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Can I have two middle names on my passport?

Question: I have a couple of very complicated questions/situations. First off, I legally changed my FULL birth name many years ago. I obtained a passport in my then legally changed name. I moved at one point and lost the passport. Actually, I believe it was stolen. However I never contacted passport services and just forgot about it.

Now, it gets even more complicated. I recently went back to my birth name,(not just maiden name but full birth name) but ADDED my legally changed first name as a middle name (since that is what I have been known by for years), therefore giving me two middle names.

I want my passport to reflect my FULL legal name with both middle names. The problem is DMV wont put full name on driver's license or even first name and two middle initials. They said if they add another name it will be part of the last name as their system doesn't allow for two initials or spaces for extra names which I find ridiculous because a lot of people especially from different countries, ie; Mexico, Spain, have very long names. My social security card will have full legal name, and I have court documents.

So my question is, what documents do I need since my original passport was in a different name then what was on my birth certificate and now I went back to birth name with an added name but my license won't show name correctly without it being part of last name.

Oh, and I forgot to mention, it wont even be in correct order on the license. Bottom line is I just want my passport to show the complete full legal name and in the proper order as it shows on my court documents and social security card.

Answer: You must apply for a passport in your current legal name. This requires you submit documentation to prove that the name you are requesting is, in fact, your legal name.

Documents that are accepted include a marriage certificate, divorce decree, adoption decree or court order. If you do not have one of these, you can submit public records that prove exclusive use of the name for a period of at least 5 years.

Adding the legally changed name to your birth name does not make it legal. If you want to obtain a passport in that name, you must apply for a court ordered name change. Once you have this document, you can request the full name in your passport. Contact the county court office about applying for a name change.

Comments for Can I have two middle names on my passport?

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which form 2 middle names
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi my name per my legal name change many years ago is Jack Kevin George Last name. I have only used the following on my US passport: Jack Kevin Last Name. I actually last renewed my passport last year. I now want to add my second middle name George to my US Passport so it can read as Jack Kevin George Last Name. Which form do I need to submit? Can I use the DS-82 or do I have to use the DS-11?

Answer: You need to use Form DS-11 and present an ID that bears your second middle name.

My newborn's middle name on passport
by: Anonymous

Question: If my newborn's name on the birth certificate is (First:A Middle:B Last:D)
and my name on his birth certificate (First:B Middle:C Last:D)
Can I make his name on the passport ( First: A Middle: B C Last: D) or it should be ( First: A Middle: B Last: D)

Answer: The child's name will follow the name on his/her birth certificate.

Different name than on birth certificate
by: Anonymous

Question: When I applied for a passport I somehow entered my maiden name as my middle name instead of my given middle name as it appears on my birth certificate. Consequently, my passport, DL, and bank accounts show my maiden name as my middle name. It has never been a problem but they don't match my birth certificate. Could it become a problem in the future, such as with our trust?

Answer: It should not be an issue.

Two Middle Names....Again
by: Four Names

Question: I'm sorry I wasn't clear before, but I have renewed my passport - so I have a current passport, but it is missing one of my middle names.

That is - my Social Security and Driver License have FOUR names, but my passport has 3.

I tried to correct it when I renewed, and I still have 6-7 years left on the current passport. What form do I need to use to correct a non-expired passport?

Still a new passport?

Thank you!

Four Names

Answer: You may use Form DS-5504 to apply for a correction.

Two Middle Names....
by: Anonymous

Question: When I married more than 10 years ago, I legally took my maiden name as a second middle name. I first changed my social security card and then my driver's license - which both show 4 names.

Then I applied for a new passport - I applied with all 4 names, but someone in the passport service decided I only needed 3 names. now my Global ID also only has 3 names (both dropped my maiden name).

This has never caused a problem, until now - I can't get a Real ID.

As I submitted my name change application more than 10 years ago and requested all 4 names, but it was not honored, is this considered a typo? How do I get this fixed?

All my taxes, car titles, etc - all use my 4 legal names.

Thank you,
Four Names

Answer: Since the passport is already expired, you need to submit a new passport and enter all four names again. It is also recommended that you include a signed request for the all names to be printed on your passport.

Can I drop 1 middle name and what documents are required
by: Anonymous

Question: I have an unexpired passport and wish to drop one middle name (I have two middle names), what do I need to do?

