

Answer: Your passport only needs to be valid for the duration of your stay in the Turks and Caicos Islands. You should have no issues.

Returning to U.S from China
by: Anonymous

Question: I want to return to the U.S from China. I will have less than 6 months and will need to transit through Korea.

Will I have a problem?

Answer: If you are using a valid U.S. passport, you should have no issues entering the U.S. and transiting through South Korea.

Travelling to and from the States
by: Anonymous

Question: I am in Egypt, my U.S. passport will expire 5 months from now. I need to travel to the USA for one month and back to Egypt again. Will I be able to travel? I may have a layover while travelling will there be any problem?

Answer: You may enter the United States without issues as long as your passport is valid. With regard to your layover, you need to check with the airline for requirements.

Passport expires in 6 months
by: Ella

Question: Good afternoon. I'm a green card holder and a foreign passport holder (Albanian). My Albanian passport expires on September 2019. I was planning a short trip to Canada in April. Would I have problems with re-entry to the USA since my passport expires in 6 months? I am planning a trip to NY to my embassy to apply for my new passport but not until end of July.

Answer: You should be able to re-enter the United States without a problem as long as you arrive with a valid passport and green card.

My Chinese passport expires in 6 months
by: Anonymous

Question: My Chinese passport expires in 6 months and I am J1 visa holder. Can I leave the U.S. to China?

Answer: You should be able to enter your home country without issues. Please contact the CBP about re-entry to the United States.

Passport has 5 months to expire
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi, I hold a J1 visa. My Chinese passport has 5 months to expire and I need to leaving the U.S. to China and not planning to go back U.S. Thanks.

Answer: If you are concerned about entering China with a passport that is about to expire, it should not be an issue. Please contact the Embassy of the People's Republic of China for more information.

Passport is expiring
by: Anonymous

Question: I am a Korean citizen with a green card going back to Korea and returning to the States 2 months late. My passport will expire while I am gone, I will renew it in Korea, will I have a problem leaving the States?

Answer: There should not be any issues. Please contact the CBP for more information.

U.S. passport
by: Anonymous

Question: My kids hold U.S. passports expiring in August this year. They need to travel to the U.S. before 30 days before the expiration date. Are they allowed to travel or must they renew their passports overseas?

Answer: They should be able to enter the U.S. without issues as long as their passports are valid. Should their passports expire while they are in the country, you may apply for new passports with them before they travel back out.

Passport expiration
by: FIL

Question: I am going to the Philippines on May 8-June 20. I am a U.S. passport holder. My U.S passport expires November 30. I have a flight layover in Korea. Will I have a problem going to Philippines and returning back to the U.S? Thank you.

Answer: You should not have any problems.

Expiring Passport.
by: Anonymous

Question: I am traveling to Mexico 4/2 and returning 4/30. My passport expires 6/4. Will there be an issue?

Answer: There should not be an issue. You may enter Mexico and get back in the United States as long as your passport is valid.

Passport expiring as well as different name
by: Anonymous

Question: My German passport expires April 11th 2020. I’m a green card holder. I’m going to Tahiti in October reentering the US on October 11th 2019. My name in my passport is my maiden name. On my green card it has both my maiden and married name. Will I have problems reentering the US? Should I apply for a passport renewal now?

Answer: It should not be an issue. Please contact the CBP for more information.

Passport validity 2019
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi. I am traveling to El Salvador and Costa Rica May 15 2019 to May 23 2019. My U.S. passport expires August 23 2019. Will I be allowed re-entry to the US with a US passport expiring three months after my return date? Thank you :)

Answer: You should not have issues entering El Salvador and Costa Rica and re-entering the United States with your current passport.

Expiring Passport
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi! My U.S. passport expires on 4/21. I am going to Japan 3/15-30. Will it be a problem to leave and return to the U.S? My passport will expire within a month after my return date. Thanks so much!

Answer: There shouldn't be any problem since your passport only needs to be valid for the duration of your stay in Japan.

Passport expiring
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi, I am a U.S. resident with a green card living in Houston, TX. I am planning to travel to my birth country of Panama for 2 weeks but my Panamanian passport expires in July. I am planning to visit in June and renew my Panamanian passport there. Would I have any trouble leaving the U.S. with a passport that is about to expire?

Answer: You should be able to leave the country. In order to re-enter without issue, you need to make sure you arrive with a valid passport and green card.

Passport about to expire
by: Anonymous

Question: Hello, I hold a Venezuela passport and have a valid U.S Tourist visa. I am planning a 3-week vacation next week 3/14 to the U.S but my passport will expire in 2 months. Will I be able to enter U.S for my vacation?

Answer: You should be able to enter the United States as long as you can prove that your passport will stay valid for the duration of your stay in the country. Please contact the CBP for more information.

ASAP! please
by: Anonymous

Question: Hello, I have a South Korean passport and my passport expires in June, which is three months from now. I am currently in the U.S for college with O1 Visa, and for Spring Vacation (5days), I'm planning on visiting Dominican Republic, Punta Cana, where it does not have the six months validity rule. Would I be able to come back to U.S from Punta Cana, with the same passport (less than 4 months expiration)?

Answer: You should be able to re-enter the United States without a problem as long as you arrive with a valid passport and visa.

Passport expiring
by: Anonymous

Question: I am traveling from Chicago to Cuba from March 20th to March 28th. However, my Chinese passport is expiring at Sep 23rd. I am on F1 visa and my visa is valid until 2023. Can I return to the States?

Answer: You should be able to re-enter the United States as long as you arrive with a valid passport and visa. Please contact the CBP for confirmation.

Passport Validity - Senegal Nationality
by: Anonymous

Question: I am a Senegalese passport holder planning to travel to the U.S. from Switzerland this February (10-day stay). My passport will expire in June. Will I have any problems entering the US with less than 6 months validity in my passport? Thanks.

Answer: Your passport needs to have at least 6 months validity in order to enter the United States. Please contact the U.S. Customs and Border Protection office for more information.

Travel to India and back
by: Smitha

Question: Can my son travel to India and come back to US with valid US passport which is going to expire in 5 months? His passport will expire July 14 but there is some family emergency we need to travel to Blore/India on Jan 26and will be back Feb 3. Will it be an issue for him to travel since his passport validity is less than 6 months?

Answer: There shouldn't be any issue.

Expiring Passport
by: Anonymous

Question: I’m a permanent resident of Sweden and I’m hoping to travel to the U.S. in early March. My Syrian passport expires in May . Would I be okay?

Answer: Syrian passport holders need at least 6 months validity remaining in order to enter the United States. Please contact the U.S. Customs and Border Protection for more information.

Travel to the Philippines
by: Anonymous

Question: I hold a Philippine passport that will expire April this year. I am a U.S. Resident with a green card.

I am planning to go to the Philippines March 10 - 24 and my passport will expire at on April 6. Will I able to return to the U.S?

Answer: Yes, as long as you arrive with a valid passport and green card.

US citizen going back to USA.
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi. I am a U.S. citizen. I have been living in Pakistan for over two years as a dual national. I am now planning to go back to the USA in February/March and my USA passport will expire in May. Will I have any issues entering the USA, at USA airports and/or at Pakistani airports? Thanks.

Answer: There shouldn't be any issues. As a U.S. citizen, you should be able to enter the country with no problems as long as you arrive with a valid passport.

by: Anonymous

Question: If I travel to the Bahamas and come back with my U.S. Passport that expires in 5 months, will I have any issue to re-enter the country?

Answer: There should be no issues.

IR2 immigrant visa, passport is expiring in 4 months
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi! My kids are coming over to the U.S. with immigrant visas. Their passports are expiring in September and they're coming over in May. Will they be refused entry since the validity of their passport is less than 6 months or will it be okay since they have valid immigrant visas?

Answer: It should be okay. Please contact the CBP for more information.

Expiring Thai passport with emergency flight
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi. I have a family emergency and have to fly back to Thailand on 1/15. I have a valid H1B visa until 2020 but my passport is expiring on 4/17. Because it is a family emergency and I have to come back to be at work, I will be in Thailand from 1/17-1/20 and would be hard to renew it in time. Can I re-enter the USA?

Answer: Yes, you can.

by: Steffan

Question: Good day. I'm a holder of a Trinidadian passport that is due to expire in October 2019. Will I be able to visit the US in April 2019 for a stay of 3 weeks (vacation)?

Answer: You can enter the United States as long as you have the appropriate documents and a passport that will stay valid for the duration of your stay.

Thailand to the U.S.
by: Anonymous

Question: I am a U.S. citizen and my U.S. passport expires in April 2019. Will I be able to board my flight home to the U.S. on Jan 6th via China Airlines from Thailand?

Answer: Yes, you will be. You should also be able to enter the United States without issue since you will be arriving with a valid passport.

My son's passport expiring in 4 months
by: Anonymous

Question: My son (4 years old) went to India and is traveling back to the U.S. in April next year. His U.S. passport expires August of the same year. Will he be able to enter the U.S. without any issues? Will there be any known issues with Air India (he is travelling with Air India airlines) guys at the India airport since the validity is less than 6 months?

Answer: All U.S. citizens will be admitted into the United States without issues if they arrive with a valid U.S. passport.

As for Air India issues, you will have to check online forums or call them about your concern.

Green Card with Re-entry permit
by: Anonymous

Question: I have a green card and I carry I re-entry document as a passport issued by the United States. Can I return to the states if my re-entry is about to expire in 3 months.

Answer: Please contact the CBP regarding re-entry to the United States.

Expiring U.S. passport
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi! My daughter is a U.S. citizen. She lives in India and her U.S. passport expire in four months. Can she travel back to the USA?

Answer: Your daughter may enter the United States as long as she arrives with a valid U.S. passport.

Dual passports
by: Anonymous

Question: My son is 5 years old, has dual citizenship and 2 passports. He currently lives in Germany and his U.S. passport expires in February. Can he travel to the US and then return to Germany in January with a German passport and a US passport that is about to expire?

Answer: As a U.S. citizen, your son needs to enter and depart the United States on his American passport. He should have no issues as long as it is valid.

Almost expired
by: LeeS

Question: I am traveling to Israel and back from NY on 11/30 till 12/2 with an Israeli passport that is scheduled to expire on 1/10 of next year. My green card, however, is good till 2024.

Answer: There should be no issue re-entering the United States as long as your passport and green card are valid upon arrival.

Indian Passport expiring in 4 months
by: Anonymous

Question: My Indian passport expires in 4 months, but I have a valid H1B visa till August 2019. I will be returning to US in November 2018.
Will I be allowed to do so?

Answer: You should be able to enter the United States as long as your passport and visa are valid. Please contact the CBP for more information.

Foreign Passport
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi. I am a foreign passport holder (Malaysia) on a F1 student visa. My passport will expire on July 2019 and I am traveling to Europe from 12/17 to 1/3. My question is, can I re-enter USA with the mentioned passport validity or should I renew my passport at my embassy prior to the entrance?

Answer: Please contact the CBP for re-entry requirements.

Traveling to Mexico and re-entering USA with a green card
by: Anonymous

Question: I am planing a vacation to Mexico on 12/19 until 12/23. I have a green card and my passport from Venezuela will expire in 5/20/19. Will I have any issue entering Mexico and/or coming back to the USA?

Answer: There should be no issue re-entering the United States as long as you arrive with a valid passport and green card.

However, you need to contact the Embassy of Mexico for entry requirements specific to Venezuelan passport holders.

Green card holder with Chinese Passport expiring in 2 months
by: Anonymous

Question: Will I have any issue re-entering the U.S?

Furthermore, we are planning to go on a 4-day cruise to Mexico next week with Chinese Passport Expiring in two months. Would I have any issues going to the Cruise and coming back to the U.S.?

Answer: You should be able to re-enter the United States as long as you arrive with a valid green card and passport.

