In a hurry? Apply online for expedited visa service
When you enter Brazil, you are subject to the laws of that country. Showing contempt to a Brazilian government official at the port of entry, or elsewhere, is a serious offense. Fines for such offenses are based on the offender's claimed income.
If you visit other countries before arriving in Brazil, including most other Latin American countries , you may be required to present proof indicating you had a yellow fever inoculation or you may not be allowed to board the plane or enter the country. The vaccine is also recommended for travelers visiting Iguaçu Falls.
Minors (under 18) traveling alone, with one parent or with a third party, must present written authorization by the absent parent(s) or legal guardian specifically granting permission to travel alone, with one parent, or with a third party. The authorization (in Brazilian Portuguese) must be notarized and then authenticated by the Brazilian Embassy or Consulate.
U.S. citizens also possessing Brazilian nationality cannot be issued a visa to Brazil and must obtain a Brazilian passport (from the Brazilian Embassy or Consulate closest to their place of residence) to enter and depart Brazil. In addition to being subject to all Brazilian laws affecting U.S. citizens, dual nationals may also be subject to other laws that impose special obligations on Brazilian citizens. Note that children adopted from Brazil are still considered Brazilian citizens and must be documented as such should they return to Brazil.
All foreign visitors in Brazil are required to complete a small immigration form which must be stamped by an immigration official upon arrival. The same form must be submitted to officials upon departure. In case of loss, a visitor may need to pay a fine and obtain a clearance from the Brazilian Federal Police.
For current customs and entry requirements for Brazil, travelers may contact the Brazilian Embassy at 3009 Whitehaven Street NW, Washington, DC 20008; telephone 1-202-238-2828. Travelers may also contact the Brazilian consulates in Boston, Houston, Miami, New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, or San Francisco. Addresses, phone numbers, web and e-mail addresses, and jurisdictions of these consulates may be found at the Brazilian Embassy web site.
In a hurry? Apply online for expedited visa service