If my name is Molly Susan Karen Smith on my current passport and I wish to to show Molly Susan Smith on my new passport. What documents do I need to show my name as Molly Susan Smith?

I have a driver's license as Molly Susan Smith and a student I.D. as Molly S Smith. will these suffice?



Answer: Hello, Molly. The best way to go about this is to submit a new application since this is technically not a name change. As long as you can provide sufficient identification bearing the name you want in your passport, the new one will be issued in that name.

Two Middle Names - One Middle Initial
by: Anonymous

Question: My passport and California drivers license both list my name as "First Name" "Middle Initial" "Last Name."

I recently got married and added my wife’s maiden name as a second middle name. My US Social Security Card now reflects that change. "First Name" "Middle Name" "Second Middle Name" "Last Name"

I would like my drivers license and passport to remain unchanged for convenience purposes. In other words, they would continue to only include a single middle initial.

Is it a problem if they don’t match my social security card?

Answer: It's not a problem.

Using middle name vs. maiden name
by: Anonymous

Question: My maiden name was Karen Amalia Thomsen. After marrying in 1963, I have always used " Karen Thomsen Oldfield". However around 1975 my husband applied for passports for both of us and without consulting me used "Karen Amalia Oldfield" as my name. At the time it didn't seem to be a problem, but now I am applying for a Real ID and have been told the names need to be the same. My drivers license, social security card, bank account, everything is under "Karen T. Oldfield". Do I need to change my passport to "Karen Thomsen Oldfield" and if so what documents do I need to submit? Thank you.

Answer: Based on Real ID requirements, all your identification documents need to match. The easiest way to make sure you get Karen T. Oldfield on your passport is to submit a new application. You need to apply in person at an acceptance facility. Please prepare the following requirements:

1. Form DS-11 (must be signed in front of a passport agent)
2. Evidence of U.S. citizenship plus photocopy
3. Proof of identity plus photocopy
4. One passport photo
5. Payment for fees

Is it a problem if Passport includes middle name and my maiden name but Drivers License only has maiden name?
by: Anonymous

Question: My passport has my given first, middle, and maiden names on the Given Name line and my married name is on the Surname Line. It's every name I ever had and thought that was what I should put in application. My Drivers License has my Given First name, maiden name, and married surname. I had someone tell me that since my passport reads differently from my drivers license (passport has my middle name and maiden name but DL only had maiden name), that it will cause me problems when traveling out of the country and I should apply for a new passport and delete my given middle name from the passport.

Answer: It should not be an issue. Only your tickets and passport need to match.

Drivers License Names
by: Anonymous

I work in a hotel and we ask for your ID at check in. I've seen several American drivers licenses especially for Latino men with full multiple names listed on them. The longest I saw was the last name Ruiz and he had 3 middle names and then his first name all on a South Carolina license. I guess they allow that now.

Adding middle name
by: Anonymous

Question: My passport does not have my middle name. When I renew my passport can I add my middle name? Do I need to provide proof?

Answer: You may add your middle name. It will make the process quicker if you send proof in case questions arise.

Middle name has an extra space

Question: I have two birth certificates, one is handwritten (by my father) and the other is typed. Although both are signed and certified as official, original and identical, there is a minor difference. My father wrote my middle name (and his) as "LeRoy" but it looks like it could be "Le Roy" (with a space). The person who made the typed certificate typed "LeRoy" (no space). My passport says "LE ROY" and my Driver's Licence says "LEROY".
I have never had a problem, but times have changed. Should I change my passport to "LEROY"?

Answer: It should still not be an issue since the only difference is a space. But if you want to apply for a new passport with the spelling that matches your typed birth certificate, you can.

by: Anonymous

Question: If my license doesn't have both middle names that were given to me at birth, will this pose a issue? I have my birth certificate and social security card that show my birth given name. What else would I need?

Answer: The passport will be issued in the name you enter on the application form as long as it is supported by either your birth certificate or driver's license.

Dropping a middle name
by: Anonymous

Question: I currently have a hyphenated middle name on my passport (i.e Mary-Anne). My driver's license only has 1 of the names (Anne). Can I get a new passport with just 1 middle name (Anne)?

Answer: If you cannot provide proof of legal name change, you can apply for a new passport instead of a renewal. The passport will then be issued in the name you enter in the form as long as it matches the name on the ID you present with the application.