Big problem
by: Anonymous

Question: I already have a plane ticket going to the U.S. December 4 to February 4 with a tourist visa valid for 10 years. My Philippine passport will expire on January 27. Will I need to renew my passport before I fly? Will I be refused entry to the United States?

Answer: You need to renew your passport. Philippine passport holders need to present passports that are valid for at least the duration of their stay in the United States.

Transit using a soon-to expire passsport
by: Anonymous

Question: I have a valid U.S. Tourist visa. Can I transit through the U.S. on a passport with less than 6 months validity, if my final destination allows me to visit with this passport?

Answer: Yes, you can.

Less done 3 months to expire
by: Anonymous pinoy

Question: I am a Philippine Passport holders with a valid Green Card, going on a vacation on Oct 31 to Philippines then come back to the U.S. on Nov 13. My Philippine Passport expires in January 2019. Will that be a problem?

Answer: It will not be a problem.

4 months validity
by: Ana

Question: I am a Filipino who is a green card holder in the US. I was planning to go back to the U.S. on Nov. 17 and come back on Dec. 12 but my passport expires on Feb 2019. Is that still allowed? Can I renew my passport after I come back?

Answer: It should be no problem.

US Citizen with 2 months left on passport
by: Anonymous

Question: Will I be able to fly out to UK on this passport?

Answer: Yes, you can as long as it meets the requirement of your next destination. If you are traveling back to the U.S, there should be no issue.

Traveling on a Cruise
by: Anonymous

Question: I'm traveling on a cruise to Dominican Republic, Grand Turks, Puerto Rico and St. Thomas the week of 11/25/18. My passport will expire 05/2019. Do I need to renew before my travels?

Answer: There is no need to renew your passport before your trip. Puerto Rico and St. Thomas are U.S. territories so it would be like domestic travel.

The Dominican Republic and the Turks and Caicos Islands only need to your passport to be valid for at least the duration of your stay.

Can I re-enter the U.S?
by: Nancy

Question: I am a Chinese citizen, married with a green card holder and I am holding Advance Parole (expired 09/27/19). My husband and I are going to take a cruise from 11/11 to 11/18. My passport will be expired on 05/12/19, can we re-enter the U.S? Thanks a lot!

Answer: Yes, you should be able to re-enter the United States.

Permanent resident's passport
by: Freddy

Question: Hi, I'm a legal permanent resident. My passport will expire on July 1st. I would like to travel to Cameroon for vacation in February 2019. Will be allowed to re-enter to US after my two weeks vacations? Thanks.

Answer: You may re-enter the United States without issue as long as you arrive with a valid passport and green card.

Passport Expiry and Travel to US
by: MDP

Question: Philippine passport holder here.
Departure from PH for vacation to US: 19 Dec
Return to PH: 4 January
PH passport expiry: 25 June
US Visa still good with 8 years validity in it.
Please let me know if I am still okay to travel or if I need to renew my passport already before taking this trip. Thanks!

Answer: Your passport only needs to be valid for the duration of your stay in the United States.

by: Anonymous

Question: I’m Italian with a green card, I’m planning to travel to Italy on 12/20 and back 1/5 next year. My passport expires 7/30. Will this cause any issues re-entering the U.S? Thank you.

Answer: You should not have issues re-entering the United States as long as you arrive with a valid passport and visa.

Ireland trip
by: Anonymous

Question: 2 U.S. citizens traveling to Ireland 10/29/18 - 11/6/18, returning to the U.S. One passport expires 11/13/18 and the other 11/18/18. We are ok, right?

Answer: Yes, you are. Your passports only need to be valid for the duration of your stay in Ireland.

Less than 6 months
by: Anonymous

Question: Will I be denied entry to the US if my US passport has 3 months left on it on the day of my re-entry to the US?
The country that I am visiting only requires 90days on my passport.

Will I have problem boarding the plane?

Answer: You should not have issued re-entering the United States as long as your passport is valid when you arrive.

Just down to the wire
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi. I am traveling to Costa Rica in Jan 12, 2019 and they require I renew my passport 6 months prior to expiration. My passport expires July 13, 2019. I still should be fine to enter Costa Rica?

Answer: Your passport only needs to be valid for the duration of your stay in Costa Rica. You should be able to travel with your current passport.

Passport expires within 6 months
by: Jan

Question: Can I drive to Canada with a China passport expiring within 6 months and a valid US green Card? I know I can come back to US, but will Canada let me in? Thank you!

Answer: Hello, Jan. Please contact the Embassy of Canada or Canada Border Service Agency for requirements specific to China passport holders.

Passport Expiry of US Citizen
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi. My child’s U.S. Passport will expire on 2nd October and we are planning to fly back to the USA on the 4th September. Will this be allowed since it will be only 3 month to expiry?

Answer: U.S. citizens may enter the United States without issue as long as their passports are valid.

Passport Expiring in 5 Months
by: Anonymous

Question: My husband is a permanent resident in Canada and holds a valid U.S. visa. His Philippine passport is expiring in 5 months. Can he enter the U.S. by land just for one day?

Answer: Yes, he can.

by: Anonymous

Question: To clarify above, I am a U.S. citizen, passport expires 9/12/18 I am trying to book a ticket home to the US from Israel before 9/12/18.

My questions is do I need to only book one way or can I book a round trip ticket back to Israel even though my return date will be after my passport expires? (I plan to come home, renew my passport, and return to Israel in December) Will they let me on the flight to the U.S. if my passport expires before the last leg of the trip? Or do I need to book a one way ticket to get home?

Answer: You may book round-trip tickets. There should be no issue as long as you have a valid passport by the time you depart for Israel.

Going back to the U.S.
by: Anonymous

Question: I am a U.S. citizen currently a student in Israel. My passport expires September 12, 2018. Can I book a round trip ticket 9/10/18 - 12/20/18? I realize I will need to renew prior to 12/20 but wanted to know if I need to only book a one-way ticket for 9/10/18 and then another one when I return after renewing my passport.

Answer: You may book a round-trip ticket. Also, I recommend that you check the entry requirements of the country you are traveling to to find out if your passport's validity still meets their requirement.

Re-Entering US on L-1B visa
by: Lauence

Question: I will be re-entering the US on an L1-B visa six months and 2 days before my UK passport expires. I have applied for a new UK passport but it may not arrive in time. Will I be allowed to re-enter the US? (Arrive JFK airport September 17th, passport expires March 19th 2019).

Answer: You should be able to enter the United States since your passport is still valid.

My Saudi passport
by: Anonymous

Question: Greetings,

I'm an international student--F-1 visa holder--from Saudi; my passport will have two months prior to its expiration upon my entry to the US. My F1 visa, however, will still be valid. So my question is: will I be able to enter the US with a Saudi passport that expires in two months upon entry?

Answer: Please contact the U.S. CBP for entry requirements specific to Saudi passport holders.

Philippine passport expires in 4 months
by: Anonymous

Question: I just arrived in the Philippines for a month-long vacation from July 16, 2018 to August 13, 2018. I am a US Permanent Resident with a Philippine passport about to expire in 4 to 5 months on December 9, 2018. I did not have a problem traveling to the Philippines, but will I have any issues returning to USA with my passport expiring soon? Will I be detained or turned back from leaving the Philippine airport when trying to go back to the U.S?

Answer: You should have no issues traveling back to the United States as long as your green card and passport are valid.

Passport Expiration
by: Anonymous

Question: I am Filipino and not a U.S. citizen yet. I want to go back to Philippines to have a vacation next week. I have booked a flight already but the problem is my passport expires in 4.5 months. Am I still be able to get there? I might get in trouble since my flight has a layover to another country before I reach the Philippines.

Answer: You should be able to enter the Philippines with your passport. However, we recommend that you contact the embassy of the country that you will have a lay over in for requirements specific to Philippine passport holders.

Travel to Canada
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi, we are U.S. citizens. I booked our vacation to Canada from 8/10-8/20, 2018. Both my kids passports will be expired by 9/13/2018. Will we have trouble entering USA, since their passports are almost expired?

Answer: No, you will not have any trouble as long as you arrive with valid passports.

Departs July 20, passport expires December 17
by: Anonymous

Question: I bought a plane ticket without checking my passport's expiration. Wanted to go back to the Philippines but not sure if I can pass since my passport expires in 4 months.

Answer: You should still be okay. Your passport only needs to be valid at the time of entry to the Philippines.

Passport expires March 03, 2019
by: Anonymous

Question: I am in the Philippines right now vacationing. I would like to return in the U.S. on December 2018. Can I still use my U.S. passport to enter the U.S. Thank you.

Answer: Yes, you can. You may re-enter the United States without issue as long as your passport is valid.

by: Anonymous

Question: I’m returning back from Spain on August 5th but my passport expires on October 2nd. Will I be allowed to fly back or should I fly back August 2nd instead?

Answer: You can fly back to the United States up to the expiration date of your U.S. passport.

Turkish Passport expires in 9 months
by: Anonymous

Question: Hello. I am currently an enrolled student in United States and planning to travel to the UK on July 3rd 2018 and planning to come back on 13 August 2018 before my fall semester starts. I have an F1 visa till 2021 and also have a valid I20 till 15 December 2018.

When I return beck to United States, my passport would expire on 20 May 2019 which I am planning to renew when I return to United States on 13 August 2018. Would there be any problems in my return to United States. Thank you.

Answer: There should not be an issue since your visas are valid.

Passport Validity
by: Anonymous

Question: Both my kids' U.S. passports are expiring in Nov 2018 and we need to travel to India for an emergency, will I have any issues boarding the flight since I have less than 6 months validity?

Answer: U.S. passports need to be valid for 6 months upon visa application. If you already have visas, it should not be an issue.

Do I need a new passport for my trip
by: Anonymous

Question: I plan on traveling to Iceland Aug 20th through Aug 30th 2018. My US passport expires on Nov 11 2018. Is that within the three-month expiration period? Or do I need to get a new passport before I travel?

Answer: Your passport just falls short of the 3-month after departure validity rule. You need to renew your passport before your trip to Iceland.

travelling to icelanf
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi, I currently hold a U.S. immigrant visa and will be traveling to Iceland in June but my passport is expiring in October.

Will I have a problem traveling to Iceland and just in case I was allowed to travel, will I be able to re-enter in the U.S?

Thank you very much. I am worried because I already planned my vacation and paid for everything. I just wanted to know if i am okay to travel with a passport expiring in 4 months. Thanks again.

Answer: As far as re-enter to the United States is concerned, you may get back in as long as your visa and passport are valid.

However, you need to contact the Embassy of Iceland to find out if your passport still meets their entry requirements.

Traveling to Mexico
by: Anonymous

Question: We are traveling to Mexico in early July for 9 days. My wife's passport expires at the end of Sept. Will this cause us an issue as the passport is expiring in less than 3 months?

Answer: There shouldn't be an issue.

Passport expires in 3 months
by: Anonymous

Question: Hello. I am a Romanian citizen holding a Romanian passport and a Green card. I will be traveling to Dominican Republic last week of December or first week of Jan 2019. My passport expires April 2019, and my green card 2025. Should I have any problem leaving US and coming back home to U.S.A.? Thank you.

Answer: Please contact the Embassy of The Dominican Republic for entry requirements specific to Romanian passport holders. As for re-entering the United States, there should be no issue as long as you arrive with a valid passport and green card.

Philippine passport expiring
by: Alessa

Question: Hi, I have a conditional residence (expired) with 1 year letter of extension and a passport expiring in Oct 2018. Can I still re-enter the U.S. if I travel to the Philippines this month (June) and come back in August?

Answer: Please contact the USCIS or the U.S. Customs and Border Protection for information regarding your issue.

