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Can a 16 year old get a passport without a parent?

Question: My 16-year-old son has an expired passport. My husband and I are in Tonga at the moment so we sent him back to the US before the passport expired. We sent him to renew or get a new one and they told him he needs a parents' consent. I was under the impression that at 16 you did not need a parent. Anyways, what now? Thank you for your help.

Answer: Minors age 16 must establish parental consent when applying for a new passport. If consent is not implied on the application form, then it can be provided in written form or by the presence of a parent. You can have the statement of consent form notarized at the nearest U.S. embassy or consulate general. You may visit the U.S. Embassy in Suva for assistance.

Comments for Can a 16 year old get a passport without a parent?

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Need a passport for my 16 year old sister in law
by: Anonymous

Question: My husband and I recently brought my sister-in-law to live with us. My mother-in-law passed away 4 years ago in Mexico and my sister-in-law doesn’t have contact with her dad. What can we do to get her a passport since nobody ever became her legal guardian?

Answer: At 16, your sister-in-law will only need written or implied consent from a parent/legal guardian. This is under the condition that she can present her own ID issued by the U.S. government. Since her mother has already passed, she needs to get consent from her father. If this is not possible, your husband should petition for legal guardianship of the minor.

DS 3053 Form
by: Anonymous

Question: I'm 16 years and half and want to apply for my US passport. My only ID now is my European passport and my US birth certificate. (I have dual citizenship). Can I apply on my own?
Also, my mum filled out the statement of consent, DS-3053 form, and got it notarized just in case, as she won't be able to be with me. Now we realize on the DS3053 form it's written, using black ink only, and the notary filled it out in blue ink and stamped it. Will it be an issue? Thank you.

Answer: The blue ink is not an issue.

I am 17 years old
by: Anonymous

Question: I am trying to renew my passport but currently I can’t. Due to the fact that I need my father to sign. He passed away couple of months ago in Mexico. I’m trying to be there for his one-year memorial. There is not any document where it confirms his death. I need that document to get my passport. I have dual nationality. But is there any way I can get my passport without the document confirming my father's death? And I don’t have an ID.

Answer: At 17, you will only need one parent's statement of consent/awareness of the application provided that you can present your own government-issued ID. So if your mother is still around and with you, she may provide the consent.

Since you do not have an ID, your mother must accompany you when you submit your application. She must present her own ID and sign the form for you.

Passports Minors age 16 and 17

by: Anonymous

Question: How can I get a government issued ID?

Answer: You can apply for a driver's license from the DMV. You may also apply for a State ID, get an SS card, voter's registration card, etc.

What to do
by: Anonymous

Question: I am 16 years old, both of my parents are in Mexico and I’m currently living with my aunt who is my legal guardian. What do I need to do to get my passport without my parents? I want to go visit them.

Answer: Your legal guardian may provide a statement of consent/awareness of the application plus a copy of the guardianship order. These must be submitted with the following:

1. Form DS-11
2. Your evidence of U.S. citizenship (original or certified copy plus photocopy)
3. Your government-issued photo ID (present the ID, submit a photocopy)
4. One new passport photo
5. Payment for fees
-Application: $110
-Execution: $35 (separate payment/check)
-Expedite (optional): $60
-Express delivery (optional, recommended): $18.32

CPIAP enrollment, how to find out
by: Anonymous

Question: I am 16 years old.
My passport is expired and I want to renew it to visit family with my Mom. I live with my mom & I don’t know anything about my dad since they divorce in 2013. How would I know if he enrolled me in CPIAP? Is there any way we can find out?

Answer: At 16, you will only need one parent's consent/awareness in order to apply for your passport. Please contact the NPIC at 1-877-487-2778 to find out if you are enrolled and if enrolment under CPIAP will affect your application.

by: Anonymous

Question: I was adopted at birth while my parents and I were South African citizens. My parents got citizenship this year and we are trying to get me a passport. My adoption decree shows my name I was given at birth but only my last name after the adoption. The state department wants the decree to state my first, middle, and last name as was given to me after the adoption. How can I proceed to obtain a passport?

Answer: You have to comply with what the Department of State requires in order for your passport application to proceed. We recommend that you contact the adoption lawyer who assisted your parents for assistance regarding the name discrepancy in your paperwork.

I really need a answer to my question!
by: Anonymous

Question: Hi, I’m 15 but I’m turning 16 in May. I’m planning on getting my driver's permit and State ID, and opening a bank account all throughout the year. I also live in the state of California.

What would a parent need to provide to show consent? Could an undocumented parent give consent for me to apply for a passport? If an undocumented parent had a driver's license and a bank account, could that also work?

Answer: Your parent can imply consent/awareness by writing the check for the passport fees. A signed letter stating awareness of the application will also suffice.

Cannot leave country due to complications with legal father
by: colton

Question: My biological father was a horrible person, and from this point on will only be referred to as "gene donor".