Do I need to include my second middle name
by: Anonymous

Question: Do I need to get a new passport? I legally added a second middle name. My passport currently shows JXXXXX DXXXXX Smith but I had it changed to JXXXXX DXXXXX-EXXX Smith. I'm getting ready to travel internationally and wanted to inquire if I need to obtain a new passport or can I continue to use my existing one?

Answer: We obscured your name for security reasons. You may travel using your current passport as long as you book your tickets in the same name that appears in it. A mismatch between your passport and tickets will cause issues with TSA.

Two middle names
by: Anonymous

Question: What is the maximum number of characters including spaces for a name on a US passport (including first, middle names, last name)?

Answer: There is no character limit. If your name does not fit the space provided in the application form, you can write it down in a separate piece of paper and just label it accordingly.

Continuing on with change of name by usage
by: Anonymous/Molly

Question: I just received a reply to my original question about name change by usage. It says three documents that have date of birth and place of birth. None of my documents have place of birth. My life insurance and medical insurance have only date of birth. My research has shown that no legal documents show place of birth except a birth certificate and passport. But the latter is the very thing I am trying to change by usage.

Answer: Please send what you have. If additional documents are required, Passport Services will contact you.

Name change by usage
by: Molly

Question: I have a hyphenated surname with my maiden and husband's last name. I want to drop my husband's name but still keep my maiden as part of my full name. I have been using my maiden name for the last several years. I read about the documents required. I have a check book, a life insurance policy and voter's registration. Is this sufficient? The checkbook and voter's registration does not have any personal information. Only the life insurance has my DOB information. Can I process this in-person at the Mpls passport center?

Answer: Name changes by customary usage must be supported by documentary evidence of use of the new name for a period of five years; that is, three original or certified copies of public records that show the applicant’s name, date and place of birth and use of the assumed name for five years. Additional documents may be requested.

If you do not have documents that prove the use of the name for more than five years or you do not have a sufficient number of documents, we recommend you petition for a court ordered name change. Once the petition has been approved, you can submit the court order as evidence of a legal name change.

Drop middle name
by: Anonymous

Question: Can you drop your legal middle name in your new passport application without having to legally change your name?

Answer: You can leave off the middle name at time of renewal even if it was in the prior passport. We always recommend you include a letter just to make the State Dept aware of the change even though the application is sufficient. Name change document not required.

Adding middle name
by: Anonymous

Question: What do I need to add my middle name to my passport? I didn't add my middle name before and, due to circumstances, I decided to add it.

Answer: If your passport was issued within the last 12 months, mail it with a completed Form DS-5504, a copy of your ID and your birth certificate to the address on the form. If your passport was issued more than 12 months ago, you must apply for a passport renewal and pay the appropriate fees.

2 middle names
by: ioulia

Question: I have a question along the same lines. I am going to be legally changing my first name to what they call me in Greece. I will then make my current first name as a middle name. I am also THINKING about adding my mother's maiden name as a "secondary" middle name. (like a lot of Latinas have). This is not a hyphenated last name or even a non-hyphenated last name. If I do this, then my name will be as follows:
MyFirstName My1stMiddleName My2ndMiddleName MyLastName.

Is this going to create a problem? I need to know before I actually put in the name change. I've already checked with the PA DOT In regards to how it will appear on my drivers license. It took weeks to find out, but they allow the driver to decide how we want it on our DL when there is a long name. So I can put:

MyFirstName My1stMiddleINITIAL My2stMiddleINITIAL MyLastName.

OR I can choose for my DL to say:

MyFirstName My1stMiddleNAME My2stMiddleINITIAL MyLastName.

I know they can't put it all on there as it won't fit, so when I submit my request to change my DL (along with legal documentation that it was changed), I have to put a note on there saying how I want it to read on my DL.

That being said - how does it work for the passport? If my legal documentation shows all 4 names (not my DL, but let's say my court order), will the passport have all 4 names?

Again, I haven't made the change yet - I'm trying to decide if I want a 2nd middle name period. If it's not going to show on anything, then perhaps it's not even worth it and I'll just stick to the first name change.

Hope this isn't too confusing!

Answer: As with a driver's license, the passport has a limit of characters that can be entered for a name. You can include all four names if they fit. If not, the Acceptance Agent will work with you to decide what the best form is to use in your passport.

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About the Author: For over 20 years, the U.S. Passport Service Guide team has helped hundreds of thousands of travelers with their travel document questions and shared advice about how to make traveling abroad simpler, safer, and more enjoyable.

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