Passport expires in about 5 months
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi! I am a dual US/Irish citizen, holding both US and EU passports. I am leaving the US on 5/26/18 and traveling to Switzerland (via Iceland), Italy and then leaving the Schengen on 6/2/18 and entering Croatia. I am leaving Croatia on 6/9 and returning to the US (via London). My US passport expires 12/03/18, so five months and some days after I leave the Schengen. Is this okay? Also, I want to enter the EU on my EU passport, but do I still need to give the airline my US passport for my flight to Switzerland? Thank you!

Answer: As a U.S. citizen, you are required to depart and re-enter the United States using your U.S. passport. The good news is that it still meets the 3 months validity after departure requirement of the Schengen countries.

You may use your U.S. passport to leave and get back in the the U.S. then use your EU passport in between.

Pasports expiration
by: Anonymous

Question: I’m flying from Florida to the Bahamas on June 15th and I’m returning back to Florida on Hune 18th. But my passport also expires on June 18th will I be allowed to fly back.

Answer: Yes, you will be allowed to travel back to the United States. Please contact the airline you are flying with to confirm travel document requirements.

Can a trip be made to the U.S. with a passport expiring in 3 days?
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi, my child’s U.S. Passport will expire on 12th August and we are planning to fly to the USA on the 9th August for vacation and will also use the opportunity to renew the passport over there. Will this be allowed since it will be only 3 days to expiry?

Answer: Yes, it is allowed. U.S. citizens may re-enter the United States without issues up to 11:59PM of the passport's expiration date.

Summer in Europe
by: Gi

Question: Hi, we are traveling to Europe for summer (Italy, Slovenia, Croatia, Spain). My child's passport expires January 2019. And we are traveling from May 28 to August 26th 2018? Is he okay to travel and return to the U.S?

Answer: Yes, he is okay to travel. U.S. passports only need to be valid for 3 months beyond one's departure (return) date in order to travel through the Schengen area.

Canada trip 2018
by: Anonymous

Question: Our family is driving into Canada May 23, 2018. We will return to the United States on May 27, 2018. My husband's passport expires 10/6/18.

Will this cause any issues going or returning since it expires in 5 months rather than 6 months?

Answer: No, it will not cause issues. U.S. citizens may travel to Canada and back to the United States without issue as long as he/she has a valid passport. Six months validity is not required.

Italy and Greece
by: Anonymous

Question: I am traveling to Italy and Greece July 2-22, 2018. My passport expires Feb 3, 2019. Is my passport valid for this trip?

Answer: Yes, your passport is still valid. It only needs 3 months validity beyond your planned departure from the Schengen area.

Travelling to Europe
by: Anonymous

Question: I am a dual U.S. and Canadian citizen. I was planning on traveling to Germany and France from May 14th to May 21st. My U.S. passport expires June 18th (Schengen rule), can I have my ticket issued with my Canadian passport and just show my US upon reentering the US to CBP? Or some other solution? Thank you.

Answer: As a U.S. citizen, you are required to depart and re-enter the United States using your American passport.

Please contact the airline to see if you can book your tickets using your U.S. passport but enter the Schengen area using your Canadian passport.

by: Anonymous

Question: Hello, I am a U.S citizen now i am living in Honduras. I have for about 4 years and my American passport expired about 4 years ago. Can I re-enter the United States with my passport already expired?

Answer: No, you cannot. Airlines enroute to the United States will not allow you to board without a valid passport. And IF you manage to board the aircraft, you will still need a valid passport to re-enter the U.S.

Please renew your passport at the U.S. Embassy in Tegucigalpa before leaving for the U.S.

4 monts passport validity
by: michelle

Question: Hi, my name is Michelle . I am a Nigerian citizen and my Nigerian passport and U.S. visa expires in September. I plan to travel on May 15th and return May 23rd. Will I have any issues with re-entry into the U.S?

Answer: Hello, Michelle. Please contact the U.S. Customs and Border Protection or the National Visa Center for assistance.

You may also contact the airline you are flying with to verify travel document requirements.

Ppassport expiration limits
by: victo

Question: I am a U.S. citizen with a temporary Mexican residency traveling to the US and back to Mexico with a passport that will expire one month AFTER my return. Is that okay?

Answer: Yes, it should be okay.

Traveling back to US
by: AnonymousMila

Question: Hello, I'm a Czech citizen with a green card. My Czech passport is expiring in July. I have planned a trip in May for a week to Germany and the Czech Republic. Will German Airline refuse me to come back to US with such a short date close to expiration?

Answer: They should not. You are allowed to re-enter the United States as long as you arrive with a valid passport and green card. Please contact the airline to confirm.

Expiring in 3 weeks
by: Anonymous

Question: My parent's U.S. passport expires on May 23, 2018. What is the latest that he can re-enter the U.S. with no issues?

Answer: He may re-enter the United States without issue up to the expiration date of his U.S. passport.

Traveling to DR
by: Anonymous

Question: I am a U.S. Permanent resident traveling to the Dominican Republic 4/29 - 5/4. My Nigerian passport expires July 8th 2018. Will I have any issues entering the DR or re-entering the U.S?

Answer: As long as you return with a valid passport and green card, you should not have issues re-entering the United States. However, you need to contact the Embassy of The Dominican Republic for entry requirements specific to Nigerian passport holders.

Passport expiry in 3 months
by: Ashok

Question: Hello, My family and I are green card holders with Indian passports. We are traveling to India for a vacation in May and returning in July. My elder child's passport is expiring in Sep 2018 and my wife's passport is expiring in Nov 2018 and will renew once we are back. Will the immigration officer allow us to re-enter the USA?

Answer: Hi, Ashok. Yes, you all should be able to re-enter the United States as long as your passports and green cards are valid upon arrival. Please contact the U.S. Customs and Border Protection or the airline you are flying back to the U.S. with to confirm travel document requirements.

Passport expiring within 4 mos
by: Anonymous

Question: We’ll be traveling to the Philippines on May 3-25, 2018 and our passports will expire on Sept. 18, 2018. Are we gonna have a problem entering the Philippines and returning back to US? We are permanent residents.

Answer: You should be able to travel to the Philippines and get back in the United States without issues as long as you arrive with valid passports and green card.

Five days to expire
by: Anonymous

Question: I am traveling to Nicaragua. I have a U.S. Passport and a Nicaraguan passport that expires in five years. My U.S. passport expires in May 23, 2018. My travel dates are May 8-15. I am coming back to the US 7 days before my American Passport expires, will I be able to do this? Considering I enter Nicaragua with my Nicaraguan passport?

Answer: Yes, you can. You can depart the United States on your U.S. passport, enter Nicaragua using your Nicaraguan passport and re-enter the U.S. using your American passport. It should not be an issue as long as it is still valid.

Kenyan Passport
by: Anonymous

Question: My Kenyan passport is expiring beginning of November - 11/04/2018 - I want to travel to Kenya and then Greece/Spain in August and return back to the US on 08/17/2018. I have a green card that will be about 5 days less than a full 3 months- would this be a problem?

Answer: You should be able to enter Kenya using your Kenyan passport. Please contact the Embassy of Greece and the Embassy of Spain for entry requirements specific to Kenyan passport holders.

You should be able to get back to the U.S. as long as your green card and passport are valid upon entry.

Travel to India and return to US
by: Anonymous

Question: My child's passport expires in Jan 2019. We are planning to travel to India in June 2018 and return to the US in September 2018. Since the 6-month window starts only in July and since my child has close to 4 months by the time we return to the US, is it safe for my child to travel to India in June and will my child be able to return to the US even if my child has less than 4 months of validity left on the passport?

Answer: Yes, your child can travel to India using his U.S. passport as long as also has an India visa.

U.S. Passport expires within 5 months
by: Dave

Question: I have dual citizenship and have two passports (Mexico/USA). My U.S. passport expires within 5 months when leaving on a two week vacation abroad. If the airline does not let me board the plane with my U.S. Passport can I use my Mexican passport to board?

Answer: As a U.S. citizen, you are bound by law to depart and re-enter the United States using your U.S. passport. You may use your Mexican passport to enter your destination country but you must use your U.S. passport to board the flight leaving the United States.

Philippine passport
by: Npricd

Question: Hi, my passport will expire January of 2019. We are going to visit my country (Philippines from Oct. 27 to Nov. 10). Can I go back to the U.S. with almost 3 months before my passport expire? Thanks.

Answer: Yes, you can.

Passport expires
by: Anonymous

Question: I'm going to Peru on April 7 and come back on April 14. My passport expires in June of the same year and my son's passport expires on September 9. Peru requires 6 months. Would I have a problem leaving or coming back?

Answer: You may enter Peru and get back in the United States as long as your passports are valid.

Passport Expiry
by: Anonymous

Question: May I enter the U.S. on 11 April and stay till 23 April 2018 with a Lebanese passport that will expire in June 13 2018?

Answer: Yes, you may enter the United States as long as your passport is valid for the duration of your stay. Please contact the U.S. Embassy in Lebanon about securing a U.S. visa. https://lb.usembassy.gov/visas/

by: Anonymous

Question: Hello, I have a U.S. passport and an Ecuadorian Passport. My U.S. passport expires in Aug and my Ecuadorian passport next year. If I am traveling from Ecuador to the U.S, and back within the next 10 days after leaving Ecuador, will I have a problem leaving the U.S?

Answer: You should not have issues entering and leaving the United States. By law, you are required to use your U.S. passport to enter and depart the country. You can then use your Ecuadorian passport to enter Ecuador.

Request for advice
by: Anonymous

Question: I am a Bangladeshi national working in India on official visa. I have a valid U.S. G4 visa but my national passport has less than 6 months validity.

Can I travel to U.S. next month then re-enter India?

Answer: Bearers of Bangladeshi passports need to have at least 6 months validity beyond their intended period of stay in the United States. You need to renew your passport before your trip. Please contact the Bangladesh High Commission in New Delhi for assistance.

3 months validity
by: Joshua

Question: Hi there. Can I go back to the U.S. with 3 months validity left on my Philippine passport?? I am a green card holder. Thank you.

Answer: Yes you can.

Enter to US with green card and foreign passport
by: Mickey

Question: Hi there. Can I get in to the U.S. if I have a green card and my passport expiring 5 months later. I will have to travel ASAP to my country for a couple of days and I am not sure that I can renew my passport there and would need to get back with my old passport.

Answer: You may re-enter the United States as long as your passport and U.S. green card are valid.

Dutch passpoort
by: Anonymous

Question: I am Arubian and my Dutch passport expires 2 months after my vacation in the U.S. Can I still enter the U.S?

Answer: Yes, you can. Your passport only needs to be valid for the duration of your stay in the United States.

Ukrainian passport
by: Anonymous

Question: My Ukrainian passport expires in June 2018. I have U.S. employment card and advanced parol. I am planing to travel to Ukraine and come back in May . Will it be a problem to come back to the U.S. Thank you.

Answer: This question is best addressed to the parole officer assigned to your case.

Entry back to the U.S.
by: Anonymous

Question: Can I enter the United States from Jordan if my passport expires in 3 months?

Answer: Yes, you can re-enter the United States as long as your U.S. passport is valid.

Renewal of passport while in the U.S.
by: Anonymous

Question: If I, a U.S. citizen living in Italy who has a U.S. passport which doesn't expire until March 2019, will be visiting the US from May 31 to July 8, can I renew it then?

Answer: Yes, you can. You can renew your U.S. passport anytime during its validity and up to 5 years after it expires.

Passport Expiring While Traveling
by: Anonymous

Question: I'm a US citizen living in Canada. I am traveling to Florida March 23 to April 13, 2018. My passport is expiring April 10, 2018. Will I be allowed to go to U.S. even though my passport will expire before returning to Canada? My plan is to get it renewed while I'm in Florida. Thanks.

Answer: You may enter the United States as long as your passport is valid.

by: Isaias

Question: My passport expires on Feb 13 today is the 7th of February what happens if my passport is expired on the way back?