When I was 3, my mother split from him, and neither of us has had contact with him since then. Now I am 16 and my stepfather's been here for 7-8 years. I have been unable to join him and my mom when they have to go to America for business trips.

If I try to get a passport now, legally my gene donor has to be contacted since by law, he technically still has legal custody of me, even though he has no idea where I or my mom live.

Besides getting emancipated which is not an option right now, it doesn't look like there is any other option but wait until I am considered an adult by law.

Is there ANY possible way to get a passport now without my gene donor being notified?

Answer: Hi, Colton. I am not sure if you are a U.S. citizen based on your story but if you are, you can actually apply for your U.S. passport without your biological father's consent. Provided that you already have your own ID, at 16, you may apply for your passport with just one parent's (your mother's) implied awareness/consent of the application or her presence when your application is submitted.

Assuming that you currently reside outside of the United States, you need to go to the closest U.S. Embassy or Consulate to apply for your passport.

by: Anonymous

Question: My son is 14. I have no contact with his father and I don't even know where he lives. Can my son get his with just my permission?

Answer: If the father's name is on the birth certificate and you were not awarded sole legal custody by the courts, you technically still share legal custody of the child despite his absence. His presence and consent is still required.

You can try to go around his rule and submit Form DS-5525 but this type of application is processed on a case by case basis. To increase your chances of approval, you must explain the child's family situation in as much detail as possible and, if possible, provide evidence of your efforts to contact the father.

16 year old passport renewal
by: Anonymous

Question: My daughter’s passport has expired and she needs to get it renewed. The closest US passport office is in the USVI, however, I am unable to accompany her. Would it be possible for her sister to accompany her?

Answer: At 16, your daughter may apply for her passport without an adult if she already has her own government-issued ID. You may provide her with a signed statement that you are aware of the application and or you may imply consent by writing a check for the fees.

Passports for Minors age 16 and 17

Government-issued ID
by: Anonymous

Question: What classifies as a Government-issued ID? Does a birth certificate suffice?

Answer: You may find a list of acceptable primary and secondary identification documents in the following webpage:

Proof of Identity

Stuck in the Philippines. My Mom's in the States.
by: Anonymous

Question: I just turned 16 and got stuck in the Philippines because of the pandemic. I need to renew my passport at the Embassy here in Manila. My mom is in the States and cannot mail the consent form DS-3053. My mom is my only legal guardian on my birth certificate. How do I get my passport without this form to prove my mom's consent? Thanks.

Answer: At 16, you no longer need a notarized DS-3053 to apply for your passport. Your mother can simply send you a signed statement of consent by email and a copy of her government-issued ID which you can print and submit with the following:

1. Form DS-11
2. Evidence of U.S. citizenship (original or certified copy)
3. Your government-issued ID plus photocopy
4. One new passport photo
5. Payment for fees

Please contact the U.S. Embassy in Manila for further assistance.

by: Anonymous

Question: My brother is 16 and his dad lives in Mexico while our mom lives with us. Does he still need his father's permission to get his passport?

Answer: At 16, your brother may apply for his first adult passport with only your mother's consent if he already has his own government-issued ID. Your mother may go with him when the application is submitted or she may just provide a signed statement indicating that she is aware of the application. She may simply write a check to cover the passport fees and this can be considered implied consent.

Passports for Minors age 16 and 17

Get Passport Fast

17 years old
by: Anonymous

Question: I am living with my cousin in the U.S. but my parents are living in Mexico. How may I be able to get a passport? I currently don’t have a driver’s ID or any other ID, I only have my birth certificate.

Answer: If your cousin is of legal age, your parents may provide a statement authorizing him/her to apply for your passport on their behalf. Please contact the NPIC at 1-877-487-2778 for more information.

Father not in country
by: Anonymous

Question: My stepdaughter's passport expired in May 2020 and she will turn 16 May 2021. Can she apply for a new with only one parent signature?

Answer: If she applies after she turns 16 and she already has her own government-issued ID by then, she may apply with only one parent's presence or statement of awareness.

by: Anonymous

Question: I'm trying to help my brothers renew their passports as it is time that they do so. However, both of our parents are not present in the U.S as my mother has passed away and my father was deported to Mexico. Will I be able to give consent on behalf of my parents as I am their older sibling (already the age of 21)? Just in general is there anything that can be done so my siblings can renew their passports?

Answer: Your father needs to provide you with a notarized statement authorizing you to apply for your siblings' passports on his behalf. You will also need to present your mother's death certificate as proof that your father now has sole legal custody of the minors. Please contact the NPIC at 1-877-487-2778 for more information.

Only one parent
by: Anonymous

Question: My son is 15. I have no contact with his father and I don't even know where he lives. Can my son get his passport when he turns 16 with just my permission?

Answer: Yes. Your son may apply for his own passport with just one parent's consent if he already has his own government-issued ID.

by: Anonymous

Question: We are planning a trip to Europe next June. The question is, my son's passport card expires January and he turns 16 in April. Can I use an expired passport card to renew for his passport book and have a 10 year book. Or do I have to renew his card before it expires while he is still 15 and then again in 5 years?
So basically, can a 16 year old use an expired passport card to renew for a 10 year passport book.