Answer: Hi, Isaias. A valid passport is required to board an aircraft back to the U.S. As a U.S. citizen, you will not be expressly denied re-entry to the United States if you arrive with an expired passport. However, you will encounter delays at the airport while border officials verify your status and citizenship.

Dominican Republic
by: Anonymous

Question: I'm traveling to the Dominican Republic in April 2018. My passport expires in May 2018. Can I still re-inter the U.S?

Answer: You should be able to re-enter the United States without issues as long as your passport is valid when you arrive.

UK passport expires in less than 6 months
by: Anonymous

Question: My British passport expires in less than 6 months - my green card is fine for a long time. When we go to the UK this summer, can I get back into the U.S. (where I live)?

Answer: Yes, you can get back in the United States as long as your U.S. green card and UK passport are valid.

Philippine passport & Green Card Holder
by: Seb

Question: Hi! I have a Philippine passport which will expire on May 8, 2018, a green card which will expire in year 2025 and a travel document issued by the USCIS to expire in Aug 2018. Can I still go to Philippines by March 7, 2018 and be back in the US by March 18, 2018? Thank you!

Answer: Yes, you may travel to the Philippines and get back to the United States as long as your passport and green card are valid.

My son's U.S. passport
by: Anonymous

Question: Hello, My 15-year-old son has two passports, French and U.S. He will be traveling from France to the U.S. from February 15th till the 24th. I just realized that his U.S. passport will expire on Feb 24th. Is it a problem? Can we renew his US passport after the 24th?

Answer: As a U.S. citizen, your son is required to enter and depart the United States using his U.S. passport. He may be able to leave the country on the same day his passport expires but there is no guarantee. Please contact the airline he is flying back to France with to verify.

Entering the USA
by: Anonymous

Question: Can I return to the USA with a U.S. passport which will expire within two months?

Answer: Yes, you can.

by: Anonymous

Question: Can I return to the USA with a US Passport which will expire within three months?

Answer: Yes, you can.

Expired Bosnian passport
by: Anonymous

Question: My Bosnian passport expired but I have a green card. I need to travel to Bosnia because of a family emergency. How can I do that without my Bosnian passport?

Answer: A valid passport is required to board an airline. You need to renew your passport or at least secure an emergency travel document from the Bosnian Embassy in order to travel to your home country. Once there, you may renew your passport and use the new passport to to board a flight back to the United States.

Passport expires in 4 months
by: Anonymous

Question: My wife's Philippine passport will expire 4 months at the time she leaves for the USA. She's a green card holder. Will there be a problem leaving (Philippines) and her re-entry to the USA? Thanks for your help.

Answer: There should not be a problem. Your wife may depart the Philippines and re-enter the United States as long as her passport and green card are valid. Please contact the airline she is flying with to confirm travel document requirements.

Passport validity
by: Anonymous

Question: I am permanent resident of Canada and I want to travel to the U.S. with a valid visa. I have a Philippine passport that is valid for 5 months only.

Answer: It should not be a problem as long as your passport remains valid for the duration of your stay in the United States.

Travel through Canada
by: Anonymous

Question: My passport expires 1/30/18 but I plan on traveling through Canada to Vermont from Michigan and back the weekend of 1/24/18 to 1/28/18. Will I have any issues with this?

Answer: You should be able to travel through Canada as long as your passport is valid.

Canada land travel
by: Anonymous

Question: Can I travel to Canada and re-enter the US this weekend if my passport expires in May 2018?

Answer: Yes, you can.

Can i enter the U.S. by land with an expired passport?
by: Ruben

Question: Hi I'm traveling to Mexico by land. I am a U.S. citizen but my passport expired last month. Can I enter the U.S. by land just with my drivers license and birth certificate?

Answer: While you will not be expressly denied re-entry to the United States when you arrive with an expired passport, birth certificate and driver's license, you may face considerable delays at the border.

Child's U.S. Passport
by: Kotte

Question: Hello, my 5-year-old son is going to travel back to the U.S. before his passport expires in the next 10 days. He is a U.S. citizen, holding a U.S. passport. Are there any problems in entering back to U.S?

Answer: There shouldn't be any issues since he is returning to the United States with a valid U.S. passport.

Temporary US greencard holder
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi. I am a conditional green card holder and extended one year through April, 2018. My Korean passport is about to expire in 14 days which is still valid until reentering US in 3-4 days. Could you please verify if there will be any issues re-entering the U.S?

Answer: You should be able to re-enter the United States as long as your green card and passport are valid. Please contact the U.S. Customs and Border Protection for the latest re-entry requirements for green card holders.

Swiss passport expires in 2 months
by: Anonymous

Question: I am a Swiss citizen and a resident of the USA (Green Card holder). I will be travelling to Switzerland in December 2017; my passport expires at the end of February 2018 and my green card has just been renewed for another 10 years. Is that going to be a problem going to Switzerland and returning to the U.S?

Answer: No, it will not be a problem. You should be able to re-enter the United States as long as your passport and green card are valid.

Passport renewal
by: Anonymous

Question: Can I renew the U.S. passport of my almost 5-year-old son who is a U.S. citizen in India? I hold hold an Indian passport.

Answer: Passports issued to minors cannot be renewed. You need to apply for a new passport for your child. You can do this at the U.S. Embassy in New Delhi or any of the U.S. Consulates located in key cities in India.

You may apply for the child's passport even if you hold an Indian passport. The child needs to appear with both parents at the embassy or consulate when the application is submitted.

Returning to the U.S. with passport that expires in 2 months
by: Anonymous

Question: Hello, I have already contacted the U.S. embassies in France but their responses have been somewhat vague and varied.

I am scheduled to fly home to the U.S. on Dec 21, and then I will return back to France (where I reside) January 4th 2018. However, my American passport is going to expire on March 2nd 2018. Will this pose a problem for entering America and for returning to France?

I am an official permanent resident of France, and I have a residency card. Thank you in advance. PS I have a layover at Heathrow!

Answer: You should not have issues entering the United States as long as your U.S. passport is valid.

We recommend that you contact the Embassy of France for updated re-entry requirements in place for permanent residents.

U.S. passport expiring 2 months after return
by: Anonymous

Question: My son is a U.S. citizen, 4 yrs old and his passport will expire 2 months after entering to the USA from India. Will he have problems leaving India with 2 months of validity left on his U.S. passport? Please help urgently. Thank you.

Answer: Your son may enter the United States as long as his U.S. passport is valid. Please confirm with the airline you are flying to the United States with.

Passport expires in 26 days after my arrival in us
by: Anonymous

Question: I’m a green card holder and my Ukrainian passport will expire on February 28. I’m planning to take a short trip to Ukraine and I will return on February 2nd. Will I have any problems entering the USA since my passport will expire in 26 days?

Answer: You may enter the United States as long as your passport and green card are valid. Please contact the airline you are flying back to the U.S. with to confirm requirements.

Passport expires 10 days after travel
by: Kate

Question: My daughter is a US citizen with a valid passport. She is traveling from South Africa, where she currently lives, to the U.S. Her U.S. passport expires 10 days after her return date to South Africa. Will she have any issues arriving in or departing from the U.S? Thank you.

Answer: As a U.S. citizen, your daughter may enter and depart the United States as long as her U.S. passport is valid. However, we recommend that you contact the airline she is flying back to South Africa with to verify entry requirements.

Normally, American citizens are required to have at least 30 days remaining valid on their passports to enter South Africa. Requirements may be different if she has permanent residency.

Passport expire soon
by: Anonymous

Question: Hello, I am a Romanian (Europe) citizen holding a valid green card. I am traveling to the UK in January 2018 for a week. My Romanian passport expires in March 2018. Should I be fine traveling if the passport expire 2 months before leaving the U.S?

Answer: Please contact the British Embassy for entry requirements for Romanian citizens.

U.S. Passport to expire 14APR18
by: Jason

Question: I am traveling to Ecuador 12/16 to 01/07 and U.S. passport expires 14 APR 18. I also hold an Ecuadorean passport good until 2023.
Would I have problems returning to the USA?

Answer: You should not have issued getting back in to the United States. By law, all U.S. citizens are required to depart and re-enter the U.S. with their U.S. passports. You may use your Ecuadorian passport to enter Ecuador.

Passport expires 3 days after my return to US.
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi, I am a Brazilian citizen but currently living in U.S. I am also a green card holder. At the moment I am in Brazil visiting family for a few days and my fight back to the U.S. is set for 29th November 2017. My Brazilian passport expires on December 2 -- 3 days after my arrival. Will I have any issues re-entering the U.S. with my Brazilian passport?

Looking forward to your comments. Thank you.

Answer: As long as your passport are green card are valid, you should be able to re-enter the United States.

Passport about to expire
by: Anonymous

Question: I am a U.S. permanent resident I have a Honduran passport that expires Dec 31 2017. I want to travel Dec 7-28 2017. Will I be able to enter the U.S? My resident card expires in 8 years.

Answer: Yes, you should be able to enter the United States as long as your passport and green card are valid.

Returning to US from the Philippines
by: Pat

Question: Hello, the U.S. passport of my 5-year-old nephew is expiring on Dec 27, 2017. He is currently in the Philippines with his grandmother and is planning to go back to the U.S. before his passport expires. Given that the Philippines follow the 6 month validity rule and the U.S. does not, 1) will he be allowed by Philippines immigration to leave the country? 2) And will he be allowed to enter the US?

Answer: U.S. citizens may enter the Philippines as long as their passports are valid for their planned duration of stay. In the same manner, Philippine passport holders only need a passport that will be valid for their planned stay in the U.S., provided that his/her visa is valid.

Your nephew should not have issues entering the United States as long as his passport is valid.

Iran trip for Christmas
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi. I'm Iranian with AOS (I-485) pending, my EAD/AP expires Jan 27th (renewal is at the USCIS under processing for some time now) and my passport expires in March. I plan to go home for Christmas until Jan 4th, can I re-enter the US?

Answer: Please contact the USCIS for questions regarding immigration and the U.S. Customs and Border Protection to find out if you can re-enter the country without issue with your current passport.

US passport expires in one month from return day
by: Anonymous

Question: I am leaving the U.S. on Nov 12, 2017 for Japan, stay for one week, then travel to Viet Nam and back to the US on Dec 1, 2017. My Vietnamese passport expires in 2022, but my US passport expires Jan 8, 18. Will I have any issues leaving the US and coming back? Thanks.

Answer: You should have no issues leaving the U.S, visiting Japan and getting back to the U.S. using your U.S. passport. You may enter and exit Vietnam using your Vietnamese passport.

e2 visa UK Passport expriing
by: Anonymous

Question: I'm travelling home for Christmas and returning Jan 2018. My UK Passport expires in March 2018, but my visa is good through 2021. Will I be allowed re-entry to the U.S?

Answer: You should be able to re-enter the United States with your valid passport and visa. Please contact the airline you are flying back to the U.S. in to verify travel document requirements.

Passport expiring in five months
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi. I'm planning to visit my parents in the Philippines with my advance parole (pending i-485 AOS). I'm leaving Dec. 24 2017 returning on Jan. 15 2018 but my passport will expire on June 11 2018. Thanks.

Answer: Whether you are using a U.S. passport or a Philippine passport, you should have no issues leaving the U.S. and entering the Philippines. This is unless there is a standing order prohibiting you from leaving the United States.

Traveling to the Philippines
by: Anonymous

Question: I am a green card holder and my Philippine passport will expire on February 2018. I will be going to the Philippines on Dec. 6 2017 and will be returning to the US on Jan. 22 2018? Would there be a problem on entry to the Philippines and going back to the US?

Answer: There shouldn't be any problems. As a Philippine passport holder, you may re-enter your home country as long as your passport is valid. As a Lawful Permanent Resident of the U.S., you may re-enter the United States as long as your green card and passport are valid.

We recommend that you contact the airline you are traveling with to verify documentary requirements.

Passport expires in 5 months
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi, I’m a green card holder and I will be traveling to Jamaica in January 2018 for seven days.My South African passport will expire in March 2018. Can I still come back to the USA?

Answer: Yes, you can re-enter the United States as long as your green card and passport are valid.

2 days in Canada
by: Juliana

Question: I have a trip to Montreal, Canada coming in a few days (October 12, 2017). I have a green card and a Brazilian passport which will expire November 1st, 2017. Can I still travel to Canada and come back to the U.S. using this passport?

Answer: Yes, you can. Lawful permanent residents of the United States may travel to Canada and back using their green cards and valid passports.

Passport expiring in 5 months
by: Anonymous

Question: I am a U.S. permanent resident and my Chinese passport will expire in five months. I need to travel to China for a month. Will I have problems going or coming back? My green card is still valid for more than five years.

Answer: You should not have issues getting back in the United States as long as your passport and green card are still valid. Please contact the U.S. Customs and Border Protection for more information.

Re-entering the U.S.
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi, I'm a US citizen living in Australia; my US passport expires in March 2018. Can I re-enter the US in November 2017 despite my US passport expiring within six months?

Answer: Yes, you can. As a U.S. citizen, you may re-enter the United States up to the expiration date of your passport.

Re-entry to the USA on a TN Visa and Passport expiring in 5 months
by: Anonymous

Question: Hello,

If I'm working in the USA on a TN visa (being a Mexican citizen) and I am traveling to Switzerland with a return date 5 months and 23 days before my passport expires, would I have any issue coming back into the USA? Again, I am not a citizen and I am on a TN visa.

Answer: Please contact the National Visa Center for assistance.

Re-entry question
by: Anonymous

Question: I am a U.S. permanent resident and have a Philippine passport expiring in five months. I need to travel to the Philippines for a week. Will I have problems going or coming back? My green card is still valid for a few years.

Answer: You should not have problems entering your home country. Also, as long as your U.S. green card is valid, you may re-enter the United States with your current passport.

Marriage question
by: Anonymous

Question: I forgot to previously ask- Where do I send my Official Birth Certificate to for the Brazilian Consulate to sign in the U.S?

Answer: Please contact the Brazilian Embassy or Consulate for assistance regarding the matter.

by: Anonymous

Question:OK. Thanks in advance.

Answer: You're welcome! Please let us know if you have more passport-related questions.

My Passport expires in 7 months what should i do
by: Anonymous

Question: Hello. My passport expires in April of 2018 --what, where and when should I go to renew this? Or should I apply for a new passport all together?

I travel between the US and Brasil often and my Brazilian Entry Visa will be expiring with my passport. Will this be renewed with my new passport or is this separate? Final question- I am planning to get married in 2018 but don't have an exact date. Should I automatically apply for a fiance visa or would it be easier to renew my regular passport and visa then reapply for fiance visa? Thanks in advance.

Answer: As long as your passport is undamaged and can be submitted with the application, you can renew your passport via mail. You can do this as early as now. In fact, the State Department recommends starting the renewal process as early as 9 months before expiration.

Your Brazil visa will not be renewed with your U.S. passport. You will have to contact the Brazilian Embassy or Consulate for concerns regarding visas.

Green card holder travel, less than a month on passport
by: Anonymous

Question: I'm a green card holder and my German passport expires 20 Jan 2018 . My green card is good until 2025. We will travel to Germany for 10 days and will return 29 Dec 17. With less than a month on my passport, will I have to renew it prior to leaving? I wanted to renew it while in Germany. Thank you!

Answer: You may travel to Germany as long as your passport is valid. You may renew it while you're there-- just make sure that you will receive your new passport before you travel back to the United States. A valid U.S. green card and valid foreign passport are required to re-enter the U.S.

Return to the US
by: joshua

Question: So I'm currently in Afghanistan on a work visa, I am supposed to leave August 31st but my passport expires 2 weeks later on September 16th, will I be able to travel back home? There's tons of rumors going around saying I will be denied when I get to Dubai.

Answer: As a U.S. citizen, you may re-enter the United States up to the expiration date of your U.S. passport. However, you need at least 6 months validity on your passport to enter the UAE.

If you are only transiting through Dubai and not leaving the airport, you may not need to comply with the validity requirement. However, if you are staying for a time in Dubai, you need to renew your passport before leaving Afghanistan. You may do this at the U.S. Embassy in Kabul.

We recommend contacting the airline you are flying with to verify travel document requirements.

Traveling to the UK
by: Anonymous

Question: I'm travelling to the UK in September with my two children. My son's passport (he's aged 5) expires in October-- a month after we return. Do I need to renew it before we leave?

Answer: There is no need to obtain a new passport for your child. The United Kingdom only requires that U.S. passports be valid for the entire duration of the bearer's stay in their country.

One day late
by: Anonymous

Question: I have a trip leaving July 29th. My passport expires on August 4th. My return to the USA is August 5th. What do I need to do?

Answer: You cannot re-enter the United States on an expired passport, even if it has just been a day since expiration.

You can try going to a regional passport agency to apply for a possible same-day renewal but there is no guarantee that you will be issued a passport in time.

You can also contact a private passport expediter to see if they can assist you in getting your passport in time. They may be able to help you since they have special relationships with regional agencies.

If these do not work, your last resort may be to apply for a renewal while you are overseas. You need to contact the closest U.S. Embassy or Consulate in your destination country for this service.

Come back
by: Bryan

Question: Can I come back in the USA knowing I have 5 months departing from Ivory Coast?

Answer: Yes, you can. As a U.S. citizen, you may re-enter the United States from the Cote d'Ivoire up to the expiration date of your U.S. passport.

U.S. visa renewal
by: Anonymous

Question: Thanks for the response.

Answer: You are welcome. Should you have questions regarding U.S. passports, we'd be happy to help.

U.S. visa renewal
by: Anonymous

Question: My mum's U.S. visa will expire in March 2018, currently she is in Nigeria but planning to come back first week of Feb 2018. Can she renew her U.S. visa?

Answer: Please contact the National Visa Center for questions regarding U.S. visas.

Poland Trip
by: David

Question: I am traveling to Poland on August 8th and returning August 22nd. My Polish passport is still valid another 9 years; however my U.S. Passport expires in September. Will I have any problems traveling?

Answer: All U.S. citizens are required to depart and re-enter the United States using their U.S. passports. If you use your U.S. passport when you leave the U.S. then present your Polish passport when you arrive in Poland and then use the U.S. passport again when you re-enter the U.S, you should not have issues.

Traveling to Punta Cana
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi, I am traveling to Punta Cana on Aug 14, 2017 and returning on Aug. 19, 2017. I just noticed that my U.S. passport expires on Sept. 17, 2017. Will I have any issues entering Punta Cana, Dominican Republic, or returning to the US. Please advise. Thank you!

Answer: Your U.S. passport only needs to be valid in order to enter Dominican Republic. As a U.S. citizen, you may re-enter the United States after temporary travel abroad up to the expiration date of your U.S. passport. You should have no issues traveling to Punta Cana and getting home using your current passport.

Traveling to Poland
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi I am traveling to Poland in August 2 and going back to the U.S. on August 20. I have dual citizenship and my Polish passport is good for the next 9 years. But my U.S. passport is only good for five months beyond my departure from Poland on August 20. Could I have any problems with my trip?

Answer: You should not have problems. You may depart the United States on your U.S. passport and enter Poland and re-enter the U.S. using your U.S. passport again.

Even if you use your U.S. passport to enter Poland, you should still be worry-free since it still meets the 3-month validity requirement applicable to all countries within the Schengen area.

If my passport expires on Aug 1st
by: Anonymous

Question: If my U.S. passport expires August 1st and my return flight from Portugal is July 24th, will I have any issues coming back home?

Answer: No, you will not have issues. You may re-enter the United States up to the expiration date of your U.S. passport.

However, you may have issues entering Portugal. As party to the Schengen Agreement, Portugal requires that U.S. passports be valid 3 months beyond the bearer's intended date of departure. If you are using a U.S. passport and it expires a few days after your planned exit, you need to apply for a renewal before your trip.

Dual citizen traveling with expired US passport
by: Kyle

Question: Hello,

I am a dual citizen with a U.S. and Guatemalan passport. My flight is in two days and I just now realized that my U.S. passport is expired but my Guatemalan passport is valid for 2 more years.

Can I travel to Guatemala with my Guatemalan passport and renew my US passport while there?

Answer: All U.S. citizens are required to depart and re-enter the United States on their U.S. passport.

You need to apply for expedited renewal at a regional passport agency. Since it is unlikely that an appointment will be available, you may walk-in with your application. Just make sure you arrive before the agency opens and that all your requirements are in order, including proof of immediate international travel. Applications submitted at a regional agency are processed in 1 to 8 business days.

Another option is to employ the services of a private passport expediter. An expediter can get your application processed in as fast as the same day.

U.S. entry
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi, I'm a U.S. citizen traveling to Macedonia for three weeks. My U.S. passport expires 4 months before I re-enter the U.S. Would I have any problem entering the U.S? Thank you.

Answer: Yes, you will have issues getting back in the United States if your passport expires before your trip home.

However, if you meant to say that your passport expires 4 months AFTER your scheduled return trip from Macedonia, you should be able to re-enter the U.S. without any problem.

Passport expired in March 2017
by: Anonymous

Question: We will be traveling to Mexico by car. We just realized that our son's passport expired on March 2017. Will he be able to enter the U.S. when we come back in July 9th 2017?

Answer: A valid U.S. passport is required to enter Mexico and get back in the United States. This applies to all U.S. citizens, regardless of age.

You need to apply a new passport for your son before your trip.

US passport about to expire
by: Anonymous

Question: My son is returning to the U.S. on July 9th 2017. His American passport expires in August 2017. Will he able to enter the U.S. or will he need to renew his passport prior to his trip?

Answer: U.S. citizens may re-enter the United States up to the expiration date of their U.S. passports. Your son should be able to return to the U.S. using his current passport without any problem. Once he gets back in the country, he can begin the process of renewing his passport.

Passport expires 2 days before coming back to the US
by: Anonymous

Question: My 10-year-old daughter is traveling to Nicaragua today June 27, 2017 and returning to the USA on July 30, 2017 and we just realized that her passport will expire 2 days before she comes back. Will she be able to enter the USA? She is US citizen.

Answer: U.S. citizens must re-enter the United States using valid passports. Since there's not enough time to obtain a new passport for your child, you need to do it at the U.S. Embassy in Managua.

Your daughter needs to appear in person with both parents at the embassy to apply for the passport. If one of the parents cannot appear with the child, the non-applying parent must execute a notarized statement of consent for passport issuance. If both parents cannot appear with the child, both must submit a notarized statement of consent and authorization for the adult who will accompany the child when she applies. All statements must be accompanied with a photocopy of the parent/s' IDs.

by: Anonymous

Question: Hello, my daughter´s passport will expire during her trip to USA. She is a dual citizen (Guatemala-USA). She is entering the USA with a valid U.S. passport but by the time she returns to Guatemala, her U.S. passport will have already expired.

Answer: All U.S. citizens are required to depart and return to the United States using their U.S. passports. Since your minor child's passport will expire while she is in the United States, you may apply for a new passport at an acceptance facility. She will need to appear in person with both parents.

Routine service takes 6 to 8 weeks to complete. If you need the passport sooner, you can apply for expedited service and get the passport in 2 to 3 weeks.

Dual Citizen Question
by: Michael

Question: Hi,

I am a dual citizen (US + Belgium) currently living in the US.

I am travelling back home to Belgium for a few weeks with a return flight back to the US on July 16.

I booked my flight under my US passport, but now realize it expires within 3 months of my travel date, on August 15th. My Belgian Passport is still valid for 7 years. I understand the Shenghen zone requires a 3 month valid passport beyond travel date if travelling from the US.