Answer: A passport issued when one was age 15 and younger cannot be renewed. Your son needs to submit a new application in person in order to get a 10-year validity passport. Please prepare the following requirements:

1. Form DS-11 (must be signed in front of a passport agent)
2. Evidence of U.S. citizenship plus photocopy
3. Proof of identity plus photocopy
4. One passport photo
5. Payment for fees

Appointments can be made here: http://usps.com/scheduler

Trying to renew passport
by: Anonymous

Question: I’m a 17-year-old American citizen. Both of my parents live in Mexico. I live with my brother who is my legal guardian at the moment. Can I renew my passport without my parents consent?

Answer: You cannot renew a passport that was issued to you when you were under 16 years old. If you already have your own government-issued ID, you can apply without your parents' presence. However, you will still need a signed statement of consent from your legal guardian, a photocopy of his ID and proof of his legal guardianship. These must be submitted in person with the rest of the new passport requirements.

16-year-old, no contact with parents
by: Anonymous

Question: I am 16 years old and live with both my sister and brother but they are not my legal guardians. Can I get my passport without my parents' consent? They both live in Mexico and barely have any contact with either. What can I do?

Answer: At 16, you still need the consent of at least one parent. You need to wait until you are of legal age (18) to obtain a passport without your parents or legal guardian/s.

16 year old trying to renew passport
by: Anonymous

Question: I’m a 16 year old citizen. My parents are both from Mexico and undocumented and we live in Florida. My mom has her Mexican passport but my dad can’t get his Mexican passport because he is missing certain papers. My passport expired and I’m trying to renew it but they told my mom that my dad needs to have a passport in order for me to get my passport renewed. How can I renew my passport with my dad having a passport?

Answer: Yes, you can. However, you cannot renew a U.S. passport issued to a minor. Instead, you need to apply for a new passport. At 16, you can already apply without having both parents present of you already have your own driver's license.

What you will then need is a signed statement of consent from at least one parent plus a photocopy of that parent's ID. This should be submitted with the rest of the application requirements.

How do I take my passport out?
by: Anonymous

Question: I am a 16-year-old American Citizen and I live with my grandparents. My father is locked up and I don’t have any communication with my mom. How do I take out a passport?

Answer: At 16, you may apply for a passport without your parents present if you already have a government-issued ID like a driver's license. You will only need to secure a signed consent from your father plus a photocopy of his ID and submit it with the rest of the application requirements.

Passport for 17-year-old
by: Anonymous

Question: I am 17 years old, living with my grandma. My parents are in Mexico and cannot come to the U.S. I need my passport to go see them. Am I able to get it without them, since I do not live with them, nor have access to the U.S? I really need my passport to see them again.

Answer: If you already have a government-issued ID, you do not need to have your parents present when you apply. One of your parents can mail you a signed statement of consent that you can submit with your passport application.

Passport for 16-year-old
by: Anonymous

Question: I’m 16 years old. I live with my brother. How can i renew my passport without my parents?

Answer: Passports issued when one was a minor cannot be renewed. At 16, you may already apply for a new passport without the presence of both parents if you already have a government-issued ID of your own. However, you will still need consent from at least one parent in the form of a signed statement of consent and awareness plus a photocopy of that parent's ID. Consent may also be implied if a parent writes the check for your passport fees.

16-year-old's passport application
by: Anonymous

Question: I am 16 and my parents are divorced, right now I live with my mom in the U.S. and my father cannot come to sign but he wants me to get my passport. Can I go only with my mother and get my passport? What do I need to do it, if possible?

Answer: At 16, you can apply with only one parent present as long as you can present your own government-issued ID. You need to submit the same requirements to apply for a new adult passport.

Can I renew my passport without any of my parents?
by: Anonymous

Question: I am an American citizen but I have been living in my mom's country since I was very young. I came to America and my mom doesn't have any valid identification;my parents are divorced and my mom does have the form from where she gets the full authority over me. How could I apply for my passport? I am 16 and my passport is about to expire.

Answer: If you have your own ID, you can apply for your passport on your own. While a written consent accompanied by a copy of ID from at least one parents is recommended, the consent may also be implied. For example, the check for the fees may be written by your mother and this will serve as implied consent. We recommend calling 1-877-487-2778 to speak to a customer service representative.

16-year-old daughter
by: Anonymous

Question: How do I apply for a passport renewal for my daughter months before the passport expires in Los Angeles?

Answer: Your daughter must apply in person for a new passport at an application acceptance facility. At 16, she does not need to be accompanied by parents if she has her own photo ID.

New Passport Requirements

Los Angeles Passport Offices

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About the Author: For over 20 years, the U.S. Passport Service Guide team has helped hundreds of thousands of travelers with their travel document questions and shared advice about how to make traveling abroad simpler, safer, and more enjoyable.

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