Will I be allowed to leave the US if I present my US passport, or should I use my Belgian passport, even though I booked my flight on my US passport? Or will this not affect me since I am a citizen of Belgium? The customer service of my airline suggested I simply change the passport linked to my ticket to my BE passport when I arrive at the airport. Thank you in advance for your insights.

Answer: All U.S. citizens are required to depart and return to the United States using U.S. passports. Since you have Belgian citizenship, you may use your U.S. passport when you leave the U.S. then present Belgian passport when you arrive in Belgium.

Can I travel to Colombia with passport expiring in 2 months?
by: Rachel

Question: I leave for Colombia from the USA on July 28, 2017 and will be coming back on August 12, 2017. However, my passport expires on September 11, 2017. Is it possible for me to still go to my destination?

Answer: U.S. passports only need to be valid at the time of entry to Colombia. You should be able to travel to your destination without a problem.

Traveling to Bahamas
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi I have a Saudi passport, and I am studying in Miami with a student visa and planning to go a day trip to the Bahamas. My Saudi passport will be expired in December 2017, that's after I come back from the Bahamas. Is there a specific period for my passport expiration to return back to Miami from Bahamas?

Answer: Please contact the Department of State's Bureau of Consular Affairs for questions involving U.S. visas.

by: Anonymous

Question: Hello. I'm a U.S. permanent resident traveling to Honduras but I noticed that my passport expires in 4 months. Will I have problems returning to the USA?

Answer: After temporary travel abroad, Lawful Permanent Residents may re-enter the U.S. with a valid U.S. green card and a valid foreign passport. You should be able to get back in the U.S. without issues after you travel to Honduras.

My 4 year old daughter's passport expiring in December 2017
by: Baj

Question: Hi. We are travelling to Canada this August 14-18, 2017. Her U.S. passport (full, not card) expires Dec 20, 2017. Will we be admitted to Canada? Also her father is deployed (active military). Is there an official document my husband needs to fill out to prove he consented?
Lastly, Will we have problems re-entering the U.S. since her U.S. passport is expiring in 4 months? Thank you.

Answer: U.S. citizens may travel to Canada and return to the U.S. with a valid passport. There is no validity period required.

The notarized consent to travel is only recommended when the minor is not traveling with a parent or legal guardian.

Can I go to Canada
by: Anonymous

Question: Can I come back to the United States if my passport expired in 2012. I am a legal U.S. citizen.

Answer: According to the U.S. Department of State, all American citizens must possess a valid passport in order to exit and re-enter the United States. Trying to return to the U.S. with an expired passport may result in being denied entrance. It is best to resolve this before your return trip.

My Daughter's Passport
by: Bibiana

Question: Hi. My daughter's passport has already expired in April 2017. She is in Mexico and we are in the States. We have to pick her up in June but we only have a few days off. Can she travel to the States with any other document besides her expired passport? Please advise me on this. Thank you !!!

Answer: U.S. citizens are required to possess a valid passport book or passport card to re-enter the United States from Mexico. Your daughter needs to renew or apply for a new passport in order to get back in the U.S. If she is still a minor, she needs to appear with both parents at the Mexican Embassy or Consulate.

Travel to Ethiopia on soon-to-expire Ethiopian passport
by: Anonymous

Question: I booked a flight to Ethiopia. I have an Ethiopian passport that expires in 2 months, will I still be able to go to Ethiopia?

Answer: Since you are an Ethiopian citizen, you should have no issues entering your country with a soon-to-expire passport. Please contact the embassy to verify entry requirements for returning citizens.

Renewing DR passport in the DR
by: Abnonymous

Question: I'm a permanent legal resident of the United States and I come from the Dominican Republic. Can I travel there and renew my passport in the Dominican Republic?


Answer: Yes, you may travel to the Dominican Republic and renew your passport there. When you seek re-entry to the United States, you only need to present a valid green card and your valid passport.

Passport expiring
by: Angela

Question: I am traveling to the UK from June 30 - July 10, but my passport expires July 30. Should I try applying for expedited renewal, or will I be okay?

I should also note that we are changing flights in Dublin, in case that makes a difference.


Answer: There will be no need to renew your passport before your trip. The United Kingdom and Ireland only require that U.S. passports be valid for the duration of your stay.

Re entry permit needed?
by: Lou

Question: My daughter has been in the Philippines for almost 2 years without returning to USA. Her green card is valid and passport expires in less than 6 months. Will she need a re-entry permit since she has been gone so long? Thanks.


Answer: Since your daughter has been gone for more than a year, she may need to secure a returning resident visa from the U.S. Embassy. Please contact the U.S. Embassy in Manila for advise on the matter.

by: Lou

Question: Thank you.

Answer: You're welcome. Glad to be of help. Please let you us know if you have more questions.

Filipino green card holder
by: Lou

Question: My step daughter is 14, current US green card holder with less than 6 months on her Philippine passport. She has been attending school in Philippines and is now ready to come back to USA. will she have issues entering US with less than 6 months on passport? She DOES have a valid in date U.S. green card.

Answer: Permanent residents of the United States may re-enter the U.S. with a valid green card and identification document (valid passport) after temporary travel overseas. Your step-daughter should not have problems getting back in to the U.S.

Traveling to Punta Cana, Dominican Republic
by: Laura

Question: Hi. I am traveling to Punta Cana on June 18th to the 23rd. My passport expires February 4th. Will I be okay to enter DR and return to the U.S. or should I renew my passport?

Answer: U.S. passports only need to be valid upon entry to the Dominican Republic. You should be able to travel to Punta Cana and return to the U.S. with your current passport without issues.

Traveling to Mexico
by: Sergio

Question: So I am traveling to Mexico, July 1st to the 9th. My passport expires the 11th of July. So should I renew it now? Or will it be fine if I renew after I come back?

Answer: You may travel to Mexico and get back in to the United States using your current passport. You do not need to apply for a renewal until after you get back.

Travel to Algeria
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi,

My U.S. passport is expiring on January 27th 2018 and traveling to Algeria from the 5th of June to 8th of August . I also have Algerian passport which is valid.

Should I be fine to travel?

Thank you!

Answer: You may use your U.S. passport for travel. Algeria requires that U.S. passports be valid for at least six months upon entry. Your passport still meets this requirement.

Passport almost expired
by: Anonymous

Question: I am a Bosnian citizen and US green-card holder. I intend to travel to Bosnia on June 5, 2017 with a Bosnian passport that expires on June 8, 2017. I intend renew my passport while there. Should I have any problems leaving the U.S. on this passport and re-entering with a new passport? I have asked the airline and they said passport has to be valid on day of travel, that's all.

Also, my initial intention was to fly to Serbia and travel to Bosnia via land but now that I found out my passport is to expire soon, is it better to get a connecting flight to Bosnia even though Serbia does not require passports for Bosnian citizens?

Thank you.

Answer: Permanent residents of the United States need only present a valid green card and any identity document to re-enter the U.S. after temporary travel abroad. Your valid passport may serve as your ID. Please check the USCIS website for more information.

Since your passport is still valid by the time you travel, you should be able to enter Serbia without a problem. We recommend that you contact the Serbian Embassy to verify travel document requirements.

Please help
by: Anonymous

Question: My son's passport expired in May during his visit to the Dominican Republic. Can he enter the United States with his expired passport? He is coming back June 16.

Answer: All U.S. citizens need a valid passport to re-enter the United States. Your son needs to renew his passport before he flies back home. He can do this at the U.S. Embassy in Santo Domingo.

Travel to Algeria
by: Anonymous

Question: Hello,

My little sister's passport is expiring on December of 2017. She is traveling to Algeria on June 5th, 2017 to August 7th of 2017 and traveling with air France and the flight will have one stop in France, will she be OK to travel?


Answer: In order to enter Algeria, you need to have at least 6 months validity on your U.S. passport upon entry. France requires 3 months. If your sister's passport expires before December 5th, she needs to renew before her trip.

Passport validity
by: Anonymous

Question: I am a US citizen who lives in Italy; my passport expires in February 2018. I'd like to know if I can travel to and back from the U.S. in August (six months before expiration date) without having to renew my passport beforehand. Thank you.

Answer: U.S. citizens may re-enter the United States from overseas as long as their passports are valid. You should not have any issues with your passport in August.

Grandson's Passport is expiring a month before traveling back to the U.S.
by: Maribel

Question: I want to know if my grandson who is 9 years old can travel back with me to the U.S. with a U.S. Passport expiring July 16, 2017. We're planning to go back to the U.S. June 15, 2017 from the Philippines. Please help me on this. My daughter died December 29, 2016 and all I have is a permission to travel with my grandson.

Answer: We are sorry to hear about your loss. Yes, your grandson can re-enter the U.S. up to the expiration date of his passport.

Travel to Romania
by: Anonymous

Question: My passport expires in November 2017. I have to go to Romania from May 20 to June 30 but I have my connection in Istanbul. My passport is valid to travel?

Answer: In order to enter Romania, you need to have at least 6 months validity remaining on your passport. Turkey has the same requirement.

Your passport meets the requirements. Please contact the airline/s you are traveling with to verify entry requirements.

Travel to India
by: Anonymous

Question: My U.S. passport has an Indian visa. The passport expires August 2017 and India Visa expires in a few years.

Traveling from LAX to Delhi via Dubai May 27 and returning June 11.

Will we be fine? Only have 2.5 months of validity, technically.

Answer: Your U.S. passport only needs to be valid and have a valid Indian visa in order to enter India. The UAE normally requires 6 months but since you are only transiting, your passport should be good for travel.

Please contact the airline/s you are traveling with to verify travel document requirements.

Traveling to Switzerland with Swiss passport
by: Anonymous

Question: I will be travelling to Switzerland (I am a Swiss citizen with a green card, permanent resident of the US). My passport and green card expires exactly 6 months of my travel date. Is that going to be a problem?

Answer: It is not going to be a problem as long as you return to the U.S. while your green card and Swiss passport are still valid.

Traveling to China and re-entry
by: Wei Huang

Question: Hi, my U.S. visa is going to expire on June 15th and I'm traveling to China in May. Can I make it back to U.S. with only a few days validity left on my current visa or do I have to renew it while I am in China? Thank you.

Answer: As long as your visa is valid, you may re-enter the U.S. without a problem.

Travel to Dominican Republic
by: Anonymous

Question: Traveling to the DR at the end of May (25th-29th) and passport expires on May 31st. Will I be fine to travel there and return or do I need to expedite my passport renewal?

Answer: Your U.S. passport only needs to be valid at the time of your entry to the Dominican Republic. In the same manner, you only need a valid passport to re-enter the United States. You do not need to renew your passport before your trip.

Traveling to Bahamas
by: Anonymous

Question: Traveling to Bahamas in May 2017 and passport expires Oct 2017. Is this OK?

Answer: Your U.S. passport only needs to be valid at the time of entry to the The Bahamas. You should not have any passport-related issues during your trip.

Traveling to Europe
by: Maria

Question: I am traveling to Portugal via Ireland in two days, returning mid-month. My U.S. passport expires in June. Will I have any issues?

Answer: You may enter Ireland with your passport since it only needs to be valid for the duration of your stay. However, in order to enter Portugal, you need to have at least 3 months validity left on your passport. Since your passport will expire in June, you need to apply for a renewal before your trip.

You need to apply for expedited service at a regional passport agency to get your passport in time for your trip. An appointment is generally required but you may try to walk-in with your application. Just make sure you arrive before the agency opens to secure a slot.

If you cannot travel to a regional agency, you may apply via a private passport expediter who can get your renewal processed in as fast as the same day.

Passport expires May 27
by: Anonymous

Question: Can my son travel back into the US on May 16 with an expiration date of May 17?

Answer: Yes, he can. U.S. citizens can get back in to the United States up to the expiration date of their U.S. passports.

St Martin
by: Anonymous

Question: Returning from St. Martin on May and passport expires in August. Is this OK?

Answer: U.S. citizens must have a U.S. passport with at least 6 months validity to enter the French West Indies.

You need to renew your passport before your trip to avoid issues. Please contact the airlines to verify travel document requirements.

by: TAMI

Question: My son's passport will expire on May 17, 2017. We're going on a cruise to the Caribbean using his birth certificate (US-born). In the event of an emergency, can he use his passport to get into the U.S?

Answer: A valid passport is required to re-enter the United States when arriving by air. We strongly recommend obtaining a new passport for your child before your trip.

by: Anonymous

Question: If I am currently in the Dominican Republic and passport expires May 17 and I go back to the States on May 16, would I be able to enter the U.S?

Answer: Yes, you may re-enter the United States even on the expiration date of your U.S. passport.

US to Canada and back
by: Anonymous

Question: My US passport expires May 15th and I need to go to Canada on April 23rd. Will I be okay to enter Canada and return to the U.S? I will be returning the same day.

Answer: Yes, you may enter Canada and return to the United States using your current passport.

by: Anonymous

Question: Hi I'm going to Cancun, Mexico April 24 to May 3. I just noticed my passport expires May 29. I'm going to be able to enter Mexico and, most importantly, return to the U.S?

Answer: In order to travel to Mexico and re-enter the United States, U.S. citizens must present a valid passport. You may travel with your current passport.

Aruba travel
by: Anonymous

Question: I am traveling to Aruba in May 2017 for a week and my passport will expire in late June 2017. According to the Aruba website, I believe I should be fine entering Aruba and re-entering the USA. Is that correct?

Answer: In order to enter Aruba, your U.S. passport should be valid for at least the duration of your stay in their country. Your passport meets this requirement. You should have no issues entering Aruba and getting back in to the United States.

Passport validity
by: JC

Question: My 10-year old son is a US citizen who lives in Chile. His US passport expires on June 19, 2017. Will he have any problems coming into the US for a 10-day visit in May? Thank you.

Answer: U.S. citizens may re-enter the United States as long as their passports are valid. Your son should not have any problems.

How can airline dictate validity of US passport requirement?
by: Tracey

Question: I am a US travel agent. Suddenly in last year or two, I noticed we have our major airlines dictation passport validity requirements that do not match those of the country that is being visited. They are requiring 6 months validity beyond travel date where it is in fact not required, and I have colleagues who's clients have been denied boarding because of the AIRLINE's made-up rule, even though they had a print out of the country's policy.

How is this even possible for them to make-up their own rules about international entry/exit requirements?

Answer: Some airlines and cruise lines establish their own travel document requirements. These requirements may be based on each destination country's requirements or the State Department's recommendations. For example: member countries of the Schengen Agreement require 3 months but the State Department recommends 6 months. Airlines may follow either the requirement or the recommendation.

It is best to verify travel requirements with airlines before booking.

URGENT China Entry Question
by: Wendi

Question: My mother holds a green card and has a CHINESE passport expiring in Oct 2017. Will she have any problems exiting the U.S. for China and then returning less than a month later? I have done research online regarding 6-month requirement in terms of passport expiration, but am not sure if it applies to her. We have run into problems at the Chinese embassy where her green card includes my father's last name, but her Chinese passport does not (merely because it's not a custom in China to take the husband's last name). Officials are requiring a name change, but that process can take up to three months at the court, and her tickets and appointments overseas have been booked. After 35 years married to my father and living in the U.S., this is the FIRST time she has encountered a situation like this. Please help.

Answer: According to the U.S. Customs and Border Protection website, Lawful Permanent Residents (LPR) who change their name due to marriage or because of any other circumstance may travel using a valid Green Card in a different name provided that proof of name progression such as a marriage certificate, a divorce decree or court documents showing a legal name change can be presented. Your mother will most likely not have any problems exiting and returning to the United States using her green card and current passport.

Having said that, she may face issues with immigration once she arrives in China because of the difference in names. Please contact the Chinese Embassy for assistance and more information.

by: Anonymous

Question: I have to travel to Canada immediately as my dad is very sick. My U.S. passport expires in June 2017. Would that be a problem either in Canada or coming back to the U.S?

Answer: Canada only requires U.S. citizens to present proof of citizenship and identity. Your valid passport satisfies both requirements. You should have no problems traveling to Canada and getting back into the United States.

by: Mari

Question: Hello. I am a Russian citizen living in the US. I am going to travel to Italy (where I used to live) next week; my Russian passport expires in 1 month but I am going to renew it while I am visiting there. I also have Italian documents like Permesso di Soggiorno (Italian resident card that doesn't have an expiration date). I have also spoken with the airline that I am traveling with and they said I am good to go because I don't have to apply for a visa. What are your thoughts?

Answer: Please contact the Italian Embassy or consulates for the latest entry requirements for Russian citizens.

Passport requirements
by: Anonymous

Question: Traveling to Bosnia and Herzegovina on April, 23,2017 and coming back in the USA on May, 24 2017. My husband's passport expires June, 5 2017. Is it okay to travel?

Answer: In order to enter Bosnia and Herzegovina, U.S. citizens must have at least 3 months validity remaining on their passports. The three months will be counted from your intended date of departure from their country.

Your husband needs to renew his passport before your trip. Since you are leaving in less than 2 weeks, he needs to apply for expedited service at the closest regional passport agency and present your airline tickets as proof of immediate international travel. Please call 1-877-487-2778 to set an appointment.

Another way to do this is through a private passport expediter. These companies can get your husband's renewal application processed in as fast as the same day.

Traveling to Mexico
by: Tina

Question: Hello! I am traveling to Mexico 4/13/17 to 4/16/17. My passport expires 5/16/17. Will I be allowed to travel to Mexico and more importantly will be allowed back into the US?

Answer: A valid passport is required to enter Mexico. The same is required to re-enter the United States. You should not have problems traveling to Mexico and getting back in the U.S.

Passport expiring in 6 months.
by: Ryan

Question: I am a permanent resident (green card holder). I traveled to Indonesia, Jakarta for 5 months. I am trying to get back to the U.S. with an Indonesian passport that's expiring within 6 months, but my Green Card is still valid until 2022. Do you think it should be okay for me to enter the U.S? Please answer. Thanks.

Answer: Permanent residents returning to the United States after temporary travel abroad must present a valid Permanent Resident Card and a valid passport or foreign national I.D. or U.S. driver's license. You should not have any problems getting back to the U.S. with your passport and green card.

Travelling to Dominican Republic, Passport info
by: Anonymous

Question: I am a US citizen traveling to Dominican Republic on April 23 2017 - April 27th 2017 and my passport expires at the end of May 2017. Am I OK for getting into Dominican Republic and back into the US?

Answer: Yes, you should be fine. The a href="https://www.us-passport-service-guide.com/foreign-entry-requirement-DEF.html#dominicanrepublic">Dominican Republic only requires that your passport be valid at the time of entry to their country. Moreover, you may re-enter the United States as long as your passport is valid.

Australian citizen
by: Anonymous



I am Australian with an Australian passport. I am a permanent resident living in the US. I plan to go to Australia in July and my passport expires in August. Will I be OK to return to the U.S.?

Answer: You need a valid passport and your permanent resident card in order to re-enter the United States. As long as your passport is valid when you return, you should be able to get back in without a problem.

US citizen living in Mexico
by: Anonymous

Question: I am a US citizen living in Mexico. I am currently on a temporary resident visa for 1 year, and will be renewing it for three years this month. My passport expires April 2018. July 2017 I will be traveling to the US and returning to Mexico in August. Will I have any problems 1. renewing my visa if my passport expires within the time I will be in the country, and 2. entering the US and re-entering Mexico during this time?

Answer: Since your passport will expire a year after your intended travel dates, you should not have problems renewing your resident visa, entering the U.S. and returning to Mexico.

US Passport expiring in July 2017
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi, I have a US passport expiring on 30th Aug 2017. I am traveling to India on Wednesday Apr 3 2017 for business, with a valid OCI card. I will return to the US by Apr 20th 2017. Will I be able to enter the US with a passport expiration in Aug 2017?

Answer: There is no validity requirement for re-entry to the United States by U.S. passport holders. As long as your passport is valid, you should have no problems returning to the U.S.

Passport Expiration
by: Anonymous

Question: My mother is a U.S. citizen and is currently in Iran, her passport expires in 2 months. Can she enter USA 6 months within the expiration date?

Answer: A valid U.S. passport is required to re-enter the United States. If your mother's passport expires before her return, she needs to apply for a renewal. The Swiss Embassy’s Foreign Interests Section provides consular services to U.S. citizens in Iran. The address is listed below:

Foreign Interests Section
Embassy of Switzerland
No. 39, Shahid Mousavi St.
Golestan 5th, Pasdaran Ave.
Tehran, Iran

+98 21 22 54 21 78
+98 21 22 56 52 73

4 months left on my passport
by: Anonymous

Question: My passport expires August of this year. However, I am taking a school group from April 8-17, 2017 to Ireland. Will Ireland permit me to enter the country with less than 6 months left on my passport?

Answer: Your passport has sufficient validity for your trip. Please contact the airlines to confirm travel document requirements.

by: Anonymous

Question: We are travelling to the Philippine from 6/9 thru 6/22, my son's US passport will expire in Oct. 2017. Will he have any problems entering the US?

Answer: Your son's passport has sufficient validity for entry to the United States.

Visiting Vietnam and return to the US
by: visiting Vietnam

Question: I plan to visit Vietnam for a few months and return to the US. Upon my return date, I have exactly 2 months before my US Passport expire.

Is that OK?

Answer: You must have a valid passport and a visa (or pre-approval for a visa on arrival) to enter Vietnam. Your passport must be valid for six months beyond your planned stay and you must have at least one blank visa page. You need to renew your passport before your trip to Vietnam

Passport expires 7 days after my return
by: Maximo

Question: I am a US permanent resident. I intend to travel to Guatemala at the end of March but my Guatemalan passport expires 7 days after my return date. I'm afraid I will have problems entering back to the US. What should I do?

Answer: You should have no problems reeentering the United States as long as your permanent resident card is valid.

Returning to US on the day my passport expires
by: Dory

Question: I'm in Canada and my US passport will expire in a few days—on the exact day I plan to return (I can't return earlier). Will I be okay to travel on that day?

Answer: Your U.S. passport only needs to be valid at time of reentry to the United States.

Returning to the US the day passport expires
by: Anonymous

Question: Hello,

My son's US passport expires the day that our family returns to the states from Mexico. Will there be any issues? I'm afraid we will not receive a new passport in time for our trip in two weeks.

Answer: A US passport only needs to be valid at time of reentry to the United States. If you will be traveling by air, we recommend you contact the airlines to confirm travel document requirements.

Travel to Germany on soon-to-expire passport
by: Anonymous

Question: Traveling to Germany on March 3, 2017 and returning back home to US on April 30, 2017. My passport is expiring on July 23, 2017. Should I be concerned about entering back into US?

Answer: You should not be concerned about reentering the United States, however, your passport does not meet Germany's passport validity requirement. Germany requires a passport be valid for 3 months beyond the length of stay. The U.S. Department of States recommend your passport have 6 months of validity beyond your departure from the Schengen area before traveling to Germany. We recommend you renew your passport before you travel. Since you have less than two weeks, you need to apply for expedited service at a regional agency.

Revoked passport
by: me

Question: Can I return back to the USA if my passport is revoked due to child support arrears?

Answer: Please contact the nearest U.S. embassy or consulate general for answers to questions about U.S. passports while abroad.

Traveling to Cancun for 4 days foreign passport will expire in less than 6 months at the time of trip
by: Anonymous

Question: I am a US permanent resident living in Los Angeles. My Philippines passport is going to expire in May 2017. My husband an I are planning to travel to Cancun just for 5 days max from April 1-5, 2017. Will I be okay to enter Mexico and back to the USA? Thanks.

Answer: You should have no problem entering Mexico and returning to the United States. We recommend you contact the airlines to confirm travel document requirements.

Passport validity
by: Anonymous

Question: My passport expires on March 17, 2017. I'm going to Dominican Republic on February 12th and coming back the 18th. Will I have any problems entering the USA?

Answer: Your passport has sufficient validity for reentry to the United States.

passport expiration
by: Anonymous

Question: I am leaving tomorrow for Mexico. I am returning on Feb 10th. I just noticed that my passport expires on Feb 7th. Will I have a problem returning back to the US? What can I do?

Answer: According to the Consular Section of the Embassy of Mexico, your passport must be valid for the duration of your stay. If you will be flying to Mexico, you may not be allowed to board your flight. Please contact the airlines concerning this issue.

If you must renew your passport before you travel, you should visit the nearest regional passport agency. If you arrive very early, you may be issued a new passport the same day.

If you are allowed to travel, you should visit the nearest U.S. embassy or consulate general in Mexico in order to renew your passport before you travel back to the United States. Processing of applications at these locations usually takes 2-3 weeks.

Returning to US
by: Anonymous

Question: I'm flying to India next week and then flying back home to the US the following week. My passport expires in 4 months. Will I have any problems returning home to the US?

Answer: Your passport only needs to be valid at time of entry when reentering the United States.

Passport validity
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi, I'm an American living in Brazil and I just booked a flight to travel to the USA in May 2017 but I realized that my USA passport will expire in June 2017. Will I be able to enter the USA or do I need to renew my passport? Thank you.

Answer: You will be able to enter the USA with your current passport.

Traveled with original passport
by: Anonymous

Question: Due to a death in the family, I had to travel with my non expired passport from my country peru but my USA passport expired. Can I renew my USA passport at the U.S. Embassy in Peru?

Answer: Yes, you can. You must apply in person. The average time for processing a passport at the embassy is approximately 10-15 working days, from the time of the application. If you have truly emergent travel which is not possible to reschedule, and you are traveling within the next 72 hours, you may be seen on a walk-in basis any day the Embassy is open.

U.S. Embassy in Lima
Avenida La Encalada cdra. 17 s/n
Surco, Lima 33, Peru
Telephone: (51-1) 618-2000

Traveling with a soon-to-expire passport
by: Anonymous

Question: Hello, I'm in Europe and I will stay my 90 days traveling around. My only concern is that my passport expires on August 2017 but I will be leaving the second week of March. That's five months from my passport expiring. Will I have any problems entering the US? I am an American citizen. Also, my flight is booked with Turkish airlines with one stop in Turkey. Will I have any problems with them for my passport being five month from expiration?

Answer: There should be no problem leaving Europe or entering the United States. If you do not plan to stay in Turkey, there should be no problem. If you plan to spend time in Turkey, you should renew your passport before you travel there. You can do this at any U.S. embassy or consulate general. We recommend you contact the airlines to confirm travel document requirements.

Passport Expired September 2016
by: Anonymous

Question: Hello I will be traveling to Mexico on the 20th by ground and be flying in on Dec 27. My passport expired Sep 2016. Will I have a problem coming back to the United States? I am a United States citizen. Help please. Thank you.

Answer: Mexico requires you have a valid passport in order to enter the country. You need to apply for a passport renewal before you travel. Since you only have about a week before you travel, you need to expedite the passport application at a regional agency or through a registered courier service.

Living in Mexico
by: Anonymous

Question: I am in Mexico living and I want to travel to US but my passport expired 4 months ago and I want to know if I can go to us on Christmas days.

Answer: Please visit the U.S. Embassy in Mexico City or any of the U.S. Consulates located all over Mexico to apply for a new passport before you travel to the United States. If there is not enough time to obtain a regular passport, you can get an emergency, limited-validity passport which can be replaced for a full-validity passport at a later date.

Passport Expiration
by: Anonymous

Question: My daughters' passports will expire on Jan 3, 2017 and we're going to travel to Toronto, Canada on Christmas Day and return on Dec 29. Is there going to be problem entering Canada? They are dual citizens but they only have US passports. Can they travel with both US passports & Canadian birth certificates?

Answer: You should be okay if you travel by land. Canada only requires proof of citizenship for entry and US passports only need to be valid at time of reentry.

If you plan to travel by air, we recommend you contact the airlines to confirm travel document requirements.

by: Anonymous

Question: I want to return to the US am 19 yrs old but my passport is expired 2 years ago.

Answer: Contact the nearest U.S. embassy or consulate general for information about getting a new passport.

Child passport
by: Anonymous

Question: Hello, my daughter has US and Israeli passports. Her US passport expires in 5 month. We plan to travel to Israel in 2 weeks till mid of Nov 2016. Will she be able to enter US back with her almost expired US passport?

Answer: Yes, she will. A U.S. passport is valid for entry to the United States up the date of expiration.

passport expire
by: Anonymous

Question: I will be traveling to Costa Rica this month for 2 weeks. My passport expires next month. Will I have a problem entering back home?

Answer: A U.S. Passport only need to be valid for the duration of stay in Costa Rica. You should not have a problem entering nor returning to the United States.

Child's passaport
by: Anonymous

Question: I tried to travel to US with my family (we are living abroad) but at the airport we found out that my little daughter passport was expired and even with her US birth certificate they did not let us travel. I am wondering if it is the right procedure. Thanks

Answer: Airlines can deny boarding if the passenger does not have a valid passport.

Continuing to live in China
by: Anonymous

Question: I am a teacher in China and my passport will expire next September.If I want to continue working in China how can I get a new passport and retain my current passport with a legal residency sticker.

Answer: You can apply for a passport renewal at the nearest U.S. embassy or consulate general. When renewing a passport, your previously-issued passport will be cancelled and returned to you.

Concerning the residency sticker, you need to contact the China's immigation services to discover whether or not you need to have it transferred to the new passport.

Passport 6 months validity
by: Anonymous

Question: When I leave US for vacation to Thailand and India passport has 6 months validity but when I return it has less than 6 months, do I need to renew?

Answer: A U.S. passport only needs to be valid at time of entry to the United States. No additional validity is required.

Passport renewal
by: Anonymous

Question: I am returning to the USA in September from UK and my passport expires Feb 12th 2017. Does it need to be renewed before my return?

Answer: No, it does not. A U.S. passport only needs to be valid at time of entry to the United States.

Travel Worries
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi, I am a US citizen (minor) that will be traveling to South Korea in the month of July. However,my passport will expire approximately 10-15 days after my arrival back on US soil. What are my options? Furthermore, as a minor I need both parents consent to renew. However, one of my parents is currently on a business trip. Any solutions?

Answer: Your passport only needs to be valid for the duration of your stay in South Korea and reentry to the United States. You can apply for a new passport after your trip.

There is time to renew your passport before the trip using expedited service if you prefer. Since one parent cannot be present at the time you submit your application form, that parent can send you a notarized consent form. This can be obtained at any U.S. embassy or consulate general.

Traveling to U.S. From New Zealand
by: Anonymous

Question: My daughter is traveling to U.S. in July after living in New Zealand. Her passport expires in July. Will she be ok?

Answer: Your daughter needs to verify the exact day in July that her passport will expire. If it expires before her trip to the U.S., she will need to renew it before traveling. She can do this at the U.S. Embassy in Wellington or the U.S. Consulate General in Auckland.

Passport renewal
by: Anonymous

Question: My passport expires May 2017 but I'm traveling internationally between December 2016 and January 2017. Do I need to renew my passport before December?

Answer: The answer depends on your destinations. Many countries require a U.S. passport have at least 6 months validity beyond the duration of stay as an entry requirements. Other countries only require 3 months of validity and there are some that only require your passport be valid at the time of entry. Please check the entry requirements for the countries you plan to visit.

passport validity
by: Anonymous

Question: Traveling to Poland through Berlin on March 21 to 31, 2016. My passport expires on June 26, 2016. Will I have a problem getting on plane? Do I need to renew my passport through Fastport agency?

Answer: Poland requires your passport be valid for at least three months beyond your planned date of departure from the Schengen area. Although close, we recommend you apply for a passport renewal before your trip.

You can submit your passport application at a regional agency if you live near one and have the time. Call 1-877-487-2778 to schedule an appointment.

If you prefer, you can employ the services of a registered passport courier such as Fastport Passport.

passport validity
by: Anonymous

Question: I am traveling to Mexico on 3/28/16 and my passport expire on August 2016. Do I need to renew it?

Answer: It is not necessary to apply for a passport renewal before your trip. Mexico only requires your passport be valid for the duration of your stay.

by: Anonymous

Question: My niece is in Costa Rica and her passport will expire in December 2016. When is the last day that she can come back to the United States before her passport expire?

Answer: A U.S. passport only needs to be valid at time of entry to the United States. So, the last day she can return to the United States is the day her passport expires.

travel to USA with a US passport via Frankfurt from italy
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi. I am a US citizen travelling back to USA with a passport that will expire within a month with a transfer in Frankfurt airport. Will I have problems at the airport?

Answer: You should not have problem with your passport since it is a transfer. However, we recommend you contact the airlines to verify.

Nicaragua Travel
by: Anonymous

Question: My passport expires December 2015 and I am traveling to Nicaragua Sept 2015 for one week. The site says that Nicaragua doesn't have the 6 months validity rule but will I be able to enter the US upon return if it expires in December?

Answer: Your passport only needs to be valid at time of reentry to the United States. No additional validity is required.

Passport expiring
by: Anonymous

Question: My passport expires on November 25, 2015. I am leaving for Scotland and Ireland on August 25, 2015 and returing on September 8. Is this a problem?

Answer: It should not be a problem. Ireland requires your passport be valid at time of entry and Scotland only requires it be valid for the duration of your stay. You can renew your passport when you return to the United States.

Cabo trip July, passport expires in December
by: Chris

Question: Hi, I'm traveling to Mexico for 3 days only Cabo San Lucus and noticed my passport will expire in Dec 2015. Do I need to renew my passport when I'm only staying for 3 days for vacation on 7/8-7/10?

Answer: Your passport only needs to be valid at time of entry to Mexico and reentry to the United States. You can apply for a renewal after your trip.

Traveling to Mexico
by: Chris

Question: Hi, I'm traveling to Mexico for 3 days only Cabo San Lucus and noticed my passport will expire in Dec 2015. Do I need to renew my passport when I'm only staying for 3 days for vacation?

Answer: Your passport only needs to be valid at the time of entry. No additional validity is required to travel to Mexico.

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More Passport & Travel Information

Getting a Passport Expedited at a Post Office
Requesting express service at post offices and other facilities that accept application forms from U.S. citizens.

Applying at a Regional Passport Agency
Where processing centers are located. How to schedule an appointment. What documents to take with you.

Using a Registered Courier Service
How to pick a legitimate courier service company to assist in getting your passport quickly.

Routine vs. Expedited Passport Service: How to Choose
Guide to help you decide if standard or fast track processing is the best option for your situation.

How to Renew a U.S. Passport Fast
Learn to expedite passport renewals as quickly as the same day. Where and how to renew passport in a hurry.

Top 5 Questions About Expedited Passport Couriers

1. How can you get a passport when you're in a hurry?
2. What exactly does a passport expediter do?
3. Are passport expediting services legitimate?
4. How can I identify a reliable passport expeditor?
5. Is expedited passport service worth it?

Get answers to these questions and more in our Ultimate U.S. Traveler's Guide to Passport Expediters.

You can also visit our library of articles about passport expediting.

In a Hurry? Get Reliable Expedited Passport Courier Service:Expedite My U.S.Passport Now!
About the Author: For over 20 years, the U.S. Passport Service Guide team has helped hundreds of thousands of travelers with their travel document questions and shared advice about how to make traveling abroad simpler, safer, and more enjoyable.

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